Growth of 3C-SiC on (111)Si Using Hot-wall Chemical Vapor Deposition

Growth of 3C-SiC on (111)Si Using Hot-wall Chemical Vapor Deposition PDF Author: Christopher Locke
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Languages : en
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ABSTRACT: The heteroepitaxial growth of cubic silicon carbide أ-سىأ) َُ(١١١) ٱىىٌك َُ(سى) ٱ�قٱفْٰمٰٱ، �ىف ف وىُْ“فَُٰ ٌو-ُٰ�ف ٌٌكومىٍكف ٌ�ف ُِْلمٱُِىىٰ َُ(أضؤ) مْفك،ُْٰ وفٱ قمم َفكوىم�مل. ا�ُْوٰ �فٱ كلَُ�كمٰل �ٱىهَ ف �ٰ ُٱمٰ ِكُِْمٱٱ: نىٱْ ٰوٰم سى ٱ�قٱفْٰمٰ ٱ�نْفكم ىٱ ك�َُممْٰل ُٰسىأ �ىف ف كفقْىَُ“فىٰ َُكُِْمٱٱ فلَ ٱمكلَُ وٰم ه�ُْوٰ نُ ٣أ-سىأ ىٱ مِنْمٍُْل َُوٰم ىىَىٰف ٌكفقْىَُ“مل فٌ”م.ْ ؤ�ىْهَ كفقْىَُ“فىٰ،َُ وٰم ٱ�نْفكم نُ وٰم سى ىٱ ك�َُممْٰل ُٰ٣أ-سىأ، �وىكو ومٱٌِ ُٰىٍىَىٍ“م وٰم ٱمْٰٱٱ ى َوٰم ه�ُْىهَ ك”ْٱفٰ.ٌ ذفُِْمَ (أ٣ب٨) فلَ ٱىفٌمَ (سىب٤)، لى�ٌمٰل ى َو”لهُْم َ(ب٢)، �ممْ �ٱمل فٱ وٰم كفقْ َُفلَ ٱىىٌك َُٱ�ُكْم، مْٱمِكىٰ�م”ٌ. ء لمٱُِىىٰ َُفْمٰ نُ ف٬ُِِْىفٍمٰ”ٌ ١٠ �ơ/ٍو �فٱ مٱفٰقىٌٱومل ل�ىْهَ وٰم ىىَىٰف ٌكُِْمٱٱ ف ٰف مٰمٍِفْ�ٰمْ نُ �١٣٨٠ ℗ʻأ. شوم ىُِٰىٍ“مل كُِْمٱٱ لُِْ�كمل نىٱٌٍ �ىوٰ ظ-فْ” كُْىًهَ ك��ْم ن�-ٌٌ�ىلوٰ ف ٰوفنٌ-فٍ٬ى�ٍ ٍ(ئطبح) �ف�ٌمٱ نُ ٢١٩ فكْٱمك، �وىكو ىٱ ٱىهىَنىكف”ٌَٰ قممٰٰ ْوٰف َف”َ وُٰم ْ�ِقىٌٱومل مْٱ�ٱٌٰ ى َوٰم ىٌمٰفْ�ٰمْ. دكَم وٰىٱ كُِْمٱٱ �فٱ لم�ممٌُِل ف �ٌُم ْمٰمٍِفْ�ٰمْ كُِْمٱٱ �فٱ لم�ممٌُِل ف ٰف ٱ�ٌُم ْه�ُْوٰ فْمٰ نُ �٢ �ơ/ٍو ف ٰ١٢٢٥ ℗ʻأ. شوم ك”ْٱفٰ ٌ�ّفىٌ”ٰ �فٱ ىنَمىْ ُْف ٰوٰم مْل�كمل مٰمٍِفْ�ٰمْ ق� ٰوٰىٱ مَ� كُِْمٱٱ ف�ٌٌُٱ ن ُْوٰم ه�ُْوٰ نُ ٣أ-سىأ(١١١) نىٱٌٍ َُ٬ُىلم مْمٌفٱم فٌ”مٱْ ن ُْحإحس فىٌِِكفىٰٱَُ. ة َفللىىٰ،َُ ن ُْممٌكىَُْٰك لم�ىكم فىٌِِكفىٰٱَُ، ف �ٌُم ْمٰمٍِفْ�ٰمْ كُِْمٱٱ مْل�كمٱ وٰم هممَفْىٰ َُنُ لمنمكٱٰ كف�ٱمل ق” وٰم مَف”ٌْ ٨ ٪ ىٍٱفٍكٰو ى َوٰم كمُننىكىم َٰنُ وٰمفٍْ ٌم٬فِٱَى َُ(أشإ) قم�ٰمم َ٣أ-سىأ فلَ سى. ئىفَ”ٌٌ ف مَ� كُِْمٱٱ �ٱىهَ ف ”ٌُِ-سى ٱممل فٌ”م ْلمٱُِىمٰل َُف َ٬ُىلم-كفُمٰل سى �فنم ْ�فٱ �ٱمل ُٰن ٍُْ٣أ-سىأ نىٱٌٍ ن ُْحإحس فىٌِِكفىٰٱَُ. شوم مْٱ�ٱٌٰ ىلَىكفمٰل ىىَىٰف”ٌٌ وٰف ٰوٰم نىٱٌٍ فٍ” م�م َقم كٍَُُ”ْٱفٰىٌٌمَ (قفٱمل َُظ-فْ” م�ف�ٌفىٰ)َُ ق� ٰفٌمٰ ْففَ”ٌٱىٱ مِنْمٍُْل �ٱىهَ شإح ىلَىكفمٰل وٰم” �ممْ وىهو”ٌ-لُْممْل ”ٌُِك”ْٱفٰىٌٌمَ نىٱٌٍ. شوم ه�ُْ َ٣أ-سىأ نىٱٌٍ �ممْ ففَ”ٌ“مل �ٱىهَ ف �فىْم”ٰ نُ كوففْكمٰىْ“فىٰ َُمٰكوىَ�ّمٱ. شوم وٰىكمًَٱٱ نُ وٰم نىٱٌٍ �فٱ فٱٱمٱٱمل وٰ�ُْهو ئ�ُىْم ْشفْٱَن ٍُْىنَفْمْل (ئشةز) ٱمِكٱُْٰك”ُِ، فلَ كنَُىمٍْل (ى َوٰم كفٱم نُ ه�ُْوٰ َُ”ٌُِ-سى ٱممل فٌ”مٱْ) ق” كٱُْٱ-ٱمكىٰ َُٱكفىََهَ ممٌك َُْٰىٍكٱُْك”ُِ (سإح). شوم سإح كٱُْٱ-ٱمكىٰٱَُ �ممْ فٱٌ ُ�ٱمل ُٰى�َمٱىٰهفمٰ وٰم ٣أ-سىأ/٬ُىلم ىمَٰنْفكم. شوم ٱ�نْفكم وٍُِْهٌُُ” نُ وٰم نىٱٌٍ �فٱ ىٱَمِكمٰل �ىف خفٍُٱْ”ً ىمَٰنْممْكَم ىُِٰكف ٌىٍكٱُْك”ُِ، فىٍُٰك نكُْم ىٍكٱُْك”ُِ (ءئح)، فلَ سإح. شوم ك”ْٱفٰىٌٌمَ �ّفىٌ”ٰ نُ وٰم نىٱٌٍ �فٱ لممٰىٍْمَل وٰ�ُْهو ظ-فْ” لىننفْكىٰ َُ(ظزؤ).

Growth of 3C-SiC on (111)Si Using Hot-wall Chemical Vapor Deposition

Growth of 3C-SiC on (111)Si Using Hot-wall Chemical Vapor Deposition PDF Author: Christopher Locke
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Languages : en
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ABSTRACT: The heteroepitaxial growth of cubic silicon carbide أ-سىأ) َُ(١١١) ٱىىٌك َُ(سى) ٱ�قٱفْٰمٰٱ، �ىف ف وىُْ“فَُٰ ٌو-ُٰ�ف ٌٌكومىٍكف ٌ�ف ُِْلمٱُِىىٰ َُ(أضؤ) مْفك،ُْٰ وفٱ قمم َفكوىم�مل. ا�ُْوٰ �فٱ كلَُ�كمٰل �ٱىهَ ف �ٰ ُٱمٰ ِكُِْمٱٱ: نىٱْ ٰوٰم سى ٱ�قٱفْٰمٰ ٱ�نْفكم ىٱ ك�َُممْٰل ُٰسىأ �ىف ف كفقْىَُ“فىٰ َُكُِْمٱٱ فلَ ٱمكلَُ وٰم ه�ُْوٰ نُ ٣أ-سىأ ىٱ مِنْمٍُْل َُوٰم ىىَىٰف ٌكفقْىَُ“مل فٌ”م.ْ ؤ�ىْهَ كفقْىَُ“فىٰ،َُ وٰم ٱ�نْفكم نُ وٰم سى ىٱ ك�َُممْٰل ُٰ٣أ-سىأ، �وىكو ومٱٌِ ُٰىٍىَىٍ“م وٰم ٱمْٰٱٱ ى َوٰم ه�ُْىهَ ك”ْٱفٰ.ٌ ذفُِْمَ (أ٣ب٨) فلَ ٱىفٌمَ (سىب٤)، لى�ٌمٰل ى َو”لهُْم َ(ب٢)، �ممْ �ٱمل فٱ وٰم كفقْ َُفلَ ٱىىٌك َُٱ�ُكْم، مْٱمِكىٰ�م”ٌ. ء لمٱُِىىٰ َُفْمٰ نُ ف٬ُِِْىفٍمٰ”ٌ ١٠ �ơ/ٍو �فٱ مٱفٰقىٌٱومل ل�ىْهَ وٰم ىىَىٰف ٌكُِْمٱٱ ف ٰف مٰمٍِفْ�ٰمْ نُ �١٣٨٠ ℗ʻأ. شوم ىُِٰىٍ“مل كُِْمٱٱ لُِْ�كمل نىٱٌٍ �ىوٰ ظ-فْ” كُْىًهَ ك��ْم ن�-ٌٌ�ىلوٰ ف ٰوفنٌ-فٍ٬ى�ٍ ٍ(ئطبح) �ف�ٌمٱ نُ ٢١٩ فكْٱمك، �وىكو ىٱ ٱىهىَنىكف”ٌَٰ قممٰٰ ْوٰف َف”َ وُٰم ْ�ِقىٌٱومل مْٱ�ٱٌٰ ى َوٰم ىٌمٰفْ�ٰمْ. دكَم وٰىٱ كُِْمٱٱ �فٱ لم�ممٌُِل ف �ٌُم ْمٰمٍِفْ�ٰمْ كُِْمٱٱ �فٱ لم�ممٌُِل ف ٰف ٱ�ٌُم ْه�ُْوٰ فْمٰ نُ �٢ �ơ/ٍو ف ٰ١٢٢٥ ℗ʻأ. شوم ك”ْٱفٰ ٌ�ّفىٌ”ٰ �فٱ ىنَمىْ ُْف ٰوٰم مْل�كمل مٰمٍِفْ�ٰمْ ق� ٰوٰىٱ مَ� كُِْمٱٱ ف�ٌٌُٱ ن ُْوٰم ه�ُْوٰ نُ ٣أ-سىأ(١١١) نىٱٌٍ َُ٬ُىلم مْمٌفٱم فٌ”مٱْ ن ُْحإحس فىٌِِكفىٰٱَُ. ة َفللىىٰ،َُ ن ُْممٌكىَُْٰك لم�ىكم فىٌِِكفىٰٱَُ، ف �ٌُم ْمٰمٍِفْ�ٰمْ كُِْمٱٱ مْل�كمٱ وٰم هممَفْىٰ َُنُ لمنمكٱٰ كف�ٱمل ق” وٰم مَف”ٌْ ٨ ٪ ىٍٱفٍكٰو ى َوٰم كمُننىكىم َٰنُ وٰمفٍْ ٌم٬فِٱَى َُ(أشإ) قم�ٰمم َ٣أ-سىأ فلَ سى. ئىفَ”ٌٌ ف مَ� كُِْمٱٱ �ٱىهَ ف ”ٌُِ-سى ٱممل فٌ”م ْلمٱُِىمٰل َُف َ٬ُىلم-كفُمٰل سى �فنم ْ�فٱ �ٱمل ُٰن ٍُْ٣أ-سىأ نىٱٌٍ ن ُْحإحس فىٌِِكفىٰٱَُ. شوم مْٱ�ٱٌٰ ىلَىكفمٰل ىىَىٰف”ٌٌ وٰف ٰوٰم نىٱٌٍ فٍ” م�م َقم كٍَُُ”ْٱفٰىٌٌمَ (قفٱمل َُظ-فْ” م�ف�ٌفىٰ)َُ ق� ٰفٌمٰ ْففَ”ٌٱىٱ مِنْمٍُْل �ٱىهَ شإح ىلَىكفمٰل وٰم” �ممْ وىهو”ٌ-لُْممْل ”ٌُِك”ْٱفٰىٌٌمَ نىٱٌٍ. شوم ه�ُْ َ٣أ-سىأ نىٱٌٍ �ممْ ففَ”ٌ“مل �ٱىهَ ف �فىْم”ٰ نُ كوففْكمٰىْ“فىٰ َُمٰكوىَ�ّمٱ. شوم وٰىكمًَٱٱ نُ وٰم نىٱٌٍ �فٱ فٱٱمٱٱمل وٰ�ُْهو ئ�ُىْم ْشفْٱَن ٍُْىنَفْمْل (ئشةز) ٱمِكٱُْٰك”ُِ، فلَ كنَُىمٍْل (ى َوٰم كفٱم نُ ه�ُْوٰ َُ”ٌُِ-سى ٱممل فٌ”مٱْ) ق” كٱُْٱ-ٱمكىٰ َُٱكفىََهَ ممٌك َُْٰىٍكٱُْك”ُِ (سإح). شوم سإح كٱُْٱ-ٱمكىٰٱَُ �ممْ فٱٌ ُ�ٱمل ُٰى�َمٱىٰهفمٰ وٰم ٣أ-سىأ/٬ُىلم ىمَٰنْفكم. شوم ٱ�نْفكم وٍُِْهٌُُ” نُ وٰم نىٱٌٍ �فٱ ىٱَمِكمٰل �ىف خفٍُٱْ”ً ىمَٰنْممْكَم ىُِٰكف ٌىٍكٱُْك”ُِ، فىٍُٰك نكُْم ىٍكٱُْك”ُِ (ءئح)، فلَ سإح. شوم ك”ْٱفٰىٌٌمَ �ّفىٌ”ٰ نُ وٰم نىٱٌٍ �فٱ لممٰىٍْمَل وٰ�ُْهو ظ-فْ” لىننفْكىٰ َُ(ظزؤ).

Growth of 3C-SiC Via a Hot-wall CVD Reactor

Growth of 3C-SiC Via a Hot-wall CVD Reactor PDF Author: Suzie Harvey
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Languages : en
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ABSTRACT: The heteroepitaxial growth of cubic silicon carbide (3C-SiC) on silicon (Si) substrates at high growth rates, via a horizontal hot-wall chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactor, has been achieved. The final growth process was developed in three stages; an initial "baseline" development stage, an optimization stage, and a large area growth stage. In all cases the growth was conducted using a two step, carbonization plus growth, process. During carbonization, the surface of the Si is converted to 3C-SiC, which helps to minimize the stress in the growing crystal. Propane (C3H8) and silane (SiH4), diluted in hydrogen (H2), were used as the carbon and silicon source, respectively. A deposition rate of approximately 10 um/h was established during the baseline process. Once the baseline process proved to be repeatable, optimization of the process began. Through variations in temperature, pressure, and the Si/C ratio, thick 3C-SiC films (up to 22 um thick) and high deposition rates (up to 30 um/h) were obtained. The optimized process was then applied to growth on 50 mm diameter Si(100) wafers. The grown 3C-SiC films were analyzed using a variety of characterization techniques. The thickness of the films was assessed through Fourier Transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and confirmed by cross-section scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The SEM cross-sections were also used to investigate the 3C-SiC/Si interface. The surface morphology of the films was inspected via Nomarsky interference optical microscopy, atomic force microscopy (AFM), and SEM. The crystalline quality of the films was determined through X-ray diffraction (XRD) and low-temperature photoluminescence (LTPL) analysis. A mercury probe was used to make non-contact CV/IV measurements and determine the film doping.

CVD growth of SiC for high-power and high-frequency applications

CVD growth of SiC for high-power and high-frequency applications PDF Author: Robin Karhu
Publisher: Linköping University Electronic Press
ISBN: 9176851494
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Languages : en
Pages : 40

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Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a wide bandgap semiconductor that has attracted a lot of interest for electronic applications due to its high thermal conductivity, high saturation electron drift velocity and high critical electric field strength. In recent years commercial SiC devices have started to make their way into high and medium voltage applications. Despite the advancements in SiC growth over the years, several issues remain. One of these issues is that the bulk grown SiC wafers are not suitable for electronic applications due to the high background doping and high density of basal plane dislocations (BPD). Due to these problems SiC for electronic devices must be grown by homoepitaxy. The epitaxial growth is performed in chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactors. In this work, growth has been performed in a horizontal hot-wall CVD (HWCVD) reactor. In these reactors it is possible to produce high-quality SiC epitaxial layers within a wide range of doping, both n- and p-type. SiC is a well-known example of polytypism, where the different polytypes exist as different stacking sequences of the Si-C bilayers. Polytypism makes polytype stability a problem during growth of SiC. To maintain polytype stability during homoepitaxy of the hexagonal polytypes the substrates are usually cut so that the angle between the surface normal and the c-axis is a few degrees, typically 4 or 8°. The off-cut creates a high density of micro-steps at the surface. These steps allow for the replication of the substrates polytype into the growing epitaxial layer, the growth will take place in a step-flow manner. However, there are some drawbacks with step-flow growth. One is that BPDs can replicate from the substrate into the epitaxial layer. Another problem is that 4H-SiC is often used as a substrate for growth of GaN epitaxial layers. The epitaxial growth of GaN has been developed on on-axis substrates (surface normal coincides with c-axis), so epitaxial 4H-SiC layers grown on off-axis substrates cannot be used as substrates for GaN epitaxial growth. In efforts to solve the problems with off-axis homoepitaxy of 4H-SiC, on-axis homoepitaxy has been developed. In this work, further development of wafer-scale on-axis homoepitaxy has been made. This development has been made on a Si-face of 4H-SiC substrates. The advances include highly resistive epilayers grown on on-axis substrates. In this thesis the ability to control the surface morphology of epitaxial layers grown on on-axis homoepitaxy is demonstrated. This work also includes growth of isotopically enriched 4H-SiC on on-axis substrates, this has been done to increase the thermal conductivity of the grown epitaxial layers. In (paper 1) on-axis homoepitaxy of 4H-SiC has been developed on 100 mm diameter substrates. This paper also contains comparisons between different precursors. In (paper 2) we have further developed on-axis homoepitaxy on 100 mm diameter wafers, by doping the epitaxial layers with vanadium. The vanadium doping of the epitaxial layers makes the layers highly resistive and thus suitable to use as a substrate for III-nitride growth. In (paper 3) we developed a method to control the surface morphology and reduce the as-grown surface roughness in samples grown on on-axis substrates. In (paper 4) we have increased the thermal conductivity of 4H-SiC epitaxial layers by growing the layers using isotopically enriched precursors. In (paper 5) we have investigated the role chlorine have in homoepitaxial growth of 4H-SiC. In (paper 6) we have investigated the charge carrier lifetime in as-grown samples and traced variations in lifetime to structural defects in the substrate. In (paper 7) we have investigated the formation mechanism of a morphological defect in homoepitaxial grown 4H-SiC.

Epitaxial Growth of Si and 3C-SiC by Chemical Vapor Deposition

Epitaxial Growth of Si and 3C-SiC by Chemical Vapor Deposition PDF Author: Gilberto Vitor Zaia
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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High Growth Rate SiC CVD Via Hot-wall Epitaxy

High Growth Rate SiC CVD Via Hot-wall Epitaxy PDF Author: Rachael L. Myers-Ward
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Languages : en
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ABSTRACT: This dissertation research focused on the growth of 4H-SiC epitaxial layers in low-pressure horizontal hot-wall chemical vapor deposition (CVD) reactors. The goal of the research was to develop a growth process that maximized the growth rate and produced films of smooth morphology. The epitaxial growth of SiC was carried out in two different reactor sizes, a 75 mm reactor and a 200 mm reactor. The maximum repeatable growth rate achieved was 30-32 um/h in the 200 mm reactor using the standard chemistry of hydrogen-propane-silane (H2-C3H8-SiH4) at growth temperatures

Silicon Carbide Biotechnology

Silicon Carbide Biotechnology PDF Author: Stephen E. Saddow
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0123859069
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 496

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Silicon Carbide (SiC) is a wide-band-gap semiconductor biocompatible material that has the potential to advance advanced biomedical applications. SiC devices offer higher power densities and lower energy losses, enabling lighter, more compact and higher efficiency products for biocompatible and long-term in vivo applications ranging from heart stent coatings and bone implant scaffolds to neurological implants and sensors. The main problem facing the medical community today is the lack of biocompatible materials that are also capable of electronic operation. Such devices are currently implemented using silicon technology, which either has to be hermetically sealed so it cannot interact with the body or the material is only stable in vivo for short periods of time. For long term use (permanent implanted devices such as glucose sensors, brain-machine-interface devices, smart bone and organ implants) a more robust material that the body does not recognize and reject as a foreign (i.e., not organic) material is needed. Silicon Carbide has been proven to be just such a material and will open up a whole new host of fields by allowing the development of advanced biomedical devices never before possible for long-term use in vivo. This book not only provides the materials and biomedical engineering communities with a seminal reference book on SiC that they can use to further develop the technology, it also provides a technology resource for medical doctors and practitioners who are hungry to identify and implement advanced engineering solutions to their everyday medical problems that currently lack long term, cost effective solutions. Discusses Silicon Carbide biomedical materials and technology in terms of their properties, processing, characterization, and application, in one book, from leading professionals and scientists Critical assesses existing literature, patents and FDA approvals for clinical trials, enabling the rapid assimilation of important data from the current disparate sources and promoting the transition from technology research and development to clinical trials Explores long-term use and applications in vivo in devices and applications with advanced sensing and semiconducting properties, pointing to new product devekipment particularly within brain trauma, bone implants, sub-cutaneous sensors and advanced kidney dialysis devices

Epitaxial Growth of 3C-SiC on (111) Si by CVD from a Hexamethyldisilane Source

Epitaxial Growth of 3C-SiC on (111) Si by CVD from a Hexamethyldisilane Source PDF Author: Chien Hung Wu (Ph. D.)
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Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Epitaxial Growth of Silicon Carbide on On-axis Silicon Carbide Substrates Using Methyltrichlorosilane Chemical Vapor Deposition

Epitaxial Growth of Silicon Carbide on On-axis Silicon Carbide Substrates Using Methyltrichlorosilane Chemical Vapor Deposition PDF Author:
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Languages : en
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4H-silicon carbide (4H-SiC) is a wide band gap semiconductor with outstanding capabilities for high temperature, high power, and high frequency electronic device applications. Advances in its processing technology have resulted in large micropipe-free single crystals and high speed epitaxial growth on off-axis silicon face substrates. Extraordinarily high growth rates of high quality epitaxial films (>100 [Mu]m per hour) have been achieved, but only on off-axis substrates (misoriented 4° to 8° from the (0001) crystallographic plane). There is a strong incentive to procure an on-axis growth procedure, due to the excessive waste of high quality single crystal associated with wafering off-axis substrates. The purpose of this research was to develop a reliable process for homoepitaxial growth of 4H-SiC on on-axis 4H-SiC. Typically the use of on-axis SiC for epitaxial growth is undesired due to the increased probability of 3C-SiC inclusions and polycrystalline growth. However, it is believed that the presence of chlorine during reaction may reduce the presence of 3C-SiC and improve the quality of the epitaxial film. Therefore homoepitaxial SiC was deposited using methyltrichlorosilane (MTS) and ethane sources with carrier gases consisting of argon-hydrogen mixtures. Ethane was used to increase the C/Si ratio, to aid in the prevention of 3C-SiC, and to help eliminate silicon droplets deposited during epitaxial growth. Deposition occurred in a homemade, quartz, cold wall chemical vapor deposition reactor. Epitaxial films on on-axis 4H-SiC were deposited without the presence of 3C-SiC inclusions or polycrystalline SiC, as observed by defect selective etching, scanning electron microscopy and optical microscopy. Large defect free areas, [similar to]5 mm[superscript]2, with epitaxial film thicknesses of [similar to]6 [Mu]m were grown on on-axis 4H-SiC. Epitaxial films had approximately an 80%, [similar to]20 cm[superscript]-2, decrease in defect density as compared to the substrates. The growth rate was independent of face polarity and orientation of the substrate. The optimal temperature for hydrogen etching, to promote the smoothest epitaxial films for on-axis substrates (both C- and Si-polarities), is [similar to]1550 °C for 10 minutes in the presence of 2 slm hydrogen. The optimum C/Si ratio for epitaxial growth on on-axis 4H-SiC is 1; excess carbon resulted in the codeposition of graphite and cone-shaped silicon carbide defects.

Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Carbide in a Hot Wall Reactor

Chemical Vapor Deposition of Silicon Carbide in a Hot Wall Reactor PDF Author: Feng Gao
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 161

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Silicon Carbide 2008--materials, Processing and Devices

Silicon Carbide 2008--materials, Processing and Devices PDF Author: Michael Dudley
Category : Crystal growth
Languages : en
Pages : 312

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