Author: Ligang Wu
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319136984
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 389
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This book focuses on filtering, control and model-reduction problems for two-dimensional (2-D) systems with imperfect information. The time-delayed 2-D systems covered have system parameters subject to uncertain, stochastic and parameter-varying changes. After an initial introduction of 2-D systems and the ideas of linear repetitive processes, the text is divided into two parts detailing: · General theory and methods of analysis and optimal synthesis for 2-D systems; and · Application of the general theory to the particular case of differential/discrete linear repetitive processes. The methods developed provide a framework for stability and performance analysis, optimal and robust controller and filter design and model approximation for the systems considered. Solutions to the design problems are couched in terms of linear matrix inequalities. For readers interested in the state of the art in linear filtering, control and model reduction, Filtering and Control for Classes of Two-Dimensional Systems will be a useful reference for exploring the field of 2-D systems either from a purely theoretical research perspective or from the point of view of a multitude of potential applications including image processing, and the study of seismographic data or thermal processes.
Author: Chungling Du
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540458794
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 153
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Over the past decades a considerable interest has been concentrated on problems involving signals and systems that depend on more than one variable. 2-D signals and systems have been studied in relation to several modern engineering fields such as process control, multidimensional digital filtering, image enhancement, image deblurring, signal processing etc. Among the major results developed so far, 2-D digital filters are investigated as a description in frequency domain or as a convolution of the input and the unit response, which has a great potential for practical applications in 2-D image and signal processing. This monograph aims to address several problems of control and filtering of 2-D discrete systems. Specifically the problems of Hinfinity filtering, Hinfinity control, stabilization, Hinfinity model reduction as well as Hinfinity deconvolution filtering of 2-D linear discrete systems are treated.
Author: Abdellah Benzaouia
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319201166
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 319
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A solution permitting the stabilization of 2-dimensional (2-D) continuous-time saturated system under state feedback control is presented in this book. The problems of delay and saturation are treated at the same time. The authors obtain novel results on continuous 2-D systems using the unidirectional Lyapunov function. The control synthesis and the saturation and delay conditions are presented as linear matrix inequalities. Illustrative examples are worked through to show the effectiveness of the approach and many comparisons are made with existing results. The second half of the book moves on to consider robust stabilization and filtering of 2-D systems with particular consideration being given to 2-D fuzzy systems. Solutions for the filter-design problems are demonstrated by computer simulation. The text builds up to the development of state feedback control for 2-D Takagi–Sugeno systems with stochastic perturbation. Conservatism is reduced by using slack matrices and the coupling between the Lyapunov matrix and the system matrices is broken by using basis-dependent Lyapunov functions. Mean-square asymptotic stability and prescribed H-infinity performance are guaranteed. Two-Dimensional Systems emphasizes practical approaches to control and filter design under constraints that appear in real problems and uses off-the-shelf software to achieve its results. Researchers interested in control and filter design for multidimensional systems, especially multi-dimensional fuzzy systems, will find this book a useful resource as will graduate students specializing in dynamical sytems.
Author: Jinling Liang
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1000429296
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 245
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This book presents up-to-date research developments and novel methodologies regarding recursive filtering for 2-D shift-varying systems with various communication constraints. It investigates recursive filter/estimator design and performance analysis by a combination of intensive stochastic analysis, recursive Riccati-like equations, variance-constrained approach, and mathematical induction. Each chapter considers dynamics of the system, subtle design of filter gains, and effects of the communication constraints on filtering performance. Effectiveness of the derived theories and applicability of the developed filtering strategies are illustrated via simulation examples and practical insight. Features:- Covers recent advances of recursive filtering for 2-D shift-varying systems subjected to communication constraints from the engineering perspective. Includes the recursive filter design, resilience operation and performance analysis for the considered 2-D shift-varying systems. Captures the essence of the design for 2-D recursive filters. Develops a series of latest results about the robust Kalman filtering and protocol-based filtering. Analyzes recursive filter design and filtering performance for the considered systems. This book aims at graduate students and researchers in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, communications networks, applied mathematics, robotics and control systems.
Author: T.S. Durrani
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 1483294242
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 629
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The Symposium covered three major areas: adaptive control, identification and signal processing. In all three, new developments were discussed covering both theoretical and applications research. Within the subject area of adaptive control the discussion centred around the challenges of robust control design to unmodelled dynamics, robust parameter estimation and enhanced performance from the estimator, while the papers on identification took the theme of it being a bridge between adaptive control and signal processing. The final area looked at two aspects of signal processing: recursive estimation and adaptive filters.
Author: Qinyuan Liu
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030001571
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 233
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Stochastic Control and Filtering over Constrained Communication Networks presents up-to-date research developments and novel methodologies on stochastic control and filtering for networked systems under constrained communication networks. It provides a framework of optimal controller/filter design, resilient filter design, stability and performance analysis for the systems considered, subject to various kinds of communication constraints, including signal-to-noise constraints, bandwidth constraints, and packet drops. Several techniques are employed to develop the controllers and filters desired, including: recursive Riccati equations; matrix decomposition; optimal estimation theory; and mathematical optimization methods. Readers will benefit from the book’s new concepts, models and methodologies that have practical significance in control engineering and signal processing. Stochastic Control and Filtering over Constrained Communication Networks is a practical research reference for engineers dealing with networked control and filtering problems. It is also of interest to academics and students working in control and communication networks.
Author: Magdi S. Mahmoud
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1482250977
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 576
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By exploiting the synergies among available data, information fusion can reduce data traffic, filter noisy measurements, and make predictions and inferences about a monitored entity. Networked Filtering and Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks introduces the subject of multi-sensor fusion as the method of choice for implementing distributed systems.T
Author: Fanbiao Li
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319471996
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 208
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This book presents up-to-date research developments and novel methodologies on semi-Markovian jump systems (S-MJS). It presents solutions to a series of problems with new approaches for the control and filtering of S-MJS, including stability analysis, sliding mode control, dynamic output feedback control, robust filter design, and fault detection. A set of newly developed techniques such as piecewise analysis method, positively invariant set approach, event-triggered method, and cone complementary linearization approaches are presented. Control and Filtering for Semi-Markovian Jump Systems is a comprehensive reference for researcher and practitioners working in control engineering, system sciences and applied mathematics, and is also a useful source of information for senior undergraduates and graduates in these areas. The readers will benefit from some new concepts, new models and new methodologies with practical significance in control engineering and signal processing.
Author: Shanling Dong
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3030355667
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 220
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This book presents recent advances in control and filter design for Takagi-Sugeno (T-S) fuzzy systems with switched parameters. Thanks to its powerful ability in transforming complicated nonlinear systems into a set of linear subsystems, the T-S fuzzy model has received considerable attention from those the field of control science and engineering. Typical applications of T-S fuzzy systems include communication networks, and mechanical and power electronics systems. Practical systems often experience abrupt variations in their parameters or structures due to outside disturbances or component failures, and random switching mechanisms have been used to model these stochastic changes, such as the Markov jump principle. There are three general types of controller/filter for fuzzy Markov jump systems: mode-independent, mode-dependent and asynchronous. Mode-independence does not focus on whether modes are accessible and ignores partially useful mode information, which results in some conservatism. The mode-dependent design approach relies on timely, complete and correct information regarding the mode of the studied plant. Factors like component failures and data dropouts often make it difficult to obtain exact mode messages, which further make the mode-dependent controllers/filters less useful. Recently, to overcome these issues, researchers have focused on asynchronous techniques. Asynchronous modes are accessed by observing the original systems based on certain probabilities. The book investigates the problems associated with controller/filter design for all three types. It also considers various networked constraints, such as data dropouts and time delays, and analyzes the performances of the systems based on Lyapunov function and matrix inequality techniques, including the stochastic stability, dissipativity, and $H_\infty$. The book not only shows how these approaches solve the control and filtering problems effectively, but also offers potential meaningful research directions and ideas. Covering a variety of fields, including continuous-time and discrete-time Markov processes, fuzzy systems, robust control, and filter design problems, the book is primarily intended for researchers in system and control theory, and is also a valuable reference resource for graduate and undergraduate students. Further, it provides cases of fuzzy control problems that are of interest to scientists, engineers and researchers in the field of intelligent control. Lastly it is useful for advanced courses focusing on fuzzy modeling, analysis, and control.
Author: Xiuming Yao
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319319159
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 218
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This book presents recent research work on stochastic jump hybrid systems. Specifically, the considered stochastic jump hybrid systems include Markovian jump Ito stochastic systems, Markovian jump linear-parameter-varying (LPV) systems, Markovian jump singular systems, Markovian jump two-dimensional (2-D) systems, and Markovian jump repeated scalar nonlinear systems. Some sufficient conditions are first established respectively for the stability and performances of those kinds of stochastic jump hybrid systems in terms of solution of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Based on the derived analysis conditions, the filtering and control problems are addressed. The book presents up-to-date research developments and novel methodologies on stochastic jump hybrid systems. The contents can be divided into two parts: the first part is focused on robust filter design problem, while the second part is put the emphasis on robust control problem. These methodologies provide a framework for stability and performance analysis, robust controller design, and robust filter design for the considered systems. Solutions to the design problems are presented in terms of LMIs. The book is a timely reflection of the developing area of filtering and control theories for Markovian jump hybrid systems with various kinds of imperfect information. It is a collection of a series of latest research results and therefore serves as a useful textbook for senior and/or graduate students who are interested in knowing 1) the state-of-the-art of linear filtering and control areas, and 2) recent advances in stochastic jump hybrid systems. The readers will also benefit from some new concepts, new models and new methodologies with practical significance in control engineering and signal processing.