Free to be ... You and Me

Free to be ... You and Me PDF Author: Marlo Thomas
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies
ISBN: 9780070642232
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 143

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A number of stories, poems, and songs which demonstrate that people can choose to do or be whatever they desire.

Free to be ... You and Me

Free to be ... You and Me PDF Author: Marlo Thomas
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Companies
ISBN: 9780070642232
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 143

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A number of stories, poems, and songs which demonstrate that people can choose to do or be whatever they desire.

Be You Be Free

Be You Be Free PDF Author: Shreen El Masry
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1761103067
Category : Self-Help
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Book Description
Break free from dieting once and for all with this easy-to-follow guide to healing your relationship with food and exercise from body inclusive personal trainer and certified intuitive eating counsellor Shreen El Masry. Have you been on so many diets that you can’t remember a time in your life when you weren’t dieting? Be You Be Free gives you the tools you need to break free from dieting and make peace with food, exercise and your body. You will learn how to nourish your body in a way that works for you rather than punishing it with diets and hardcore exercise regimens. By focusing on intuitive eating, you will learn to trust your body again, giving you the freedom with food that you deserve. You will learn to stop judging your success based on a number on the scale, and will be shown behaviours that promote true health and wellbeing. This book will not only help you find food freedom, body peace and joyful exercise, but also assist you in creating your own version of wellbeing on your terms so that you can take care of yourself in the best possible way. Be You Be Free is not about fixing yourself. It is about becoming your true self by putting you in a position of control with the tools to make the changes you want to make. Shreen El Masry has experienced first-hand the battle many of us can have with food, exercise and body image. After pushing herself to the brink of her physical and mental health, Shreen educated herself about health and wellbeing, studying to become a body inclusive personal trainer and certified Intuitive Eating counsellor. She now helps women all around the world to ‘find their true purpose and identity outside of dieting, so they become who they are meant to be, before the world and diet culture told them who they had to be’.

The Charge

The Charge PDF Author: Brendon Burchard
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 1451667531
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 274

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From the author of the #1 "New York Times" bestseller "The Millionaire Messenger," an electrifying book that provides the keys to motivation to satisfy the most essential creative and intellectual needs.

Set You Free

Set You Free PDF Author: Jeff Ross
Publisher: Orca Book Publishers
ISBN: 1459807995
Category : Young Adult Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 175

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The mayor’s six-year-old son, Ben Carter, is missing—and Lauren’s brother, Tom, is the main suspect. Lauren knows her brother would never harm anyone, but the police don’t agree. Ben’s stepbrother doesn’t agree. The mayor certainly doesn’t agree. To some people in Resurrection Falls, Tom is the freak who, rumor has it, once tried to lure a kid into the woods. But if Tom is innocent, why was he lurking around outside the mayor’s house the night Ben disappeared? And why has he also vanished? After teaming up with Tom’s friend, Grady, a computer enthusiast and part-time hacker, Lauren decides that rather than try to prove Tom’s innocence, they should simply give the police some more options. Because everyone, even the mayor’s apparently perfect family, has secrets.

You Are Free

You Are Free PDF Author: Rebekah Lyons
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 0310345561
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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You don't have to keep striving for freedom. You can live into the freedom you already have in Christ. In You Are Free, Rebekah Lyons--author of Rhythms of Renewal--reveals her journey of releasing stress, anxiety, and worry to uncover the peace that comes from Jesus Christ. Have you bought into the lie? So many of us do. We measure our worth by what others think of us. We compare and strive, living our lives for the approval of others. Pressure rises, fear and anxiety creeps in, and we hustle to keep up. But Jesus tells us that he gave his life to set us free, giving us purpose and calling us to live in that God-given freedom and purpose. Maybe we're afraid to live in this truth because we can't even believe it. Rebekah reminds us that Christ doesn't say we can be or may be or will be free. He says we are free. Do you dare to believe it? In You Are Free, Rebekah invites you to: Overcome the exhaustion of trying to meet others' expectations and rest in the joy that God's freedom brings Find permission to grieve past experiences, confess your areas of brokenness, and receive strength in your journey toward healing Throw off self-condemnation and step boldly into what our good God has for you Discover the courage to begin again and use your newfound freedom to set others free Freedom is for everyone who wants it--the lost, the wounded, and those weary from all of the striving. It's for those of us who gave up trying years ago and for those of us who are angry and hurt, burnt out by the Christian song and dance. You are the church, the people of God. You were meant to be free. Join Rebekah as she helps you discover the freedom that comes when we learn that God is enough.

The Oxford Handbook of Children's Literature

The Oxford Handbook of Children's Literature PDF Author: Julia Mickenberg
Publisher: Oxford University Press
ISBN: 0199701911
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 601

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The Oxford Handbook of Children's Literature is at once a literary history, an introduction to various theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches, a review of genres, and a selection of original and interdisciplinary essays on canonical and popular works for children in the Anglo-American tradition. It is geared toward graduate students, advanced undergraduates, and scholars new to the study of children's literature, as well as teachers and anyone wishing to keep up with new research and innovative approaches to children's literature. Twenty-six essays by top scholars from varied disciplines address theoretical, historical, sociological, and critical issues through analyses of classic novels such as Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Anne of Green Gables, The Swiss Family Robinson, Tom Sawyer, Kidnapped, and Five Little Peppers and How They Grew; early educational and religious works such as The New England Primer and Froggy's Little Brother; picture books, comics and graphic novels such as Millions of Cats, Where the Wild Things Are, the Peanuts series and American Born Chinese; early readers such as The Cat in the Hat and the Frog and Toad books; newer children's classics including Are You There, God? It's Me, Margaret, Jade, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, The Circuit, the Harry Potter series and His Dark Materials trilogy; works of poetry such as The Bat Poety and The Dreamkeeper; a play, Peter Pan; and media classics such as Free to Be You and Me and Dumbo. An editors' introduction surveys key trends in criticism, the field's history, and foundational scholarship.

When We Were Free to Be

When We Were Free to Be PDF Author: Lori Rotskoff
Publisher: UNC Press Books
ISBN: 0807837555
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 341

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If you grew up in the era of mood rings and lava lamps, you probably remember Free to Be . . . You and Me--the groundbreaking children's record, book, and television special that debuted in 1972. Conceived by actress and producer Marlo Thomas and promoted by Ms. magazine, it captured the spirit of the growing women's movement and inspired girls and boys to challenge stereotypes, value cooperation, and respect diversity. In this lively collection marking the fortieth anniversary of Free to Be . . . You and Me, thirty-two contributors explore the creation and legacy of this popular children's classic. Featuring a prologue by Marlo Thomas, When We Were Free to Be offers an unprecedented insiders' view by the original creators, as well as accounts by activists and educators who changed the landscape of childhood in schools, homes, toy stores, and libraries nationwide. Essays document the rise of non-sexist children's culture during the 1970s and address how Free to Be still speaks to families today. Contributors are Alan Alda, Laura Briggs, Karl Bryant, Becky Friedman, Nancy Gruver, Carol Hall, Carole Hart, Dorothy Pitman Hughes, Joe Kelly, Cheryl Kilodavis, Dionne Kirschner, Francine Klagsbrun, Stephen Lawrence, Laura L. Lovett, Courtney Martin, Karin A. Martin, Tayloe McDonald, Trey McIntyre, Peggy Orenstein, Leslie Paris, Miriam Peskowitz, Deesha Philyaw, Abigail Pogrebin, Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Robin Pogrebin, Patrice Quinn, Lori Rotskoff, Deborah Siegel, Jeremy Adam Smith, Barbara Sprung, Gloria Steinem, and Marlo Thomas. Publisher's Note: Late in the production of this book, the text on pages 252 and 253 was accidentally reversed. As a result, one should read page 253 before turning to page 252 and then proceeding on to page 254. The publisher deeply regrets this error.

Life's Golden Ticket

Life's Golden Ticket PDF Author: Brendon Burchard
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1841127752
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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A fictionalized account on one man's journey through a "theme park of life" after being implored by his dying fiancee to go and discover... Trapped in a prison of his past so he can't see the possibilities, the gifts and the choices available to him, his journey is our journey. Based on Brendon's experience teaching and coaching, he realizes that people never transform the quality of their lives unless their hearts and minds are truly engaged in changing - they need to have a deep, emotional reason to change. This beautiful, engaging story of love, loss and redemption will connect with people immediately. It will also cause readers to think and reflect on their lives more deeply, become more aware of their own life stories, accept their authentic selves, and become accountable for who they are. Brendon reaches out to engage hearts and minds in transforming lives with emotional edge and mental clarity. What is this golden ticket? And what kind of life does it really gain us admission to? The chapters are arranged into life lessons around 4 gates to transformation: Awareness, Acceptance, Accountability, and Action. "Whatever you do, pay the price of admission for Life's Golden Ticket! This book is entertaining, provocative and loaded with wisdom. Honestly, this is the most original book I've read in years!" (Bill Treasurer, CEO, Giant Leap Consulting and author of Right Risk - Ten Powerful Principles for Taking Giant Leaps with Your Life) "I read the story in one sitting, I just couldn't put it down. I cried, I laughed, I cheered, I wondered where it was all going - and when I finished, I was so thankful for the journey" (K C George, Corporate Program Manager, VISA USA) "Life's Golden Ticket is wise without being preachy, inspiring without forgetting insight, entertaining without sacrificing empowerment. Brendon Burchard shows incredible depth, compassion, and wisdom on every page. He has given us a true gift." (Kelley Graham, Director, Levi Strauss & Co)

Free for You and Me

Free for You and Me PDF Author: Christy Mihaly
ISBN: 9780807524466
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Find out the freedoms and rights of the First Amendment.

Be Free. Be You

Be Free. Be You PDF Author: Achea Redd
ISBN: 9781634892285
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 168

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In today's culture of stress, competition, and perfect images, it's all too easy to hit rock bottom. Confronted by anxiety about our appearance, our performance, and ourselves, we can feel trapped, imprisoned by the person society expects us to be. The only way to escape that prison is to learn to love who we are-who we really are. Be Free. Be You. is all about the journey to wholeness and happiness through loving and embracing the real you. With humor, empathy, and honesty, Achea Redd takes you through the ups and downs of her own life and uses her story to show you the path to self-love and authenticity. Let this book be your guide to finding happiness in the person you really are. AUTHOR BIOGRAPHY: In early 2016, Achea Redd was diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. After hiding her condition out of fear and shame, Achea quickly realized it was only getting worse, affecting her physically to the point of a nervous breakdown. It wasn't until she acknowledged the situation with her loved ones, seeking out treatment from her therapist and doctor, that things started to get better. As a form of self-expression and healing, Achea created her own blog, sharing her feelings about mental health and authenticity. The flow of support she received from the community compelled her to create Real Girls F.A.R.T.-a space to empower and equip women with the necessary tools to use their voices and become their best, most authentic selves. Achea currently resides in Columbus, Ohio with her husband, Michael, and her two children. AUTHOR HOME: Columbus, OH