Honey Bees of Asia: Microbes, Mites and Pests

Honey Bees of Asia: Microbes, Mites and Pests PDF Author: Panuwan Chantawannakul
Publisher: ศูนย์บริหารงานวิจัย สำนักงานมหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
ISBN: 6163981871
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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key pollinators honey bees, have been evolved for million years along with flowering plants. Asia is rich with species diversity and the bees are known to play vital roles in maintaining the the local fauna and sustain the agricultural crops to secure food sources for human consumption in the region, where the population continue to grow. Southeast Asia is regarded as a hot spot for scientists to study ecological interaction and co-evolution between hosts and parasites 9n different species of honey bees. The most serious and widespread bee pathogens and parasites today in the European honey bee are parasitic mites. nosema, kashmir bee virus which may have originated from Asian honey bees in South East Asia, More information on Asian honey bee health can also reflect the future threat in European honey bee worldwide especially when the global warming and fast transportation allow the prevalence and dissemination of tropics pathogens and parasites. This book aims to provide the current bee health status of honey bees in Asia which are now under emerging pressures from natural causes and human activities in modern society of globalization. Symbiotic relationships between living organisms and honey bees are also described

Honey Bees of Asia: Microbes, Mites and Pests

Honey Bees of Asia: Microbes, Mites and Pests PDF Author: Panuwan Chantawannakul
Publisher: ศูนย์บริหารงานวิจัย สำนักงานมหาวิทยาลัยเชียงใหม่
ISBN: 6163981871
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 144

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Book Description
key pollinators honey bees, have been evolved for million years along with flowering plants. Asia is rich with species diversity and the bees are known to play vital roles in maintaining the the local fauna and sustain the agricultural crops to secure food sources for human consumption in the region, where the population continue to grow. Southeast Asia is regarded as a hot spot for scientists to study ecological interaction and co-evolution between hosts and parasites 9n different species of honey bees. The most serious and widespread bee pathogens and parasites today in the European honey bee are parasitic mites. nosema, kashmir bee virus which may have originated from Asian honey bees in South East Asia, More information on Asian honey bee health can also reflect the future threat in European honey bee worldwide especially when the global warming and fast transportation allow the prevalence and dissemination of tropics pathogens and parasites. This book aims to provide the current bee health status of honey bees in Asia which are now under emerging pressures from natural causes and human activities in modern society of globalization. Symbiotic relationships between living organisms and honey bees are also described

Honey Bee Diseases and Pests

Honey Bee Diseases and Pests PDF Author: Wolfgang Ritter (Bee pathologist)
Publisher: FAO
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 48

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Control of diseases and pests of honey bees is one of most challenging tasks in improving quality of honey and honey bee by-products, especially for the beekeepers in developing countries. This publication describes common diseases and pests of honey bees and their importance and provides a practical guide to the basic technology available to beekeepers for their control and prevention.

The Lives of Bees

The Lives of Bees PDF Author: Thomas D. Seeley
Publisher: Princeton University Press
ISBN: 0691166765
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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Seeley, a world authority on honey bees, sheds light on why wild honey bees are still thriving while those living in managed colonies are in crisis. Drawing on the latest science as well as insights from his own pioneering fieldwork, he describes in extraordinary detail how honey bees live in nature and shows how this differs significantly from their lives under the management of beekeepers. Seeley presents an entirely new approach to beekeeping--Darwinian Beekeeping--which enables honey bees to use the toolkit of survival skills their species has acquired over the past thirty million years, and to evolve solutions to the new challenges they face today. He shows beekeepers how to use the principles of natural selection to guide their practices, and he offers a new vision of how beekeeping can better align with the natural habits of honey bees.

Honeybees of Asia

Honeybees of Asia PDF Author: H. Randall Hepburn
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642164226
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 672

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A multi-authored work on the basic biology of Asian honeybees, written by expert specialists in the field, this book highlights phylogeny, classification, mitochondrial and nuclear DNA, biogeography, genetics, physiology, pheromones, nesting, self-assembly processes, swarming, migration and absconding, reproduction, ecology, foraging and flight, dance languages, pollination, diseases/pests, colony defensiveness and natural enemies, honeybee mites, and interspecific interactions. Comprehensively covering the widely dispersed literature published in European as well as Asian-language journals and books, "Honeybees of Asia" provides an essential foundation for future research.

Africanized Honey Bees and Bee Mites

Africanized Honey Bees and Bee Mites PDF Author: Glen R. Needham
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 600

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Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner

Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner PDF Author: Terry Ryan Kane
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119583373
Category : Medical
Languages : de
Pages : 401

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An essential guide to the health care of honey bees Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner offers an authoritative guide to honey bee health and hive management. Designed for veterinarians and other professionals, the book presents information useful for answering commonly asked questions and for facilitating hive examinations. The book covers a wide range of topics including basic husbandry, equipment and safety, anatomy, genetics, the diagnosis and management of disease. It also includes up to date information on Varroa and other bee pests, introduces honey bee pharmacology and toxicology, and addresses native bee ecology. This new resource: Offers a guide to veterinary care of honey bees Provides information on basic husbandry, examination techniques, nutrition, and more Discusses how to successfully handle questions and 'hive calls' Includes helpful photographs, line drawings, tables, and graphs Written for veterinary practitioners, veterinary students, veterinary technicians, scientists, and apiarists, Honey Bee Medicine for the Veterinary Practitioner is a comprehensive and practical book on honey bee health.

Honey Bee Pests, Predators, and Diseases

Honey Bee Pests, Predators, and Diseases PDF Author: Roger A. Morse
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 440

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Honey Bee Colony Health

Honey Bee Colony Health PDF Author: Diana Sammataro
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1439879419
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 321

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This book summarizes the current progress of bee researchers investigating the status of honey bees and possible reasons for their decline, providing a basis for establishing management methods that maintain colony health. Integrating discussion of Colony Collapse Disorder, the chapters provide information on the new microsporidian Nosema ceranae pathogens, the current status of the parasitic bee mites, updates on bee viruses, and the effects these problems are having on our important bee pollinators. The text also presents methods for diagnosing diseases and includes color illustrations and tables.

Honeybee Veterinary Medicine

Honeybee Veterinary Medicine PDF Author: Nicolas Vidal-Naquet
Publisher: 5m Publishing
ISBN: 9781910455043
Category : Diseases
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Honeybees are an essential part of farming and the wider ecosystem. Since the middle of the 1990s bee populations around the world have suffered dramatic decline through diseases, intoxication, and unknown causes. Veterinarians have had little training in bee health but as the situation continues, qualified animal health professionals and, in particular, veterinarians are being required to become involved as new dangers threaten honeybee health everywhere because of global apiculture trade and exchanges of honeybees, products of the hive and beekeeping material such as Aethina tumida (the small hive beetle - a beekeeping pest) introduced in Italy in 2014 or the mite Tropilaelaps spp (parasitic mites of honeybees). This book will provide an overview of bee biology, the bee in the wider environment, intoxication, bee diseases, bee parasites (with a large part dedicated to the mite Varroa destructor) pests, enemies, and veterinary treatment and actions relating to honeybee health. The book will also cover current topics such as climate change, crop pollination, use of phytosanitary products, antibiotic resistance, and Colony Collapse Disorder. While aimed at veterinary practitioners, students and veterinarians involved in apiculture and bee health (officials, researchers, laboratory veterinarians, biologists...), the book can also be beneficial to beekeepers, beekeeping stakeholders, animal health and environmental organisations.

Asian Honey Bees

Asian Honey Bees PDF Author: Benjamin P. Oldroyd
Publisher: Harvard University Press
ISBN: 9780674041622
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 374

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The familiar European hive bee, Apis mellifera, has long dominated honey bee research. But in the last 15 years, teams in China, Japan, Malaysia, and Thailand began to shift focus to the indigenous Asian honey bees. Benjamin Oldroyd, well known for his work on the genetics and evolution of worker sterility, has teamed with Siriwat Wongsiri, a pioneer of the study of bees in Thailand, to provide a comparative work synthesizing the rapidly expanding Asian honey bee literature. After introducing the species, the authors review evolution and speciation, division of labor, communication, and nest defense. They underscore the pressures colonies face from pathogens, parasites, and predators--including man--and detail the long and amazing history of the honey hunt. This book provides a cornerstone for future investigations on these species, insights into the evolution across species, and a direction for conservation efforts to protect these keystone species of Asia's tropical forests.