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Author: Martin J. Corless
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780203911372
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 368
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Based largely on state space models, this text/reference utilizes fundamental linear algebra and operator techniques to develop classical and modern results in linear systems analysis and control design. It presents stability and performance results for linear systems, provides a geometric perspective on controllability and observability, and develops state space realizations of transfer functions. It also studies stabilizability and detectability, constructs state feedback controllers and asymptotic state estimators, covers the linear quadratic regulator problem in detail, introduces H-infinity control, and presents results on Hamiltonian matrices and Riccati equations.
Author: Martin J. Corless
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9780203911372
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 368
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Book Description
Based largely on state space models, this text/reference utilizes fundamental linear algebra and operator techniques to develop classical and modern results in linear systems analysis and control design. It presents stability and performance results for linear systems, provides a geometric perspective on controllability and observability, and develops state space realizations of transfer functions. It also studies stabilizability and detectability, constructs state feedback controllers and asymptotic state estimators, covers the linear quadratic regulator problem in detail, introduces H-infinity control, and presents results on Hamiltonian matrices and Riccati equations.
Author: Harry L. Trentelman
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1447103394
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 393
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Control Theory for Linear Systems deals with the mathematical theory of feedback control of linear systems. It treats a wide range of control synthesis problems for linear state space systems with inputs and outputs. The book provides a treatment of these problems using state space methods, often with a geometric flavour. Its subject matter ranges from controllability and observability, stabilization, disturbance decoupling, and tracking and regulation, to linear quadratic regulation, H2 and H-infinity control, and robust stabilization. Each chapter of the book contains a series of exercises, intended to increase the reader's understanding of the material. Often, these exercises generalize and extend the material treated in the regular text.
Author: Yazdan Bavafa-Toosi
Publisher: Academic Press
ISBN: 012812749X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1135
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Introduction to Linear Control Systems is designed as a standard introduction to linear control systems for all those who one way or another deal with control systems. It can be used as a comprehensive up-to-date textbook for a one-semester 3-credit undergraduate course on linear control systems as the first course on this topic at university. This includes the faculties of electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, aerospace engineering, chemical and petroleum engineering, industrial engineering, civil engineering, bio-engineering, economics, mathematics, physics, management and social sciences, etc. The book covers foundations of linear control systems, their raison detre, different types, modelling, representations, computations, stability concepts, tools for time-domain and frequency-domain analysis and synthesis, and fundamental limitations, with an emphasis on frequency-domain methods. Every chapter includes a part on further readings where more advanced topics and pertinent references are introduced for further studies. The presentation is theoretically firm, contemporary, and self-contained. Appendices cover Laplace transform and differential equations, dynamics, MATLAB and SIMULINK, treatise on stability concepts and tools, treatise on Routh-Hurwitz method, random optimization techniques as well as convex and non-convex problems, and sample midterm and endterm exams. The book is divided to the sequel 3 parts plus appendices. PART I: In this part of the book, chapters 1-5, we present foundations of linear control systems. This includes: the introduction to control systems, their raison detre, their different types, modelling of control systems, different methods for their representation and fundamental computations, basic stability concepts and tools for both analysis and design, basic time domain analysis and design details, and the root locus as a stability analysis and synthesis tool. PART II: In this part of the book, Chapters 6-9, we present what is generally referred to as the frequency domain methods. This refers to the experiment of applying a sinusoidal input to the system and studying its output. There are basically three different methods for representation and studying of the data of the aforementioned frequency response experiment: these are the Nyquist plot, the Bode diagram, and the Krohn-Manger-Nichols chart. We study these methods in details. We learn that the output is also a sinusoid with the same frequency but generally with different phase and magnitude. By dividing the output by the input we obtain the so-called sinusoidal or frequency transfer function of the system which is the same as the transfer function when the Laplace variable s is substituted with . Finally we use the Bode diagram for the design process. PART III: In this part, Chapter 10, we introduce some miscellaneous advanced topics under the theme fundamental limitations which should be included in this undergraduate course at least in an introductory level. We make bridges between some seemingly disparate aspects of a control system and theoretically complement the previously studied subjects. Appendices: The book contains seven appendices. Appendix A is on the Laplace transform and differential equations. Appendix B is an introduction to dynamics. Appendix C is an introduction to MATLAB, including SIMULINK. Appendix D is a survey on stability concepts and tools. A glossary and road map of the available stability concepts and tests is provided which is missing even in the research literature. Appendix E is a survey on the Routh-Hurwitz method, also missing in the literature. Appendix F is an introduction to random optimization techniques and convex and non-convex problems. Finally, appendix G presents sample midterm and endterm exams, which are class-tested several times.
Author: Elbert Hendricks
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540784861
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 555
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Modern control theory and in particular state space or state variable methods can be adapted to the description of many different systems because it depends strongly on physical modeling and physical intuition. The laws of physics are in the form of differential equations and for this reason, this book concentrates on system descriptions in this form. This means coupled systems of linear or nonlinear differential equations. The physical approach is emphasized in this book because it is most natural for complex systems. It also makes what would ordinarily be a difficult mathematical subject into one which can straightforwardly be understood intuitively and which deals with concepts which engineering and science students are already familiar. In this way it is easy to immediately apply the theory to the understanding and control of ordinary systems. Application engineers, working in industry, will also find this book interesting and useful for this reason. In line with the approach set forth above, the book first deals with the modeling of systems in state space form. Both transfer function and differential equation modeling methods are treated with many examples. Linearization is treated and explained first for very simple nonlinear systems and then more complex systems. Because computer control is so fundamental to modern applications, discrete time modeling of systems as difference equations is introduced immediately after the more intuitive differential equation models. The conversion of differential equation models to difference equations is also discussed at length, including transfer function formulations. A vital problem in modern control is how to treat noise in control systems. Nevertheless this question is rarely treated in many control system textbooks because it is considered to be too mathematical and too difficult in a second course on controls. In this textbook a simple physical approach is made to the description of noise and stochastic disturbances which is easy to understand and apply to common systems. This requires only a few fundamental statistical concepts which are given in a simple introduction which lead naturally to the fundamental noise propagation equation for dynamic systems, the Lyapunov equation. This equation is given and exemplified both in its continuous and discrete time versions. With the Lyapunov equation available to describe state noise propagation, it is a very small step to add the effect of measurements and measurement noise. This gives immediately the Riccati equation for optimal state estimators or Kalman filters. These important observers are derived and illustrated using simulations in terms which make them easy to understand and easy to apply to real systems. The use of LQR regulators with Kalman filters give LQG (Linear Quadratic Gaussian) regulators which are introduced at the end of the book. Another important subject which is introduced is the use of Kalman filters as parameter estimations for unknown parameters. The textbook is divided into 7 chapters, 5 appendices, a table of contents, a table of examples, extensive index and extensive list of references. Each chapter is provided with a summary of the main points covered and a set of problems relevant to the material in that chapter. Moreover each of the more advanced chapters (3 - 7) are provided with notes describing the history of the mathematical and technical problems which lead to the control theory presented in that chapter. Continuous time methods are the main focus in the book because these provide the most direct connection to physics. This physical foundation allows a logical presentation and gives a good intuitive feel for control system construction. Nevertheless strong attention is also given to discrete time systems. Very few proofs are included in the book but most of the important results are derived. This method of presentation makes the text very readable and gives a good foundation for reading more rigorous texts. A complete set of solutions is available for all of the problems in the text. In addition a set of longer exercises is available for use as Matlab/Simulink ‘laboratory exercises’ in connection with lectures. There is material of this kind for 12 such exercises and each exercise requires about 3 hours for its solution. Full written solutions of all these exercises are available.
Author: Zhendong Sun
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1846281318
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 303
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Switched linear systems have enjoyed a particular growth in interest since the 1990s. The large amount of data and ideas thus generated have, until now, lacked a co-ordinating framework to focus them effectively on some of the fundamental issues such as the problems of robust stabilizing switching design, feedback stabilization and optimal switching. This deficiency is resolved by this book which features: nucleus of constructive design approaches based on canonical decomposition and forming a sound basis for the systematic treatment of secondary results; theoretical exploration and logical association of several independent but pivotal concerns in control design as they pertain to switched linear systems: controllability and observability, feedback stabilization, optimization and periodic switching; a reliable foundation for further theoretical research as well as design guidance for real life engineering applications through the integration of novel ideas, fresh insights and rigorous results.
Author: Robert L. Williams, II
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471735558
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 485
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The book blends readability and accessibility common to undergraduate control systems texts with the mathematical rigor necessary to form a solid theoretical foundation. Appendices cover linear algebra and provide a Matlab overivew and files. The reviewers pointed out that this is an ambitious project but one that will pay off because of the lack of good up-to-date textbooks in the area.
Author: Maurício C. de Oliveira
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1316949907
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 317
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Taking a different approach from standard thousand-page reference-style control textbooks, Fundamentals of Linear Control provides a concise yet comprehensive introduction to the analysis and design of feedback control systems in fewer than 400 pages. The text focuses on classical methods for dynamic linear systems in the frequency domain. The treatment is, however, modern and the reader is kept aware of contemporary tools and techniques, such as state space methods and robust and nonlinear control. Featuring fully worked design examples, richly illustrated chapters, and an extensive set of homework problems and examples spanning across the text for gradual challenge and perspective, this textbook is an excellent choice for senior-level courses in systems and control or as a complementary reference in introductory graduate level courses. The text is designed to appeal to a broad audience of engineers and scientists interested in learning the main ideas behind feedback control theory.
Author: Dingyu Xue
Publisher: SIAM
ISBN: 9780898718621
Category : Mathematics
Languages : en
Pages : 366
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This book discusses analysis and design techniques for linear feedback control systems using MATLAB® software. By reducing the mathematics, increasing MATLAB working examples, and inserting short scripts and plots within the text, the authors have created a resource suitable for almost any type of user. The book begins with a summary of the properties of linear systems and addresses modeling and model reduction issues. In the subsequent chapters on analysis, the authors introduce time domain, complex plane, and frequency domain techniques. Their coverage of design includes discussions on model-based controller designs, PID controllers, and robust control designs. A unique aspect of the book is its inclusion of a chapter on fractional-order controllers, which are useful in control engineering practice.
Author: Steven L. Brunton
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1009098489
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 615
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A textbook covering data-science and machine learning methods for modelling and control in engineering and science, with Python and MATLAB®.
Author: Branislav Kisacanin
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461505534
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 385
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Anyone seeking a gentle introduction to the methods of modern control theory and engineering, written at the level of a first-year graduate course, should consider this book seriously. It contains: A generous historical overview of automatic control, from Ancient Greece to the 1970s, when this discipline matured into an essential field for electrical, mechanical, aerospace, chemical, and biomedical engineers, as well as mathematicians, and more recently, computer scientists; A balanced presentation of the relevant theory: the main state-space methods for description, analysis, and design of linear control systems are derived, without overwhelming theoretical arguments; Over 250 solved and exercise problems for both continuous- and discrete-time systems, often including MATLAB simulations; and Appendixes on MATLAB, advanced matrix theory, and the history of mathematical tools such as differential calculus, transform methods, and linear algebra. Another noteworthy feature is the frequent use of an inverted pendulum on a cart to illustrate the most important concepts of automatic control, such as: Linearization and discretization; Stability, controllability, and observability; State feedback, controller design, and optimal control; and Observer design, reduced order observers, and Kalman filtering. Most of the problems are given with solutions or MATLAB simulations. Whether the book is used as a textbook or as a self-study guide, the knowledge gained from it will be an excellent platform for students and practising engineers to explore further the recent developments and applications of control theory.