Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation

Functional Structure(s), Form and Interpretation PDF Author: Andrew Simpson
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134431384
Category : Foreign Language Study
Languages : en
Pages : 297

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Part PART I in the DP/NP -- chapter 1 NP as argument -- chapter 2 Copying variables -- chapter 3 Classi?ers and the count/mass distinction -- chapter 4 The demonstratives in modern Japanese -- part PART II of functional structure -- chapter 5 On the Re-Analysis of nominalizers in Chinese, Japanese and Korean -- chapter 6 Three types of existential quantification in Chinese -- chapter 7 On the history of place words and localizers in Chinese: A cognitive approach -- chapter PART III principles of organization -- chapter 8 Judgments, point of view and the interpretation of causee noun phrases -- chapter 9 A computational approach to case and word order in Korean -- chapter 10 Adjuncts and word order typology in east asian languages -- chapter 11 The distribution of negative NPS and some typological correlates.

Functional Structure in DP and IP

Functional Structure in DP and IP PDF Author: Guglielmo Cinque
Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
ISBN: 9780195148800
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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Presenting the results of a long-term research project, funded by the Italian government, this text provides a comprehensive mapping of various functional structures in natural languages.

Gradient Acceptability and Linguistic Theory

Gradient Acceptability and Linguistic Theory PDF Author: Elaine Francis
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0192898949
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 289

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This volume examines the interpretation of gradient judgments of sentence acceptability in relation to theories of grammatical knowledge. It uses experimental and corpus-based research, along with a range of case studies, to argue for a new approach to this crucial problem.

Methods and Tactics in Cognitive Science

Methods and Tactics in Cognitive Science PDF Author: W. Kintsch
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1317769074
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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First published in 1984. The editors of this volume are three psychologists whose work has brought them into frequent contact with other disciplines within cognitive science, particularly linguistics and artificial intelligence. Cognitive science is based on the belief that crossing the boundaries of the traditional disciplines is not merely possible, but indeed essential in the study of cognition. The purpose of this volume is to facilitate this interaction among the disciplines that constitute cognitive science, and trying to do this not by an abstract discussion of methodological issues, but by concrete example.

Lexical-Functional Grammar

Lexical-Functional Grammar PDF Author: George M. Horn
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 3110838699
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 409

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TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS is a series of books that open new perspectives in our understanding of language. The series publishes state-of-the-art work on core areas of linguistics across theoretical frameworks as well as studies that provide new insights by building bridges to neighbouring fields such as neuroscience and cognitive science. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS considers itself a forum for cutting-edge research based on solid empirical data on language in its various manifestations, including sign languages. It regards linguistic variation in its synchronic and diachronic dimensions as well as in its social contexts as important sources of insight for a better understanding of the design of linguistic systems and the ecology and evolution of language. TRENDS IN LINGUISTICS publishes monographs and outstanding dissertations as well as edited volumes, which provide the opportunity to address controversial topics from different empirical and theoretical viewpoints. High quality standards are ensured through anonymous reviewing.

Situations, Language and Logic

Situations, Language and Logic PDF Author: J.E. Fenstad
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9400913354
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 195

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This monograph grew out of research at Xerox PARC and the Center for the Study of Language and Information (CSLI) during the first year of CSLI's existence. The Center was created as a meeting place for people from many different research traditions and there was much interest in seeing how the various approaches could be joined in a common effort to understand the complexity of language and information. CSLI was thus an ideal environment for our group and our enterprise. Our original goal was to see how a well-developed linguistic the ory, such as lexical-functional grammar, could be joined with the ideas emerging from research in situation semantics in a manner which would measure up to the technical standards set by Montague grammar. The outcome was our notion of situation schemata and the extension of constraint-based grammar formalisms to deal with semantic as well as syntactic information. As our work progressed we widened our approach. We decided to also include a detailed study of the logic of situation theory, and to investigate how this logical theory is related to the relational theory of meaning developed in situation semantics.

Generative Grammar

Generative Grammar PDF Author: Geoffrey Horrocks
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317887786
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 352

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This book provides a critical review of the development of generative grammar, both transformational and non-transformational, from the early 1960s to the present, and presents contemporary results in the context of an overall evaluation of recent research in the field. Geoffrey Horrocks compares Chomsky's approach to the study of grammar, culminating in Government and Binding theory, with two other theories which are deliberate reactions to this framework: Generalised Phrase Structure Grammar and Lexical-Functional Grammar. Whilst proponents of all three models regard themselves as generative grammarians, and share many of the same objectives, the differences between them nevertheless account for much of the recent debate in this subject. By presenting these different theories in the context of the issues that unite and divide them, the book highlights the problems which arise in any attempt to establish an adequate theory of grammatical representation.

Layered Structure and Reference in a Functional Perspective

Layered Structure and Reference in a Functional Perspective PDF Author: Michael D. Fortescue
Publisher: John Benjamins Publishing
ISBN: 9027250359
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 459

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This volume contains revised and expanded versions of those papers from the 1990 Functional Grammar Conference in Copenhagen that contributed specifically to the current investigation of clause structure in terms of semantic layers. One of the key concepts in this discussion is 'reference'. Some papers discuss ways in which previous accounts of reference need to be expanded and differentiated to provide a consistent picture of referential properties. The power of layered analysis to bring out fundamental similarities between languages of very different types is the theme of another group of papers, again with the referential properties of constituents playing a central role. By some contributors layered analysis is challenged, and the question is raised as to how it might fit into a dynamic and pragmatic picture of language. The book is rounded off by a comparison between layered structure in Functional Grammar and in Government and Binding Theory.

Introduction to Psycholinguistics

Introduction to Psycholinguistics PDF Author: Prof. Drs. Dewa Komang Tantra, Dip.App.Ling, M.Sc., Ph.D.
Publisher: PT. RajaGrafindo Persada - Rajawali Pers
ISBN: 6232316428
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 146

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Introduction to Psycholinguistics will be of interest to students and lecturers of second language teaching This can become a useful handbook for lecturers teaching introductory courses on psycholinguistics at the under- graduate level This book is written in chapters, which are equipped with learning objectives as well as practice questions in each of the chapter so that it is very practical to be used by lecturers both as an independent activity module for students and for structured lectures This textbook is also very suitable for students of undergraduate level majoring in English language education program since it offers learning resource to study psycholinguistic issues, which are an important theoretical foundation for language learning approaches, including English as a second language By acquiring theoretical basics such as language acquisition, language production, language understanding, and language loss (language loss), students can gain a more complete theoretical basis as English teacher candidates Moreover, this book tries to present current issues related to global education, such as literacy issues This book uses simple friendly language that makes students understand the presented materials and important knowledge of psycholinguistics with ease.

Contemporary Linguistic Parameters

Contemporary Linguistic Parameters PDF Author: Antonio Fabregas
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1472532716
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 341

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Parameters have lain at the core of linguistic research in the generative tradition for decades. The theoretical questions they have raised are deep and broad: this reference text investigates how contemporary linguistics has best tried to answer them. This book looks at how parameters might be properly defined and what their locus might be :lexical information, functional heads, the computational system, the phonological branch of the grammar. What kind of data forms trigger acquisition of a parameter? Are parameters necessary or can we study languages without making reference to them? The questions looked at are not just theoretical: how can a theory of parameters be used to help understand second language acquisition, and what contributions can it make to the study of language typology? This is the right time to gather all this information, dispersed in many different kinds of publications by single authors and groups, into one comprehensive volume.