Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing PDF Author: Ira Kaufman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317999754
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Book Description
Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics with Values is an easy-to-understand guidebook that draws on the latest digital tactics and strategic insights to help organizations generate sustainable growth through digital integration. It provides a roadmap to adopt a digital mindset, incorporate digital trends strategically, and integrate the most effective digital tactics and tools with core values to achieve competitive advantage. Bringing the reader through its five-step Path to Digital Integration (Mindset, Model, Strategy, Implementation, and Sustainability), Digital Marketing seeks to Outline the key drivers of change and leading digital marketing trends executives need to understand and incorporate to drive business opportunity. Evaluate the digital channels and technologies management teams can leverage to execute a successful Integrated Digital Marketing strategy. This includes insight into the latest digital tactics (website, social, mobile, search, content, and email marketing; data analytics) and social tools (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google Plus). Discover the impact of digital transformation on the organization, from the effect of digital tactics on the customer experience (CX) to the value of integrating internal digital strategies to facilitate collaboration and innovation. Guide aspiring leaders on how to combine core values and business goals with progressive digital strategies, tactics, and tools to generate sustainable outcomes for all stakeholders. This interactive guidebook provides a truly Connected Digital Experience (CDE): the Zappar augmented reality mobile app allows the reader to activate the "Discover More" and "Play Video" icons found throughout the book, instantly connecting the reader, via their mobile device, to additional content housed on our companion website, Digital Marketing Resource Center ( "Play Video" icons incorporate point-in-time video commenting solution Vusay to enable interactive social conversations around each video. Digital Marketing is the ideal guide for aspiring leaders – executives, instructors, owners, entrepreneurs, managers, students – at all stages of digital literacy. To request access to the resources in the Digital Marketing Resources Center, please contact Ira Kaufman at [email protected].

Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing PDF Author: Ira Kaufman
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317999754
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Book Description
Digital Marketing: Integrating Strategy and Tactics with Values is an easy-to-understand guidebook that draws on the latest digital tactics and strategic insights to help organizations generate sustainable growth through digital integration. It provides a roadmap to adopt a digital mindset, incorporate digital trends strategically, and integrate the most effective digital tactics and tools with core values to achieve competitive advantage. Bringing the reader through its five-step Path to Digital Integration (Mindset, Model, Strategy, Implementation, and Sustainability), Digital Marketing seeks to Outline the key drivers of change and leading digital marketing trends executives need to understand and incorporate to drive business opportunity. Evaluate the digital channels and technologies management teams can leverage to execute a successful Integrated Digital Marketing strategy. This includes insight into the latest digital tactics (website, social, mobile, search, content, and email marketing; data analytics) and social tools (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google Plus). Discover the impact of digital transformation on the organization, from the effect of digital tactics on the customer experience (CX) to the value of integrating internal digital strategies to facilitate collaboration and innovation. Guide aspiring leaders on how to combine core values and business goals with progressive digital strategies, tactics, and tools to generate sustainable outcomes for all stakeholders. This interactive guidebook provides a truly Connected Digital Experience (CDE): the Zappar augmented reality mobile app allows the reader to activate the "Discover More" and "Play Video" icons found throughout the book, instantly connecting the reader, via their mobile device, to additional content housed on our companion website, Digital Marketing Resource Center ( "Play Video" icons incorporate point-in-time video commenting solution Vusay to enable interactive social conversations around each video. Digital Marketing is the ideal guide for aspiring leaders – executives, instructors, owners, entrepreneurs, managers, students – at all stages of digital literacy. To request access to the resources in the Digital Marketing Resources Center, please contact Ira Kaufman at [email protected].

Marketing Digital

Marketing Digital PDF Author: Habyb Selman
Publisher: IBUKKU
ISBN: 1944278931
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : es
Pages : 262

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Como todo el mundo sabe, el marketing digital se esta convirtiendo en un nuevo método para poder hacer negociaciones a nivel global sin necesidad de pertenecer a un trabajo convencional ni tener que estar bajo horarios rígidos de trabajo, ni tener que ir de comercio a comercio o de puerta a puerta. Todos sabemos que el marketing digital aplica las estrategias de comercialización tradicionales a través de los medios de Internet, donde ahora es mucho más fácil poder crear relaciones con clientes y cerrar negocios exitosos en cualquier lugar del mundo solo con una laptop. El ámbito digital tiene una amplia gama de herramientas que facilitan el contacto instantáneo con cualquier persona. Facebook, Pinterest y muchas otras redes más que se han convertido en un mecanismo imprescindible para poder crear negociaciones en esta nueva era de la información, utilizando sistemas como autorrespondedores para captar y seguir clientes. Acepta este reto. La inversión es mínima si haces las cosas por ti mismo. Además, puedes ajustar los horarios como mejor te convenga y así dedicar tiempo a otras cosas que pueden ser de mayor provecho para ti y tu familia. No creas que generar ingresos en Internet es fácil, pero tienes más opciones aparte de que puedes implementar diferentes estrategias a tu gusto. Puedes dejar de seguir a un patrón establecido de manera convencional. Cualquier persona que se esfuerce y de verdad tenga ganas de superarse puede ganar miles de dólares en Internet y poco a poco ir creando su propio sistema de ventas de forma automática utilizando sistemas de prospección y seguimiento, que de verdad son muy útiles si te esfuerzas y las aplicas bien, estos sistemas pueden generarte ingresos trabajando mucho menos de lo que trabajabas antes con tu jefe en un empleo tradicional. Solo requiere que ejecutes un conjunto de pasos de manera organizada y emules procesos de trabajo que, como está comprobado, generan ingresos. De eso se trata este libro, de que aprendas paso a paso y de manera organizada todo lo que tienes que hacer para poder crear ese sistema de negocio que te dejará ingresos automáticos.

Il Libro Del Digital Marketing

Il Libro Del Digital Marketing PDF Author: Francesco Bonomelli
ISBN: 9781706619369
Category :
Languages : it
Pages : 264

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IL MANUALE PER CHI NON CONOSCE NULLA DI MARKETING DIGITALE E VUOLE CAPIRCI QUALCOSA DI PIU' PER FARE DA SÈ O PER SAPERE DI COSA STA PARLANDOQuesto libro fa per te se:● Vuoi scoprire i fondamenti del marketing.● Vuoi ricevere consigli pratici.● Hai un'attività in proprio.● Vuoi scoprire come evitare gli errori di marketing comuni ed essere sicuro di poter competere con i tuoi concorrenti.● Vuoi spostare il tuo focus dal prodotto alla mente del cliente.● Vuoi capire quali sono i meccanismi che spingono le persone a condividere idee, storie ed esperienze.● Vuoi capire perché la comunicazione, soprattutto nell'era del digitale e dell'AI, sia una competenza fondamentale per qualsiasi attività.● Vuoi imparare i principi di base per una comunicazione più efficace, che non si basi su formule e regole, ma che sia genuina.● Vuoi comprendere quali sono i canali adatti alla tua comunicazione● Vuoi scoprire come essere visti, ascoltati e compresi.● Vuoi parlare la stessa lingua della tua web agency.Questo libro non fa per te se:● Conosci il digital marketing.● Hai una web agency.● Vuoi la ricetta segreta per fare un sacco di soldi online.● Pensi che in un libro di 280 pagine sia riuscito ad inserire tutti i miei 20 anni di esperienza.Le imprese, soprattutto quelle piccole e medie, devono per forza di cose accedere ad un nuovo mercato e, per promuoversi, utilizzare mezzi diversi dalla pubblicità tradizionale. Il mercato di cui sto parlando è quello online ed il nuovo mezzo di promozione è il digital marketing.Come tutte le novità anche questa induce curiosità e contemporaneamente fa paura.Ma perché una cosa nuova fa paura? Semplicemente perché non la si conosce. Ecco perché ho scritto questo libro. Leggendolo potrai comprendere in modo pratico e semplice che cos' è il digital marketing e, senza addentrarti troppo in tecnicismi, come operare per poter avere una presenza online che possa darti dei risultati in termini di visibilità e, naturalmente, di vendite."Il libro del digital marketing" è un vero e proprio manuale che ti consentirà di muovere i primi passi nel mondo del marketing digitale per conto tuo oppure affidandoti ad un esperto ma con la consapevolezza di conoscere adeguatamente l'argomento.Il libro è stato scritto utilizzando un linguaggio semplice per agevolare chi come te non ha nessuna conoscenza in merito a questo argomento ed è stato diviso in sezioni per facilitarne la lettura:CREAZIONE SITI WEB - Dalla scelta del dominio web alla realizzazione del sito, quali criteri devi utilizzare e quali sono le scelte più corrette che puoi fare.HOSTING - Quali tipi di hosting esistono, quale è più adatto al tuo sito web e quali caratteristiche deve avere.SEO - Ottimizza il sito web e sfrutta i motori di ricerca per acquisire nuovi clienti.GRAPHIC DESIGN - Comprendi l'importanza della progettazione grafica nel marketing digitale, come migliorare il design e l'immagine della tua azienda.MARKETING - Scopri le forme del marketing digitale, la psicologia dell'acquirente, gli strumenti, le linee guida, come gestire il blog, la scrittura dei contenuti, l'ottimizzazione degli articoli, come attrarre l'attenzione degli utenti ed indurli all'azione, come fidelizzare i clienti e acquisirne di nuovi e come evitare gli errori più comuni.SOCIAL NETWORK - Conosci le piattaforme social ed utilizzale correttamente, scegli quella adatta alle tue esigenze, comprendi le diverse tipologie di comunicazione, scopri come vendere sui social.ECOMMERCE - Vendi online, scegli gli strumenti e le piattaforme più adatte a te, attua una strategie di vendita, fidelizza i clienti e aumenta le vendite.VIDEO - Conosci il video marketing, imparare le regole base e scopri come approcciarlo nel migliore dei modi.GLOSSARIO DI DIGITAL MARKETING - I termini più comuni che troverai sul cammino della tua formazione.

Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Digital Marketing Fundamentals PDF Author: Marjolein Visser
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000035328
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 809

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Book Description
Digital Marketing Fundamentals is the first comprehensive digital marketing textbook to cover the entire marketing process. The academic theory behind Digital Marketing, as well as techniques and media, is discussed. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is easy to read and contains many international examples and cases. The Dutch version of this book (Basisboek Online Marketing) has become a standard issue in The Netherlands. In this book, all relevant aspects of digital marketing are addressed: strategic aspects, the use of the Internet for market research, product development and realisation, branding, customer acquisition, customer loyalty and order processing. The book also discusses effective websites and apps, digital analytics and planning, and management. The application of social media and mobile communications is seamlessly integrated into the topics. Digital Marketing Fundamentals is suitable for commercial and management courses in higher education, including universities and business schools, and for professionals working in digital marketing. To request access to the book's online resources, please click here: For FAQs:

The Complete Digital Marketing Blueprint - A Comprehensive Crash Course Covering: Branding, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Web Design, Analytics, Affiliate Marketing, & More!

The Complete Digital Marketing Blueprint - A Comprehensive Crash Course Covering: Branding, SEO, Social Media Marketing, Facebook Ads, Google Ads, Web Design, Analytics, Affiliate Marketing, & More! PDF Author: Dan Kerns
Publisher: Independently Published
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 341

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Discover the book that has been dubbed "Possibly The Best Guide On The Internet For Digital Marketing". Get all of the information you need to become a digital marketer and market your business online successfully! Find out how to setup a solid foundation for your business or idea. Learn the highly coveted information you need to succeed online. Discover how to cost effectively generate leads & differentiate your business from the competition by utilizing Digital Marketing. Anyone can achieve success online & The Complete Digital Marketing Blueprint was created to get you there! This digital marketing book will transform the way you view digital marketing & the internet forever, GUARANTEED. Digital Marketing is explained in simple, easy to understand terms. Technical jargon is broken down & the process of Digital Marketing is expanded on from the ground up. Included, as a bonus is a complete guide on how to plan & build your website, from scratch! This ground-breaking digital marketing book is constantly updated with new material & content, all available for a low one-time cost. After finishing The Complete Digital Marketing Blueprint, you will have learned everything you need to be successful online! Discover: 1. How To Develop Your Brand’s Purpose To Strategically Achieve Your Goals 2. How To Find The Perfect Domain For Your Website 3. How To Use WordPress – Create A Website With Our WordPress Tutorial 4. How To Get A Free SSL Certificate Two Easy Ways To Get A Green Bar SSL 5. Getting Started With Keyword Research 6. How To Optimize Landing Pages 7. What Is Search Engine Optimization? 8. Outreach Link Building Opportunities 9. Getting Started With Content Marketing – Content Marketing 101 10. Getting Started With Google Analytics – Understanding And Using Google Analytics 11. Getting Started With Facebook Analytics – Understanding And Using Facebook Analytics 12. How To Create An Effective Email Marketing Campaign 13. Getting Started With Mailchimp – Understanding and Using Mailchimp Email Marketing Automation 14. How To Set Up An Affiliate Program To Utilize Affiliate Marketing 15. How To Maximize Your Social Media Marketing Success 16. 7 Steps to Crafting a Social Media Strategy 17. Getting Started With Facebook Marketing – Understanding and Using Facebook For Marketing 18. Getting Started With YouTube Marketing – Understanding And Using YouTube For Marketing 19. Getting Started With Twitter Marketing – Understanding And Using Twitter For Marketing 20. Getting Started With Pinterest Marketing – Understanding And Using Pinterest For Marketing 21. Getting Started With Quora Marketing – Understanding And Using Quora For Marketing 22. Emotive Advertisements – How To Use Emotional Triggers In Advertising 23. Facebook Ads Tutorial – Complete Facebook Advertising Guide 24. What Makes A Successful Search Engine Marketing Campaign 25. How To Set Up Your Google Ads Remarketing Tag 26. How To Create Custom Conversions in Google Ads 27. How To Setup Custom Conversion Audiences In Adwords 28. How To Setup A Google Ads Search Campaign 29. How To Setup A Google Ads Display Campaign 30. How To Sync Your Google Adwords Campaigns With Bing Ads 31. How I Sell Marketing Funnels And Communication Automations In Facebook Messenger 32. & So much more! On top of that, once you have learned this unique skillset, you can get started earning an income online right away! Start building your own digital empire by following The Complete Digital Marketing Blueprint! Use the skills you learn to get paid & help others do the same, there is no better feeling! Order now & discover how to work smarter & harder than the other guys! Plus get free updates for life! It has never been this easy to get started with digital marketing and earning an income online, until now.

Convergent Marketing

Convergent Marketing PDF Author: Antonio Perfido
Publisher: FrancoAngeli
ISBN: 8835165857
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : it
Pages : 198

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Social media marketing for dummies

Social media marketing for dummies PDF Author: Luca Conti
ISBN: 8820385988
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : it
Pages : 301

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Usa i social media per promuovere online! Utilizzi ogni giorno i social media per la tua vita personale, ma non li sai usare per comunicare professionalmente? Questo è il libro che fa per te! Scopri le opportunità per sviluppare il tuo business sulle piattaforme più popolari, partendo dalle basi e dai concetti più semplici, e inizia a padroneggiare metodologia e strumenti per raggiungere con successo i tuoi obiettivi. Introduzione - I social media in una strategia di web marketing - Il marketing sulle piattaforme più popolari - Social media marketing da professionisti - La sezione dei Dieci.

Marketing digital

Marketing digital PDF Author: Fernando Paniagua Martín
Publisher: Ecoe Ediciones
ISBN: 958503834X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : es
Pages : 254

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Este libro desarrolla los contenidos del módulo profesional de Marketing Digital, de los Ciclos Formativos de grado superior en Gestión de Ventas y Espacios Comerciales y en Marketing y Publicidad, pertenecientes a la familia profesional de Comercio y Marketing. En esta nueva edición de Marketing digital se exponen los fundamentos de los medios digitales y de internet y sus servicios desde una perspectiva asequible para usuarios sin un conocimiento técnico previo profundo, utilizando un lenguaje sencillo y alejado de tecnicismos. Se incorporan nuevas tecnologías y herramientas, como las plataformas de trabajo colaborativo más recientes, así como la aplicación orientada al marketing de otras más consolidadas, como las redes sociales o los canales de comunicación digital de uso cotidiano. Se ha realizado un gran esfuerzo para recoger tanto las nuevas aplicaciones como los nuevos usos de las ya existentes, desde un enfoque asequible, práctico y totalmente actualizado. Al final del libro, se incluye el caso práctico «Abrimos una tienda virtual en línea» en el que se describe detalladamente este proceso paso a paso y de una manera muy didáctica. Los contenidos teóricos se acompañan de gran cantidad de imágenes, tablas, fotografías y ejemplos reales para ilustrarlos, así como mapas conceptuales para repasar y numerosas actividades de distinto tipo para poner en práctica lo que se ha estudiado y reforzar el aspecto eminentemente práctico de este módulo. Incluye: Conceptos clave como las redes (internet, extranet e intranet). Aspectos de la comunicación en línea y la seguridad en internet. Guías para la factura electrónica, el comercio electrónico, certificados y firmas electrónicas, así como la relación digital con entidades públicas y privadas. La importancia de las redes sociales, herramientas de comunicación individual y grupal. Creación de páginas web, incluyendo conceptos básicos, estructura del sitio web, lenguajes de programación, CMS y herramientas para la creación de páginas.

Marketing digital

Marketing digital PDF Author: Arthur de Montmarin
Publisher: Editions Ellipses
ISBN: 2340062209
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : fr
Pages : 149

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Ce livre est à destination des étudiants, des responsables marketing, marketing digital et communication, mais également des entrepreneurs et dirigeants d’entreprise qui souhaitent utiliser de manière efficace les leviers du marketing digital pour acquérir des clients. Vous y découvrirez les bonnes méthodes à mettre en place tout au long du funnel du marketing digital : acquisition de trafic, conversion prospects et conversion clients. Les pratiques clés du marketing digital comme l’A/B testing, le lead nurturing, le lead scoring, l’inbound marketing ainsi que les outils clés que sont les chatbots, les sites internet et les plateformes publicitaires des réseaux sociaux sont détaillés pour que vous, lecteurs, puissiez facilement les mettre en place afin de développer votre activité.

Marketing contestuale

Marketing contestuale PDF Author: Michelangelo Barbera
Publisher: FrancoAngeli
ISBN: 889174929X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : it
Pages : 154

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