Hard Rock Mine Reclamation

Hard Rock Mine Reclamation PDF Author: Bruno Bussière
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351680749
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 507

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Book Description
Hard rock mines have significant effects on the territories where they operate, through both infrastructure construction as well as resource use. Due to their extractive activities, these mines store large quantities of wastes at the surface, which can be both physically and chemically unstable. Reclamation aims to return a mine site to a satisfactory state, meaning that the site should not threaten human health or security, should not generate in the long term any contaminant that could significantly affect the surrounding environment, and should be aesthetically acceptable to communities. This book focuses on the reclamation of waste storage areas, which constitute the main source of pollution during and after mine operations, and especially issues with acid mine drainage and neutral contaminated drainage. Features: Provides fundamental information and describes practical methods to reclaim mine-waste facilities Compares the different methods and illustrates their application at sites through case studies Identifies new reclamation issues and proposes solutions to address them Presents existing and new technologies to reclaim mine waste disposal areas from hard rock mines in different climatic conditions Integrates reclamation into mine operations and long term performance of techniques used through an interdisciplinary approach With mine site reclamation a young and still emerging science, the training needs for professionals and students working in this field are huge. This book is written from an engineering point of view and in it the authors identify new reclamation issues and propose well-tested as well as innovative approaches to addressing them. Students in graduate programs focused on mines and the environment as well as professionals already working in departments related to mine site reclamation will find this book to be a valuable and essential resource.

Hard Rock Mine Reclamation

Hard Rock Mine Reclamation PDF Author: Bruno Bussière
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351680749
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 507

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Book Description
Hard rock mines have significant effects on the territories where they operate, through both infrastructure construction as well as resource use. Due to their extractive activities, these mines store large quantities of wastes at the surface, which can be both physically and chemically unstable. Reclamation aims to return a mine site to a satisfactory state, meaning that the site should not threaten human health or security, should not generate in the long term any contaminant that could significantly affect the surrounding environment, and should be aesthetically acceptable to communities. This book focuses on the reclamation of waste storage areas, which constitute the main source of pollution during and after mine operations, and especially issues with acid mine drainage and neutral contaminated drainage. Features: Provides fundamental information and describes practical methods to reclaim mine-waste facilities Compares the different methods and illustrates their application at sites through case studies Identifies new reclamation issues and proposes solutions to address them Presents existing and new technologies to reclaim mine waste disposal areas from hard rock mines in different climatic conditions Integrates reclamation into mine operations and long term performance of techniques used through an interdisciplinary approach With mine site reclamation a young and still emerging science, the training needs for professionals and students working in this field are huge. This book is written from an engineering point of view and in it the authors identify new reclamation issues and propose well-tested as well as innovative approaches to addressing them. Students in graduate programs focused on mines and the environment as well as professionals already working in departments related to mine site reclamation will find this book to be a valuable and essential resource.

Hardrock Mining on Federal Lands

Hardrock Mining on Federal Lands PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309172667
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 259

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This book, the result of a congressionally mandated study, examines the adequacy of the regulatory framework for mining of hardrock mineralsâ€"such as gold, silver, copper, and uraniumâ€"on over 350 million acres of federal lands in the western United States. These lands are managed by two agenciesâ€"the Bureau of Land Management in the Department of the Interior, and the Forest Service in the Department of Agriculture. The committee concludes that the complex network of state and federal laws that regulate hardrock mining on federal lands is generally effective in providing environmental protection, but improvements are needed in the way the laws are implemented and some regulatory gaps need to be addressed. The book makes specific recommendations for improvement, including: The development of an enhanced information management system and a more efficient process to review new mining proposals and issue permits. Changes to regulations that would require all mining operations, other than "casual use" activities that negligibly disturb the environment, to provide financial assurances for eventual site cleanup. Changes to regulations that would require all mining and milling operations (other than casual use) to submit operating plans in advance.

Unclaimed Hardrock Mines

Unclaimed Hardrock Mines PDF Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Natural Resources. Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Hard Rock Miner's Handbook

Hard Rock Miner's Handbook PDF Author: Jack De la Vergne
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 314

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Hard Rock Mining

Hard Rock Mining PDF Author: United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Energy and Natural Resources. Subcommittee on Mineral Resources Development and Production
Category : Insurance, Surety and fidelity
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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Mine Drainage and Surface Mine Reclamation: Mine reclamation, abandoned mine lands, and policy issues

Mine Drainage and Surface Mine Reclamation: Mine reclamation, abandoned mine lands, and policy issues PDF Author:
Category : Mine drainage
Languages : en
Pages : 424

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EPA can do more to help minimize hardrock mining liabilities

EPA can do more to help minimize hardrock mining liabilities PDF Author:
Publisher: DIANE Publishing
ISBN: 1428903658
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 46

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Cierre de minas

Cierre de minas PDF Author: Roberto C. Villas-Bôas & Maria Laura Barreto
Publisher: CYTED-CETEM
ISBN: 8572271325
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 333

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Mine Closure :Iberoamerican Experiences

US Office of Management and Budget Handbook - Adminstrative, Management and Budgeting Strategies

US Office of Management and Budget Handbook - Adminstrative, Management and Budgeting Strategies PDF Author: IBP USA
Publisher: Lulu.com
ISBN: 0739763962
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 279

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Ultimate information on US Office of Management and Budget

Opportunities for Good Samaritan Cleanup of Hard Rock Abandoned Mine Lands

Opportunities for Good Samaritan Cleanup of Hard Rock Abandoned Mine Lands PDF Author: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Natural Resources. Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 104

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