Intelligent Microgrid Management and EV Control Under Uncertainties in Smart Grid

Intelligent Microgrid Management and EV Control Under Uncertainties in Smart Grid PDF Author: Ran Wang
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9811042500
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 150

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This book, discusses the latest research on the intelligent control of two important components in smart grids, namely microgrids (MGs) and electric vehicles (EVs). It focuses on developing theoretical frameworks and proposing corresponding algorithms, to optimally schedule virtualized elements under different uncertainties so that the total cost of operating the microgrid or the EV charging system can be minimized and the systems maintain stabilized. With random factors in the problem formulation and corresponding designed algorithms, it provides insights into how to handle uncertainties and develop rational strategies in the operation of smart grid systems. Written by leading experts, it is a valuable resource for researchers, scientists and engineers in the field of intelligent management of future power grids.

Intelligent Microgrid Management and EV Control Under Uncertainties in Smart Grid

Intelligent Microgrid Management and EV Control Under Uncertainties in Smart Grid PDF Author: Ran Wang
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9811042500
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 150

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Book Description
This book, discusses the latest research on the intelligent control of two important components in smart grids, namely microgrids (MGs) and electric vehicles (EVs). It focuses on developing theoretical frameworks and proposing corresponding algorithms, to optimally schedule virtualized elements under different uncertainties so that the total cost of operating the microgrid or the EV charging system can be minimized and the systems maintain stabilized. With random factors in the problem formulation and corresponding designed algorithms, it provides insights into how to handle uncertainties and develop rational strategies in the operation of smart grid systems. Written by leading experts, it is a valuable resource for researchers, scientists and engineers in the field of intelligent management of future power grids.

Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems

Intelligent Renewable Energy Systems PDF Author: Neeraj Priyadarshi
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119786274
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 484

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INTELLIGENT RENEWABLE ENERGY SYSTEMS This collection of papers on artificial intelligence and other methods for improving renewable energy systems, written by industry experts, is a reflection of the state of the art, a must-have for engineers, maintenance personnel, students, and anyone else wanting to stay abreast with current energy systems concepts and technology. Renewable energy is one of the most important subjects being studied, researched, and advanced in today’s world. From a macro level, like the stabilization of the entire world’s economy, to the micro level, like how you are going to heat or cool your home tonight, energy, specifically renewable energy, is on the forefront of the discussion. This book illustrates modelling, simulation, design and control of renewable energy systems employed with recent artificial intelligence (AI) and optimization techniques for performance enhancement. Current renewable energy sources have less power conversion efficiency because of its intermittent and fluctuating behavior. Therefore, in this regard, the recent AI and optimization techniques are able to deal with data ambiguity, noise, imprecision, and nonlinear behavior of renewable energy sources more efficiently compared to classical soft computing techniques. This book provides an extensive analysis of recent state of the art AI and optimization techniques applied to green energy systems. Subsequently, researchers, industry persons, undergraduate and graduate students involved in green energy will greatly benefit from this comprehensive volume, a must-have for any library. Audience Engineers, scientists, managers, researchers, students, and other professionals working in the field of renewable energy.

Smart Microgrids

Smart Microgrids PDF Author: Sasi K. Kottayil
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000166082
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 310

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This book addresses the need to understand the development, use, construction, and operation of smart microgrids (SMG). Covering selected major operations of SMG like dynamic energy management, demand response, and demand dispatch, it describes the design and operational challenges of different microgrids and provides feasible solutions for systems. Smart Micro Grid presents communication technologies and governing standards used in developing communication networks for realizing various smart services and applications in microgrids. An architecture facilitating bidirectional communication for smart distribution/microgrid is brought out covering aspects of its design, development and validation. The book is aimed at graduate, research students and professionals in power, power systems, and power electronics. Features: • Covers a broad overview of the benefits, the design and operation requirements, standards and communication requirements for deploying microgrids in distribution systems. • Explores issues related to planning, expansion, operation, type of microgrids, interaction among microgrid and distribution networks, demand response, and the technical requirements for the communication network. • Discusses current standards and common practices to develop and operate microgrids. • Describes technical issues and requirements for operating microgrids. • Illustrates smart communication architecture and protocols.

Microgrid Technologies

Microgrid Technologies PDF Author: Sharmeela Chenniappan
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119710626
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 560

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Microgrid technology is an emerging area, and it has numerous advantages over the conventional power grid. A microgrid is defined as Distributed Energy Resources (DER) and interconnected loads with clearly defined electrical boundaries that act as a single controllable entity concerning the grid. Microgrid technology enables the connection and disconnection of the system from the grid. That is, the microgrid can operate both in grid-connected and islanded modes of operation. Microgrid technologies are an important part of the evolving landscape of energy and power systems. Many aspects of microgrids are discussed in this volume, including, in the early chapters of the book, the various types of energy storage systems, power and energy management for microgrids, power electronics interface for AC & DC microgrids, battery management systems for microgrid applications, power system analysis for microgrids, and many others. The middle section of the book presents the power quality problems in microgrid systems and its mitigations, gives an overview of various power quality problems and its solutions, describes the PSO algorithm based UPQC controller for power quality enhancement, describes the power quality enhancement and grid support through a solar energy conversion system, presents the fuzzy logic-based power quality assessments, and covers various power quality indices. The final chapters in the book present the recent advancements in the microgrids, applications of Internet of Things (IoT) for microgrids, the application of artificial intelligent techniques, modeling of green energy smart meter for microgrids, communication networks for microgrids, and other aspects of microgrid technologies. Valuable as a learning tool for beginners in this area as well as a daily reference for engineers and scientists working in the area of microgrids, this is a must-have for any library.

Energy Transition Holistic Impact Challenge (ETHIC): A New Environmental and Climatic Era

Energy Transition Holistic Impact Challenge (ETHIC): A New Environmental and Climatic Era PDF Author: George Cristian Lazaroiu
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031554485
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers

Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers PDF Author: Songlin Sun
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811947759
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1294

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Book Description
This book collects selected papers from the 9th Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Networking and Computers held online, in December, 2021. The book focuses on the current works of information theory, communication system, computer science, aerospace technologies, big data and other related technologies. Readers from both academia and industry of this field can contribute and find their interests from the book.

Smart Grid Handbook, 3 Volume Set

Smart Grid Handbook, 3 Volume Set PDF Author:
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118755480
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1991

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Comprehensive, cross-disciplinary coverage of Smart Grid issues from global expert researchers and practitioners. This definitive reference meets the need for a large scale, high quality work reference in Smart Grid engineering which is pivotal in the development of a low-carbon energy infrastructure. Including a total of 83 articles across 3 volumes The Smart Grid Handbook is organized in to 6 sections: Vision and Drivers, Transmission, Distribution, Smart Meters and Customers, Information and Communications Technology, and Socio-Economic Issues. Key features: Written by a team representing smart grid R&D, technology deployment, standards, industry practice, and socio-economic aspects. Vision and Drivers covers the vision, definitions, evolution, and global development of the smart grid as well as new technologies and standards. The Transmission section discusses industry practice, operational experience, standards, cyber security, and grid codes. The Distribution section introduces distribution systems and the system configurations in different countries and different load areas served by the grid. The Smart Meters and Customers section assesses how smart meters enable the customers to interact with the power grid. Socio-economic issues and information and communications technology requirements are covered in dedicated articles.The Smart Grid Handbook will meet the need for a high quality reference work to support advanced study and research in the field of electrical power generation, transmission and distribution. It will be an essential reference for regulators and government officials, testing laboratories and certification organizations, and engineers and researchers in Smart Grid-related industries.

Demand Response in Smart Grids

Demand Response in Smart Grids PDF Author: Pengwei Du
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030197697
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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This book is the first of its kind to comprehensively describe the principles of demand response. This allows consumers to play a significant role in the operation of the electric grid by reducing or shifting their electricity usage in response to the grid reliability need, time-based rates or other forms of financial incentives. The main contents of the book include modeling of demand response resources, incentive design, scheduling and dispatch algorithms, and impacts on grid operation and planning. Through case studies and illustrative examples, the authors highlight and compare the advantages, disadvantages and benefits that demand response can have on grid operations and electricity market efficiency. First book of its kind to introduce the principles of demand response; Combines theory with real-world applications useful for both professionals and academic researchers; Covers demand response in the context of power system applications.

Planning of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems, Electric Vehicles and Microgrid

Planning of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems, Electric Vehicles and Microgrid PDF Author: Aashish Kumar Bohre
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811909792
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1013

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Book Description
This book focuses on various challenges, solutions, and emerging technologies in the operation, control, design, optimization, and protection of microgrids in the presence of hybrid renewable energy sources and electric vehicles. This book provides an insight into the potential applications and recent development of different types of renewable energy systems including AC/DC microgrids, RES integration issues with the grid, electric vehicle technology, etc. The book serves as an interdisciplinary platform for the audience working in the focused area to access information related to energy management, modeling, and control. It covers fundamental knowledge, design, mathematical modeling, applications, and practical issues with sufficient design problems and case studies with detailed planning aspects. This book will serve as a guide for researchers, academicians, practicing engineers, professionals, and scientists, as well as for graduate and postgraduate students working in the area of various applications of RES, Electric Vehicles, and AC/DC Microgrid.

Advances in Control Techniques for Smart Grid Applications

Advances in Control Techniques for Smart Grid Applications PDF Author: Sajal Kumar Das
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811698562
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 382

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To meet the increasing demand of electrical power, the use of renewable energy-based smart grid is attracting significant attention in recent years throughout the world. The high penetration of renewable power in the smart grids is growing its importance due to its non-finishing, reusable, reliable, sustainable, lower cost, and available characteristics. The renewable energy-based smart grid technology may mitigate the increasing energy demands effectively and efficiently without hampering the environment. But the uncertain nature of renewable sources largely affects the operation of the smart grid by un-stabling the voltage and frequency that may introduces power quality and reliability problems, which requires special control techniques. This book investigates the challenges in controlling renewable energy-based smart grids and proposes different control techniques to control the voltage and frequency effectively to improve the power quality and reliability of the power grids. This book is a valuable resource for readers interested in practical solutions in smart grids and renewable energy systems.