Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks

Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks PDF Author: Wendy Laura Belcher
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 141295701X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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This book provides you with all the tools you need to write an excellent academic article and get it published.

Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks

Writing Your Journal Article in Twelve Weeks PDF Author: Wendy Laura Belcher
Publisher: SAGE
ISBN: 141295701X
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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This book provides you with all the tools you need to write an excellent academic article and get it published.

Authoring a PhD

Authoring a PhD PDF Author: Patrick Dunleavy
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 0230802087
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 311

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This engaging and highly regarded book takes readers through the key stages of their PhD research journey, from the initial ideas through to successful completion and publication. It gives helpful guidance on forming research questions, organising ideas, pulling together a final draft, handling the viva and getting published. Each chapter contains a wealth of practical suggestions and tips for readers to try out and adapt to their own research needs and disciplinary style. This text will be essential reading for PhD students and their supervisors in humanities, arts, social sciences, business, law, health and related disciplines.

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper PDF Author: Luz Claudio
ISBN: 9780996011013
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Do less reading and more writing! This workbook was designed to get you writing your research articles and publishing in peer-reviewed journals right now. With this workbook, you will actually write as you read. Each chapter ends with a summary of important points and fill-in exercises that will lead you write a complete draft of your research article. This book was written by a scientist for scientists. Dr. Luz Claudio understands the pressures of academia and the need for all scientists to publish or perish. With over 25 years of experience teaching and mentoring students at all educational levels, she has distilled the essential and practical knowledge you need to succeed in becoming a published scientist. If you are a graduate student, postdoctoral fellow, junior faculty, physician affiliated with an academic institution, a government researcher, a leader of a community-based organization or a principal investigator mentoring future scientists, you need this guide. The workbook can be used on its own or as a companion to the online course: WriteScienceNow.com


Profscam PDF Author: Charles J. Sykes
Publisher: Regnery Publishing
ISBN: 9780895265593
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 332

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ProfScam reveals the direct and ultimate reason for the collapse of higher education in the Unites States— the selfish, wayward, and corrupt American university professor.

Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper

Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper PDF Author: Subhash Chandra Parija
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9811047200
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 197

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This book covers all essential aspects of writing scientific research articles, presenting eighteen carefully selected titles that offer essential, “must-know” content on how to write high-quality articles. The book also addresses other, rarely discussed areas of scientific writing including dealing with rejected manuscripts, the reviewer’s perspective as to what they expect in a scientific article, plagiarism, copyright issues, and ethical standards in publishing scientific papers. Simplicity is the book’s hallmark, and it aims to provide an accessible, comprehensive and essential resource for those seeking guidance on how to publish their research work. The importance of publishing research work cannot be overemphasized. However, a major limitation in publishing work in a scientific journal is the lack of information on or experience with scientific writing and publishing. Young faculty and trainees who are starting their research career are in need of a comprehensive guide that provides all essential components of scientific writing and aids them in getting their research work published.

Getting Published in Academic Journals

Getting Published in Academic Journals PDF Author: Brian Paltridge
Publisher: University of Michigan Press ELT
ISBN: 9780472035403
Category : Academic writing
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The pressure on graduate students and new PhDs to publish their work continues to grow with writing and publishing considered an important measure of career success within the academy. There is, however, more to the process of getting published than those who are new to the process initially realize. The aim of this guide is to clarify the process and offer advice. Getting Published in Academic Journals is written for graduate students and newly graduated PhDs who want to publish their research in peer-reviewed academic journals. Getting Published in Academic Journals draws on the experiences of the authors as editors of peer-reviewed journals, as teachers of writing-for-publication courses and workshops, as researchers of the scholarly publication process, as reviewers of hundreds of articles, and as published authors. The book is written to be used in courses and workshops on publishing, as a supplement to the books in the revised and updated English in Today's Research World (Swales & Feak) series, and as a stand-alone guide for academic writers working independently. Book jacket.

Machine Learning Refined

Machine Learning Refined PDF Author:
ISBN: 1108575544
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 598

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Publishing Your Medical Research

Publishing Your Medical Research PDF Author: Daniel W. Byrne
Publisher: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
ISBN: 1496353870
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 392

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Publishing Your Medical Research is the second edition of the award-winning book that provides practical information on how to write a publishable paper. This edition includes additional details to help medical researchers succeed in the competitive “publish or perish” world. Using a direct and highly informative style, it does more than help you write a paper; it presents the technical information, invaluable modern advice, and practical tips you need to get your paper accepted for publication. A singular source for the beginning and experienced researcher alike, Publishing Your Medical Research is a must for any physician, fellow, resident, medical scientist, graduate student, or biostatistician seeking to be published.

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper

How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper PDF Author: Robert A. Day
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521367608
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials

Sharing Publication-Related Data and Materials PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309168503
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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Biologists communicate to the research community and document their scientific accomplishments by publishing in scholarly journals. This report explores the responsibilities of authors to share data, software, and materials related to their publications. In addition to describing the principles that support community standards for sharing different kinds of data and materials, the report makes recommendations for ways to facilitate sharing in the future.