Frames of Reference Used by Children for Orientation in Unfamiliar Spaces

Frames of Reference Used by Children for Orientation in Unfamiliar Spaces PDF Author: Linda Potter Acredolo
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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Frames of Reference Used by Children for Orientation in Unfamiliar Spaces

Frames of Reference Used by Children for Orientation in Unfamiliar Spaces PDF Author: Linda Potter Acredolo
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 298

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Frames of Reference in Spatial Directions

Frames of Reference in Spatial Directions PDF Author: Nicki Jean Cohen-Cliffer
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 370

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Spatial Cognition

Spatial Cognition PDF Author: Joan Stiles-Davis
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1317717597
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 472

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Looking at the ways humans perceive, interpret, remember, and interact with events occurring in space, this book focuses on two aspects of spatial cognition: How does spatial cognition develop? What is the relation between spatial cognition and the brain? This book offers a unique opportunity to share the combined efforts of scientists from varied disciplines, including cognitive and developmental psychology, neuropsychology, behavioral neurology, and neurobiology in the process of interacting and exchanging ideas. Based on a conference held at the Neuroscience Conference Center of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies, this book explores current scientific trends seeking a biological basis for understanding the relationships among brain, mind, and behavior.

Young Children's Use of Frames of Reference to Code Location in a Model-based Search Task

Young Children's Use of Frames of Reference to Code Location in a Model-based Search Task PDF Author: Gina Ann Annunziato Dow
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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Spaces for Children

Spaces for Children PDF Author: T.G. David
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1468452274
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 333

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As a developmental psychologist with a strong interest in children's re sponse to the physical environment, I take particular pleasure in writing a foreword to the present volume. It provides impressive evidence of the con cern that workers in environmental psychology and environmental design are displaying for the child as a user of the designed environment and indi cates a recognition of the need to apply theory and findings from develop mental and environmental psychology to the design of environments for children. This seems to me to mark a shift in focus and concern from the earlier days of the interaction between environmental designers and psy chologists that occurred some two decades ago and provided the impetus for the establishment of environmental psychology as a subdiscipline. Whether because children-though they are consumers of designed environments are not the architect's clients or because it seemed easier to work with adults who could be asked to make ratings of environmental spaces and comment on them at length, a focus on the child in interaction with en vironments was comparatively slow in developing in the field of environ ment and behavior. As the chapters of the present volume indicate, that situation is no longer true today, and this is a change that all concerned with the well-being and optimal functioning of children will welcome.

Spatial Information Theory. Foundations of Geographic Information Science

Spatial Information Theory. Foundations of Geographic Information Science PDF Author: Daniel R. Montello
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540426132
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 517

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This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Spatial Information Theory, COSIT 3001, held in Morro Bay, CA, USA in September 2001. The 30 revised full papers presented together with three full keynote papers were carefully reviewed and selected from more than 70 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on geographical ontology and onthologies; qualitative spatio-temporal reasoning; formalizations of human spatial cognition; space, cognition, and information systems; human and machine approaches to navigation; language and space; and cognitive mapping.

Spatial Orientation

Spatial Orientation PDF Author: Herbert Pick
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461593255
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 396

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How do people know where in the world they are? How do they find their way about? These are the sort of questions about spatial orientation with which this book is concerned. Staying spatially oriented is a pervasive aspect of all be havior. Animals must find their way through their environ ment searching efficiently for food and returning to their home areas and many species have developed very sophisticated sensing apparatus for helping them do this. Even little children know their way around quite complex environments. They remember where they put things and are able to retrieve them with little trouble. Adults in societies across the world have developed complex navigational systems for help ing them find their way over long distances with few dis tinctive landmarks. People across the world use their langu ages to communicate about spatial orientation in problems of simple direction giving and spatial descriptions as well as problems of long range navigation.

The Construction of Cognitive Maps

The Construction of Cognitive Maps PDF Author: Juval Portugali
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 0792339495
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 366

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and processes which are exclusive to humans in their encoding, storing, decoding and retrieving spatial knowledge for various tasks. The authors present and discuss connectionist models of cognitive maps which are based on local representation, versus models which are based on distributed representation, as well as connectionist models concerning language and spatial relations. As is well known, Gibson's (1979) ecological approach suggests a view on cognition which is diametrically different from the classical main stream view: perception (and thus cognition) is direct, immediate and needs no internal information processing, and is thus essentially an external process of interaction between an organism and its external environment. The chapter by Harry Heft introduces J. J. Gibson's ecological approach and its implication to the construction of cognitive maps in general and to the issue of wayfinding in particular. According to Heft, main stream cognitive sciences are essentially Cartesian in nature and have not as yet internalized the implications of Darwin's theory of evolution. Gibson, in his ecological approach, has tried to do exactly this. The author introduces the basic terminology of the ecological approach and relates its various notions, in particular optic flow, nested hierarchy and affordances, to navigation and the way routes and places in the environment are learned.

The Development of Spatial Cognition

The Development of Spatial Cognition PDF Author: Robert Cohen
Publisher: Psychology Press
ISBN: 1134926669
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 415

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First published in 1985. The present book represents a statement of the state of the art in a very important aspect of spatial cognition, its development.

Psychology Library Editions: Child Development

Psychology Library Editions: Child Development PDF Author: Various
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1351273833
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 5953

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Psychology Library Editions: Child Development (20 Volume set) brings together a diverse number of titles across many areas of developmental psychology, from children’s play to language development. The series of previously out-of-print titles, originally published between 1930 and 1993, with the majority from the 70s and 80s, includes contributions from many respected authors in the field and charts the progression of the field over this time.