Author: G. McGuire
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1475717024
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 144
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Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is based on the Auger total secondary electron energy distribution, and an ion gun to process, which involves the core-level ionization of an atom with provide depth profiling capability. subsequent deexcitation occurring by an outer-level electron de The high surface sensitivity of Auger spectroscopy which dictates caying to fill the core hole. The excess energy is transferred to the need for an ultrahigh-vacuum system is due to the limited and causes the ejection of another electron, which is by definition mean free path of electrons in the 0-3000 e V kinetic energy an Auger electron. The Auger electron transition, denoted by range. The Auger peaks decay exponentially with overlayer cov the electron levels involved, is independent of the excitation erage, which is consistent with an exponential dependence of source and leaves the atom with a constant kinetic energy. The escape probability on the depth of the parent atom. A compila kinetic energy is given by the differences in binding energies for tion of data from a variety of sources has been used to generate the three levels (for example, EK-E L, - EL ) minus a correction 2 an escape depth curve which falls in the range of 5-30 A in the term for the work function and electron wave function relaxation. energy range from 0 to 3000 eV. The observed escape depth does When the Auger transition occurs within a few angstroms of the not show a strong dependence on the matrix.
Author: Siegfried Hofmann
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3642273807
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 544
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To anyone who is interested in surface chemical analysis of materials on the nanometer scale, this book is prepared to give appropriate information. Based on typical application examples in materials science, a concise approach to all aspects of quantitative analysis of surfaces and thin films with AES and XPS is provided. Starting from basic principles which are step by step developed into practically useful equations, extensive guidance is given to graduate students as well as to experienced researchers. Key chapters are those on quantitative surface analysis and on quantitative depth profiling, including recent developments in topics such as surface excitation parameter and backscattering correction factor. Basic relations are derived for emission and excitation angle dependencies in the analysis of bulk material and of fractional nano-layer structures, and for both smooth and rough surfaces. It is shown how to optimize the analytical strategy, signal-to-noise ratio, certainty and detection limit. Worked examples for quantification of alloys and of layer structures in practical cases (e.g. contamination, evaporation, segregation and oxidation) are used to critically review different approaches to quantification with respect to average matrix correction factors and matrix relative sensitivity factors. State-of-the-art issues in quantitative, destructive and non-destructive depth profiling are discussed with emphasis on sputter depth profiling and on angle resolved XPS and AES. Taking into account preferential sputtering and electron backscattering corrections, an introduction to the mixing-roughness-information depth (MRI) model and its extensions is presented.
Author: Kenton D. Childs
ISBN: 9780964812406
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 405
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Author: John C. Riviere
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1420007807
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 682
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The original Handbook of Surface and Interface Analysis: Methods for Problem-Solving was based on the authors' firm belief that characterization and analysis of surfaces should be conducted in the context of problem solving and not be based on the capabilities of any individual technique. Now, a decade later, trends in science and technology appear
Author: John F. Watts
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119417643
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 320
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Provides a concise yet comprehensive introduction to XPS and AES techniques in surface analysis This accessible second edition of the bestselling book, An Introduction to Surface Analysis by XPS and AES, 2nd Edition explores the basic principles and applications of X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) and Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES) techniques. It starts with an examination of the basic concepts of electron spectroscopy and electron spectrometer design, followed by a qualitative and quantitative interpretation of the electron spectrum. Chapters examine recent innovations in instrument design and key applications in metallurgy, biomaterials, and electronics. Practical and concise, it includes compositional depth profiling; multi-technique analysis; and everything about samples—including their handling, preparation, stability, and more. Topics discussed in more depth include peak fitting, energy loss background analysis, multi-technique analysis, and multi-technique profiling. The book finishes with chapters on applications of electron spectroscopy in materials science and the comparison of XPS and AES with other analytical techniques. Extensively revised and updated with new material on NAPXPS, twin anode monochromators, gas cluster ion sources, valence band spectra, hydrogen detection, and quantification Explores key spectroscopic techniques in surface analysis Provides descriptions of latest instruments and techniques Includes a detailed glossary of key surface analysis terms Features an extensive bibliography of key references and additional reading Uses a non-theoretical style to appeal to industrial surface analysis sectors An Introduction to Surface Analysis by XPS and AES, 2nd Edition is an excellent introductory text for undergraduates, first-year postgraduates, and industrial users of XPS and AES.
Author: B. Vincent Crist
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471492655
Category : Science
Languages : de
Pages : 562
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Das "Handbook of Monochromatic XPS Spectra" besteht aus den drei Bänden, The Elements and Native Oxides, Semiconductors und Polymers and Polymer Damage. Dies ist Band 1 "The Elements and Native Oxides" des dreibändigen Nachschlagewerkes. Die drei Bände sind eine in sich abgeschlossene Sammlung monochromatischer XPS-Spektren in der Hand - eine unentbehrliche Hilfe im Laboralltag vieler Analytiker! Einleitende Kapitel erläutern die verwendete instrumentelle Ausrüstung, die Proben und die Verfahren der Spektrenaufnahme. Im Spektrenteil sind alle Peaks beschriftet, die Spektren sind durch umfangreiches Datenmaterial (Atom-%-Tabellen, Bindungsenergien, Halbwertsbreite usw.) ergänzt. Ein Muß für jedes XPS-Labor! (11/00)
Author: Mauro Sardela
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1461492815
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 242
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Practical Materials Characterization covers the most common materials analysis techniques in a single volume. It stands as a quick reference for experienced users, as a learning tool for students, and as a guide for the understanding of typical data interpretation for anyone looking at results from a range of analytical techniques. The book includes analytical methods covering microstructural, surface, morphological, and optical characterization of materials with emphasis on microscopic structural, electronic, biological, and mechanical properties. Many examples in this volume cover cutting-edge technologies such as nanomaterials and life sciences.
Author: David Briggs
Publisher: Im Publications
ISBN: 9781901019049
Category : Electron spectroscopy
Languages : en
Pages : 899
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Author: Donald T. Hawkins
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1468413872
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 305
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Auger electron spectroscopy is rapidly developing into the single most powerful analytical technique in basic and applied science.for investigating the chemical and structural properties of solids. Its ex plosive growth beginning in 1967 was triggered by the development of Auger analyzers capable of de tecting one atom layer of material in a fraction of a second. Continued growth was guaranteed firstly by the commercial availability of apparatus which combined the capabilities of scanning electron mi croscopy and ion-mill depth profiling with Auger analysis, and secondly by the increasing need to know the atomistics of many processes in fundamental research and engineering applications. The expanding use of Auger analysis was accompanied by an increase in the number of publications dealing with it. Because of the developing nature of Auger spectroscopy, the articles have appeared in many different sources covering diverse disciplines, so that it is extremely difficult to discover just what has or has not been subjected to Auger analysis. In this situation, a comprehensive bibliography is obviou-sly useful to those both inside and outside the field. For those in the field, this bibliography should be a wonderful time saver for locating certain references, in researching a particular topic, or when considering various aspects of instrumentation or data analysis. This bibliography not only provides the most complete listing of references pertinent to surface Auger analysis available today, but it is also a basis for extrapolating from past trends to future expectations.
Author: Wolfgang Kurtz
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3662086905
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 358
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The present volume continues the description of the chemical reactions of eiemental tungsten started with "Tungsten" Suppl. Vol. A 7. It covers the reactions with the metallic elements from zinc to actinoids. The treatment includes phase diagrams, bulk reactions, and surface processes which again are of outstanding importance in most systems. The raader is referred to the introductory remarks on pp. X/XI. Frankfurt am Main Ernst Koch November 1987 Introductory Remarks Abbreviations In order not to overload the text, the following abbreviations are sometimes used without definitions in the present volume, in addition to the abbreviations usual in the Gmelin Handbook. a. c. alternating current AE Auger electron Auger electron spectroscopy(ic) or spectrum AES bcc body-centered cubic CPD contact potential difference counts per second cps d. c. direct current DTA differential thermoanalysis Fermi Ievel EF EI electron impact ELS electron energy loss spectroscopy or spectrum EMF, emf electromotive force fcc face-centered cubic FE field emission field electron (emission) microscope(ic) FEM FES field emission spectroscopy FIM field ion microscope(ic) F-N Fowler-Nordheim hcp hexagonal close-packed 6 L Langmuir=1·10- Torr·s LEED low energy electron diffraction monolayer ML PES photoelectron spectroscopy PSD photon-stimulated desorption RHEED reflection high energy electron diffraction room temperature RT SI secondary ion SIMS secondary ion mass spectrometry TDS thermal desorption spectroscopy(ic) or spectrum TE thermionic emission total energy distribution TED UHV ultra-high vacuum UPS ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy(ic) or spectrum XPS X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy(ic) or spectrum Gmelin Handbock WSuppl. Vol.