Fire Design of Concrete Structures - Structural Behaviour and Assessment

Fire Design of Concrete Structures - Structural Behaviour and Assessment PDF Author: fib Fédération internationale du béton
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 288394086X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 216

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Concrete is well known to behave efficiently in fire conditions, as it is incombustible, does not emit smoke, and provides good thermal insulation. Furthermore, in reinforced concrete structures, the concrete cover gives a natural protection to the reinforcement, and the size of the sections often delays the heating of the core, thus favouring the fire resistance of the structural members. In addition, concrete structures are often robust and therefore able to accommodate local damage without major consequences to the overall structural integrity. However, past experience with real fires shows that a thorough understanding of concrete behaviour and structural mechanics is still needed to improve the design of R/C structures with respect to fire. The objective of fib Bulletin 46 is to augment the current knowledge about concrete and concrete structures under fire, not only for the design of new structures, but also for the analysis and repair of existing fire-damaged structures. Both structural and materials issues are examined, and the results of the most recent research activities on the structural performance of concrete subjected to fire are reported. Special attention is paid to the indirect actions caused by the restrained thermal deformations and several basic examples show how a local fire influences global structural behaviour. fib Bulletin 46 is intended for use by practicing engineers to improve their understanding of the behaviour of concrete structures in fire and thereby produce better and safer design standards.

Fire Design of Concrete Structures - Structural Behaviour and Assessment

Fire Design of Concrete Structures - Structural Behaviour and Assessment PDF Author: fib Fédération internationale du béton
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 288394086X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 216

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Concrete is well known to behave efficiently in fire conditions, as it is incombustible, does not emit smoke, and provides good thermal insulation. Furthermore, in reinforced concrete structures, the concrete cover gives a natural protection to the reinforcement, and the size of the sections often delays the heating of the core, thus favouring the fire resistance of the structural members. In addition, concrete structures are often robust and therefore able to accommodate local damage without major consequences to the overall structural integrity. However, past experience with real fires shows that a thorough understanding of concrete behaviour and structural mechanics is still needed to improve the design of R/C structures with respect to fire. The objective of fib Bulletin 46 is to augment the current knowledge about concrete and concrete structures under fire, not only for the design of new structures, but also for the analysis and repair of existing fire-damaged structures. Both structural and materials issues are examined, and the results of the most recent research activities on the structural performance of concrete subjected to fire are reported. Special attention is paid to the indirect actions caused by the restrained thermal deformations and several basic examples show how a local fire influences global structural behaviour. fib Bulletin 46 is intended for use by practicing engineers to improve their understanding of the behaviour of concrete structures in fire and thereby produce better and safer design standards.

Structural Concrete Textbook, Volume 5

Structural Concrete Textbook, Volume 5 PDF Author: fib Fédération internationale du béton
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 2883941025
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 482

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The third edition of the Structural Concrete Textbook is an extensive revision that reflects advances in knowledge and technology over the past decade. It was prepared in the intermediate period from the CEP-FIP Model Code 1990 (MC90) tofib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 (MC2010), and as such incorporates a significant amount of information that has been already finalized for MC2010, while keeping some material from MC90 that was not yet modified considerably. The objective of the textbook is to give detailed information on a wide range of concrete engineering from selection of appropriate structural system and also materials, through design and execution and finally behaviour in use. The revised fib Structural Concrete Textbook covers the following main topics: phases of design process, conceptual design, short and long term properties of conventional concrete (including creep, shrinkage, fatigue and temperature influences), special types of concretes (such as self compacting concrete, architectural concrete, fibre reinforced concrete, high and ultra high performance concrete), properties of reinforcing and prestressing materials, bond, tension stiffening, moment-curvature, confining effect, dowel action, aggregate interlock; structural analysis (with or without time dependent effects), definition of limit states, control of cracking and deformations, design for moment, shear or torsion, buckling, fatigue, anchorages, splices, detailing; design for durability (including service life design aspects, deterioration mechanisms, modelling of deterioration mechanisms, environmental influences, influences of design and execution on durability); fire design (including changes in material and structural properties, spalling, degree of deterioration), member design (linear members and slabs with reinforcement layout, deep beams); management, assessment, maintenance, repair (including, conservation strategies, risk management, types of interventions) as well as aspects of execution (quality assurance), formwork and curing. The updated textbook provides the basics of material and structural behaviour and the fundamental knowledge needed for the design, assessment or retrofitting of concrete structures. It will be essential reading material for graduate students in the field of structural concrete, and also assist designers and consultants in understanding the background to the rules they apply in their practice. Furthermore, it should prove particularly valuable to users of the new editions of Eurocode 2 for concrete buildings, bridges and container structures, which are based only partly on MC90 and partly on more recent knowledge which was not included in the 1999 edition of the textbook.

Structural Design for Fire Safety

Structural Design for Fire Safety PDF Author: Andrew H. Buchanan
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470972890
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 437

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Structural Design for Fire Safety, 2nd edition Andrew H. Buchanan, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Anthony K. Abu, University of Canterbury, New Zealand A practical and informative guide to structural fire engineering This book presents a comprehensive overview of structural fire engineering. An update on the first edition, the book describes new developments in the past ten years, including advanced calculation methods and computer programs. Further additions include: calculation methods for membrane action in floor slabs exposed to fires; a chapter on composite steel-concrete construction; and case studies of structural collapses. The book begins with an introduction to fire safety in buildings, from fire growth and development to the devastating effects of severe fires on large building structures. Methods of calculating fire severity and fire resistance are then described in detail, together with both simple and advanced methods for assessing and designing for structural fire safety in buildings constructed from structural steel, reinforced concrete, or structural timber. Structural Design for Fire Safety, 2nd edition bridges the information gap between fire safety engineers, structural engineers and building officials, and it will be useful for many others including architects, code writers, building designers, and firefighters. Key features: • Updated references to current research, as well as new end-of-chapter questions and worked examples. •Authors experienced in teaching, researching, and applying structural fire engineering in real buildings. • A focus on basic principles rather than specific building code requirements, for an international audience. An essential guide for structural engineers who wish to improve their understanding of buildings exposed to severe fires and an ideal textbook for introductory or advanced courses in structural fire engineering.

Structural Concrete

Structural Concrete PDF Author:
ISBN: 9782883940932
Category : Concrete
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World

Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World PDF Author: Georgios Anagnostou
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000957829
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 3529

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Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World contains the contributions presented at the ITA-AITES World Tunnel Congress 2023 (Athens, Greece, 12 – 18 May, 2023). Tunnels and underground space are a predominant engineering practice that can provide sustainable, cost-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions to the ever-growing needs of modern societies. This underground expansion in more diverse and challenging infrastructure types or to novel underground uses can foster the changes needed. At the same time, the tunneling and underground space community needs to be better prepared and equipped with knowledge, tools and experience, to deal with the prevailing conditions, to successfully challenge and overcome adversities on this path. The papers in this book aim at contributing to the analysis of challenging conditions, the presentation and dissemination good practices, the introduction of new concepts, new tools and innovative elements that can help engineers and all stakeholders to reach their end goals. Expanding Underground - Knowledge and Passion to Make a Positive Impact on the World covers a wide range of aspects and topics related to the whole chain of the construction and operation of underground structures: Knowledge and Passion to Expand Underground for Sustainability and Resilience Geological, Geotechnical Site Investigation and Ground Characterization Planning and Designing of Tunnels and Underground Structures Mechanised Tunnelling and Microtunnelling Conventional Tunnelling, Drill-and-Blast Applications Tunnelling in Challenging Conditions - Case Histories and Lessons Learned Innovation, Robotics and Automation BIM, Big Data and Machine Learning Applications in Tunnelling Safety, Risk and Operation of Underground Infrastructure, and Contractual Practices, Insurance and Project Management The book is a must-have reference for all professionals and stakeholders involved in tunneling and underground space development projects.

Concrete Structures for Oil and Gas Fields in Hostile Marine Environments

Concrete Structures for Oil and Gas Fields in Hostile Marine Environments PDF Author: fib Fédération internationale du béton
Publisher: fib Fédération internationale du béton
ISBN: 2883940908
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 38

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Concrete offshore structures have been successfully delivered to the international oil and gas industry for more than 35 years. Some 50 major concrete platforms of different shapes and sizes, supporting large production and storage facilities, are currently operating in hostile marine environments worldwide and have excellent service records. After some years with little development activity, today there is a renewed interest in robust structures for the Arctic environment, for Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) terminals and for special floating barges and vessels. Currently, concrete solutions are being considered for projects north and east of Russia, north of Norway and offshore Newfoundland, among others. Concrete is also in increasing demand in built up coastal areas for a variety of purposes such as harbour works, tunnels and bridges, cargo terminals, parking garages and sea front housing developments where durability and robustness are essential. The mandate of fib Task Group 1.5 was to gather the experience and know-how pertinent to the development, design and execution of offshore concrete structures, and to elaborate on the applicability of concrete structures for the Arctic environments. The findings of the Task Group are presented in fib Bulletin 50. The report is based on experience gained from the design, execution and performance of a number of offshore concrete structures around the world and in particular in the North Sea. Ongoing inspections have shown excellent durability and structural performance, even in structures that have exceeded their design lives, in conditions often characterized by extreme wave loads, freezing conditions, hurricane force winds and seismic actions. This forms the "background" for discussing the applicability of concrete structures for the Arctic regions. Although to a large extent dedicated to oil- and gas- related structures, the report is also relevant to other marine applications where the same design principles, material selection criteria and construction methods apply. fib Bulletin 50 is not in itself a code, nor is it a textbook. Rather, extensive reference is made to proven and readily available design codes and construction guides, as well as relevant papers and proceedings and other fib publications.

fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010

fib Model Code for Concrete Structures 2010 PDF Author: fib - f¿d¿ration internationale du b¿ton
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 3433604088
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 434

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The International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib) is a pre-normative organization. 'Pre-normative' implies pioneering work in codification. This work has now been realized with the fib Model Code 2010. The objectives of the fib Model Code 2010 are to serve as a basis for future codes for concrete structures, and present new developments with regard to concrete structures, structural materials and new ideas in order to achieve optimum behaviour. The fib Model Code 2010 is now the most comprehensive code on concrete structures, including their complete life cycle: conceptual design, dimensioning, construction, conservation and dismantlement. It is expected to become an important document for both national and international code committees, practitioners and researchers. The fib Model Code 2010 was produced during the last ten years through an exceptional effort by Joost Walraven (Convener; Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands), Agnieszka Bigaj-van Vliet (Technical Secretary; TNO Built Environment and Geosciences, The Netherlands) as well as experts out of 44 countries from five continents.

Post-Earthquake Fire Analysis in Urban Structures

Post-Earthquake Fire Analysis in Urban Structures PDF Author: Behrouz Behnam
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0429892802
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Post-earthquake fire is one of the most complicated problems resulting from earthquakes and presents a serious risk to urban structures. Most standards and codes ignore the possibility of post-earthquake fire; thus it is not factored in when determining the ability of buildings to withstand load. This book describes the effects of post-earthquake fire on partially damaged buildings located in seismic urban regions. The book quantifies the level of associated post-earthquake fire effects, and discusses methods for mitigating the risk at both the macro scale and micro scale. The macro scale strategies address urban regions while the micro scale strategies address building structures, covering both existing buildings and those that are yet to be designed.

CONCRETE Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures

CONCRETE Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures PDF Author: FIB – International Federation for Structural Concrete
Publisher: FIB - Féd. Int. du Béton
ISBN: 2940643008
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2322

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This Proceedings contains the papers of the fib Symposium “CONCRETE Innovations in Materials, Design and Structures”, which was held in May 2019 in Kraków, Poland. This annual symposium was co-organised by the Cracow University of Technology. The topics covered include Analysis and Design, Sustainability, Durability, Structures, Materials, and Prefabrication. The fib, Fédération internationale du béton, is a not-for-profit association formed by 45 national member groups and approximately 1000 corporate and individual members. The fib’s mission is to develop at an international level the study of scientific and practical matters capable of advancing the technical, economic, aesthetic and environmental performance of concrete construction. The fib, was formed in 1998 by the merger of the Euro-International Committee for Concrete (the CEB) and the International Federation for Prestressing (the FIP). These predecessor organizations existed independently since 1953 and 1952, respectively.

Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events

Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events PDF Author: Federico M. Mazzolani
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0203833635
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1066

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COST is an intergovernmental framework for European Cooperation in Science and Technology, allowing the coordination of nationally-funded research on a European level. Part of COST was COST Action C26Urban Habitat Constructions Under Catastrophic Events which started in 2006 and held its final conference in Naples, Italy, on 16-18 September 201