Flood Handbook

Flood Handbook PDF Author: Saeid Eslamian
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 100053913X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 625

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Book Description
Floods are difficult to prevent but can be managed in order to reduce their environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts. Flooding poses a serious threat to life and property, and therefore it’s very important that flood risks be taken into account during any planning process. This handbook presents different aspects of flooding in the context of a changing climate and across various geographical locations. Written by experts from around the world, it examines flooding in various climates and landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors, and considers urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas. Features Presents the main principles and applications of the science of floods, including engineering and technology, natural science, as well as sociological implications. Examines flooding in various climates and diverse landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors. Considers floods in urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas Covers flood control structures as well as preparedness and response methods. Written in a global context, by contributors from around the world.

Flood Handbook

Flood Handbook PDF Author: Saeid Eslamian
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 100053913X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 625

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Book Description
Floods are difficult to prevent but can be managed in order to reduce their environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts. Flooding poses a serious threat to life and property, and therefore it’s very important that flood risks be taken into account during any planning process. This handbook presents different aspects of flooding in the context of a changing climate and across various geographical locations. Written by experts from around the world, it examines flooding in various climates and landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors, and considers urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas. Features Presents the main principles and applications of the science of floods, including engineering and technology, natural science, as well as sociological implications. Examines flooding in various climates and diverse landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors. Considers floods in urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas Covers flood control structures as well as preparedness and response methods. Written in a global context, by contributors from around the world.

Retrofitting for Flood Resilience

Retrofitting for Flood Resilience PDF Author: Edward Barsley
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1000703797
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 346

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This book educates and introduce readers to the ways in which we can adapt to the threat of flooding throughout the built and natural environment. It offers advice on how to better understand the nature of flood risk, whilst highlighting the key approaches and principles necessary for developing community and property-level flood resilience. As a comprehensive and practical manual, this book includes richly illustrated diagrams on a variety of concepts and strategies to use when designing for flood resilience. It is vital resource for anyone looking to adapt to the threat of flood risk. Highly practical handbook for architects, students, engineers, urban planners and other built environment professionals Richly illustrated with practical examples and case studies Draws on research with the Cabinet Office, Environment Agency & Local Community as well as input from academic and industry experts, homeowners and residents of communities at risk of flooding.

Flood Handbook

Flood Handbook PDF Author: Saeid Eslamian
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0429872291
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 565

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Book Description
Floods are difficult to prevent but can be managed in order to reduce their environmental, social, cultural, and economic impacts. Flooding poses a serious threat to life and property, and therefore it’s very important that flood risks be taken into account during any planning process. This handbook presents different aspects of flooding in the context of a changing climate and across various geographical locations. Written by experts from around the world, it examines flooding in various climates and landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors, and considers urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas. Features Presents the main principles and applications of the science of floods, including engineering and technology, natural science, as well as sociological implications. Examines flooding in various climates and diverse landscapes, taking into account environmental, ecological, hydrological, and geomorphic factors. Considers floods in urban, agriculture, rangeland, forest, coastal, and desert areas Covers flood control structures as well as preparedness and response methods. Written in a global context, by contributors from around the world.

The Thousand-Year Flood

The Thousand-Year Flood PDF Author: David Welky
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 0226887189
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 372

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In the early days of 1937, the Ohio River, swollen by heavy winter rains, began rising. And rising. And rising. By the time the waters crested, the Ohio and Mississippi had climbed to record heights. Nearly four hundred people had died, while a million more had run from their homes. The deluge caused more than half a billion dollars of damage at a time when the Great Depression still battered the nation. Timed to coincide with the flood's seventy-fifth anniversary, The Thousand-Year Flood is the first comprehensive history of one of the most destructive disasters in American history. David Welky first shows how decades of settlement put Ohio valley farms and towns at risk and how politicians and planners repeatedly ignored the dangers. Then he tells the gripping story of the river's inexorable rise: residents fled to refugee camps and higher ground, towns imposed martial law, prisoners rioted, Red Cross nurses endured terrifying conditions, and FDR dispatched thousands of relief workers. In a landscape fraught with dangers—from unmoored gas tanks that became floating bombs to powerful currents of filthy floodwaters that swept away whole towns—people hastily raised sandbag barricades, piled into overloaded rowboats, and marveled at water that stretched as far as the eye could see. In the flood's aftermath, Welky explains, New Deal reformers, utopian dreamers, and hard-pressed locals restructured not only the flood-stricken valleys, but also the nation's relationship with its waterways, changes that continue to affect life along the rivers to this day. A striking narrative of danger and adventure—and the mix of heroism and generosity, greed and pettiness that always accompany disaster—The Thousand-Year Flood breathes new life into a fascinating yet little-remembered American story.

Flood Insurance Claims Handbook

Flood Insurance Claims Handbook PDF Author:
Category : Electronic government information
Languages : en
Pages : 16

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National Flood Insurance Program

National Flood Insurance Program PDF Author:
Category : Flood insurance
Languages : en
Pages : 170

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Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards

Homeowner's Handbook to Prepare for Natural Hazards PDF Author: Dennis Hwang
Category : Emergency management
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management

Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management PDF Author: Edmund Penning-Rowsell
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1135074534
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 701

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Book Description
A new ‘Multi-Coloured Manual' This book is a successor to and replacement for the highly respected manual and handbook on the benefits of flood and coastal risk management, produced by the Flood Hazard Research Centre at Middlesex University, UK, with support from Defra and the Environment Agency. It builds upon a previous book known as the "multi-coloured manual" (2005), which itself was a synthesis of the blue (1977), red (1987) and yellow manuals (1992). As such it expands and updates this work, to provide a manual of assessment techniques of flood risk management benefits, indirect benefits, and coastal erosion risk management benefits. It has three key aims. First it provides methods and data which can be used for the practical assessment of schemes and policies. Secondly it describes new research to update the data and improve techniques. Thirdly it explains the limitations and complications of Benefit-Cost Analysis, to guide decision-making on investment in river and coastal risk management schemes.

Noah's Flood

Noah's Flood PDF Author: William Ryan
Publisher: Simon and Schuster
ISBN: 0684859203
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 324

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Basing their research on geophysics, oral legends, and archaeology, the authors offer evidence that the flood in the book of Genesis actually occurred.

A handbook on flood hazard mapping methodologies

A handbook on flood hazard mapping methodologies PDF Author: Andrés Díez Herrero
Publisher: IGME
ISBN: 9788478408139
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 196

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