Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 106
Book Description
4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 The Tell-Tale Heart 〈告密的心〉 14 運動趣聞 Breaking: From the Streets of New York to the Paris Olympics 霹靂舞:從紐約街頭到巴黎奧運 18 克漏字 Dating—Cuttlefish Style! 烏賊式把妹技! 20 英語聽力測驗1 21 主題式會話 Shopping in English 用英語購物 24 追本溯源 French or False? 這些其實都跟法國無關! 28 發現臺灣 The Sights of Summer on Sixty Stone Mountain 六十石山的夏日風情 30 動物趣聞 How Cats Talk with Their Tails 看貓咪如何用尾巴交談 35 唱歌學英語 36 焦點人物 The Inspiring Journey of Bradley Cooper 布萊德利.庫柏的勵志之旅 40 旅遊好去處 Liverpool: Home of the Fab Four . . . and Much More! 利物浦:不只是披頭四的故鄉,還有更多! 44 生活情境對話 A Safe Day at the Beach 海灘玩樂的安全須知 47 英語聽力測驗2 49 閱讀素養專欄 The Origins of Nintendo 任天堂的起源 51 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 54 生物科學素養 Goose Bumps Explained: Why Does Our Skin Get Bumpy? 為什麼我們會起雞皮疙瘩? 56 文化趣聞 Why Are Brits So Obsessed with the Weather? 為什麼英國人如此著迷於天氣? 60 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 62 電影快報 63 看預告片學英文 64 中文翻譯與解答 71 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答 77 單字卡
Live互動英語 2024 年 8 月號 No.280【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 106
Book Description
4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 The Tell-Tale Heart 〈告密的心〉 14 運動趣聞 Breaking: From the Streets of New York to the Paris Olympics 霹靂舞:從紐約街頭到巴黎奧運 18 克漏字 Dating—Cuttlefish Style! 烏賊式把妹技! 20 英語聽力測驗1 21 主題式會話 Shopping in English 用英語購物 24 追本溯源 French or False? 這些其實都跟法國無關! 28 發現臺灣 The Sights of Summer on Sixty Stone Mountain 六十石山的夏日風情 30 動物趣聞 How Cats Talk with Their Tails 看貓咪如何用尾巴交談 35 唱歌學英語 36 焦點人物 The Inspiring Journey of Bradley Cooper 布萊德利.庫柏的勵志之旅 40 旅遊好去處 Liverpool: Home of the Fab Four . . . and Much More! 利物浦:不只是披頭四的故鄉,還有更多! 44 生活情境對話 A Safe Day at the Beach 海灘玩樂的安全須知 47 英語聽力測驗2 49 閱讀素養專欄 The Origins of Nintendo 任天堂的起源 51 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 54 生物科學素養 Goose Bumps Explained: Why Does Our Skin Get Bumpy? 為什麼我們會起雞皮疙瘩? 56 文化趣聞 Why Are Brits So Obsessed with the Weather? 為什麼英國人如此著迷於天氣? 60 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 62 電影快報 63 看預告片學英文 64 中文翻譯與解答 71 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答 77 單字卡
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 106
Book Description
4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 The Tell-Tale Heart 〈告密的心〉 14 運動趣聞 Breaking: From the Streets of New York to the Paris Olympics 霹靂舞:從紐約街頭到巴黎奧運 18 克漏字 Dating—Cuttlefish Style! 烏賊式把妹技! 20 英語聽力測驗1 21 主題式會話 Shopping in English 用英語購物 24 追本溯源 French or False? 這些其實都跟法國無關! 28 發現臺灣 The Sights of Summer on Sixty Stone Mountain 六十石山的夏日風情 30 動物趣聞 How Cats Talk with Their Tails 看貓咪如何用尾巴交談 35 唱歌學英語 36 焦點人物 The Inspiring Journey of Bradley Cooper 布萊德利.庫柏的勵志之旅 40 旅遊好去處 Liverpool: Home of the Fab Four . . . and Much More! 利物浦:不只是披頭四的故鄉,還有更多! 44 生活情境對話 A Safe Day at the Beach 海灘玩樂的安全須知 47 英語聽力測驗2 49 閱讀素養專欄 The Origins of Nintendo 任天堂的起源 51 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 54 生物科學素養 Goose Bumps Explained: Why Does Our Skin Get Bumpy? 為什麼我們會起雞皮疙瘩? 56 文化趣聞 Why Are Brits So Obsessed with the Weather? 為什麼英國人如此著迷於天氣? 60 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 62 電影快報 63 看預告片學英文 64 中文翻譯與解答 71 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答 77 單字卡
Live互動英語 2024 年 9 月號 No.281【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 105
Book Description
4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 Noah's Ark 諾亞方舟 14 焦點人物 Taylor Swift's Era: Shaping Culture on and off the Stage 泰勒絲:引領文化風潮 18 生活科學素養 Why Are Car Tires Black? 汽車輪胎為什麼是黑色的? 20 旅遊好去處 My Tasty Bruges Adventure 我的美味布魯日之旅 24 生活情境對話 Stationery for High School 提升學習效率的文具 27 閱讀素養專欄 The Tasty World of Japanese Food 日本料理的美味世界 30 發現臺灣 The 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan: A Warning from the Past 921地震教育園區:以史為鑒 32 食物趣聞 I'm Not Eating That: Four Foods with Very Strange Names 四種名字很奇怪的食物 36 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 40 環保愛地球 Beyond Style: Amazing Uses for Hair 不只是風格:頭髮的驚人用途 44 英語聽力測驗1 45 主題式會話 Learning About Life on Campus 熟悉校園生活 48 克漏字 The Secrets of Whale Song 鯨魚唱歌的祕密 50 寫作素養專欄 Learning to Write: Adjectives 英文寫作課:形容詞 53 英語聽力測驗2 54 追本溯源 Nailed It: A History of Manicures 美甲的歷史 58 全民英檢中級模擬閱讀試題 60 電影快報 62 看預告片學英文 63 唱歌學英語 64 中文翻譯與解答 70 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答 77 單字卡
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Study Aids
Languages : en
Pages : 105
Book Description
4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 焦點話題 10 大師名作選 Noah's Ark 諾亞方舟 14 焦點人物 Taylor Swift's Era: Shaping Culture on and off the Stage 泰勒絲:引領文化風潮 18 生活科學素養 Why Are Car Tires Black? 汽車輪胎為什麼是黑色的? 20 旅遊好去處 My Tasty Bruges Adventure 我的美味布魯日之旅 24 生活情境對話 Stationery for High School 提升學習效率的文具 27 閱讀素養專欄 The Tasty World of Japanese Food 日本料理的美味世界 30 發現臺灣 The 921 Earthquake Museum of Taiwan: A Warning from the Past 921地震教育園區:以史為鑒 32 食物趣聞 I'm Not Eating That: Four Foods with Very Strange Names 四種名字很奇怪的食物 36 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 40 環保愛地球 Beyond Style: Amazing Uses for Hair 不只是風格:頭髮的驚人用途 44 英語聽力測驗1 45 主題式會話 Learning About Life on Campus 熟悉校園生活 48 克漏字 The Secrets of Whale Song 鯨魚唱歌的祕密 50 寫作素養專欄 Learning to Write: Adjectives 英文寫作課:形容詞 53 英語聽力測驗2 54 追本溯源 Nailed It: A History of Manicures 美甲的歷史 58 全民英檢中級模擬閱讀試題 60 電影快報 62 看預告片學英文 63 唱歌學英語 64 中文翻譯與解答 70 全民英檢中級模擬試題解答 77 單字卡
CNN 互動英語 2024 年 1 月號 No.280 【有聲版】
Author: LiveABC編輯群
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 78
Book Description
商業 Artificial Intimidation AI時代來臨 誰的工作會被取代? Study Looks into Careers that Are Most Exposed to AI 研究人員公布受AI語言模型影響程度的職業排行,以高學歷的白領階級風險最高。你的工作上榜了嗎? 社會 Crisis Mode 負面新聞蔓延時 如何守護心理健康? How to Protect Your Mental Health When Dealing with Disturbing News 在當今資訊超載的時代,負面新聞的瘋傳可能對人的心理健康帶來傷害。醫學專家說明其中原因及可能的應對方法。 娛樂 Friends without Chandler 永遠的《六人行》錢德──馬修.派瑞 Remembering Matthew Perry as a Star and Comedic Genius 飾演知名美國情境喜劇《六人行》中錢德一角的馬修.派瑞驟逝,眾人震驚之餘,也緬懷這位演員多年來為人們帶來的歡笑。 環境 A River in Peril 亞馬遜河流域嚴重旱災 衝擊周遭生態 Lives and Livelihoods on the Amazon Are under Threat Due to Severe Drought 2023年強勁的聖嬰現象使南美洲亞馬遜河流域發生嚴重乾旱,可能衝擊周遭居民的生計,甚至為野生動植物帶來生態浩劫。 科技 Drinking the Ocean 太陽能製水機 把海水變飲用水 Converting Seawater to a Nearly Limitless Source of Clean Water 海水淡化科技已發展了好幾個世紀,但仍難克服高成本、高耗能的障礙。一家新創公司盼以太陽能驅動逆滲透淨水系統,用省錢又永續的方式解決水資源短缺問題。 趣聞 Presidential Pets 美國總統與他們的「第一寵物」 Animals That Have Ruled the Roost at the White House 美國總統在白宮養寵物行之有年,總統的寵物除了有常見的貓貓狗狗,也出現過河馬、鱷魚,甚至老虎。本文回顧美國總統與寵物的趣聞軼事。 太空 The Metal Asteroid 人類首度探索金屬小行星任務升空! NASA’s Mission to Psyche Could Be a Journey to the Center of the Earth 美國太空總署的靈神星探測器升空。靈神星是一顆位於火星與木星之間、富含金屬的小行星,科學家認為其中的元素可望幫助人們了解地球的核心是如何形成的。 科技 Lost and Found AI 即時救援!無人機協助山難搜尋 Young Hong Kong Engineers Develop AI Solutions to Rescuing Stranded Hikers 近年來,無人機已逐漸投入救難工作,搭配可快速處理大量數據的AI工具,可把握黃金時間,大幅提升山難搜救效率。 保健 Aging Gracefully 邁入高齡社會 如何優雅地變老? 與其把變老視為禁忌話題,不如維持良好生活習慣、享受晚年歲月,讓自己優雅地變老。 旅遊 Aegean Wine and Dine 在浪漫愛琴海沿岸品味珍饌美酒 Sampling Culinary Delights along the Turkish West Coast 土耳其愛琴海沿岸不但景色優美,更蘊含豐富的美食文化,搭配當地酒莊釀製的葡萄酒,令人回味無窮。 CNN 全球瞭望 Report Shows Decline in Tobacco Product Use among US Kids 報告顯示美國年輕人使用菸草產品比例下降 UK National Archives Unseals Letters Written More than 250 Years Ago 英國國家檔案館解封 250 多年前的信件 Texas Rangers Win First World Series in Franchise History 德州遊騎兵隊贏得隊史世界大賽首冠 全方位理解CNN Disinformation Thrives around the Israel-Hamas Conflict 以巴衝突之際 網路假消息滿天飛 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 狗狗品種 單字聯想地圖 寵物英語
Publisher: 希伯崙股份有限公司
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 78
Book Description
商業 Artificial Intimidation AI時代來臨 誰的工作會被取代? Study Looks into Careers that Are Most Exposed to AI 研究人員公布受AI語言模型影響程度的職業排行,以高學歷的白領階級風險最高。你的工作上榜了嗎? 社會 Crisis Mode 負面新聞蔓延時 如何守護心理健康? How to Protect Your Mental Health When Dealing with Disturbing News 在當今資訊超載的時代,負面新聞的瘋傳可能對人的心理健康帶來傷害。醫學專家說明其中原因及可能的應對方法。 娛樂 Friends without Chandler 永遠的《六人行》錢德──馬修.派瑞 Remembering Matthew Perry as a Star and Comedic Genius 飾演知名美國情境喜劇《六人行》中錢德一角的馬修.派瑞驟逝,眾人震驚之餘,也緬懷這位演員多年來為人們帶來的歡笑。 環境 A River in Peril 亞馬遜河流域嚴重旱災 衝擊周遭生態 Lives and Livelihoods on the Amazon Are under Threat Due to Severe Drought 2023年強勁的聖嬰現象使南美洲亞馬遜河流域發生嚴重乾旱,可能衝擊周遭居民的生計,甚至為野生動植物帶來生態浩劫。 科技 Drinking the Ocean 太陽能製水機 把海水變飲用水 Converting Seawater to a Nearly Limitless Source of Clean Water 海水淡化科技已發展了好幾個世紀,但仍難克服高成本、高耗能的障礙。一家新創公司盼以太陽能驅動逆滲透淨水系統,用省錢又永續的方式解決水資源短缺問題。 趣聞 Presidential Pets 美國總統與他們的「第一寵物」 Animals That Have Ruled the Roost at the White House 美國總統在白宮養寵物行之有年,總統的寵物除了有常見的貓貓狗狗,也出現過河馬、鱷魚,甚至老虎。本文回顧美國總統與寵物的趣聞軼事。 太空 The Metal Asteroid 人類首度探索金屬小行星任務升空! NASA’s Mission to Psyche Could Be a Journey to the Center of the Earth 美國太空總署的靈神星探測器升空。靈神星是一顆位於火星與木星之間、富含金屬的小行星,科學家認為其中的元素可望幫助人們了解地球的核心是如何形成的。 科技 Lost and Found AI 即時救援!無人機協助山難搜尋 Young Hong Kong Engineers Develop AI Solutions to Rescuing Stranded Hikers 近年來,無人機已逐漸投入救難工作,搭配可快速處理大量數據的AI工具,可把握黃金時間,大幅提升山難搜救效率。 保健 Aging Gracefully 邁入高齡社會 如何優雅地變老? 與其把變老視為禁忌話題,不如維持良好生活習慣、享受晚年歲月,讓自己優雅地變老。 旅遊 Aegean Wine and Dine 在浪漫愛琴海沿岸品味珍饌美酒 Sampling Culinary Delights along the Turkish West Coast 土耳其愛琴海沿岸不但景色優美,更蘊含豐富的美食文化,搭配當地酒莊釀製的葡萄酒,令人回味無窮。 CNN 全球瞭望 Report Shows Decline in Tobacco Product Use among US Kids 報告顯示美國年輕人使用菸草產品比例下降 UK National Archives Unseals Letters Written More than 250 Years Ago 英國國家檔案館解封 250 多年前的信件 Texas Rangers Win First World Series in Franchise History 德州遊騎兵隊贏得隊史世界大賽首冠 全方位理解CNN Disinformation Thrives around the Israel-Hamas Conflict 以巴衝突之際 網路假消息滿天飛 新聞片語通 CNN主編教你唸 狗狗品種 單字聯想地圖 寵物英語
Vitruvius on Architecture
Author: Frank Granger
Publisher: Bakhsh Press
ISBN: 1443731730
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 384
Book Description
VITRUVIUS ON ARCHITECTURE EDITED FROM THE HARLEIAN MANUSCRIPT 2767 AI TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY FRANK GRANGER, D. Lrr., AJLLB. A. PROFESSOR IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, NOTTINGHAM IN TWO VOLUMES I CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD MCMLV CONTENTS PAQK PREFACE vii INTRODUCTION VITRUVIUS AND THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE WEST ...... ix HISTORY OF THE MSS. OF VITRUVIUS . X i THE EARLIEST EDITIONS OF VITRUVIUS . XXi THE SCHOLIA OF THE MSS. . . . XXV - THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE MSS. . . XXVli THE LANGUAGE OF VITRUVIUS . . . XXViii BIBLIOGRAPHY THE MSS. . . . . . . XXXli EDITIONS ...... xxxiii TRANSLATIONS XXXiii THE CHIEF CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE STUDY OF VITRUVIUS ..... xxxiv BOOKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE . . XXXVi TEXT AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION BOOK I. ARCHITECTURAL PRINCIPLES . 1 BOOK II. EVOLUTION OF BUILDING USE OF MATERIALS . . . . 71 BOOK III. IONIC TEMPLES . . . 151 BOOK IV. DORIC AND CORINTHIAN TEMPLES 199 BOOK V. PUBLIC BUILDINGS I THEATRES AND MUSIC, BATHS, HARBOURS . 249 INDEX OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 319 CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS THE CAPITOL DOUGGA . Frontispiece PLATE A. WINDS AND DIRECTION OF STREETS at end PLATE B. PLANS OF TEMPLES . . . PLATE C. IONIC ORDER . . . . PLATE 0. CORINTHIAN ORDER see Frontispiece PLATE E. DORIC ORDER . . . at end PLATE F. MUSICAL SCALES ., ., PLATE O. THEATRE . . . . . PLATE H. PLAN OF STABIAN BATHS, POMPEII . vi PREFACE THIS edition has been based upon the oldest MS. of Vitruvius, the Harleian 2767 of the British Museum, probably of the eighth century, and from the Saxon scriptorium of Northumbria in which the Codex Amiatinus was written. The Latin closely resembles that of the workshop and the street. In my translation I havesought to retain the vividness and accuracy of the original, and have not sought a smoothness of rendering which would become a more polished style. The reader, it is possible, may discern the genial figure of Vitruvius through his utterances. In a technical treatise the risks of the translator are many. The help of Dr. House has rendered them less formidable, but he is not responsible for the errors which have survived revision. The introduction has been limited to such con siderations as may enable the layman to enter into the mysteries of the craft, and the general reader to follow the stages by which the successive accretions to the text have been removed. The section upon language indicates some of the relations of Vitruvius to Old Latin generally. My examination of fourteen MSS. has been rendered possible by the courtesy of the Directors of the MSS. Libraries at the British Museum, the Vatican, the Escorial, the Bibliotheque Nationale vii PREFACE at Paris, the Bodleian, St. Johns College, Oxford, and Eton College. A word of special thanks is due to his Excellency the Spanish Ambassador to London, his Eminence the Cardinal Merry del Val and the Secretary of the British Embassy at Paris, for their assistance. Mr. Paul Gray, M. A., of this College, has given me valuable help in preparing the MS. for the press. FRANK GRANGER. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, NOTTINGHAM, September, 1929. viii INTRODUCTION VlTRUVIUS AND THE ARCHITECTURE OP THE WEST THE history of architectural literature is taken by Vitruvius to begin with the theatre of Dionysus at Athens. 1 In earlier times the spectators were accommodated upon wooden benches. According to one account, 2 in the year 500 B. C. or thereabouts, thescaffolding collapsed, and in consequence a beginning was made towards a permanent stone structure. The elaborate stage settings of Aeschylus reached their culmination at the performance of the Agamemnon and its associated plays in 458. According to Suidas, 3 the collapse of the scaffolding, which occurred at a performance of one of Aeschylus dramas, led to the exile of the poet in Sicily, where he died in 456. In that case the permanent con struction of the theatre would begin in the Periclean age some time between 458 and 456...
Publisher: Bakhsh Press
ISBN: 1443731730
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 384
Book Description
VITRUVIUS ON ARCHITECTURE EDITED FROM THE HARLEIAN MANUSCRIPT 2767 AI TRANSLATED INTO ENGLISH BY FRANK GRANGER, D. Lrr., AJLLB. A. PROFESSOR IN UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, NOTTINGHAM IN TWO VOLUMES I CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LONDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD MCMLV CONTENTS PAQK PREFACE vii INTRODUCTION VITRUVIUS AND THE ARCHITECTURE OF THE WEST ...... ix HISTORY OF THE MSS. OF VITRUVIUS . X i THE EARLIEST EDITIONS OF VITRUVIUS . XXi THE SCHOLIA OF THE MSS. . . . XXV - THE ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE MSS. . . XXVli THE LANGUAGE OF VITRUVIUS . . . XXViii BIBLIOGRAPHY THE MSS. . . . . . . XXXli EDITIONS ...... xxxiii TRANSLATIONS XXXiii THE CHIEF CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE STUDY OF VITRUVIUS ..... xxxiv BOOKS OF GENERAL REFERENCE . . XXXVi TEXT AND ENGLISH TRANSLATION BOOK I. ARCHITECTURAL PRINCIPLES . 1 BOOK II. EVOLUTION OF BUILDING USE OF MATERIALS . . . . 71 BOOK III. IONIC TEMPLES . . . 151 BOOK IV. DORIC AND CORINTHIAN TEMPLES 199 BOOK V. PUBLIC BUILDINGS I THEATRES AND MUSIC, BATHS, HARBOURS . 249 INDEX OF ARCHITECTURAL TERMS 319 CONTENTS ILLUSTRATIONS THE CAPITOL DOUGGA . Frontispiece PLATE A. WINDS AND DIRECTION OF STREETS at end PLATE B. PLANS OF TEMPLES . . . PLATE C. IONIC ORDER . . . . PLATE 0. CORINTHIAN ORDER see Frontispiece PLATE E. DORIC ORDER . . . at end PLATE F. MUSICAL SCALES ., ., PLATE O. THEATRE . . . . . PLATE H. PLAN OF STABIAN BATHS, POMPEII . vi PREFACE THIS edition has been based upon the oldest MS. of Vitruvius, the Harleian 2767 of the British Museum, probably of the eighth century, and from the Saxon scriptorium of Northumbria in which the Codex Amiatinus was written. The Latin closely resembles that of the workshop and the street. In my translation I havesought to retain the vividness and accuracy of the original, and have not sought a smoothness of rendering which would become a more polished style. The reader, it is possible, may discern the genial figure of Vitruvius through his utterances. In a technical treatise the risks of the translator are many. The help of Dr. House has rendered them less formidable, but he is not responsible for the errors which have survived revision. The introduction has been limited to such con siderations as may enable the layman to enter into the mysteries of the craft, and the general reader to follow the stages by which the successive accretions to the text have been removed. The section upon language indicates some of the relations of Vitruvius to Old Latin generally. My examination of fourteen MSS. has been rendered possible by the courtesy of the Directors of the MSS. Libraries at the British Museum, the Vatican, the Escorial, the Bibliotheque Nationale vii PREFACE at Paris, the Bodleian, St. Johns College, Oxford, and Eton College. A word of special thanks is due to his Excellency the Spanish Ambassador to London, his Eminence the Cardinal Merry del Val and the Secretary of the British Embassy at Paris, for their assistance. Mr. Paul Gray, M. A., of this College, has given me valuable help in preparing the MS. for the press. FRANK GRANGER. UNIVERSITY COLLEGE, NOTTINGHAM, September, 1929. viii INTRODUCTION VlTRUVIUS AND THE ARCHITECTURE OP THE WEST THE history of architectural literature is taken by Vitruvius to begin with the theatre of Dionysus at Athens. 1 In earlier times the spectators were accommodated upon wooden benches. According to one account, 2 in the year 500 B. C. or thereabouts, thescaffolding collapsed, and in consequence a beginning was made towards a permanent stone structure. The elaborate stage settings of Aeschylus reached their culmination at the performance of the Agamemnon and its associated plays in 458. According to Suidas, 3 the collapse of the scaffolding, which occurred at a performance of one of Aeschylus dramas, led to the exile of the poet in Sicily, where he died in 456. In that case the permanent con struction of the theatre would begin in the Periclean age some time between 458 and 456...
Marie Antoinette's Darkest Days
Author: Will Bashor
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1442255005
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 391
Book Description
This compelling book begins on the 2nd of August 1793, the day Marie Antoinette was torn from her family’s arms and escorted from the Temple to the Conciergerie, a thick-walled fortress turned prison. It was also known as the “waiting room for the guillotine” because prisoners only spent a day or two here before their conviction and subsequent execution. The ex-queen surely knew her days were numbered, but she could never have known that two and a half months would pass before she would finally stand trial and be convicted of the most ungodly charges. Will Bashor traces the final days of the prisoner registered only as Widow Capet, No. 280, a time that was a cruel mixture of grandeur, humiliation, and terror. Marie Antoinette’s reign amidst the splendors of the court of Versailles is a familiar story, but her final imprisonment in a fetid, dank dungeon is a little-known coda to a once-charmed life. Her seventy-six days in this terrifying prison can only be described as the darkest and most horrific of the fallen queen’s life, vividly recaptured in this richly researched history.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1442255005
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 391
Book Description
This compelling book begins on the 2nd of August 1793, the day Marie Antoinette was torn from her family’s arms and escorted from the Temple to the Conciergerie, a thick-walled fortress turned prison. It was also known as the “waiting room for the guillotine” because prisoners only spent a day or two here before their conviction and subsequent execution. The ex-queen surely knew her days were numbered, but she could never have known that two and a half months would pass before she would finally stand trial and be convicted of the most ungodly charges. Will Bashor traces the final days of the prisoner registered only as Widow Capet, No. 280, a time that was a cruel mixture of grandeur, humiliation, and terror. Marie Antoinette’s reign amidst the splendors of the court of Versailles is a familiar story, but her final imprisonment in a fetid, dank dungeon is a little-known coda to a once-charmed life. Her seventy-six days in this terrifying prison can only be described as the darkest and most horrific of the fallen queen’s life, vividly recaptured in this richly researched history.
Marie Antoinette's World
Author: Will Bashor
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1538138255
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 321
Book Description
This riveting book explores the little-known intimate life of Marie Antoinette and her milieu in a world filled with intrigue, infidelity, adultery, and sexually transmitted diseases. Will Bashor reveals the intrigue and debauchery of the Bourbon kings from Louis XIII to Louis XV, which were closely intertwined with the expansion of Versailles from a simple hunting lodge to a luxurious and intricately ordered palace. It soon became a retreat for scandalous conspiracies and rendezvous—all hidden from the public eye. When Marie Antoinette arrived, she was quickly drawn into a true viper's nest, encouraged by her imprudent entourage. Bashor shows that her often thoughtless, fantasy-driven, and notorious antics were inevitable given her family history and the alluring influences that surrounded her. Marie Antoinette's frivolous and flamboyant lifestyle prompted a torrent of scathing pamphlets, and Bashor scrutinizes the queen's world to discover what was false, what was possible, and what, although shocking, was most probably true. Readers will be fascinated by this glimpse behind the decorative screens to learn the secret language of the queen’s fan and explore the dark passageways and staircases of endless intrigue at Versailles.
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield
ISBN: 1538138255
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 321
Book Description
This riveting book explores the little-known intimate life of Marie Antoinette and her milieu in a world filled with intrigue, infidelity, adultery, and sexually transmitted diseases. Will Bashor reveals the intrigue and debauchery of the Bourbon kings from Louis XIII to Louis XV, which were closely intertwined with the expansion of Versailles from a simple hunting lodge to a luxurious and intricately ordered palace. It soon became a retreat for scandalous conspiracies and rendezvous—all hidden from the public eye. When Marie Antoinette arrived, she was quickly drawn into a true viper's nest, encouraged by her imprudent entourage. Bashor shows that her often thoughtless, fantasy-driven, and notorious antics were inevitable given her family history and the alluring influences that surrounded her. Marie Antoinette's frivolous and flamboyant lifestyle prompted a torrent of scathing pamphlets, and Bashor scrutinizes the queen's world to discover what was false, what was possible, and what, although shocking, was most probably true. Readers will be fascinated by this glimpse behind the decorative screens to learn the secret language of the queen’s fan and explore the dark passageways and staircases of endless intrigue at Versailles.
Author: Richard L'Anson
Publisher: Lonely Planet
ISBN: 9781741793765
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 272
Book Description
Internationally renowned photographer Richard l'Anson presents a vibrant photographic portrait of this fascinating Himalayan country. Since his first visit in 1986, l'Anson has returned to Nepal every year to photograph people and places all over the country. In this book, l'Anson has selected more than 400 stunning photographs covering five regions that always capture the imagination of visitors.
Publisher: Lonely Planet
ISBN: 9781741793765
Category : Travel
Languages : en
Pages : 272
Book Description
Internationally renowned photographer Richard l'Anson presents a vibrant photographic portrait of this fascinating Himalayan country. Since his first visit in 1986, l'Anson has returned to Nepal every year to photograph people and places all over the country. In this book, l'Anson has selected more than 400 stunning photographs covering five regions that always capture the imagination of visitors.
No One Asked for this
Author: Cazzie David
Publisher: Dey Street Books
ISBN: 0358197023
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 351
Book Description
From writer/director Cazzie David comes a series of comedic essays about anxiety, social media, generational malaise, and growing up in a famous family.
Publisher: Dey Street Books
ISBN: 0358197023
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 351
Book Description
From writer/director Cazzie David comes a series of comedic essays about anxiety, social media, generational malaise, and growing up in a famous family.
Federal Register
Category : Delegated legislation
Languages : en
Pages : 852
Book Description
Category : Delegated legislation
Languages : en
Pages : 852
Book Description
The Glorious Guinness Girls
Author: Emily Hourican
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
ISBN: 1538720256
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 334
Book Description
From London to Ireland during the 1920s, this glorious, gripping, and richly textured story takes us to the heart of the remarkable real-life story of the Guinness Girls—perfect for fans of Downton Abbey and Julian Fellowes' Belgravia. Descendants of the founder of the Guinness beer empire, they were the toast of 1920s high society, darlings of the press, with not a care in the world. But Felicity knows better. Sent to live with them as a child because her mother could no longer care for her, she grows up as the sisters’ companion. Both an outsider and a part of the family, she witnesses the complex lives upstairs and downstairs, sees the compromises and sacrifices beneath the glamorous surface. Then, at a party one summer’s evening, something happens that sends shock waves through the entire household. Inspired by a remarkable true story and fascinating real events, The Glorious Guinness Girls is an unforgettable novel about the haves and have-nots, one that will make you ask if where you find yourself is where you truly belong.
Publisher: Grand Central Publishing
ISBN: 1538720256
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 334
Book Description
From London to Ireland during the 1920s, this glorious, gripping, and richly textured story takes us to the heart of the remarkable real-life story of the Guinness Girls—perfect for fans of Downton Abbey and Julian Fellowes' Belgravia. Descendants of the founder of the Guinness beer empire, they were the toast of 1920s high society, darlings of the press, with not a care in the world. But Felicity knows better. Sent to live with them as a child because her mother could no longer care for her, she grows up as the sisters’ companion. Both an outsider and a part of the family, she witnesses the complex lives upstairs and downstairs, sees the compromises and sacrifices beneath the glamorous surface. Then, at a party one summer’s evening, something happens that sends shock waves through the entire household. Inspired by a remarkable true story and fascinating real events, The Glorious Guinness Girls is an unforgettable novel about the haves and have-nots, one that will make you ask if where you find yourself is where you truly belong.