International Arbitration in the United States

International Arbitration in the United States PDF Author: Laurence Shore
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041190813
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 794

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Book Description
International Arbitration in the United States is a comprehensive analysis of international arbitration law and practice in the United States (U.S.). Choosing an arbitration seat in the U.S. is a common choice among parties to international commercial agreements or treaties. However, the complexities of arbitrating in a federal system, and the continuing development of U.S. arbitration law and practice, can be daunting to even experienced arbitrators. This book, the first of its kind, provides parties opting for “private justice” with vital judicial reassurance on U.S. courts’ highly supportive posture in enforcing awards and its pronounced reluctance to intervene in the arbitral process. With a nationwide treatment describing both the default forum under federal arbitration law and the array of options to which parties may agree in state courts under state international arbitration statutes, this book covers aspects of U.S. arbitration law and practice as the following: .institutions and institutional rules that practitioners typically use; .ethical considerations; .costs and fees; .provisional measures; and .confidentiality. There are also chapters on arbitration in specialized areas such as class actions, securities, construction, insurance, and intellectual property.

International Arbitration in the United States

International Arbitration in the United States PDF Author: Laurence Shore
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041190813
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 794

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Book Description
International Arbitration in the United States is a comprehensive analysis of international arbitration law and practice in the United States (U.S.). Choosing an arbitration seat in the U.S. is a common choice among parties to international commercial agreements or treaties. However, the complexities of arbitrating in a federal system, and the continuing development of U.S. arbitration law and practice, can be daunting to even experienced arbitrators. This book, the first of its kind, provides parties opting for “private justice” with vital judicial reassurance on U.S. courts’ highly supportive posture in enforcing awards and its pronounced reluctance to intervene in the arbitral process. With a nationwide treatment describing both the default forum under federal arbitration law and the array of options to which parties may agree in state courts under state international arbitration statutes, this book covers aspects of U.S. arbitration law and practice as the following: .institutions and institutional rules that practitioners typically use; .ethical considerations; .costs and fees; .provisional measures; and .confidentiality. There are also chapters on arbitration in specialized areas such as class actions, securities, construction, insurance, and intellectual property.

International Arbitration in Latin America

International Arbitration in Latin America PDF Author: Gloria M. Alvarez
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 904119973X
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 479

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Energy projects in Latin America are a major contributor to economic growth worldwide. This book is the first to offer a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of specific issues arising from energy and natural resources contracts and disputes in the region, covering a wide range of procedural, substantive, and socio-legal issues. The book also includes how states have shifted from passive business partners to more active controlling players. The book contains an extensive treatment and examination of the particularities of arbitration practice in Latin America, including arbitrability, public order, enforcement, and the complex public-private nature of energy transactions. Specialists experienced in resolving international energy and natural disputes throughout the region provide detailed analysis of such issues and topics, including: state-owned entities as co-investors or contracting parties; role of environmental law, indigenous rights and public participation; issues related to political changes, corruption, and quantification of damages; climate change, renewable energy, and the energy transition; force majeure, hardship, and price reopeners; arbitration in the electricity sector; take-or-pay contracts; recognition and enforcement of awards; tension between stabilization clauses and human rights; mediation as a method for dispute settlement in the energy and natural resources sector; and different comparative approaches taken by national courts in key Latin American jurisdictions. The book also delivers a clear explanation on the impact made to the arbitration process by Covid-19, emerging laws, changes of political circumstances, the economic global trends in the oil & gas market, the energy transition, and the rise of new technologies. This invaluable book will be welcomed by in-house lawyers, government officials, as well as academics and rest of the arbitration community involved in international arbitration with particular interest in the energy and natural resources sector.

International Arbitration in Latin America

International Arbitration in Latin America PDF Author: Nigel Blackaby
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9789041118219
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The last few years, even months, have seen radical changes in commercial arbitration in almost every Latin American jurisdiction. International Arbitration in Latin America is a first of its kind publication that provides the lawyer, arbitrator, and businessperson with a thorough overview of the current status of international arbitration in the region. Freshfields Bruckhans Deringer's Nigel Blackaby, Clifford Chance's David Lindsey, and Argentine lawyer Alessandro Spinillo have joined with others in the field of arbitration in Latin America to compile the first comprehensive review of commercial arbitration in major Latin American jurisdictions as well as notable developments in the use of arbitration mechanisms contained in bilateral and multilateral investments treaties and free trade agreements. The book provides not only a detailed analysis of the law, but also insight from local practitioners into the culture of arbitration and how the law is applied. Features of the book include a comprehensive and thorough overview of commercial arbitration in Latin America; a detailed analysis of the law and insight from local practitioners from Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Mexico, Peru, and Venezuela; a brief look at the rules and peculiarities of the proposed Mercosur International Commercial Arbitration Agreements entered into by Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Bolivia, and Chile, whose eventual ratification and coming into force is contemplated; an examination concerning the adoption of arbitration as a method of dispute resolution for investors against states under bilateral investment treaties, over 300 of which have now been signed in the region; the text of the key sections of the international conventions to which reference is made (Panama Convention, NAFTA, Mercosur); and it also describes the increasing use of alternative dispute resolution in Latin America and how it might be best used as a complement for arbitration proceedings, with an emphasis on complex projects where staged dispute resolution might be appropriate.

Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration

Third-Party Funding in International Arbitration PDF Author: Lisa Bench Nieuwveld
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041161120
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 363

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Since the first edition of this invaluable book in 2012, third-party funding has become more mainstream in international arbitration practice. However, since even the existence of a third-party funding agreement in a dispute is often kept secret, it can be difficult to glean the specifics of successful funding agreements. This welcome book, now updated, expertly reveals the nuances of third-party funding in international arbitration, examines the phenomenon in key jurisdictions, and provides a reliable resource for users and potential users that may wish to tap into and make use of this distinctive funding tool. Focusing on Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States, Germany, the Netherlands, Canada, and South Africa, the authors analyze and assess the legal regime based upon legislation, judicial opinions, ethics opinions, and practitioner anecdotes describing the state of third-party funding in each jurisdiction. In addition to updating summaries of the law of the various jurisdictions, the second edition includes a new chapter addressing third-party funding in investor-state arbitration. Among the issues raised and examined are the following: · payment of adverse costs; · “Before-the-Event” (BTE) and “After-the-Event” (ATE) insurance; · attorney financing: pro bono representation, contingency representation, conditional fee arrangements; · loans; · ethical doctrines affecting the third-party funding industry; · possible future bundling, securitization, and trading of legal claims; · risk that the funder may put its own interests ahead of the client’s interests; and · whether the existence of a funding agreement must or should be disclosed to the decision maker. The second edition also includes discussion of recent institutional developments as they relate to third-party funding, including the work of the ICCA-Queen Mary Task Force on Third-Party Funding and how third-party funding is being incorporated into arbitral rules and investment treaties. Ably providing a thorough understanding of what third-party funding entails and what legal parameters exist, this book will be of compelling interest to parties aiming to take advantage of the high values, speed, reduced evidentiary costs, outcome predictability, industry expertise, and high award enforceability characteristic of the third-party funding arrangements available in international arbitration.

Challenge and Disqualification of Arbitrators in International Arbitration

Challenge and Disqualification of Arbitrators in International Arbitration PDF Author: Karel Daele
ISBN: 9789041137999
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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In this thoroughly researched study of the grounds and procedures involved in challenging an arbitrator, the author provides the first in-depth analysis of the pertinent rules, guidelines, and standards of all the major international arbitration tribunals, as well as relevant issues raised in national case law in the United States, France, England, Sweden and Switzerland. Among the matters addressed are the following: the arbitratorand’s duty to disclose and investigate conflicts of interest; the duty of the parties to investigate and inform the arbitrator of conflicts of interest; the formal and timing requirements of making a challenge; the challenge procedure and effect on the arbitral proceeding; the standard for disqualifying arbitrators; the consequences of a successful challenge; issues of independence giving raise to challenges, including multiple appointments, the arbitratorand’s relationship with a party/counsel in the arbitration and the relationship between the arbitratorand’s law firm and a party/counsel; issues of impartiality giving raise to challenges, including the membership of other tribunals, the conduct of the arbitration and the failure to disclose. In light of the continuing growth of international business and the manner in which it is conducted, this book will be of immeasurable practical value to parties in both business and government, as well as to international law firms and the arbitral community. As a detailed guide to evolving best practice and the general obligation to arbitrate in good faith, it has no peers.

International Commercial Arbitration

International Commercial Arbitration PDF Author: Gary B. Born
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041154159
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 5674

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The second edition of Gary Born's International Commercial Arbitration is an authoritative 4,408 page treatise, in three volumes, providing the most comprehensive commentary and analysis, on all aspects of the international commercial arbitration process, that is available. The first edition of International Commercial Arbitration is widely acknowledged as the preeminent commentary in the field. It was awarded the 2011 Certificate of Merit by the American Society of International Law and was voted the International Dispute Resolution Book of the Year by the Oil, Gas, Mining and Infrastructure Dispute Management list serve in 2010. The first edition has been extensively cited in national court decisions and arbitral awards around the world. The treatise comprehensively examines the law and practice of contemporary international commercial arbitration, thoroughly explicating all relevant international conventions, national arbitration statutes and institutional arbitration rules. It focuses on both international instruments (particularly the New York Convention) and national law provisions in all leading jurisdictions (including the UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration). Practitioners, academics, clients, institutions and other users of international commercial arbitration will find clear and authoritative guidance in this work. The second edition of International Commercial Arbitration has been extensively revised, expanded and updated, to include all material legislative, judicial and arbitral authorities in the field of international arbitration prior to January 2014. It also includes expanded treatment of annulment, recognition of awards, counsel ethics, arbitrator independence and impartiality and applicable law. Overview of volumes: Volume I, covering International Arbitration Agreements,provides a comprehensive discussion of international commercial arbitration agreements. It includes chapters dealing with the legal framework for enforcing international arbitration agreements; the separability presumption; choice of law; formation and validity; nonarbitrability; competence-competence and the allocation of jurisdictional competence; the effects of arbitration agreements; interpretation and non-signatory issues. Volume II, covering International Arbitration Procedures, provides a detailed discussion of international arbitral procedures. It includes chapters dealing with the legal framework for international arbitral proceedings; the selection, challenge and replacement of arbitrators; the rights and duties of international arbitrators; selection of the arbitral seat; arbitration procedures; disclosure and discovery; provisional measures; consolidation, joinder and intervention; choice of substantive law; confidentiality; and legal representation and standards of professional conduct. Volume III, dealing with International Arbitral Awards, provides a detailed discussion of the issues arising from international arbitration awards. It includes chapters covering the form and contents of awards; the correction, interpretation and supplementation of awards; the annulment and confirmation of awards; the recognition and enforcement of arbitral awards; and issues of preclusion, lis pendens and staredecisis.

Arbitrating for Peace

Arbitrating for Peace PDF Author: Joel Dahlquist
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041159630
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 306

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Although short of attaining the ideal of a ‘substitute for war’, arbitration has largely succeeded in peacefully resolving international disputes. Beyond that, arbitral commitments and arbitral processes have deepened civilized and cooperative international relations, promoted the development of international law and international institutions, and facilitated the well-being of mankind in multiple important ways. Particulars of that proposition are set forth in this one-of-a-kind book. Each of the fourteen chapters is devoted to one landmark international arbitration case, primarily state-to-state but also includes commercial disputes with geopolitical dimensions. Each chapter is written by a practitioner and/or academic of high international standing. The project was initiated by the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, which celebrates its centennial in 2017. By focusing on landmark cases, the book contributes to a continued dynamic development of dispute resolution in complicated or sensitive geopolitical contexts, and demonstrates how arbitration has and can continue to play an important role for international relations. Practitioners, political decision makers, and academics in any part of the world with an interest in international arbitration and international law or political history and policy on an international level will find it not only deeply informative but also immensely useful.

Comparative International Commercial Arbitration

Comparative International Commercial Arbitration PDF Author: Julian D. M. Lew
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041115684
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 994

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This treatise describes the practice of international commercial arbitration with reference to the major international treaties and instruments, arbitration rules and national laws. It provides an analysis of the interaction between party autonomy and arbitration practice.

International Arbitration and Mediation

International Arbitration and Mediation PDF Author: Michael McIlwrath
Publisher: Kluwer Law International B.V.
ISBN: 9041126104
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 530

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This book is intended as an easily accessible desktop resource for lawyers who regularly counsel businesses when negotiating international deals, and for those who represent the same clients in achieving a successful resolution when disputes emerge. The text is divided into chapters that follow the life cycle of an international commercial dispute as seen through the eyes of the parties, from when they agree how to resolve disputes in their contracts to the endgame of enforcement. Additionally, the appendices include a number of model submissions for further reference.--Provided by publisher.

International Arbitration Review

International Arbitration Review PDF Author: James H Carter
Publisher: Law Business Research Ltd.
ISBN: 1912377713
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 926

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The International Arbitration Review, edited by James H Carter of Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr, provides an analytical review of what has occurred in each of the important arbitration jurisdictions during the past year, capturing recent developments and putting them in the context of the jurisdiction's legal arbitration structure and selecting the most important matters for comment. In this book, leading practitioners seek to provide current information on both general international commercial arbitration and international investment arbitration, treating important investor-state dispute developments in each jurisdiction as a separate but closely related topic. There are in-depth examinations of arbitration in 41 jurisdictions as well as editorial chapters on The Impact of Corporate Taxation on Economic Losses, and overviews on ASEAN and Africa. Contributors include: Bart Legum, Michelle Bradfield and Jean-Christophe Honlet, Dentons; James Nicholson, FTI Consulting."e;This new and timely publication promises to tackle pressing and present day global concerns and to make valuable contributions to the ongoing dialogue on international arbitration"e; - Peter Tomka, President, International Court of Justice, The Hague"e;Comprehensive and topical, an excellent reference."e; - Professor Christine Mallin, University of Birmingham Business School"e;The most discursive and engaging survey of the world of arbitration today."e; - Jamie Maples, Weil Gotshal & Manges LLP