The Law of Partnership in Australia and New Zealand

The Law of Partnership in Australia and New Zealand PDF Author: Patrick Farrel Phillips Higgins
Publisher: Lawbook Company
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 480

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The Law of Partnership in Australia and New Zealand

The Law of Partnership in Australia and New Zealand PDF Author: Patrick Farrel Phillips Higgins
Publisher: Lawbook Company
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 480

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The Law of Limited Liability Partnerships

The Law of Limited Liability Partnerships PDF Author: John Whittaker
Publisher: Tottel Publishing
ISBN: 9781847663221
Category : Limited liability partnership
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This is a comprehensive guide to the law relating to this particular type of corporate vehicle, which combines a degree of protection from personal liability with the traditional flexibility of a partnership.

Cases on the Law of Partnership

Cases on the Law of Partnership PDF Author: Floyd Russell Mechem
Category : Partnership
Languages : en
Pages : 832

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Limited Partnerships Act 1907

Limited Partnerships Act 1907 PDF Author: Great Britain. Law Commission
ISBN: 9780117302464
Category : Business enterprises
Languages : en
Pages : 79

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This consultation paper forms part of the joint review of partnership law, undertaken at the request of the Minister of State at the Department of Trade and Industry. Part 2 gives a brief overview of the existing law; Part 3 discusses the formal requirements for establishing and operating a limited partnership; Part 4 examines the liability and role of the limited partner and the withdrawal of capital; Part 5 discusses the rights and obligations of partners; Part 6 lists consultation questions and provisional proposals of the joint Commission.

New York Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships

New York Limited Liability Companies and Partnerships PDF Author: Karon S. Walker
Category : Limited partnership
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Lubaroff & Altman on Delaware Limited Partnerships

Lubaroff & Altman on Delaware Limited Partnerships PDF Author: Martin I. Lubaroff
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
ISBN: 1567062881
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 2782

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The first complete guide containing everything needed to form, operate and dissolve a Delaware limited partnership, including forms prepared by the authors, explanations of every statutory section, and analysis of fiduciary duties, protections, reorganization, foreign limited partnerships, derivative actions, and indemnification rights. By Martin I. Lubaroff and Paul M. Altman. The text of every section of the Delaware Revised Uniform Limited Partnership Act, as revised from 1983 through 2011, is set out in full, showing additions and deletions in each version of the act. The explanations of every statutory section cover all practical aspects of forming, operating, and dissolving a limited partnership. Thorough explanations of statutory provisions are integrated with detailed analysis of case law from Delaware. Plus, timely coverage is given to critical legal issues: Fiduciary duties of the partners Protections related to the liability of limited partners Defining the financial aspects of the limited partnership General and limited partners Reorganization of a limited partnership with or into other types of business entities Foreign limited partnerships Derivative actions Indemnification rights that can be granted to partners under a partnership agreement Delaware limited liability companies

LLCs, Partnerships, and Corporations

LLCs, Partnerships, and Corporations PDF Author: ROBERT J. RHEE
Publisher: West Academic Publishing
ISBN: 9781684672424
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 1015

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The Law of Partnerships and Corporations

The Law of Partnerships and Corporations PDF Author: J. Anthony VanDuzer
Publisher: Essentials of Canadian Law
ISBN: 9781552214688
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 760

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This accessible and practical reference provides an overview of the essential features of the law governing business organizations in Canada, both in theory and practice. It is a comprehensive and up-to-date guide for practitioners and business people setting up and using sole proprietorships, partnerships and corporations to carry on small businesses as well as a thorough introduction to the law and policy of public company governance. The fourth edition has been fully updated to reflect developments in the caselaw and statutory reforms in the last decade. Dozens of new cases are cited. The 2018 amendments to the Canada Business Corporations Act are discussed, including the requirements for public corporations to report on the diversity of their boards of directors that are not yet in force. The chapters on securities law, corporate governance, and corporate social responsibility have been significantly expanded. As well, features to improve the utility of the book have been added, such as more comprehensive cross-referencing throughout the text.

Corporations and Partnerships in South Korea

Corporations and Partnerships in South Korea PDF Author: Kyung-Hoon Chun
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9403512113
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the law of business formations in South Korea provides quick and easy guidance on a variety of corporate and partnership considerations such as mergers, rights and duties of interested parties, stock exchange rules, labour laws, and takeovers. Lawyers who handle transnational business will appreciate the explanation of local variations in terminology and the distinctive concepts that determine practice and procedure. A general introduction covering historical background, definitions, sources of law, and the effect of international private law is followed by a discussion of such aspects as types of formation, capital, shares, management, control, liquidation, mergers, takeovers, holding companies, subsidiaries, and taxation. Big companies, various types of smaller entities, and partnerships are all covered in turn. These details are presented in such a way that readers who are unfamiliar with specific terms and concepts in varying contexts will fully grasp their meaning and significance. Thorough yet practical, this convenient volume puts the information necessary for corporations to compete effectively at the user’s fingertips. An important and practical tool for business executives and their legal counsel interested in engaging in an international partnership or embarking on corporate expansion, this book will prove a valuable time-saving tool for business and legal professionals alike. Lawyers representing parties with interests in South Korea will welcome this very useful guide, and academics and researchers will appreciate its value in the study of comparative business law.

Lindley and Banks on Partnership

Lindley and Banks on Partnership PDF Author: R. C. I'Anson Banks
ISBN: 9781847037480
Category : Partnership
Languages : en
Pages : 1341

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The 19th edition of this text includes in-depth, high-level coverage of key developments, such as the Law Commission's review of partnership law and the effect on partnership law of the new Insolvency Act.