Lost Youth

Lost Youth PDF Author: Christian S. Simpson
ISBN: 9781456774356
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 704

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Book Description
My name is Christian Simpson, I am not a paperback writer but I felt I had a story to tell and that story was about my life and the life that I have lived.I feel in us all, we have a story to tell but its finding the time to tell that story. In my case though I suffer from dyslexia so my story was going to be even harder to tell than most.While writing the story of my life (in two volumes) I spent two years of my life revisiting my past and my childhood in thoughts and memories that I had locked away for so many years. It was a past full of memoires of such sadness and loss that I never did wish to revisit.For many years I had placed such memories to the very back of mind and if you like, I threw away that key to never reopening them again. But for me to start the journey of writing a book about my life, the first place I had to re visit was my past. A book written from the deepest part of my heart as so many tears at times did fall upon the keyboard as I typed away.I wanted to share such awful experiences as a way to help others come through any similar problems they face in their own lives. If I could reach out and help just one person through having to go through the pain, sorrow and loss that I suffered then maybe it was all worth it and something good would come from me sharing my life story with others.It seems I had personally laid my past to rest and when writing volume two of my book, it reminded me how I managed to get through it all back when I was young and how I made a personal choice to leave New Zealand in search of a better life.I felt that, now many years later my life is a success story. Now at the completion of my book I look back to recent years of my life and am proud of all that I have achieved. A life that didn't seem possible and achievements that even you as the reader will find truly amazing.I have grown inner strength and lead a life of recent times full of good karma and helping others, in many ways more than most. This to me is something I am very proud of indeed.These two volumes are the first time I've ever written anything of such length or anything so personal in my life. I have never ever shared my past with anyone else and I am at all times a very private person.Yes it is in raw condition but still of interest and a book I believe you won't be able to put down once you start. I also believe once you have read volume 1, you shall wish to carry on with reading volume 2. You will want to know how things come good in the end when so much seemed against me from a young age where I lost my youth."Lost Youth (Volume 1) New Zealand." This book is the first of two volumes about my life. Both books are titled "Lost Youth"The second book; Volume 2 (England)Volume 1 (New Zealand) covers my life growing up in New Zealand, which was my home for 20 years of my life.Though New Zealand is such a beautiful country in the world, I myself had a lot of drama in my life and a hell of a lot of sadness and loss throughout all my years growing up. I feel nowlooking back over my life, how having to experience such sadness and drama, that these elements of my early years growing up, took away my youth. I had to grow up very fast and very quick from such a young age. I battled through and self taught myself to always find a positive in any given negative.Lost Youth (Volume 1) goes into great depth about having witnessed domestic violence first hand as a young child and what emotional scars that can leave upon a child for the rest of their years.I also share in-depth experiences of being a youth surrounded by gang culture and how at times for a child and a teenager that can be an escape but at the same time how that involvement can have such negative outcomes on your future and including grave danger to your own lives and lives of others around you.The latter part of my book speaks about violence and falling into drug use and how these two negative elements nearly destroyed me and nearly took this life away from me.I go into detail about my time spent in New Zealand jails at such a young age of 18 years old, which isn't a place for any 18 year to find themselves in.The book comes to the conclusion that until you can have the courage within yourself to know it's not the way to live your life, your life as you know it is already over.Volume 1 ends with me leaving New Zealand at the age of 20 on a flight to the U.K in search for a better life and to make something of myself before it was too late.Lost Youth (Volume 2) EnglandThis next book begins with the very moment of arriving in the U.K and how I managed to avoid the mistakes of my past and how I set out on a career that I couldn't even have dreamed about many years pervious.Though it speaks about the early involvement with the Kray Family (the U.K`s most famous gangland family in British history) and many of England's leading gangster of the past and the modern day such as Freddie Foreman.It shows due to the life that I once lived back in New Zealand how I avoided any mistakes that I fell into an as teenage growing up in gangs in New Zealand.And if anything how such a man as Freddie Foreman was more of a positive influence over my latter life and encouraged the correct decisions I were now making to carry on down the right path in life.You will read the journey that I took on in the form of my career that I made myself within the music business and film/television industry in London. How I got to work with some of the biggest music stars in the world and also my work for foreign Royal families from such an early age in my 20`s. Never getting in trouble with the law as I did when I was young but becoming a better person as each year went by.Yes there were still struggles ahead that I had to battle on through and also loss again came in my life many a times, which brought me back to my years of growing up in New ZealandBut instead of falling back to old ways, I marched on through and just made better of myself as the years went on.I hope the troubled youth of today will find so many positive notes from my book, in showing them that they too can go onto better things even when dark clouds seem only above.My book can prove to them that if I can become a success story through everything I went through then they too before it's too late can better not only their choice of lifestyle but very much their own lives.I hope my book as I have said, can touch the hearts of others and makes good of those who are living a life that I once lived.Also to those women who read my book and see in their own lives such violence against them by a husband or a partner that if they don't get out now how worse effect it shall have on their children. No woman should ever have to go through what my mother had to go through so even if you haven't got children of your own to protect, you shouldn't yourself allow you to become a victim of domestic abuse.This book needed to be written and I am truly thankful now, I can share you my true life story in both volumes of "Lost Youth"In my heart I believe only good can come from it.God Bless and Be Lucky Always from Christian.