American Government 3e

American Government 3e PDF Author: Glen Krutz
ISBN: 9781738998470
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Black & white print. American Government 3e aligns with the topics and objectives of many government courses. Faculty involved in the project have endeavored to make government workings, issues, debates, and impacts meaningful and memorable to students while maintaining the conceptual coverage and rigor inherent in the subject. With this objective in mind, the content of this textbook has been developed and arranged to provide a logical progression from the fundamental principles of institutional design at the founding, to avenues of political participation, to thorough coverage of the political structures that constitute American government. The book builds upon what students have already learned and emphasizes connections between topics as well as between theory and applications. The goal of each section is to enable students not just to recognize concepts, but to work with them in ways that will be useful in later courses, future careers, and as engaged citizens. In order to help students understand the ways that government, society, and individuals interconnect, the revision includes more examples and details regarding the lived experiences of diverse groups and communities within the United States. The authors and reviewers sought to strike a balance between confronting the negative and harmful elements of American government, history, and current events, while demonstrating progress in overcoming them. In doing so, the approach seeks to provide instructors with ample opportunities to open discussions, extend and update concepts, and drive deeper engagement.

American Government and Politics

American Government and Politics PDF Author: Robert Singh
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 1446236463
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 362

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American Government and Politics is a completely new introductory textbook designed and written for all students of politics coming to the subject for the first time. It provides a lively and accessible introduction and guide to all the main features and characteristics of one of the most distinctive and complex contemporary political systems in the world. From the impeachment of Bill Clinton, to the controversy surrounding the 2000 presidential election, and the Bush administration′s responses to September 11, students will gain a balanced and critical understanding of all the key issues and debates in contemporary American government and politics today. A number of key underlying themes include: - the nature of American values and identity - the influence of the constitution on political development - the ways in which key governing institutions function to produce domestic and foreign policy. Key features include: - comprehensive glossary of key terms - discussion and summary boxes - web links and guides to further reading Robert Singh is a lecturer in politics at Birkbeck College, London. American Government and Politics: A Concise Introduction is the foundation companion text to Contemporary American Politics: Issues and Controversies also published by SAGE. `Rob Singh has written a finely organized and informative textbook that combines to an unusually high degree analytical clarity, accessibility of style and form, and an enlightened scepticism about received wisdom. This is an admirable book′ - Nigel Bowles, St Anne′s College, Oxford `Full of topical information and written with sparkling clarity, this book is a short-cut to excellence for the discriminating student′ - Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones, Professor of American History, University of Edinburgh `In American Government and Politics Robert Singh provides an excellent introduction to the subject. His approach is wide ranging, his examples well selected and his style is accessible. It will make an ideal book for introductory and more advanced university courses on US government. I strongly recommend the book to teachers and students′ - Desmond King, Mellon Professor of American Government, University of Oxford `This is a well written and lively book that is an important addition to the ranks of textbooks on American politics. One of its many virtues is its recognition that the textbook today is useful to a student only if it links to the world of web-based resources. Highly recommended′ - Alan Ware, Worcester College, Oxford

Introduction to American Government

Introduction to American Government PDF Author: Frederic Austin Ogg
Category : Local government
Languages : en
Pages : 866

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Introduction to American Government

Introduction to American Government PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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American Government 2e

American Government 2e PDF Author: Glen S. Krutz
ISBN: 9781947172661
Category : Electronic textbooks
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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American Government 2e is designed to meet the scope and sequence requirements of the single-semester American Government course. This title includes innovative features designed to enhance student learning, including Insider Perspective features and a Get Connected module that shows students how they can get engaged in the political process. The book provides an important opportunity for students to learn the core concepts of American Government and understand how those concepts apply to their lives and the world around them.

Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government

Gateways to Democracy: An Introduction to American Government PDF Author: John Geer
Publisher: Cengage Learning
ISBN: 9781285852904
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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GATEWAYS TO DEMOCRACY introduces the American political system to students, pointing out in each chapter the gateways that facilitate, or at times block, participation. In emphasizing how the political system works-and how individuals and groups have opened gates to influence public policy-the text helps students see the relevance of government in their lives. The third edition provides coverage of the 2014 midterm elections as well as enhanced discussion of the politics, policies, and issues affecting Latinos in the United States. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.

The Basics of American Government

The Basics of American Government PDF Author: Carl Cavalli
ISBN: 9781940771908
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Newly revised, The Basics of American Government offers a comprehensive overview of the American political system for students taking introductory courses in American national government and combines the best aspects of both a traditional textbook and a reader. The Basics of American Government is a collaborative effort among six current and three former faculty members in the Department of Political Science & International Affairs and the Department of Criminal Justice, and a student contributor, at the University of North Georgia. Most of its chapters offer a piece of original scholarship as a case study bolstering the material in the chapter. Additionally, most chapters present a civic engagement-type exercise and discussion questions that are challenging and engaging, and help foster student participation in the political system. The purpose of this book is to offer a no-frills, low-cost, yet comprehensive overview of the American political system for students taking introductory courses in American national government.The authors undertook this project for several reasons, most notably the high costs of textbooks for students and the lack of college-level scholarship found in most American Government texts. This 470-page, peer-reviewed, edited book that combines traditional material with original scholarship will cost students $27.99, well below market standards. All of the authors are experienced classroom instructors, subject matter experts, and published researchers in the field of American politics.

We the People

We the People PDF Author: Thomas E. Patterson
Publisher: Ingram
ISBN: 9781259912405
Category : United States
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Liberty, Order, and Justice

Liberty, Order, and Justice PDF Author: James McClellan
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 664

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This new Liberty Fund edition of James McClellan's classic work on the quest for liberty, order, and justice in England and America includes the author's revisions to the original edition published in 1989 by the Center for Judicial Studies. Unlike most textbooks in American Government, Liberty, Order, and Justice seeks to familiarize the student with the basic principles of the Constitution, and to explain their origin, meaning, and purpose. Particular emphasis is placed on federalism and the separation of powers. These features of the book, together with its extensive and unique historical illustrations, make this new edition of Liberty, Order, and Justice especially suitable for introductory classes in American Government and for high school students in advanced placement courses.

American Government

American Government PDF Author: Theodore J. Lowi
Publisher: W. W. Norton
ISBN: 9780393674934
Category : United States
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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A fresh, accessible perspective on the fundamentals