International and Comparative Studies in Adult and Continuing Education

International and Comparative Studies in Adult and Continuing Education PDF Author: Regina Egetenmeyer
Publisher: Firenze University Press
ISBN: 885518153X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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This volume gives theoretical and practical insights in international and comparative research in the field of adult and continuing education. The 16 contributions of this volume give three perspectives on international and comparative adult education. The first perspective focuses on the question how internationalisation and comparative adult and continuing education can be taught. The second perspective gives insights into the results of comparative research that has been conducted throughout a two-week Winter School that took place in February 2019 in Würzburg. The third perspective complements the two perspectives with insights into international projects and practices in adult and continuing education. The authors of this volume are contributing to the transnational Winter School International and comparative studies in adult and continuing education in Würzburg, Germany since 2014.

International and Comparative Studies in Adult and Continuing Education

International and Comparative Studies in Adult and Continuing Education PDF Author: Regina Egetenmeyer
Publisher: Firenze University Press
ISBN: 885518153X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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Book Description
This volume gives theoretical and practical insights in international and comparative research in the field of adult and continuing education. The 16 contributions of this volume give three perspectives on international and comparative adult education. The first perspective focuses on the question how internationalisation and comparative adult and continuing education can be taught. The second perspective gives insights into the results of comparative research that has been conducted throughout a two-week Winter School that took place in February 2019 in Würzburg. The third perspective complements the two perspectives with insights into international projects and practices in adult and continuing education. The authors of this volume are contributing to the transnational Winter School International and comparative studies in adult and continuing education in Würzburg, Germany since 2014.

International and Comparative Education

International and Comparative Education PDF Author: Brendan Bartram
ISBN: 9781138681576
Category : Comparative education
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Comparative and international education / Brendan Bartram -- Alternative education provision : international perspectives / Paul Wiseman -- Pedagogical outlooks underpinning early-years education and workforce training in England and Hungary / Tunde Rozsahegyi and Mike Lambert -- Spiritual, moral, social and cultural education in Dutch and English primary schools / Sarah Elsey -- The technical and vocational provision in England : a comparative study with the Austrian secondary system / Sean Starr -- The rise of private supplementary tutoring : contemporary issues and international perspectives on shadow education in China / Roy Y. Chan, Hei-Hang Hayes Tang, Patrick Delaney -- The impact of austerity in further education : cross-cultural perspectives from England and Ireland / Matt O'Leary and Justin Rami -- Academic, vocational and pre-vocational education origins and developments / Patrick Ainley -- Comparative issues and perspectives in adult education and training / John Field -- International comparisons in mathematics : perspectives on teaching and learning / David Burghes -- Higher education : from global trends to local realities / Richard Budd -- Some final reflections on educational comparison / Brendan Bartram

Adult Education as Empowerment

Adult Education as Empowerment PDF Author: Pepka Boyadjieva
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030671364
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 354

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Winner of the AAACE Cyril O. Houle Award This book re-imagines the essence and role of adult education at both the individual and societal levels. It provides arguments for understanding adult education as a process of agency and empowerment, which has not only instrumental but intrinsic and transformative roles to play. This book brings together ideas from the capability approach with insights from recognition theory; the embeddedness approach; the political economic perspective for understanding public and private goods and the common goods perspective. The analysis draws on data from large-scale international studies – alongside qualitative data - and adopts a wide-ranging European comparative perspective. The book develops original instruments for measuring different dimensions of adult education as a common good, and its realisation in different social contexts. It is aimed at academics, students, practitioners, and policy makers interested in adult and/or higher education and the social justice perspective to human life.

Essential Readings in International and Comparative Adult Education

Essential Readings in International and Comparative Adult Education PDF Author: Jost Reischmann
Publisher: ZIEL Verlag
ISBN: 3965570943
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 426

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Often in international comparative studies, it is difficult to refer to older basic texts because they are hidden in old publications, difficult to locate. This book makes a selection of such old but 'essential' texts available and wants to docu-ment the long history of the international/ comparative perspective. 'Standing on the shoulder of giants' allows not only a grounded look back but hopefully also a reliable and experience-based look in the future. The editor of this book, Jost Reischmann, Prof. em., Bamberg University, Germany, has a long history in international and comparative adult education. He presented papers on conferences around the world, from San Diego (USA) to Soul (Korea). When the International Society for Comparative Adult Education (ISCAE) was founded in 1992, he became the first president and developed this society over many years. We hope this new book will help old-timers and new-comers to contribute to the enriching world of international comparative adult education.

Changing Vocational Education and Training

Changing Vocational Education and Training PDF Author: Ian Finlay
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 9780415181433
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 208

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Vocational Education and Training (VET) has been the focus of change for some years. Many nations have developed VET systems with long-term strategies that benefit their economies, including co-ordinating economic, industrial and VET policies and achieving consensus among major stakeholders in the system. Changing Vocational Education and Training focuses on how the principles of stakeholding, consensus, participation and democracy can be applied to policy formulation and implementation. Case studies, presented and discussed by experts from eight nations, provide sound examples of practical strategies which have been successfully implemented. Changing Vocational Education and Training is a timely collection of the latest theory, research and practice in VET policy. It is essential reading for policy-makers, practitioners and academics.

Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives

Adult Education and Social Justice: International Perspectives PDF Author: Maria Slowey
Publisher: Firenze University Press
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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This book investigates the ways in which the social purposes of adult education are (re)interpreted over time, and between the global south and global north. It brings together thirty-seven authors from fourteen countries with extensive experience as academics and/or practitioners in the field. The book is inspired by the work and life of Lalage Bown, a leading proponent of post-colonial and inclusive visions of education for all. Over her long life she worked tirelessly to promote access to basic and higher education for people of all ages and backgrounds: with a deep commitment to striving for greater equality for women. Following an Introduction, the book is structured around four main themes: Adult Education and Social Justice; Decolonisation, Post-Colonialism and Indigenous Knowledge; From Literacy to Lifelong Learning; and, Fostering Excellence, Policy Development and Supporting Future Generation of Adult Educators. The book concludes with reflections on Lalage Bown’s Enduring Legacy.

Comparative Perspectives on Adult Guardianship

Comparative Perspectives on Adult Guardianship PDF Author: A. Kimberley Dayton
ISBN: 9781611631821
Category : Capacity and disability
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This book comprises a compilation of chapter-essays from some of the world's leading authorities on adult guardianship law. The essays cover a wide range of topics from both theoretical and practical perspectives. Part I of the book introduces some of the basic concepts that transcend the national guardianship system, approaching these concepts from a comparative perspective. Part II's essays provide comprehensive information on guardianship systems around the world. Essays in Part III outline an ambitious agenda for reforming adult guardianship regimes. The book is a must read for those concerned with the role of national and international law in defining and expanding the rights of older persons and persons with disabilities who are at risk of being placed under guardianship due to cognitive or other disabilities.

Comparative Education

Comparative Education PDF Author: Robert F. Arnove
Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers
ISBN: 9780742559844
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 432

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Comparative Education examines the common problems facing education systems around the world as the result of global economic, social, and cultural forces. Issues related to the governance, financing, provision, processes, and outcomes of education systems for differently situated social groups are described and analyzed in specific regional, national, and local contexts.

OECD Handbook for Internationally Comparative Education Statistics Concepts, Standards, Definitions and Classifications

OECD Handbook for Internationally Comparative Education Statistics Concepts, Standards, Definitions and Classifications PDF Author: OECD
Publisher: OECD Publishing
ISBN: 9264104119
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 275

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This handbook aims to facilitate a greater understanding of the OECD statistics and indicators produced and so allow for their more effective use in policy analysis.

National Literacy Campaigns

National Literacy Campaigns PDF Author: R.F. Arnove
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1489905057
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 326

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We came to the task of editing this book from different disciplines and back grounds but with a mutuality of interest in exploring the concept of literacy campaigns in historical and comparative perspective. One of us is a professor of comparative education who has participated in and written about literacy campaigns in Third World countries, notably Nicaragua; the other is a com parative social historian who has written on literacy campaigns in Western his tory. Both of us believed that literacy could only be understood in particular As Harvey Graff has noted, "to consider any of the ways in historical contexts. which literacy intersects 'with social, political, economic, cultural, or psychological life ... requires excursions into other records.") Thus, we have set out in this edited collection to explore some five hundred years of literacy campaigns in vastly different societies: Reformation Germany, early modern Sweden and Scotland, the nineteenth-century United States, nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Russia and the Soviet Union, pre Revolutionary and Revolutionary China, and a variety of Third World countries in the post-World War II period (Tanzania, Cuba, Nicaragua, and India). In addition, we have included studies of the UNESCO-sponsored Experimental World Literacy Program and recent adult literacy efforts in three industrialized Western countries (the United Kingdom, France, and the United States).