
Beloved PDF Author: Kay Arthur
ISBN: 9781565071988
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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In Beloved, Kay takes you on a personal journey into a passion for living that flows from knowing how much God loves you--into a life of prayer, sensitivity to His leading, and a joyful spirit as you walk daily in His Word.


Beloved PDF Author: Kay Arthur
ISBN: 9781565071988
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 416

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Book Description
In Beloved, Kay takes you on a personal journey into a passion for living that flows from knowing how much God loves you--into a life of prayer, sensitivity to His leading, and a joyful spirit as you walk daily in His Word.

From God's Heart to Yours

From God's Heart to Yours PDF Author: Roy Lessin
Publisher: Riveroak Pub
ISBN: 9781589194120
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 98

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What could be more divine than living under God's approval-to feel His smile upon your life, to experience His blessing of peace and immeasurable rest?

Encountering God's Heart for You

Encountering God's Heart for You PDF Author: Diane Stortz
Publisher: Baker Books
ISBN: 1493421808
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 403

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Book Description
God put the Bible together for you, and he wants you to understand and know him better. But sometimes you can get lost in the details and miss the big picture. The Bible is more than just a collection of wisdom, instructions, and history. It's one unified story of the incredible love of God! Encountering God's Heart for You takes you on a daily journey through the full narrative of Scripture in a year. And in the process, it will draw you nearer to God as you discover his love and compassion. It won't cover every verse, or even every chapter, in the Bible, but by the time you're through, you'll have a strong grasp of what the Bible is all about. Reading Scripture isn't just a way to collect information or check something off a to-do list. Let this book bring you into God's presence to better understand the Bible's story of love, sacrifice, and redemption as he draws you to himself.

Lord, Give Me a Heart for You

Lord, Give Me a Heart for You PDF Author: Kay Arthur
Publisher: WaterBrook
ISBN: 0307553329
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 290

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Kay Arthur’s Newest “Lord” Book Examines The Anatomy Of A Heart for God Through Paul’s Eyes. Throughout his ministry the Apostle Paul was criticized, opposed, and attacked. He wrestled with his weaknesses. He struggled with fragile relationships. He was often weary, tired, and discouraged. Kay Arthur knows there are times when you can identify with Paul's experience. You feel overwhelmed by conflicts without and fears within. You yearn to experience the God of wisdom and power. You, like Paul, want deeply to be a person whose sole passion is to please God. In this study based on 2 Corinthians, Kay examines the anatomy of a heart for God. What it looks like. What it feels like. And how you can strengthen your own relationship with God. Despite the deep physical, emotional, and spiritual pain of life, Paul could rest in the God of all comfort and strength. He could walk in obedience to his calling. He could fight the good fight, finish his race, and keep the faith. And now, through this compelling, insightful, and moving Bible study, so can you. “What does a heart for God look like when lived out in flesh and blood in the daily circumstances of life? As we walk together through 2 Corinthians, Acts, and other portions of Scripture, we'll begin to understand what it's like to have a heart like His.” –Kay Arthur THE “LORD” SERIES by Kay Arthur is an insightful, warm-hearted Bible study series designed to meet you where you are–and help you discover God’s answers to your deepest needs.

Right From the Heart

Right From the Heart PDF Author: Bryant Wright
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 1400317738
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 402

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For people on-the-go who want a daily dose of God’s truth for their life. You want to spend meaningful time each day with the Lord, but about 10 minutes into your day the demands of life distract and pull at you, and threaten to overshadow your plans for quiet time. Pastor Bryant Wright lends helpful guidance for staying focused on God’s Word and applying it to your daily living. His to-the-point messages set the tone for living as Jesus lived, no matter your circumstances. Setting aside just a few minutes each day with the Lord can change your heart. The condition of your heart can change your day. And the outcome of your day can change the course of your life for His eternal glory.

A Godward Heart

A Godward Heart PDF Author: John Piper
Publisher: Multnomah
ISBN: 1601425678
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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To Satisfy Your Soul — with God John Piper invites you to experience deeper intimacy with God through these thought-provoking and soul-enriching meditations. Whether you are just discovering the divine richness of Scripture or have long been a passionate student, you’ll find a deeper understanding of God and renewed insight for your journey.

A Young Man After God's Own Heart

A Young Man After God's Own Heart PDF Author: Jim George
Publisher: Harvest House Publishers
ISBN: 0736959785
Category : Young Adult Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 210

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Book Description
Pursuing God really is an adventure—one that can get extreme, one you'll never tire of. Becoming a young man after God's own heart is a lot like climbing a mountain. You'll find all sorts of challenges on the way up, but the awesome view at the top is well worth the trip. Real success in life—the kind that counts with God—starts by discovering God's priorities for you. These include... building your faith choosing the right kinds of friends getting along at home winning the battle over temptation making right choices about the future Once you get started on this journey, you'll never be the same! Includes new and revised content.

Knowing the Heart of God

Knowing the Heart of God PDF Author: John Eldredge
Publisher: Thomas Nelson
ISBN: 1418579947
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 380

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Book Description
Get close to the heart of God. Understanding God's heart is the key to understanding life. For, it is his heart that designed redemption through Jesus. From his heart sprang the beauty of world, the wonder of the universe, the creativity of all humankind, and a specific love for you. His heart is the blueprint of all human hearts, and knowing his heart reveals the origin of goodness and bounty he endowed to us. In Knowing the Heart of God, 365 entries will take you closer to our vastly amazing and tenderly intimate God. You will encounter a daily installment of encouragement and insight, guidance and wisdom to: Understand the heart of God and your own heart Discover the purpose of your heart's deep desires Unravel the dynamics between parents and children, husbands and wives Fight the spiritual battle for your heart Connect intimately with the Father each day And much, much more God longs for you to know his heart, to tap into his love and plans for you. He designed you to long for the same. Knowing the Heart of God will satisfy your hardwired need to know him and will take you?day by day?closer and closer to the God who loves you.

Love Notes from God for Busy Moms

Love Notes from God for Busy Moms PDF Author: Helen M. Young
ISBN: 9780842377546
Category : Family & Relationships
Languages : en
Pages : 124

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"True stories that touch the heart & send your spirit soaring"--Cover.

The Great Sending

The Great Sending PDF Author: Will Sohns
ISBN: 9781938840425
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 328

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Book Description
This book goes right to the heart-the heart of the missional problem-and offers a powerful solution. God's Sending is a call to join Him in something beyond self, beyond a congregation, and beyond a denomination. God is calling us to much more. His Great Sending is His heartbeat for the world that He wants beating in and through you. Readers will learn to re-arrange their understanding of Scripture and life around God's longer arranging God's Mission around their self-centered lives. Each chapter in this collection of writings from renowned authors connects God's heart to your own through a deep dive into Scripture. The Great Sending will begin new conversationsin the church around the Great Sending (Missio Dei) and lead laity, congregations, and pastors to let God change the direction of local churches that are collapsing under protectionism and self-preservation. The Great Sending is about opening up to God's heart for the world. Let this book challenge you and call you to see God's Mission and move your life to join God in the Mission.