High-Level Verification

High-Level Verification PDF Author: Sudipta Kundu
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1441993592
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Book Description
Given the growing size and heterogeneity of Systems on Chip (SOC), the design process from initial specification to chip fabrication has become increasingly complex. This growing complexity provides incentive for designers to use high-level languages such as C, SystemC, and SystemVerilog for system-level design. While a major goal of these high-level languages is to enable verification at a higher level of abstraction, allowing early exploration of system-level designs, the focus so far for validation purposes has been on traditional testing techniques such as random testing and scenario-based testing. This book focuses on high-level verification, presenting a design methodology that relies upon advances in synthesis techniques as well as on incremental refinement of the design process. These refinements can be done manually or through elaboration tools. This book discusses verification of specific properties in designs written using high-level languages, as well as checking that the refined implementations are equivalent to their high-level specifications. The novelty of each of these techniques is that they use a combination of formal techniques to do scalable verification of system designs completely automatically. The verification techniques presented in this book include methods for verifying properties of high-level designs and methods for verifying that the translation from high-level design to a low-level Register Transfer Language (RTL) design preserves semantics. Used together, these techniques guarantee that properties verified in the high-level design are preserved through the translation to low-level RTL.

High-Level Verification

High-Level Verification PDF Author: Sudipta Kundu
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1441993592
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Book Description
Given the growing size and heterogeneity of Systems on Chip (SOC), the design process from initial specification to chip fabrication has become increasingly complex. This growing complexity provides incentive for designers to use high-level languages such as C, SystemC, and SystemVerilog for system-level design. While a major goal of these high-level languages is to enable verification at a higher level of abstraction, allowing early exploration of system-level designs, the focus so far for validation purposes has been on traditional testing techniques such as random testing and scenario-based testing. This book focuses on high-level verification, presenting a design methodology that relies upon advances in synthesis techniques as well as on incremental refinement of the design process. These refinements can be done manually or through elaboration tools. This book discusses verification of specific properties in designs written using high-level languages, as well as checking that the refined implementations are equivalent to their high-level specifications. The novelty of each of these techniques is that they use a combination of formal techniques to do scalable verification of system designs completely automatically. The verification techniques presented in this book include methods for verifying properties of high-level designs and methods for verifying that the translation from high-level design to a low-level Register Transfer Language (RTL) design preserves semantics. Used together, these techniques guarantee that properties verified in the high-level design are preserved through the translation to low-level RTL.

ASIC/SoC Functional Design Verification

ASIC/SoC Functional Design Verification PDF Author: Ashok B. Mehta
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319594184
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 346

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Book Description
This book describes in detail all required technologies and methodologies needed to create a comprehensive, functional design verification strategy and environment to tackle the toughest job of guaranteeing first-pass working silicon. The author first outlines all of the verification sub-fields at a high level, with just enough depth to allow an engineer to grasp the field before delving into its detail. He then describes in detail industry standard technologies such as UVM (Universal Verification Methodology), SVA (SystemVerilog Assertions), SFC (SystemVerilog Functional Coverage), CDV (Coverage Driven Verification), Low Power Verification (Unified Power Format UPF), AMS (Analog Mixed Signal) verification, Virtual Platform TLM2.0/ESL (Electronic System Level) methodology, Static Formal Verification, Logic Equivalency Check (LEC), Hardware Acceleration, Hardware Emulation, Hardware/Software Co-verification, Power Performance Area (PPA) analysis on a virtual platform, Reuse Methodology from Algorithm/ESL to RTL, and other overall methodologies.

Verification Techniques for System-Level Design

Verification Techniques for System-Level Design PDF Author: Masahiro Fujita
Publisher: Morgan Kaufmann
ISBN: 0080553133
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 251

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Book Description
This book will explain how to verify SoC (Systems on Chip) logic designs using "formal and "semiformal verification techniques. The critical issue to be addressed is whether the functionality of the design is the one that the designers intended. Simulation has been used for checking the correctness of SoC designs (as in "functional verification), but many subtle design errors cannot be caught by simulation. Recently, formal verification, giving mathematical proof of the correctness of designs, has been gaining popularity.For higher design productivity, it is essential to debug designs as early as possible, which this book facilitates. This book covers all aspects of high-level formal and semiformal verification techniques for system level designs.• First book that covers all aspects of formal and semiformal, high-level (higher than RTL) design verification targeting SoC designs.• Formal verification of high-level designs (RTL or higher).• Verification techniques are discussed with associated system-level design methodology.

High-level Synthesis

High-level Synthesis PDF Author: Michael Fingeroff
Publisher: Xlibris Corporation
ISBN: 1450097243
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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Book Description
Are you an RTL or system designer that is currently using, moving, or planning to move to an HLS design environment? Finally, a comprehensive guide for designing hardware using C++ is here. Michael Fingeroff's High-Level Synthesis Blue Book presents the most effective C++ synthesis coding style for achieving high quality RTL. Master a totally new design methodology for coding increasingly complex designs! This book provides a step-by-step approach to using C++ as a hardware design language, including an introduction to the basics of HLS using concepts familiar to RTL designers. Each chapter provides easy-to-understand C++ examples, along with hardware and timing diagrams where appropriate. The book progresses from simple concepts such as sequential logic design to more complicated topics such as memory architecture and hierarchical sub-system design. Later chapters bring together many of the earlier HLS design concepts through their application in simplified design examples. These examples illustrate the fundamental principles behind C++ hardware design, which will translate to much larger designs. Although this book focuses primarily on C and C++ to present the basics of C++ synthesis, all of the concepts are equally applicable to SystemC when describing the core algorithmic part of a design. On completion of this book, readers should be well on their way to becoming experts in high-level synthesis.

Low Power Design with High-Level Power Estimation and Power-Aware Synthesis

Low Power Design with High-Level Power Estimation and Power-Aware Synthesis PDF Author: Sumit Ahuja
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461408725
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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Book Description
This book presents novel research techniques, algorithms, methodologies and experimental results for high level power estimation and power aware high-level synthesis. Readers will learn to apply such techniques to enable design flows resulting in shorter time to market and successful low power ASIC/FPGA design.

A Survey of High-Level Synthesis Systems

A Survey of High-Level Synthesis Systems PDF Author: Robert A. Walker
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461539684
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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Book Description
After long years of work that have seen little industrial application, high-level synthesis is finally on the verge of becoming a practical tool. The state of high-level synthesis today is similar to the state of logic synthesis ten years ago. At present, logic-synthesis tools are widely used in digital system design. In the future, high-level synthesis will play a key role in mastering design complexity and in truly exploiting the potential of ASIes and PLDs, which demand extremely short design cycles. Work on high-level synthesis began over twenty years ago. Since substantial progress has been made in understanding the basic then, problems involved, although no single universally-accepted theoretical framework has yet emerged. There is a growing number of publications devoted to high-level synthesis, specialized workshops are held regularly, and tutorials on the topic are commonly held at major conferences. This book gives an extensive survey of the research and development in high-level synthesis. In Part I, a short tutorial explains the basic concepts used in high-level synthesis, and follows an example design throughout the synthesis process. In Part II, current high-level synthesis systems are surveyed.

Principles of Verifiable RTL Design

Principles of Verifiable RTL Design PDF Author: Lionel Bening
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0306476312
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 297

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System designers, computer scientists and engineers have c- tinuously invented and employed notations for modeling, speci- ing, simulating, documenting, communicating, teaching, verifying and controlling the designs of digital systems. Initially these s- tems were represented via electronic and fabrication details. F- lowing C. E. Shannon’s revelation of 1948, logic diagrams and Boolean equations were used to represent digital systems in a fa- ion that de-emphasized electronic and fabrication detail while revealing logical behavior. A small number of circuits were made available to remove the abstraction of these representations when it was desirable to do so. As system complexity grew, block diagrams, timing charts, sequence charts, and other graphic and symbolic notations were found to be useful in summarizing the gross features of a system and describing how it operated. In addition, it always seemed necessary or appropriate to augment these documents with lengthy verbal descriptions in a natural language. While each notation was, and still is, a perfectly valid means of expressing a design, lack of standardization, conciseness, and f- mal definitions interfered with communication and the understa- ing between groups of people using different notations. This problem was recognized early and formal languages began to evolve in the 1950s when I. S. Reed discovered that flip-flop input equations were equivalent to a register transfer equation, and that xvi tor-like notation. Expanding these concepts Reed developed a no- tion that became known as a Register Transfer Language (RTL).

Applied Formal Verification

Applied Formal Verification PDF Author: Douglas L. Perry
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 0071588892
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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Book Description
Formal verification is a powerful new digital design method. In this cutting-edge tutorial, two of the field's best known authors team up to show designers how to efficiently apply Formal Verification, along with hardware description languages like Verilog and VHDL, to more efficiently solve real-world design problems. Contents: Simulation-Based Verification * Introduction to Formal Techniques * Contrasting Simulation vs. Formal Techniques * Developing a Formal Test Plan * Writing High-Level Requirements * Proving High-Level Requirements * System Level Simulation * Design Example * Formal Test Plan * Final System Simulation

Verification Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog

Verification Methodology Manual for SystemVerilog PDF Author: Janick Bergeron
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0387255567
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 515

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Book Description
Offers users the first resource guide that combines both the methodology and basics of SystemVerilog Addresses how all these pieces fit together and how they should be used to verify complex chips rapidly and thoroughly. Unique in its broad coverage of SystemVerilog, advanced functional verification, and the combination of the two.

SystemVerilog for Verification

SystemVerilog for Verification PDF Author: Chris Spear
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 146140715X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 500

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Book Description
Based on the highly successful second edition, this extended edition of SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features teaches all verification features of the SystemVerilog language, providing hundreds of examples to clearly explain the concepts and basic fundamentals. It contains materials for both the full-time verification engineer and the student learning this valuable skill. In the third edition, authors Chris Spear and Greg Tumbush start with how to verify a design, and then use that context to demonstrate the language features, including the advantages and disadvantages of different styles, allowing readers to choose between alternatives. This textbook contains end-of-chapter exercises designed to enhance students’ understanding of the material. Other features of this revision include: New sections on static variables, print specifiers, and DPI from the 2009 IEEE language standard Descriptions of UVM features such as factories, the test registry, and the configuration database Expanded code samples and explanations Numerous samples that have been tested on the major SystemVerilog simulators SystemVerilog for Verification: A Guide to Learning the Testbench Language Features, Third Edition is suitable for use in a one-semester SystemVerilog course on SystemVerilog at the undergraduate or graduate level. Many of the improvements to this new edition were compiled through feedback provided from hundreds of readers.