Essentials of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring

Essentials of Fetal Heart Rate Monitoring PDF Author: Rachel Nye
Publisher: Springer Publishing Company
ISBN: 9780826103697
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
This engaging digital product teaches nursing students and novice clinicians the essentials of fetal heart monitoring and interpretation with a visual, interactive learning format. Progressing from simple to complex, it features key foundational information, review questions that reinforce knowledge, numerous interpretation and application exercises, and unfolding case studies whereby learners can apply knowledge at every stage. Following an orientation to basic terminology and foundational clinical information associated with fetal heart monitoring, this didgital product instructs users how to interpret baseline values and uterine activity and provides examples of common deviations and their correct interpretation. Numerous FHM strips facilitate learning and practice, and plentiful case studies, both individual and unfolding, provide multiple opportunities for the viewer to apply knowledge while interpreting findings and identifying corresponding nursing interventions. FHM strip and case examples include text callouts and audio to underscore key information. Key Features: Presents the essentials of fetal heart monitoring in a visual, interactive learning format Provides numerous FHM strip examples Includes text callouts and audio to underscore key information Progresses from simple to complex Enables users to apply knowledge at every stage with unfolding case studies