Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains

Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains PDF Author: P.D. Hughes
Publisher: Geological Society of London
ISBN: 1862397473
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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The mountains of the Mediterranean world are now largely ice free, but many were repeatedly glaciated during the Quaternary ice age. This created spectacular glaciated landscapes with a rich array of glacial deposits and landforms. The glacial and glacio-fluvial records are often very well preserved and our understanding of the timing of Quaternary glaciation has very recently been transformed through the application of dating methods utilizing uranium-series and cosmogenic isotopes. Glacial records from the Mediterranean now boast some of the most robust chronologies for mountain glaciation anywhere in the world – they represent a unique archive of Quaternary environmental change of global significance. The southerly latitude and relatively small size of Mediterranean glaciers rendered them especially sensitive to Pleistocene and Holocene climate changes. This volume brings together the leading researchers and the latest research on Mediterranean glaciation. Several papers also explore glacier behaviour in the Holocene – including those glaciers of southernmost Europe at risk of disappearing this century.

Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains

Quaternary Glaciation in the Mediterranean Mountains PDF Author: P.D. Hughes
Publisher: Geological Society of London
ISBN: 1862397473
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 320

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Book Description
The mountains of the Mediterranean world are now largely ice free, but many were repeatedly glaciated during the Quaternary ice age. This created spectacular glaciated landscapes with a rich array of glacial deposits and landforms. The glacial and glacio-fluvial records are often very well preserved and our understanding of the timing of Quaternary glaciation has very recently been transformed through the application of dating methods utilizing uranium-series and cosmogenic isotopes. Glacial records from the Mediterranean now boast some of the most robust chronologies for mountain glaciation anywhere in the world – they represent a unique archive of Quaternary environmental change of global significance. The southerly latitude and relatively small size of Mediterranean glaciers rendered them especially sensitive to Pleistocene and Holocene climate changes. This volume brings together the leading researchers and the latest research on Mediterranean glaciation. Several papers also explore glacier behaviour in the Holocene – including those glaciers of southernmost Europe at risk of disappearing this century.

The Geography of Slovenia

The Geography of Slovenia PDF Author: Drago Perko
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030140660
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 357

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This book is the first to give a comprehensive and detailed overview of the complete geography of Slovenia in English. Only very few countries, even considerably larger ones, can boast the landscape diversity found in Slovenia since the Alps, the Pannonian Basin, the Dinaric Alps, and the Mediterranean meet and interweave in this small corner of Central Europe, as do Germanic, Hungarian, Slavic, and Romance cultural influences. The book provides a systematical overview of physical and human geographical elements of Slovenia from landforms to cultural characteristics. Special attention is given to landscape diversity, to the presentation of Slovene landscape types and regions, to some particularities and interesting facts of Slovenia, and to the position of Slovenia in the World. The book also illustrates some other important geographical phenomena, processes and interactions between nature and society in nowadays Slovenia. This volume appeals to researchers as well as students in the field of regional geography. It can also serve as a source for complete background information as well as a field guide for Slovenia.

Geographica Iugoslavica

Geographica Iugoslavica PDF Author:
Category : Geography
Languages : en
Pages : 558

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Introduction to the Dinaric Karst

Introduction to the Dinaric Karst PDF Author: Nadja Zupan Hajna
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9612541981
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 73

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Dinarski kras je obsežno, 800 km dolgo in do 150 km široko kraško območje, ki zavzema večji del Dinarskih gora in zavzema zahodni del Slovenije. Dinarski kras se odlikuje po velikih sklenjenih površinah, izjemni pestrosti reliefnih oblik, izjemnih jamah, velikih rekah ponikalnicah in kraških izvirih. Zaradi izrazitih oblik in pojavov so se tu že zgodaj pojavili opisi krasa pa tudi znanstvena raziskovanja. V 19. stoletju, je iz imena pokrajine Kras nastal termin karst, domača imena za reliefne oblike, dolina, polje, uvala, ponor pa so postali znanstveni termini. Tu so bile odkrite in opisane tudi prve jamske živali. Kljub odkritju številnih novih kraških območij v drugačnih geoloških ali klimatskih pogojih ostaja Dinarski kras še vedno svetovno pomembno kraško področje. Dinarski kras je locus tipicus za številne oblike in pojave, je mesto intenzivnega raziskovanja, pa tudi mesto, kjer se srečujejo krasoslovci s celega sveta. Knjiga na poljudnoznanstven način opisuje osnovne karakteristike Dinarskega krasa ter karakteristične primere tipov površja z Dinarskega krasa.

Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions

Sustainable Development in Mountain Regions PDF Author: Georgi Zhelezov
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319201107
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 399

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This second edition of the book Sustainable Development of Mountain Regions: Southeastern Europe integrates the scientific results and expertise of the researchers from the countries in Southeastern Europe. The book consists of updated information for the topics observed in first edition and several new chapters with analysis of some problems in the mountain regions of four new for the edition countries in Southeastern European space. The general themes in the book are related to Global problems and mountain regions; Nature resources and landuse in mountain regions; Social, economic and regional problems of mountain regions; Nature protection, conservation and monitoring and Networks and strategies for mountain regions. The key topics for discussion are: Natural recourses and land use in mountain regions. Sustainable social and economic development of the mountain regions. Natural disasters and risk prevention. Spatial modeling and planning. Nature protection, monitoring and conservation. Politics and sustainable practices for development of mountain regions. Transborder and regional cooperation. Mountain regions in Southeastern Europe are characterized by unique landscape and biological diversity and great economic potential. They have function as a living space and provide different groups of ecosystem and landscape services. In social and economic aspects these regions are one of the poorest in Southeastern European countries with unused potential. Human, ecological and economic problems arising in various mountain regions have the same basic characteristics irrespective of the country. Some mountain regions are subject to specific for the conditions of the mountain and country policy for planning, development and mountain population promotion. The general goal is development of whole economy and the efficient management of natural resources and prevention of natural and tec hnological disasters. The mountain regions are one of the most threatened landscape systems in Southeastern Europe. Understanding the importance of the mountain regions and conservation of the natural heritage require scientific and institutional cooperation at all levels.


Slovenia PDF Author: Milan Orožen Adamič
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 961650049X
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 162

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Zbornik je nastal ob 30. mednarodnem geografskem kongresu, ki je od 15. do 20. avgusta 2004 potekal v Glasgowu na Škotskem. Avtorji so v 26 prispevkih podali razmeroma celovit geografski pregled Slovenije. Po splošnem uvodnem opisu in umestitvi Slovenije v Evropo so prikazane njene naravnogeografske značilnosti, podnebje, vegetacija, prebivalstvo. poselitev in naselja, raba tal, industrija in turizem. Predstavljene so tudi možnosti nadaljnjega razvoja. S tem so mednarodni geografski srenji predstavljene geografske discipline, s katerimi se slovenski geografi najbolj intenzivno ukvarjamo. Knjigo bogatijo številni kakovostni tematski zemljevidi, povedne fotografije in preglednice. Na zadnji platnici je še pregledni zemljevid Republike Slovenije.

The Geography of Serbia

The Geography of Serbia PDF Author: Emilija Manić
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030747018
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 314

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This is a comprehensive regional geography synthesis of the most important physical and human spatial processes that shaped Serbia and led to many interesting regional issues, not only to Serbia but to the Balkans and Europe. The book provides an overall view on the Serbian physical environment, its population and economy. It also highlights important regional issues such as regional disparities and depopulation, sustainable development and ecological issues and rural economy in the context of rural area development, which have been shaped by different political and historical processes. This highly illustrated book provides interesting and informative insights into Serbia and its context within the Balkans and Europe. It appeals to scientists and students as well as travelers and general readers interested in this region.

Nature, Tourism and Ethnicity as Drivers of (De)Marginalization

Nature, Tourism and Ethnicity as Drivers of (De)Marginalization PDF Author: Stanko Pelc
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319590022
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 345

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This book considers de-marginalization attesting that marginal regions have the potential for de-marginalization and are anchored in developmental terms on the following core themes: nature; tourism; ethnicity and general factors including migration. Adding to the discussion on marginality and sustainability this book contributes a number of case studies on a diverse selection of topics and regions in which these crucial issues connect. It delivers a reflection of (de)marginalizing processes in today’s globalized world where an increasing number of people, groups, societies and regions are marginalized and vulnerable not only from social and economic factors, but also from natural causes such as natural hazards. This book addresses the unsustainable practices in the past that have often generated difficult conditions for sustainable development in the future. Marginal regions that have not been developed are given much needed consideration as they may now enjoy the benefits of having not been exploited in the past to their present-day developmental advantage. The overview offered by this book is significant in that marginal regions with relatively unspoiled and attractive natural (and cultural) landscapes have a great potential for sustainable tourism. Contributions include the (de)marginalization of ethnic groups, the role of education and migration in the process, and different economic and political perspectives. Considering the topics covered, the book should be appreciated by all those involved in creation of social policies, urban and regional planning – coordinating economic with spatial and social development and by those studying in the fields were competencies for such activities are important part of the study program.

Kartografski zakladi slovenskega ozemlja

Kartografski zakladi slovenskega ozemlja PDF Author: Primož Gašperič
Publisher: Založba ZRC
ISBN: 9610504264
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 136

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Monografija predstavlja bogastvo zgodovinskih kartografskih upodobitev slovenskega ozemlja. V grobem je razdeljena v dva dela. V besedilnem delu so predstavljeni zgodovina evropske kartografije do konca 19. stoletja, kartografski prikazi slovenskega ozemlja do začetka 20. stoletja ter zemljevidi kot kulturna dediščina. Kartografski del monografije pa prinaša kronološki prikaz pomembnejših starih zemljevidov slovenskega ozemlja. Predstavljeni so zemljevidi od srede 16. stoletja, ko so nastala prva samostojna kartografska dela današnjega slovenskega ozemlja, do začetka 20. stoletja, ko se kartografija razvije v sodobno vedo. Namen monografije ni obsežna predstavitev posameznih zemljevidov, temveč predstavitev slovenske kartografske dediščine.

East European Accessions List

East European Accessions List PDF Author: Library of Congress. Processing Department
Category : Europe, Eastern
Languages : en
Pages : 1134

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