
Islenha PDF Author:
Category : Madeira Islands
Languages : pt-BR
Pages : 224

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Islenha PDF Author:
Category : Madeira Islands
Languages : pt-BR
Pages : 224

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New Serial Titles

New Serial Titles PDF Author:
Category : Periodicals
Languages : en
Pages : 2316

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A union list of serials commencing publication after Dec. 31, 1949.

Bibliography of the History of Medicine

Bibliography of the History of Medicine PDF Author:
Category : Medicine
Languages : en
Pages : 1482

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Islands and Military Orders, c.1291-c.1798

Islands and Military Orders, c.1291-c.1798 PDF Author: Emanuel Buttigieg
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317111966
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 302

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At the heart of this volume is a concern with exploring levels of interaction between two particular objects of study, islands on the one hand, and military orders on the other. According to Fernand Braudel, islands are, ’often brutally’, caught ’between the two opposite poles of archaism and innovation.’ What happened when these particular environments interacted with the Military Orders? The various contributions in this volume address this question from a variety of angles. 1291 was a significant year for the main military orders: uprooted from their foundations in the Holy Land, they took refuge on Cyprus and in the following years found themselves vulnerable to those who questioned the validity of their continued existence. The Teutonic Order negated this by successfully transferring their headquarters to Prussia; the Knights Templar, however, faced suppression. Meanwhile, the Knights Hospitaller conquest of Rhodes assured both their survival and independence. Islands are often, by definition, seen to be embodiments of 'insularity', of an effort to be separate, distinct, cut-off. Military Orders are, conversely, international in scope, nature and personnel, the 'first international orders of the Church', as they have often been described. Therein lies the crux of the matter: how did insular outposts and international institutions come together to forge distinct and often successful experiments? Hospitaller Rhodes and Malta still impress with their magnificent architectural heritage, but their success went beyond stone and mortar and the story of islands and military orders, as will be clearly shown in this volume, also goes beyond these two small islands. The interaction between the two levels - insulation and internationalisation - and the interstices therein, created spaces conducive to both dynamism and stability as military orders and islands adapted to each other's demands, limitations and opportunities.

The Hispano-Portuguese Empire and Its Contacts with Safavid Persia, the Kingdom of Hormuz and Yarubid Oman from 1489 to 1720

The Hispano-Portuguese Empire and Its Contacts with Safavid Persia, the Kingdom of Hormuz and Yarubid Oman from 1489 to 1720 PDF Author: Willem M. Floor
Publisher: Peeters Publishers
ISBN: 9789042919525
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 582

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Given the important role that the Portuguese played in the Persian Gulf from 1507 to 1720, knowing what is available about their activities in this area is not only of importance to those interested in the history of Portugal, but also of those interested in the history of Bahrein, Iran, Iraq, Oman, Qatar, eastern Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. This bibliography of printed published works therefore contains a full list of primary and secondary sources, not only in Western languages, but also in Persian, Arabic and Turkish. It aims to facilitate the work of scholars and students, but also of the non-specialist, i.e. those among the general public who want to know more about this part of the world during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries and about the activities of the Portuguese. Although other bibliographies exist that include the activities of the Portuguese in the Persian Gulf, all are in need of updating, and none are as comprehensive as this bibliography.

Op. Cit

Op. Cit PDF Author:
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 834

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Azores PDF Author: Miguel Moniz
Publisher: Oxford, England : Clio Press
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 384

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This bibliography is a collection of primarily English-language sources, including abstracts for approximately 800 books, journal articles, and theses covering a wide variety of topics about the nine islands of the Azores. Moniz, an anthropologist who has taught at Brown University, introduces researchers to the islands' history, politics, literature, culture, natural features, and far- flung migration patterns. The entries are organized topically into sections such as oceanography and meteorology, travelers' accounts, whaling, religion, cuisine, and education. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Migrant Frontiers

Migrant Frontiers PDF Author: Anna Tybinko
Publisher: Liverpool University Press
ISBN: 1835534112
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 187

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This book examines today’s massive migrations between Global South and Global North in light of Spain and Portugal’s complicated colonial legacies. It offers unique material on Spanish-speaking and Lusophone Africa in conjunction to transatlantic and transpacific perspectives encompassing the Americas, Asia, and the Caribbean. For the first time, these are brought together to explore how movement within and beyond these former metropoles came to define the Iberian Peninsula. The collection is composed of papers that study human mobility in Spanish-speaking or Lusophone contexts from a myriad of approaches. The project thus sheds critical light on migratory movement within the Luso-Hispanic world, and also beyond its traditional geo-linguistic parameters, through an eclectic and inter-disciplinary collection of essays, traversing anthropology, literary studies, theater, and popular culture. Beyond focusing solely on the geo-political limits of Peninsular space, several essays interrogate the legacies of Iberian colonial projects in a global perspective, and how the discursive underpinnings of these impact the politics of migration in the broader Luso-Hispanic world.

A Rota do açúcar na Madeira

A Rota do açúcar na Madeira PDF Author: Alberto Vieira
Category : Sugar trade
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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Handbook of Portuguese Studies

Handbook of Portuguese Studies PDF Author: Ieda Siqueira Wiarda
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1462814476
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 526

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