The Comprehensive Guide to Working with Student Teachers

The Comprehensive Guide to Working with Student Teachers PDF Author: Elizabeth Soslau
ISBN: 0807764949
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 209

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"This guide provides a comprehensive toolkit for the complex work of field instruction, including mentoring approaches; conversation stems; conferencing techniques; lesson debriefing questions; understandings of programmatic goals; observation, assessment, and feedback methods; and more. Chapters are accessibly written and filled with concrete examples, tips, worksheets, and activities"--

Pocket Guide to Teaching for Medical Instructors

Pocket Guide to Teaching for Medical Instructors PDF Author: Advanced Life Support Group (ALSG)
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1444356135
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 75

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This new edition of the bestselling Pocket Guide to Teaching for Medical Instructors by the Advanced Life Support Group and Resuscitation Council (UK) provides an updated guide for instructors teaching on life support courses. Compiled by authors experienced in designing highly respected and successful courses, this guide gives sound, clear advice on the most effective methods of teaching. Content covers an introduction to the basic principles of teaching and deals in detail with a number of modes of teaching on courses. Lectures, skill stations, role play, workshops, discussions and e-learning are all explored and in each case practical guidance is given to help the reader to become a more effective teacher. Though designed for trainees on life support instructor courses, Pocket Guide to Teaching for Medical Instructors contains practical guidance applicable to any health professional interested in becoming a more effective teacher.

Guide to the Flight Review

Guide to the Flight Review PDF Author: Jackie Spanitz
Publisher: Aviation Supplies & Academics
ISBN: 9781560277781
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Newly revised to reflect the latest procedural and regulatory changes mandated by the FFA, this guide to the Flight Review (FR) educates both pilots and flight instructors about the exam. Answering the most commonly asked questions, it also clarifies the requirements of the written and oral flight-review portions and presents study materials for the exam. Regulations and advisory material from the FAA and an FR checklist to help pilots stay organized are included.

The Joy of Teaching

The Joy of Teaching PDF Author: Peter Filene
Publisher: Univ of North Carolina Press
ISBN: 0807887633
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 175

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Book Description
Gathering concepts and techniques borrowed from outstanding college professors, The Joy of Teaching provides helpful guidance for new instructors developing and teaching their first college courses. Award-winning professor Peter Filene proposes that teaching should not be like a baseball game in which the instructor pitches ideas to students to see whether they hit or strike out. Ideally, he says, teaching should resemble a game of Frisbee in which the teacher invites students to catch ideas and pass them on. Rather than prescribe any single model for success, Filene lays out the advantages and disadvantages of various pedagogical strategies, inviting new teachers to make choices based on their own personalities, values, and goals. Filene tackles everything from syllabus writing and lecture planning to class discussions, grading, and teacher-student interactions outside the classroom. The book's down-to-earth, accessible style makes it appropriate for new teachers in all fields. Instructors in the humanities, the social sciences, and the natural sciences will all welcome its invaluable tips for successful teaching and learning.

The College Instructor's Guide to Writing Test Items

The College Instructor's Guide to Writing Test Items PDF Author: Michael Rodriguez
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 1317502019
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 173

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The College Instructor’s Guide to Writing Test Items: Measuring Student Learning addresses the need for direct and clear guidance on item writing for assessing broad ranges of content in many fields. By focusing on multiple-choice response items, this book provides college instructors the tools to understand, develop, and use assessment activities in classrooms in a way that consistently supports learning. Including dozens of example items and additional resources to support the item development process, this volume is unique in its practical-focus, and is essential reading for instructors and soon-to-be educators, professional development specialists, and higher education researchers. As teaching, assessment, and learning are inherently intertwined, The College Instructor’s Guide to Writing Test Items both facilitates the development of instructors’ own practice and improves the learning outcomes and success of students.

Flight Instructor

Flight Instructor PDF Author: Facundo Conforti
Publisher: Biblioteca Aeronáutica
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 170

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Book Description
Although it is quite a challenge to teach a specific subject in a simple and pleasant way, it is possible thanks to lived experiences and acquired knowledge. Based on this same principle, we have accepted a challenge different from the rest, more complex but no less exciting: the challenge of "teaching how to teach.” Flight Instructor is aimed at those pilots who wish to become aviation educators, aviation psychologists, aviation friends, among other titles, as a flight instructor usually fulfills all these roles in the cockpit. Teaching is an art that requires navigating through different stages of a student's personality, as each person is different, and each of these different individuals requires a particular instructor with a specific personality capable of bringing out the student's maximum potential. In this new edition, we will explore the basic theoretical concepts that a flight instructor must master. Concepts such as the teaching and learning process, the communication process, and the evaluation process. Teaching techniques adapted to different student personalities, basic concepts of body language, and more. "Teaching how to teach" is the premise of this manual. Understanding each stage of each process in depth and mastering their techniques will be the goal.

Basic Life Support Instructor Manual

Basic Life Support Instructor Manual PDF Author: American Heart Association
ISBN: 9781616697693
Category : CPR (First aid)
Languages : en
Pages :

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Has companion: BLS basic life support provider manual.

Teaching Arithmetic

Teaching Arithmetic PDF Author:
Category : Arithmetic
Languages : en
Pages : 674

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Trail Guide to the Body

Trail Guide to the Body PDF Author: Andrew Biel
Publisher: Handspring Publishing
ISBN: 9780998785066
Category : Health & Fitness
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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For more than 20 years,Trail Guide to the Bodyhas been helping instructors deliver lessons in clear and memorable ways. With the new edition, it will be even easier to deepen students' understanding of surface anatomy and mastery of palpation.- New full-color illustrations convey the most life-like representations of anatomical structures.- Chapter introductions with pre-learning questions improve comprehension and retention.- Concise clinical stories provide relevance and real-life application.- Newly designed icons and headings helps students quickly locate critical content.- Updated anatomical terminology reflects the latest consensus.

The Flight Instructor's Survival Guide

The Flight Instructor's Survival Guide PDF Author: Arlynn McMahon
ISBN: 9781619544291
Category : Transportation
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Memorable stories and sage advice illustrating the fundamentals of instruction in aviation training

Teaching Tips for College and University Instructors

Teaching Tips for College and University Instructors PDF Author: David Daniel Royse
Publisher: Allyn & Bacon
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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Book Description
Teaching Tips for College and University Instructors is a useful manual, a practical guide for the newest classroom teachers in higher education that provides down-to-earth advice for new assistant professors, teaching assistants, adjuncts, and doctoral students. This book provides a wealth of suggestions, techniques, and ideas for the novice instructor. It does not promote a particular teaching style or theoretical orientation, but draws upon recent research findings and years of experience in "the trenches" of higher education. There are helpful hints on such topics as writing the syllabus, how to handle complaints about "unfair" test questions and grades, how to prevent cheating, improving teaching performance, use of active learning techniques, and more effective lecturing. Using short "mini" essays and chapters, the whole spectrum of teaching at the post-secondary level is covered from the instructor's first day jitters to preparing a tenure portfolio. For new assistant professors, teaching assistants, adjuncts, doctoral students, and experienced college faculty.