Latvijas Zinātnu Akadēmijas Vēstis

Latvijas Zinātnu Akadēmijas Vēstis PDF Author:
Category : Biology
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Latvijas Zinātnu Akadēmijas Vēstis

Latvijas Zinātnu Akadēmijas Vēstis PDF Author:
Category : Biology
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Current Slavic, Baltic and East European Periodical and Newspaper Titles Available in the Slavic & Baltic Division, the Periodicals Division, and the Branch Libraries of the New York Public Library

Current Slavic, Baltic and East European Periodical and Newspaper Titles Available in the Slavic & Baltic Division, the Periodicals Division, and the Branch Libraries of the New York Public Library PDF Author:
Category : Baltic newspapers
Languages : en
Pages : 200

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Books and Periodicals Online

Books and Periodicals Online PDF Author:
Category : Business
Languages : en
Pages : 1666

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School of Europeanness

School of Europeanness PDF Author: Dace Dzenovska
Publisher: Cornell University Press
ISBN: 1501716867
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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In School of Europeanness, Dace Dzenovska argues that Europe’s political landscape is shaped by a fundamental tension between the need to exclude and the requirement to profess and institutionalize the value of inclusion. Nowhere, Dzenovska writes, is this tension more glaring than in the former Soviet Republics. Using Latvia as a representative case, School of Europeanness is a historical ethnography of the tolerance work undertaken in that country as part of postsocialist democratization efforts. Dzenovska contends that the collapse of socialism and the resurgence of Latvian nationalism gave this Europe-wide logic new life, simultaneously reproducing and challenging it. Her work makes explicit what is only implied in the 1977 Kraftwerk song, "Europe Endless": hierarchies prevail in European public and political life even as tolerance is touted by politicians and pundits as one of Europe’s chief virtues. School of Europeanness shows how post–Cold War liberalization projects in Latvia contributed to the current crisis of political liberalism in Europe, providing deep ethnographic analysis of the power relations in Latvia and the rest of Europe, and identifying the tension between exclusive polities and inclusive values as foundational of Europe’s political landscape.

Soviet and East European Linguistics

Soviet and East European Linguistics PDF Author:
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG
ISBN: 3110814625
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 620

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No detailed description available for "Soviet and East European Linguistics".

Consolidated Translation Survey

Consolidated Translation Survey PDF Author: United States. Central Intelligence Agency. Foreign Documents Division
Category : Translations
Languages : en
Pages : 808

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Hydrometallurgical Process Fundamentals

Hydrometallurgical Process Fundamentals PDF Author: Renato G. Bautista
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1489922741
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 666

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The mineral resources of the industrialized countries, especially the member nations of the North Atlantic Treaty Organiza tion, are being depleted at such a rate that more and more of these count ries are beginning to depend on ore imported from other coun tries. To sustain the economic and strategie well-being of these member countries, it becomes imperative that a program of developing and exploiting other non-conventional mineral resources and a con servation program where metal values from waste dumps and scrap metals and alloys are recycled must be initiated and implemented. In order to meet this challenge, new processes and technology must be available for consideration in the design and operation of the new plants. One of the possible routes of extracting the metals from their ores, especially for multimetal complex ores and very low grade ores, is by hydrometallurgical processing. The hydrometallurgical route of metal recovery where dissolution (leaching), separation and concentration (ion exchange, solvent extraction, and membrane separation) and reduction to metal (cementation, precipitation by gaseous reduction, and electrolysis) is carried out at near ambient temperature is becoming more competi tive with the conventional high temperature processes used in the smelting of metals from high grade and beneficiated ores.

Ultimate Freedom – No Choice

Ultimate Freedom – No Choice PDF Author: Deniss Hanovs
Publisher: BRILL
ISBN: 9004244646
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 282

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Reflecting on the origins and ideological formulas of the European authoritarian regimes in the interwar period, this book provides a deep and fascinating insight into the regional particularities of the authoritarian regime of Karlis Ulmanis in 1930s Latvia.

New Serial Titles

New Serial Titles PDF Author:
Category : Periodicals
Languages : en
Pages : 1048

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A union list of serials commencing publication after Dec. 31, 1949.

Onomastics in Interaction With Other Branches of Science. Volume 2. Anthroponomastics

Onomastics in Interaction With Other Branches of Science. Volume 2. Anthroponomastics PDF Author: Urszula Bijak
Publisher: Wydawnictwo UJ
ISBN: 8323374465
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 570

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Onomastics is an area of scholarly interest that has grown considerably in importance in recent years. Consequently, the 27th International Congress of Onomastic Sciences, held in 2021 in Kraków, Poland, gathered scholars from all over the world, active in all subfields of onomastic enquiry, as well as those exploring the areas bordering on other disciplines of the humanities. It thus became a venue for presenting state-of-the-art research in the study of proper names, proposing novel approaches and opening new vistas for future research. The present work is the second of the three volumes of conference proceedings that were the fruit of the congress. Devoted to personal naming, it contains 28 individual articles, contributed by 32 scholars. Some of them study recent fashions in name-giving in countries as diverse as Bulgaria, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, or Sweden. Others explore historical trends in given name choice, exemplified by Estonia or the Netherlands. Family names are represented by the analyses of married names in Hungary, of the surnames of Zagreb Jews, of German surnames in Latvia and the Carpathian Basin, or of changes of foreign-sounding surnames in Sweden. Unconventional naming proved scientifically fruitful too, as can be seen in the chapters on village bynames in Romania or student nicknames in Russia. Finally, there are researchers who provide a general overview of naming patterns in countries as varied as Botswana and Hungary, or Romania and China. The opportunities offered by the application of new technology to onomastic research are explored in relation to the namestock in Denmark and the Netherlands. Simultaneously, these technologies may also themselves lead to the creation of novel objects of study – a case in point being Russian Internet usernames. Anthroponymic data may inform non-onomastic research as well, for instance they can offer insight into a country’s history or ethnic composition, as evidenced by texts dealing with personal naming in Hungary or Ukraine. The volume is complemented by articles whose focus is the interface of onomastics and pragmatics, phonetics, prosody and gender studies, drawing on examples drawn from Dutch, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish and Swedish. The book is a must not only for onomasticians, but also for researchers in related disciplines, ranging from history, via human geography or philosophy of language, to social studies. However, professionals active in naming will find it useful as well, since it provides a much-needed supranational perspective and enables cross-cultural comparisons.