Coronavirus (The Invisible Killer)

Coronavirus (The Invisible Killer) PDF Author: John Abrams
Publisher: Libera Publishing
ISBN: 3969175763
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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Book Description
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a communicable disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. On March 11,The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a pandemic, which causes a sickness known as COVID-19 that has spread vastly to nearly every country.The virus has killed more than 128,000 people and infested more than 2 millionThis book provides detailed information on the origin and history strain that causes COVID-19 .The countries and territories affected by and their responses, measures to manage, aid and preventing the spread of the ongoing pandemic .Detail insights are given to signs and symptoms, the causes, diagnosis that is associated with the transmission, workplace hazards, the use of medications, experimental treatments, handling and supporting mental health conditions, reinfection ,the social impact and the crusade of misinformation in the world.The manuscript answers vital questions regarding: What is the novel coronavirus?Should I be Tested for coronavirus How do you catch the coronavirus?Can coronaviruses be transmitted from person to person? What happens if you catch the coronavirus?Is there a treatment for a novel coronavirus? Why are people worried about catching the coronavirus? Is there any cure for the coronavirus?What can I do to protect myself?Why are there a lockdown within countries? What can I do to help with this pandemic? Whats the economy of world future?This disease is shifting lives across the globe and will have a lifelong effect on us allA Portion of Royalties from this book will be donated to medical charities supporting with the international response to this pandemic.

Coronavirus (The Invisible Killer)

Coronavirus (The Invisible Killer) PDF Author: John Abrams
Publisher: Libera Publishing
ISBN: 3969175763
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 548

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Book Description
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a communicable disease caused by a newly discovered coronavirus. On March 11,The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared a pandemic, which causes a sickness known as COVID-19 that has spread vastly to nearly every country.The virus has killed more than 128,000 people and infested more than 2 millionThis book provides detailed information on the origin and history strain that causes COVID-19 .The countries and territories affected by and their responses, measures to manage, aid and preventing the spread of the ongoing pandemic .Detail insights are given to signs and symptoms, the causes, diagnosis that is associated with the transmission, workplace hazards, the use of medications, experimental treatments, handling and supporting mental health conditions, reinfection ,the social impact and the crusade of misinformation in the world.The manuscript answers vital questions regarding: What is the novel coronavirus?Should I be Tested for coronavirus How do you catch the coronavirus?Can coronaviruses be transmitted from person to person? What happens if you catch the coronavirus?Is there a treatment for a novel coronavirus? Why are people worried about catching the coronavirus? Is there any cure for the coronavirus?What can I do to protect myself?Why are there a lockdown within countries? What can I do to help with this pandemic? Whats the economy of world future?This disease is shifting lives across the globe and will have a lifelong effect on us allA Portion of Royalties from this book will be donated to medical charities supporting with the international response to this pandemic.

Le Coronavirus le tueur invisible

Le Coronavirus le tueur invisible PDF Author: John Abrams
Publisher: Libera Publishing
ISBN: 3969175070
Category : Medical
Languages : fr
Pages : 408

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La maladie de coronavirus (COVID-19) est une maladie transmissible causée par un coronavirus nouvellement découvert. Le 11 mars,lOrganisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS) a déclaré une pandémie, qui cause une maladie connue sous le nom de COVID-19 qui sest largement propagée à presque tous les pays.Le virus a tué plus de 128 000 personnes et infesté plus de 2 millionsCe livre fournit des informations détaillées sur lorigine et la tension historique qui provoque COVID-19 . Les pays et territoires touchés par et leurs réponses, les mesures de gestion, daide et de prévention de la propagation de la pandémie en cours . Des informations détaillées sont données sur les signes et les symptômes, les causes, le diagnostic associé à la transmission, les dangers en milieu de travail, lutilisation de médicaments, les traitements expérimentaux, la manipulation et le soutien des problèmes de santé mentale, la réinfection, limpact social et la croisade de la désinformation dans le monde.Le manuscrit répond à des questions vitales concernant :Quest-ce que le nouveau coronavirus?Dois-je subir un test de coronavirusComment attrapez-vous le coronavirus?Les coronavirus peuvent-ils être transmis dune personne à lautre?Que se passe-t-il si vous attrapez le coronavirus?Y a-t-il un traitement pour un nouveau coronavirus?Pourquoi les gens sinquiètent-ils de lattraper du coronavirus? Y a-t-il un remède pour le coronavirus?Que puis-je faire pour me protéger? Pourquoi y a-t-il un blocage à lintérieur des pays? Que puis-je faire pour aider à cette pandémie? Quelle est léconomie de lavenir mondial?"Cette maladie change des vies à travers le monde et aura un effet à vie sur nous tous"Une partie des redevances de ce livre sera versée à des organismes de bienfaisance médicaux qui appuieront la réponse internationale à cette pandémie.


Coronavirus INVISIBLE KILLER PDF Author: Jc Spencer
ISBN: 9781087901572
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 324

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Coronavirus ( L'assassí invisible)

Coronavirus ( L'assassí invisible) PDF Author: John Abrams
Publisher: Libera Publishing
ISBN: 396917905X
Category : Medical
Languages : ca
Pages : 393

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Book Description
La malaltia coronavirus (COVID-19) és una malaltia transmissible causada per un recent descobert coronavirus. L' 11 de març,l'organització mundial de la salut (OMS) ha declarat una pandèmia, que provoca una malaltia coneguda com a covid-19 que s'ha estès enormement a gairebé tots els països.El virus ha matat a més de 128.000 persones i va infestades més de 2.000.000Aquest llibre proporciona informació detallada sobre la soca d'origen i història que provoca el COVID-19 . Els països i territoris afectats per i les seves respostes, mesures per gestionar, ajudar i prevenir la propagació de la pandèmia en curs . Els detalls es donen als signes i símptomes, les causes, el diagnòstic que s'associa amb la transmissió, els riscos laborals, l'ús de medicaments, tractaments experimentals, maneig i suport a les condicions de salut mental, reinfecció, l'impacte social i la croada de la desinformació en el món.El manuscrit respon a qüestions vitals relatives a:Què és la novel·la coronavirus?He de ser provat per coronavirus Com agafes el coronavirus?Els coronavirus poden ser transmesos de persona a persona? Què passa si agafes el coronavirus?Hi ha un tractament per a una novel coronavirus? Per què la gent es preocupa per atrapar el coronavirus? Hi ha alguna cura per al coronavirus?Què puc fer per protegir-me? Per què hi ha un bloqueig dins dels països? Què puc fer per ajudar amb aquesta pandèmia? Quina és l'economia del futur mundial?"Aquesta malaltia està canviant la vida a tot el món i tindrà un efecte permanent sobre tots nosaltres"Una porció de regalies d'aquest llibre serà donada a les Caritats mèdiques de suport amb la resposta internacional a aquesta pandèmia.

Coronavirus Näkymätön Killer

Coronavirus Näkymätön Killer PDF Author: John Abrams
Publisher: Libera Publishing
ISBN: 3969173825
Category : Medical
Languages : fi
Pages : 375

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Coronavirus tauti (COVID-19) on tarttuva sairaus aiheuttama äskettäin löydetty coronavirus. 11. maaliskuuta,Maailman terveysjärjestö (WHO) on julistanut pandemian, joka aiheuttaa sairauden tunnetaan COVID-19, joka on levinnyt huomattavasti lähes jokaisessa maassa.Virus on tappanut yli 128 000 ihmistä ja saastuttanut yli 2 miljoonaa ihmistä.Tässä kirjassa on yksityiskohtaisia tietoja COVID-19 : n alkuperästä ja historiakannasta . Maat ja alueet, joihin maat ja alueet, joihin ne vaikuttavat, ja niiden vastaukset, toimenpiteet, avun antaminen ja käynnissä olevan pandemian leviämisen estäminen. Yksityiskohtaiset oivalluksia annetaan merkkejä ja oireita, syitä, diagnoosi, joka liittyy siirto, työpaikan vaaroja, lääkkeiden käyttöä, kokeellisia hoitoja, käsittely ja tukeminen mielenterveyden edellytykset, uudelleeninfektio, sosiaalinen vaikutus ja ristiretki väärää tietoa maailmassa.Käsikirjoituksessa vastataan tärkeisiin kysymyksiin, jotka koskevat:Mikä on romaani coronavirus?Pitäisikö minun testata coronavirusMiten saat coronavirus?Voiko coronavirusit tarttua ihmisestä toiseen? Mitä tapahtuu, jos nappaat coronavirusta?Onko hoitoa romaanicoronavirus? Miksi ihmiset ovat huolissaan kiinni coronavirus? Onko mitään parannuskeinoa coronavirus?Miten voin suojella itseäni? Miksi maissa on lukitus? Miten voin auttaa tämän pandemian kanssa? Mikä on maailman tulevaisuuden talous?"Tämä tauti on siirtymässä elämää ympäri maailmaa ja on elinikäinen vaikutus meihin kaikkiin"Osa rojaltit tästä kirjasta lahjoitetaan lääketieteen hyväntekeväisyysjärjestöille, jotka tukevat kansainvälistä vastausta tähän pandemiaan.

I: The Creation of a Serial Killer

I: The Creation of a Serial Killer PDF Author: Jack Olsen
Publisher: Macmillan
ISBN: 9780312983840
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 394

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Contains several autobiographical writing of serial killer Keith Hunter Jesperson.

American Psycho

American Psycho PDF Author: Bret Easton Ellis
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
ISBN: 1447277716
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 400

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A cult classic, adapted into a film starring Christian Bale. Is evil something you are? Or is it something you do? Patrick Bateman has it all: good looks, youth, charm, a job on Wall Street, reservations at every new restaurant in town and a line of girls around the block. He is also a psychopath. A man addicted to his superficial, perfect life, he pulls us into a dark underworld where the American Dream becomes a nightmare . . . With an introduction by Irvine Welsh, Bret Easton Ellis's American Psycho is one of the most controversial and talked-about novels of all time. A multi-million-copy bestseller hailed as a modern classic, it is a violent black comedy about the darkest side of human nature.

Autopsy of a Pandemic

Autopsy of a Pandemic PDF Author: Julius Ruechel
Publisher: Independently Published
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 278

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Book Description
In Autopsy of a Pandemic, independent investigative writer Julius Ruechel systematically dismantles the data manipulation, lies, and distorted scientific principles that have plunged the world into medical tyranny since the SARS-CoV-2 virus was first detected at the end of 2019. Part one, The Lies Exposed by the Numbers, tells the story of the pandemic using the government's own official data. What emerges is a shocking story of deliberate scientific misconduct and breach of trust, which reveals the horrifying - and deadly - consequences of stripping data of context and allowing governments to evade transparency. Part two, Washington's Inoculation Gamble, focuses on the government's decision to rely on vaccines as an exit strategy and uses official government data to calculate the Vegas odds of death from the virus versus the odds of injury or death from the vaccines. This simple calculation is the basis of the principle of informed consent, which was established by the Nuremberg Code in the aftermath of the Second World War. Part two helps you take back control over your medical decisions by giving you the knowledge base to stop being manipulated by public health officials who are willfully distorting basic medical principles and using coercion to push universal vaccines and vaccine passports. And in part three, The Snake-Oil Salesmen and the Covid-Zero Con, Julius Ruechel takes a tour though pre-COVID science to demonstrate that, from day one, lockdowns and vaccines as an exit strategy were a deliberate fantasy, cultivated by international health agencies and vaccine developers, which was designed to rope us into a pharmaceutical dependency as a deceitful trade-off for access to our lives. Variant by variant. For as long as the public is willing to go along for the ride. It's the subscription-based business model, adapted to the pharmaceutical industry. "Immunity as a service". Combined with PCR testing, this may be the world's most lucrative shakedown ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. For anyone caught up in the panic of the last year and a half, Autopsy of a Pandemic clears a path through the fog of chaos to help them break free from fear. For anyone who has already broken free of the spell, this book provides a kind of record to gain perspective over what has been done to us. And for future generations, this book serves as a warning to prevent this from ever happening again.

Rethinking Resistance

Rethinking Resistance PDF Author: Gerrit Jan Abbink
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9789004126244
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 388

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"Rethinking Resistance" analyzes revolts from the nineteenth century and early colonial Africa, post-colonial rebellions and recent conflicts in African history by reinterpreting resistance studies in the light of current scholarly thought and linking them to new conceptual perspectives on the changing nature of violence.

Strategic Management in the Public Sector

Strategic Management in the Public Sector PDF Author: Paul Joyce
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317579801
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 322

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Strategic management is widely seen as essential to the public services, leading to better performance and better outcomes for the public. In fact, the private sector idea of strategic management has become so powerful in the public sector that politicians and policy makers have begun to talk about the importance of the modern state being strategic – and we may be witnessing the emergence of the Strategic State. Strategic Management for the Public Sector draws on experience and research from a range of countries and provides a theoretical understanding of strategic management that is grounded in the public sector. Drawing on the latest theory and research this text provides a fresh look at foresight, analysis, strategic choice, implementation and evaluation. This book also offers original and detailed case studies based on up to date evidence from different public sector settings, helping the reader to build on their understanding of theories and concepts presented earlier in the book. Strategic Management for the Public Sector has been written specially for managers and students taking postgraduate courses such as MBAs and MPAs. It will also appeal to individual managers and civil servants in the public sector looking for an accessible book to read as part of their own independent personal development.