Legend of the Last Vikings - Taklamakan

Legend of the Last Vikings - Taklamakan PDF Author: John D. Halsted
ISBN: 9781907256004
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 422

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The Indiana Jones of the 11th Century! Finalist - ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award A VIKING EPIC! Action, Adventure and Romance from Norway, across the Steppe and along the Silk Route into China's notorious Taklamakan desert! Experience friendship, dignity, honour, love, betrayal and greed against the backdrop of a hostile environment which gives no quarter - just what one expects from a Viking. Synopsis: As the Viking age is brought to an end in 1066 with ignominious defeat at the battle of Stamford Bridge, a rag-tag group of Vikings conclude the quiet life is not for them and they decide to go-a-Viking one last time. They retrace a journey of their youth across the European Steppe and down the mighty Dniepr River to Byzantium. However a chance discovery in a Kiev library leads them to venture even further afield - to Astrakhan, across the Caspian sea, up the mighty Oxus river, through Parthia and Bactria and along the ancient Silk Route into Asia and Tian Xia (China). Engaged in a battle not of their choosing, they inflict fatalities on the sinister and evil Black Scorpions who want to exact their revenge. Pursued, they flee by night across the Roof of the World and meet the remnants of the "lost" European tribe of Asia, the Hepthalites, who offer them protection in their city, hidden in the Tien Shan - the Celestial Mountains. A place where romance is kindled and love unexpectedly blossoms. During their winter sojourn in the Hidden City they gather more clues, and in the spring continue with their quest, on into the Taklamakan desert. The desert so called by locals because those who venture in seldom venture out. More danger and peril lies in wait for this rag-tag Viking crew as they travel along the Silk Route - the world's first super-highway. At the eastern end of their journey they meet the Lang Ren, the Wolf people of Lou Lan, outcasts thieves and criminals living in an abandoned city in the desert. A city without water. A city about to die. A city in which the final clue to their quest is uncovered. What fate awaits this rejected element of Asian society? Can this motley crew intercede on their behalf? Will the fundamental cultural differences between the Vikings, Jews and Moslems in the group cause them to self destruct, or will the adversities they face cause them to overcome these differences and become a unified fighting unit? A beautifully bound 420 page hardback with historical companion, place name lexicon, character descriptions and maps.

Legend of the Last Vikings - Taklamakan

Legend of the Last Vikings - Taklamakan PDF Author: John D. Halsted
ISBN: 9781907256004
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 422

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Book Description
The Indiana Jones of the 11th Century! Finalist - ForeWord Magazine Book of the Year Award A VIKING EPIC! Action, Adventure and Romance from Norway, across the Steppe and along the Silk Route into China's notorious Taklamakan desert! Experience friendship, dignity, honour, love, betrayal and greed against the backdrop of a hostile environment which gives no quarter - just what one expects from a Viking. Synopsis: As the Viking age is brought to an end in 1066 with ignominious defeat at the battle of Stamford Bridge, a rag-tag group of Vikings conclude the quiet life is not for them and they decide to go-a-Viking one last time. They retrace a journey of their youth across the European Steppe and down the mighty Dniepr River to Byzantium. However a chance discovery in a Kiev library leads them to venture even further afield - to Astrakhan, across the Caspian sea, up the mighty Oxus river, through Parthia and Bactria and along the ancient Silk Route into Asia and Tian Xia (China). Engaged in a battle not of their choosing, they inflict fatalities on the sinister and evil Black Scorpions who want to exact their revenge. Pursued, they flee by night across the Roof of the World and meet the remnants of the "lost" European tribe of Asia, the Hepthalites, who offer them protection in their city, hidden in the Tien Shan - the Celestial Mountains. A place where romance is kindled and love unexpectedly blossoms. During their winter sojourn in the Hidden City they gather more clues, and in the spring continue with their quest, on into the Taklamakan desert. The desert so called by locals because those who venture in seldom venture out. More danger and peril lies in wait for this rag-tag Viking crew as they travel along the Silk Route - the world's first super-highway. At the eastern end of their journey they meet the Lang Ren, the Wolf people of Lou Lan, outcasts thieves and criminals living in an abandoned city in the desert. A city without water. A city about to die. A city in which the final clue to their quest is uncovered. What fate awaits this rejected element of Asian society? Can this motley crew intercede on their behalf? Will the fundamental cultural differences between the Vikings, Jews and Moslems in the group cause them to self destruct, or will the adversities they face cause them to overcome these differences and become a unified fighting unit? A beautifully bound 420 page hardback with historical companion, place name lexicon, character descriptions and maps.

Legend of the Last Vikings - Taklamakan

Legend of the Last Vikings - Taklamakan PDF Author: John David Halsted
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 9780956058409
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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Book Description
As the Viking age is brought to an end in 1066 with ignominious defeat at the battle of Stamford Bridge, a ragtag group of Vikings concludes the quiet life is not for them and decides to go-a-Viking one last time across the European Steppe heading for Byzantium.

LEGEND OF THE LAST VIKINGS - Free Alternate Ending

LEGEND OF THE LAST VIKINGS - Free Alternate Ending PDF Author: John Halsted
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 8826096503
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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In 1066 upon the death of Edward the Confessor, Harald Hadraada, King of Norway challenged for the crown of England, claiming it was his through his bloodline. He led a large force of over 400 longships to England and after a few initial victories was defeated during the Battle of Stamford Bridge, near York, by Harold Goodwinson. Only 24 longships returned to Norway. Two weeks later Harold Goodwinson and his army, exhausted by the forced-march from York to Hastings, were defeated William the Conqueror. And the rest they say is history. Or is it? Questions remain. What happened to the Vikings after Stamford Bridge? Where did they go? What did they do? Well Legend of the Last Vikings is just one possibility………….. But why an Alternate Ending? When I started researching the book, I was amazed to discover that the Silk Route was not just one route, but instead a whole network of routes reaching from Eastern Europe and criss-crossing Asia. As such I had to decide which of these routes my characters would travel along. Before I could make this decision I had to research the routes. In doing so I found so much fascinating information on each, trying to decide which route to “travel” was not easy. Even though I eventually settled upon a route, I did not want to waste potential stories so decided to write an alternate ending which in effect gives the reader a two-for-one. Synopsis Chapters 1 – 33 I was going to give a summary of the chapters 1 to 33 but have decided that too much action, adventure, character building and meaning would be lost in doing so, so I have kept this to a minimum by providing the following synopsis. On returning home to Norway after defeat at Stamford Bridge in 1066AD, our hero, Ulf Uspakson, herald to King Harald Hadraada, realises an era is over. Then he remembers the story of a Swedish Viking Adventurer, Yngvar Vittfarne (Yngvar the Far Travelled), who went missing on a journey to the East and in a last fling of youth decides to try and trace him – somewhere on the Silk Route. No easy task! The alternate ending starts at Chapter 34 with the conclusion of the adventure in China's Taklamakan desert – or is it? After leaving Shanguo and crossing the Tien Shan mountains, the crew, as I affectionately call this motley group, follow the course of the Jaxartes River (Syr Darya) to the Aral Sea in Kazakhstan. They then cross the Karakum and Barsuki deserts, they loop around the top of the Aral sea. Approaching Astrakhan from the North East, they are tired and weary after such an arduous journey. As always trouble awaits and the crew will have to summon physical and mental strength from reserves hidden deep within themselves. About the Book Itself A finalist in the Foreword Magazine Book of the Year Competition. It has a 4 Star Amazon rating and reviews of the book can be found on the Amazon page as well.


Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 8828323779
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 163

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The SAGA OF HALFRED THE SIGSKALD is tale of the Tenth Century. A Long time ago, there was growing up in the North; a boy named Halfred. In Iceland, on the Hamund Fjord, stood the splendid hall of his father, Hamund. At that time elves and goblins still moved about freely among the Northern nations. And many say that an elf, who had been friendly to the powerful Hamund, drew near to the cradle of the boy Halfred, and laid wild honey upon his lips, and said-- "Victory shall be thine in harping-- Victory shall be thine in singing-- Sigskald shall all nations name thee." But it is believed that this is a mere idle tale of the heathen people. Halfred grew, and was strong and beautiful. He often sat alone on the cliffs, and listened how the wind played in rifts in the crags, and he would fain have tuned his harp to the same strain, and because he could not do it he was filled with frustration. When his father died Halfred took the seat of honour in the hall. But he took no heed to preserve or improve his inheritance. He gave himself up to harp playing and feats of arms. He devised a new strain in singing, "Halfred's strain," which greatly charmed all who heard it. And in hatchet throwing, not one of the men of Iceland could equal him. He could dash his hammer through three shields, and he would not miss with an arrow. His mind was now set upon building a dragon ship, strong and splendid, worthy of a Viking, wherein he might go-a-Viking, or to play his harp in the halls of kings. And through many a night he considered how he should build his ship, but could devise a plan. Yet the image of the ship was always before his eyes, with prow and stem, with board and bow; and instead of a dragon it must carry a silver swan on the prow. One morning, he came out of the hall, and looked out over the Fjord, towards the north, there, from the south-south-east, came floating into Hamund's Bay a mighty ship, with swelling sails. Then Halfred and his house-churls seized their weapons, and hurried to their ships. Ever nearer the ship came, but neither helmet nor spear flashed on board, and though they shouted through the trumpet all was still. Halfred and his followers rowed to the great ship, and saw that it was empty, and they climbed on board. This was the most splendid dragon ship that ever spread sail on the salt seas. But instead of a dragon it bore a silver swan upon the prow. This was the ship that Halfred had seen in his dreams with forty oars in iron rowlocks. The deck was pavillioned with shields, the sails purple-striped, the prow carved with runes, and the ropes of sea-dogs' skin. The high-arched silver wings of the swan were gloriously carved, and the wind rushed through them with a melodious sound. Halfred sprang up to the seat of honour on the upper-deck, upon which lay spread a purple royal mantle. A silver harp, with a swan's head, leaned against it, and he said: "Singing Swan shalt thou be called, my ship; Singing and victorious shalt thou sail." And so begins the Saga of Halfred the Sigskald……. ============== 10% of the net sale will be donated to charities by the publisher.

THE SAGA OF OLAF THE GLORIOUS - A Story of the Viking Age

THE SAGA OF OLAF THE GLORIOUS - A Story of the Viking Age PDF Author: Robert Leighton
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 8827562427
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 375

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OLAF TRYGGVASON, the hero of this saga is not an imaginary one; he was a real flesh and blood man who eventually reigned as King of Norway just over a thousand years ago. His life reads as only a Viking Saga could and should. Herein you will find the salient facts of his adventurous and outstanding life. They are: his boyhood of slavery in Estonia,his life at the court of King Valdemar,his wanderings as a Viking,the many battles he fought, on land and sea,his conversion to Christianity in England, and;his ultimate return to his native Norway where he reigned as King – are set forth in this volume which, if summarised, would make for a cracking campfire yarn. The events related herein can be found in the various Icelandic sagas dealing with the period in which he lived. In short, Olaf was your archetypal Viking. Very few authors could pen a saga that mirrors the life of Olaf, and many have tried. However in penning this story, Leighton made full and free use of these old time records, and added only such probable incidents as were necessary to give a thread of continuity to the reader. NOTE: For the convenience of readers who may wish for greater exactness; Olaf Triggvison was born A.D. 963 and he started on his wanderings as a Viking in the year A.D. 981. The sea fight between the Vikings of Jomsburg and the Norwegians took place in A.D. 986, and the battle of Maldon in the year A.D. 991. Olaf reigned only five years as King of Norway, being crowned in 995, and ending his reign with his death in the glorious defeat at Svold in the year A.D. 1000. 10% of the publisher’s profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF. KEYWORDS/TAGS: Viking, Norse, Saga, Story, Olaf Tryggvason, slave, warrior, King, conversion, Christianity, Valdemar, land battles, sea battles, Jomsburg, England, Norway, Norwegian, battle of Maldon, battle of Svold, finding of olaf, sigurd erikson, gerda' s prophecy, slaying of klerkon, norse kings, training, captain of the host, west, over-seas, hermit, scilly Isles, thorir klakka, evil earl, christening, Sigrid, haughty, long serpent, sigvaldi, treachery, snare, svold sound, defence

LEGENDS OF NORSELAND - 24 Illustrated Norse and Viking Legends

LEGENDS OF NORSELAND - 24 Illustrated Norse and Viking Legends PDF Author: Anon E. Mouse
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 882759275X
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 165

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Herein are 24 illustrated easy-to-read Norse and Viking legends, including the Song of the Valkyries, rewritten with young adults in mind. Here you will find the legends of the Norse and Viking inhabitants of Asgard – Odin, Freya, Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Baldur and many others. These are the legends of the actions and feats of these high-dwellers before time itself had begun. These legends also give valuable background to the Marvel movies of Odin, Thor, Loki, Heimdall, Sif and others which will give you the reader more understanding about how the legends of Thor, Loki and other Scandinavian legends came to be. But do not be put off - these are the contemporary versions of these legends and stories re-written with young adults in mind, and not the heavy, hard to understand versions which academics would revel in. The legends in this volume are: I the beginning II. Yggdrasil III odin at the well of wisdom IV odin and the all-wise giant V the stolen wine part i. VI the stolen wine part ii VII. Loke’s theft VIII thor’s hammer XI the theft of the hammer XII the finding of the hammer XIII the apples of life Parts I & II XV loke’s wolf XVI the fenris wolf XVII defeat of hrungner XVIII thor and skrymer XIX thor and the utgard-king XX thor and the midgard serpent The Valkyries’ song XXI the dying baldur XXII the punishment of loke XXIII the darkness that fell on asgard This volume also includes a vocabulary which gives the spelling and pronunciations of the names of the characters in the legends. So, we invite you to curl up with these illustrated, ancient Northern legends and immerse yourself in the tales and lore of yesteryear. ---------------------------- KEYWORDS: fairy tales, folklore, myths, legends, children’s stories, children’s stories, bygone era, fairydom, fairy land, classic stories, children’s bedtime stories, fables, Legends of Norseland, the beginning, yggdrasil, ygdrasil, odin, well of wisdom, all-wise giant, stolen wine, loki, loke’s theft, thor, hammer, Sleipnir, theft of the hammer, finding of the hammer, apples of life, loke’s wolf, fenris wolf, defeat of hrungner, thor and skrymer, thor and the utgard-king, thor and the midgard serpent, valkyries’ song, dying baldur, punishment of loke, darkness that fell on Asgard, Norse, Viking, inhabitants of Asgard, Freya, Heimdall, Frigg, Gold-fax,Hrungner, horse, Hödor, Hodor, Idun, Apples of Youth, Jötunheim, Jotunheim, Mídgard, abode of men, Magne, Norn, Three fates, three young women, Ragnarok, Twilight of the gods, Sif, Thunder-god, Valhalla


THE STORY OF ROLF AND THE VIKINGS BOW - A YA Viking Adventure PDF Author: Allen French
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 882955054X
Category : Young Adult Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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This story about Rolf, a youth and son of Hiarandi the Unlucky, who lives in early Christian Iceland during the days when the Icelandic society was transforming from the old Norse religion to Christianity. At the urging of his wife, Hiarandi does an unprecedented thing and lights a signal fire on a dangerous point of his land, challenging the accepted custom which places lucrative salvage at higher value than the saving of life. However, the life that is saved that night causes his own death and eventually, the unjust outlawing of his son Rolf. Rolf loses first his father, then his property, and finally his freedom to a scheming neighbour. Then he is outlawed from Iceland at the Althing (Council) and travels abroad, meeting with shipwreck, enslavement, Viking berserkers, and many other dangers and adventures. All the while, Rolf searches for a way to prove his father was killed unjustly and win back his own property and freedom. Even more difficult, Rolf must end the cycle of enmity, vengeance, and pride that hangs like a curse over his family Rolf's response to the injustice done to him creates a suspenseful, thought-provoking and page-turning tale which is difficult to put down. ============ KEYWORDS/TAGS: Rolf and the Viking’s Bow, Norse, Archery, , abroad, Althing, Asdis, ashore, atonement, baresarks, beacon, beserkers, blood, bow, Broadfirth, carline, chapmen, cliffs, cloak, Cragness, crags, Earl, Einar, evil, father, Fellstead, Flosi, Frodi, Gisli, gold, Grani, Grettir, Hallmund, Hallvard, Hawksness, heart, Helga, Hiarandi, home, Iceland, judges, Kari, Kiartan, kinsman, Kolbein, money, mound, neighbours, Ondott, Orkney, Outlaw, outlawry, Priest, Quarter, Rolf, Scots, sea, shepherd, shield, ship, shipmaster, shoot, smithy, smote, Snorri, son, storehouse, storm, strength, Sweyn, sword, Thorfinn, thrall, Thurid, Tongue, travel, Vemund, vengeance, viking, warship, weapons, whittle, winter, witnesses, wounds


IVAR THE VIKING - A Viking Saga PDF Author: Paul du Chaillu
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 8828323051
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 367

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The story of “Ivar the Viking” depicts the actual life of Norse chiefs who ruled during the 4th Century. It also gives the customs, religion, life, and mode of thinking which prevailed among the people. It is the intention of the author to give a correct outlook of the civilization of the Norsemen of that period, the men who arrived at the gates of Rome and Byzantium, and settled in Britain, Gaul, Germania, Russia, the Ukraine and on the shores of the Mediterranean, and other countries. The author begins the story of his hero with his birth, accompanied by the characteristic ceremonies attending it. We are told of his fostering, his education, his coming of age, of the precepts of wisdom he is taught, of his foster-brothers, of the sacred ceremony of foster-brotherhood, of his warlike expeditions and commercial voyages, of the death and funeral of his father, of his accession to rule, and other similarly typical Viking events. In short, a typical Viking Saga. NOTE: There is not an object, a jewel, either Norse, Roman, Greek, Muslim, Central Asian or a coin mentioned, that has not been found in the present Scandinavia, and they can be seen today in its museums, and often in great numbers. When this book was first published it caused controversy as the author claimed the early pre-Saxon settlers of Britain were of Norse descent. It was from comparing the graves and antiquities of the Norselands with those of England that proof that the early settlers of Britain were Norsemen. There is a scene in this volume, of Ivar going to visit his kinsmen on the banks of the River Cam, in England, has been described, because there is a cemetery there whose antiquities show its Norse origin, and the Roman coins buried with them, of Trajanus, 98-117 A.D.; of Hadrianus, 117-138; Faustina, wife of Antoninus Pius, 138-161; Marcus Aurelius, 161-180; of Maximianus, 286-305, show how early Norse settlements began. The Roman records are correct. No countries but the islands of the Baltic and Scandinavia correspond to their description. But it is there that we find a great number of Roman objects. Coins are there found from the time of the foundation of the empire—those of Augustus 29 B.C. to 14 A.D., of Tiberius 14-37, Claudius 41-54; then in increased number those of Nero 54-68, Vitellius 69, Vespasian 69-79, of Titus 79-81; in still greater number those of Trajan 98-117, Antoninus Pius 138-161, of Faustina the elder, wife of Antoninus Pius, of Marcus Aurelius 161-180, of Faustina his wife, of Commodus 180-192; then in decreasing quantities the coins of the subsequent emperors. By the side of these coins and other Roman objects are Norse objects, and these Norse objects are, as I have said, similar to those found in the England of a corresponding period. The mode of burial is also identical in both countries. These facts tell plainly who were the people who settled in Britain before and after the time of Ivar the Viking and of the Roman occupation. 10% of the net sale will be donated to charities by the publisher. ============== KEYWORDS/TAGS: Ivar the Viking, Norse, Saga, Hero, Asgard, Odin, Thor, Æsir, Loki, Hjorvard, Gotland, Viking Land, Vikings, Oracle, Birth, Life Forecast, Fostering, Attains Majority, Expedition, Yule Sacrifice, Defeat of the Romans, Visit to Britain, Daughters of Ran, Romantic, Adventures, Sigurd, Voyage, Caspian, Haki, Burning, Journey to Valhalla, Death, Burning of Hjorvard, Helgi, Valkyrias, Inheritance Feast, Starkad’s Indemnity, Slaying of Starkad, Session of the Thing, Visit to Yngvi, Poets, Champions, Three, Beautiful, Daughters, Guests, Hersir, Svithjod, Sweden, Athletic Games, Great Feats, Hjalmar, Foster-Brothers, Fall in Love, Romance, Betrothal, Ivar and Randalin, Duel, Ketil, Astrid, Wedding

WEIRD TALES FROM NORTHERN SEAS - 11 Tales from Northern Norway

WEIRD TALES FROM NORTHERN SEAS - 11 Tales from Northern Norway PDF Author: Jonas Lie
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 8828332328
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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The Vikings and Norsemen have always had a rich tradition of storytelling. How else would they pass the long, northern, winter nights? Herein are 11 strange and wonderfully illustrated tales from Northern Seas. Tales of strange Finns, lusty women, mariner ghosts, and sea demons haunt the coastal lands of Norway, the setting for this popular collection from 1893. Be transported to a strange, salty world of maelstroms and maleficent spirits, boat builders and dream-wreckers. These tales come from northern Norway, above the Arctic Circle. The tales in this volume are: The Fisherman And The Draug Jack Of Sjöholm And The Gan-Finn Tug Of War The Earth Draws The Cormorants Of Andvær Isaac And The Parson Of Brönö The Wind-Gnome The Huldrefish Finn Blood The Homestead Westward In The Blue Mountains It's Me So, we invite you to download and read these weird tales from the northern latitudes. Tales which will entertain you for hours. 10% of the net income from the sale of this book will be donated to charities. ========== KEYWORDS/TAGS: Viking, norsemen, Fisherman, Draug, Jack, Sjöholm, Gan-Finn, Tug Of War, Earth Draws, Cormorants, Andvær, Isaac, Parson, Brönö, Wind Gnome, Huldrefish, Blood, Homestead, Westward, Blue Mountains, Its Me, boat, sea, longship, Finn, Elias, Eilert, girl, sail, general, water, laughter, fishing, Toad, black, Gan-Finn, Bardun, summer, parson, Bernt, Christmas, mountain, father, sail, ashore, Draug, gold, Femboring, bottom, kitchen, autumn, jacket, wench, Isaac, daughter, church, island, Seimke, perceiv, reindeer, iron, boathouse, mistress, skerries, yellow, swain, mountains, headland, master, planks, rudder, Kjel, Eve, children

VIKING TALES - Classic Illustrated Viking Stories for Children

VIKING TALES - Classic Illustrated Viking Stories for Children PDF Author: Anon E. Mouse
Publisher: Abela Publishing Ltd
ISBN: 8829509256
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 214

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A GREAT READ FOR YOUNG VIKINGS! In ancient Iceland every midsummer there was a great meeting. Men from all over the country came and made laws. During the day there were rest times, when no business was going on. Then some skald would take his harp and walk to a large stone or a knoll and stand on it and begin a song of some brave deed of an old Norse hero. At the first sound of the harp and the voice, men would come running from all directions, crying out: "A skald! A skald! A saga!" There they would stand for hours listening and shouting applause. When the skald was tired, another would take his place. The best skalds were well travelled and visited many people. Their songs made them welcome everywhere. They were always honoured with good seats at a feast and were given many rich gifts. Even the King of Norway was known to sometimes send across the water to Iceland for a skald to attend his court. Initially these tales, or sagas, were not written for few men wrote or read in those days. When at last people began to read and write, they first recorded the sagas on sheepskin, or vellum. Many of these old vellum books have been saved for hundreds of years and are now in museums in Norway and Iceland. Some pages have been lost, some are torn and all are yellow and crumpled. But they are precious. They tell us all that we know about that olden time. There are the very words that the men of Iceland wrote so long ago—stories of kings and of battles and of ship-sailing. Some of the most significant old stories are now told in this book. 10% of the publisher’s profit from the sale of this book will be donated to UNICEF. ======= KEYWORDS/TAGS: Viking Tales, Jennie Hall, men, Thing, battle, beautiful, boat, died, door, Eric, father, feast, fight, fire, gold, great, Greenland, Gudrid, guests, hall, Harald, head, house, Iceland, Ingolf, king, King Harald, land, Leif Ericson, Leif Ericsson, man, night, Norsemen, Norway, Odin, Olaf, one, One, people, red, sail, sea, ship, shore, shouted, strange, sword, Thor, Thorfinn, thralls, three, together, Valhalla, vow, Vinland, America, USA, Canada, water, white, wife, Wineland, women, woods, Newfoundland, scald, saga