Author: Ryan C. Bell
Publisher: Anthem Press
ISBN: 0857280899
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 136
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This interactive guide serves to make glacial systems and landforms more accessible, as students use Google Earth and other satellite imagery to understand the patterns and processes found within glacial environments. Guided inquiry activities range from calculating the Mendenhall Glacier’s rate of melting to identifying erosional landforms in the Swiss Alps. In this way, the guide offers a virtual interactive experience in which students can visit and explore glacial systems and landforms in 3D. Through studying these images the student will not only start to recognize the forms commonly found within glacial landscapes, but also develop skills in map analysis and interpretation.
Author: David Palacios
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0323997139
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 637
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European Glacial Landscapes: The Holocene presents the current state of knowledge on glacial landscapes of Europe and nearby areas over the Holocene to deduce the influence of atmospheric and oceanic currents and the insolation forcing variability and volcanic activity on Holocene paleoclimates, the existence of asynchronies in the timing of occurrence of glacier expansion and shrinkage during the Holocene, time lags between the identification of oceanic and atmospheric changes and those occurring in glacial extension during the Holocene, the role of Holocene glaciers on the climate of Europe, and on sea level variability, and the delimitation of landscapes that need special protection. Students, academics and researchers in Geography, Geology, Environmental Sciences, Physics and Earth Science departments will find this book provides novel findings of all the major European Regions in a single publication, with updated information about Holocene glacial geomorphology and paleo-climatology and clear figures that model the landscapes covered. - Provides a synthesis and summary of glacial processes in Europe over the Holocene period - Features research from experts in palaeo-climatology, palaeo-oceanography and palaeo-glaciology - Includes access to a companion website with an interactive map, photos of glacial features, and geospatial data related to European Glacial Landscapes
Author: Matthew M. Bennett
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119966698
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 407
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The new Second Edition of Glacial Geology provides a modern, comprehensive summary of glacial geology and geomorphology. It is has been thoroughly revised and updated from the original First Edition. This book will appeal to all students interested in the landforms and sediments that make up glacial landscapes. The aim of the book is to outline glacial landforms and sediments and to provide the reader with the tools required to interpret glacial landscapes. It describes how glaciers work and how the processes of glacial erosion and deposition which operate within them are recorded in the glacial landscape. The Second Edition is presented in the same clear and concise format as the First Edition, providing detailed explanations that are not cluttered with unnecessary detail. Additions include a new chapter on Glaciations around the Globe, demonstrating the range of glacial environments present on Earth today and a new chapter on Palaeoglaciology, explaining how glacial landforms and sediments are used in ice-sheet reconstructions. Like the original book, text boxes are used throughout to explain key concepts and to introduce students to case study material from the glacial literature. Newly updated sections on Further Reading are also included at the end of each chapter to point the reader towards key references. The book is illustrated throughout with colour photographs and illustrations.
Author: John Menzies
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN: 9780750642262
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 588
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In combining and revising the two titles Past Glacial Environments and Modern Glacial Environments, Dr Menzies provides a current and comprehensive survey of both the glaciology, geomorphology and sedimentology of glaciers.
Author: Tobias Heckmann
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319941844
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 352
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This book discusses the recession of alpine glaciers since the end of the Little Ice Age (LIA), which has been accelerating in the past decades. It provides an overview of the research in the field, presenting definitions and information about the different proglacial areas and systems. A number of case studies are from the PROSA project group which encompasses the expertise of geomorphologists, geologists, glaciologists and geodesists. The PROSA joint project (High-resolution measurements of morphodynamics in rapidly changing PROglacial Systems of the Alps) is determined to tackle the problems of geomorphic activity on sediment export through a quantification of sediment fluxes effected by the aforementioned geomorphic processes within the forefield of the Gepatschferner glacier (Central Alps, Austria).
Author: Richard Parker Goldthwait
Publisher: Dowden Hutchinson and Ross
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 488
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Reprints of the most illuminating original writings on glacial deposits, particularly concerned with process and origin.
Author: J.A. Dowdeswell
Publisher: Geological Society of London
ISBN: 1786202689
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 631
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New geophysical techniques (multibeam echo sounding and 3D seismics) have revolutionized high-resolution imaging of the modern seafloor and palaeo-shelf surfaces in Arctic and Antarctic waters, generating vast quantities of data and novel insights into sedimentary architecture and past environmental conditions. The Atlas of Submarine Glacial Landforms is a comprehensive and timely summary of the current state of knowledge of these high-latitude glacier-influenced systems. The Atlas presents over 180 contributions describing, illustrating and discussing the full variability of landforms found on the high-latitude glacier-influenced seafloor, from fjords and continental shelves to the continental slope, rise and deep-sea basins beyond. The distribution and geometry of these submarine landforms provide key information on past ice-sheet extent and the direction and nature of ice flow and dynamics. The papers discuss individual seafloor landforms, landform assemblages and entire landsystems from relatively mild to extreme glacimarine climatic settings and on timescales from the modern margins of tidewater glaciers, through Quaternary examples to ancient glaciations in the Late Ordovician.
Author: Alan Kehew
Publisher: Geological Society of America
ISBN: 0813725305
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 252
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Taking advantage of new technological advances in Quaternary geology and geomorphology, this volume showcases new developments in glacial geology. Honoring the legacy of Frank Leverett and F.B. Taylor's 1915 USGS monograph of the region, this book includes 12 chapters that cover diverse topics ranging from hydrogeology, near-surface geophysics, geotectonics, and vertebrate paleontology to glacial geomorphology and glacial history. Several papers make use of detailed but nuanced shaded relief maps of digital elevation models of LiDAR data; these advances are brought into historical perspective by visiting the history of geologic mapping of Michigan. Looking forward, interpretations of the shaded relief maps evoke novel processes, such as regional evolution of subglacial and supraglacial drainage systems of receding glacial margins. The volume also includes assessment of chronological issues in light of greater accuracy and precision of radiocarbon dating of plant fossils using accelerator mass spectrometry versus older techniques.
Author: Rob Young
Publisher: Geological Society of America
ISBN: 0813760321
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 316
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"Geologic Monitoring is a practical, nontechnical guide for land managers, educators, and the public that synthesizes representative methods for monitoring short-term and long-term change in geologic features and landscapes. A prestigious group of subject-matter experts has carefully selected methods for monitoring sand dunes, caves and karst, rivers, geothermal features, glaciers, nearshore marine features, beaches and marshes, paleontological resources, permafrost, seismic activity, slope movements, and volcanic features and processes. Each chapter has an overview of the resource; summarizes features that could be monitored; describes methods for monitoring each feature ranging from low-cost, low-technology methods (that could be used for school groups) to higher cost, detailed monitoring methods requiring a high level of expertise; and presents one or more targeted case studies."--Publisher's description.
Author: Vivien Gornitz
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1402045514
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 1062
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One of Springer’s Major Reference Works, this book gives the reader a truly global perspective. It is the first major reference work in its field. Paleoclimate topics covered in the encyclopedia give the reader the capability to place the observations of recent global warming in the context of longer-term natural climate fluctuations. Significant elements of the encyclopedia include recent developments in paleoclimate modeling, paleo-ocean circulation, as well as the influence of geological processes and biological feedbacks on global climate change. The encyclopedia gives the reader an entry point into the literature on these and many other groundbreaking topics.