ISBN: 9789289071796
Category : Air
Languages : en
Pages : 130
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Author: Pardeep Singh
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119693616
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 49
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POLLUTANTS AND WATER MANAGEMENT Pollutants and Water Management: Resources, Strategies and Scarcity delivers a balanced and comprehensive look at recent trends in the management of polluted water resources. Covering the latest practical and theoretical aspects of polluted water management, the distinguished academics and authors emphasize indigenous practices of water resource management, the scarcity of clean water, and the future of the water system in the context of an increasing urbanization and globalization. The book details the management of contaminated water sites, including heavy metal contaminations in surface and subsurface water sources. It details a variety of industrial activities that typically pollute water, such as those involving crude oils and dyes. In its discussion of recent trends in abatement strategies, Pollutants and Water Management includes an exploration of the application of microorganisms, like bacteria, actinomycetes, fungi, and cyanobacteria, for the management of environmental contaminants. Readers will also discover a wide variety of other topics on the conservation of water sources including: The role of government and the public in the management of water resource pollution The causes of river system pollution and potential future scenarios in the abatement of river pollution Microbial degradation of organic pollutants in various water bodies The advancement in membrane technology used in water treatment processes Lead contamination in groundwater and recent trends in abatement strategies for it Highly polluting industries and their effects on surrounding water resources Perfect for graduate and postgraduate students and researchers whose focus is on recent trends in abatement strategies for pollutants and the application of microorganisms for the management of environmental contaminants, Pollutants and Water Management: Resources, Strategies and Scarcity also has a place in the libraries of environmentalists whose work involves the management and conservation of polluted sites.
Author: Lubomir I. Simeonov
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400702523
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 357
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Heavy metals can be emitted into environment by both natural and anthropogenic sources, mainly mining and industrial activity. Human exposure occurs through all environmental media. Infants are more susceptible to the adverse effects of exposure. Increasing attention is now being paid to the mental development of children exposed to heavy metals. The purpose of this book is to evaluate the existing knowledge on intellectual impairment in children exposed to heavy metals in their living environment and to identify the research needs in order to obtain a clearer picture of the situation in countries and regions at risk, in which the economy is closely related to metallurgy and heavy metals emission, and to recommend a strategy for human protection. In greater detail the main objectives could be formulated as follows: to review the principal sources of single, and complex mixtures of, heavy metal pollutants in the environment; to identify suitable methodology for chemical analyses in the environment and in humans; to evaluate the existing methods for measuring mental impairment, including their reliability and validity; to recommend a standard testing protocol to be used in future research; to assess the future role of environmental heavy metal pollution in countries and regions at risk and its effects on children’s neurological development; to recommend a prevention strategy for protecting children’s health and development.
Author: Fauser, P;Ketzel, M;Becker, T;Plejdrup, M;Brandt, J
Publisher: Nordic Council of Ministers
ISBN: 9289346337
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 89
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Seventeen pollutants (particles, heavy metals, inorganic gasses and organic compounds) are for the first time analyzed in a screening of the carcinogenic risk at very high resolution and large scale in ambient air in the Nordic countries. Modelled 2010 annual mean air concentrations show no exceedances of the EU air quality values. The only exceedance of US-EPA 1:100,000 cancer risk concentrations occurs for the PAH BaP in Denmark. However, the EU target value threshold for BaP is not exceeded. No emission data for BaP are available for the other countries and important uncertainties are still related to the Danish emissions. Long-range transport is significant except for BaP that originates mostly from residential wood combustion. It is recommended to monitor the influence from residential wood combustion more extensively, and to analyze longer time trends for long-term human exposure.
Author: Rajeev Pratap Singh
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9819903971
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 442
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This contributed volume covers a comprehensive account of the sources, toxic biological as well as environmental impacts, and possible remediation strategies for contamination by heavy metals. In biological systems, toxic metals affect the integrity of cellular organelles and act as carcinogens causing chromosomal aberrations or as systemic toxicants leading to cardiovascular, neurobehavioral, and immunological disorders. In plants, they interfere with photosynthesis, fertility, metabolite, and chlorophyll synthesis. Toxicity induced by heavy metals involves mechanistic approaches that need to be understood properly. They cannot be degraded by biological or chemical means and thus can only be converted to less harmful forms. The conventional detection methods include biosensors, voltammetry, atomic absorption spectrometry, and inductively coupled plasma with atomic emission spectrometry. All such strategies for metal detection and mitigation strategies are covered in this title under one section. This book incorporates classical views along with modern scientific approaches to develop an understanding of the subject matter suitable for academicians, researchers, planners, policymakers, NGOs, and environmental consultancies and raise awareness on this concern. Topics representing diverse sections namely environmental impacts, biological effects, and methods used for detection and remediation have been included to address all possible contemporary issues on the topic in one concise volume.
Author: Vanda Maria Falcão Espada Lopes de Andrade
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000954331
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 302
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The current exposure of human populations to toxic metals makes the prevention and control of such exposures crucial. Biomarkers are undoubtably recognized as vital tools to achieve these goals. This book is for researchers, toxicologists, physicians, pharmacologists and those working in governmental regulatory agencies and other public health fields. The first part of this book covers general aspects of biomarkers of toxic metals, while parts 2 and 3 cover biomarkers of xenobiotic metals and essential metals with potential for toxicity, respectively. In part 4, novel approaches to metal biomarkers are focused.
Author: Wim de Vries
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9401795088
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 671
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This book provides a unique overview of research methods over the past 25 years assessing critical loads and temporal effects of the deposition of air pollutants. It includes critical load methods and applications addressing acidification, eutrophication and heavy metal pollution of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Applications include examples for each air pollution threat, both at local and regional scale, including Europe, Asia, Canada and the US. The book starts with background information on the effects of the deposition of sulphur, nitrogen and heavy metals and geochemical and biological indicators for risk assessments. The use of those indicators is then illustrated in the assessment of critical loads and their exceedances and in the temporal assessment of air pollution risks. It also includes the most recent developments of assessing critical loads and current and future risks of soil and water chemistry and biodiversity under climate change, with a special focus on nitrogen. The book thus provides a complete overview of the knowledge that is currently used for the scientific support of policies in the field of air pollution control to protect ecosystem services.
Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309144019
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 248
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Recent advances in air pollution monitoring and modeling capabilities have made it possible to show that air pollution can be transported long distances and that adverse impacts of emitted pollutants cannot be confined to one country or even one continent. Pollutants from traffic, cooking stoves, and factories emitted half a world away can make the air we inhale today more hazardous for our health. The relative importance of this "imported" pollution is likely to increase, as emissions in developing countries grow, and air quality standards in industrial countries are tightened. Global Sources of Local Pollution examines the impact of the long-range transport of four key air pollutants (ozone, particulate matter, mercury, and persistent organic pollutants) on air quality and pollutant deposition in the United States. It also explores the environmental impacts of U.S. emissions on other parts of the world. The book recommends that the United States work with the international community to develop an integrated system for determining pollution sources and impacts and to design effective response strategies. This book will be useful to international, federal, state, and local policy makers responsible for understanding and managing air pollution and its impacts on human health and well-being.
Author: Ingela Helmfrid
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9176850064
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 86
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There are many villages where environmental contamination is substantial due to historical industrial activities. According to the European Environment Agency, there are about 2.5 million potentially contaminated sites in the European member states. In Sweden, there are about 80 000 more or less contaminated areas. About 1000 of them are classified into the highest risk category, Hazard Class 1, and should be remediated. Population exposure due to these industrially contaminated sites may contribute to adverse health effects and is a global environmental problem. The general aim of this thesis was to evaluate the occurrence of cancer in populations residing in contaminated areas in relation to indirect exposure via the long-term consumption of locally produced food, taking into account residential, occupational and lifestyle factors. Associations between reported local food consumption frequencies, biomarker concentrations and environmental and lifestyle factors were explored. The Swedish national cancer registers and questionnaire information was used to identify cancer risk groups in the study population. The questionnaire was evaluated regarding how well it reflected measured levels of biomarkers in human biological samples, and how the consumption of local food from contaminated areas contributed to the total body burden of contaminants. Despite historically high environmental levels of contaminants in the soil and sediments, current contaminant exposure in the studied population living in the contaminated areas was similar to or only moderately higher than that of the general population. No significant associations with increased cancer risk were detected in the highest tertile of metals concentrations in blood or PAH in urine. Reported long-term high consumption of certain local foods was associated with higher cadmium (vegetarian food) and lead (fish, meat) concentrations in blood and urine. Long-term high consumption of non-local food from places outside the study areas was not associated with increased concentrations of metals compared with consumers of local food. It was concluded that the questionnaire information on consumption of locally produced food describes differences in food consumption in the study population reasonably well. An increased risk of cancer was associated with smoking, family history of cancer and obesity. Residing in a contaminated area during the first five years of life was associated with an increased risk of cancer, which may indicate exposure to contaminants in early life. Also, long-term high consumption of particular local foods (fish, chicken, lamb, game meat) was associated with an increased risk of various forms of cancer, while reported high consumption of these foods from non-local sources was not associated with increased risk of cancer. The associations between habitual consumption of local food and different types of cancer may reflect a higher exposure in the past, and thus, if consumption of local food contributes to the risk of acquiring cancer, that contribution is probably lower today than previously. Furthermore, it cannot be ruled out that other contaminants in the food contribute to the increased cancer risks observed. In conclusion, the questionnaire that was developed for the present thesis can identify risk groups within populations and can be used as a tool in a health-risk assessment.
Author: Vineet Kumar
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030632458
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 275
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Nanosensors enable us to specifically detect pollutants that can adversely affect the quality of life. This book covers the design, application and safety aspects of nanomaterial-based sensors. The focus is on nanosensors useful for application in Environment, Food and Agriculture. It discusses in detail the advances in nanosensor design and application. It also emphasizes on the strategies for toxicity assessment and safe use of nanosensors.