Essential Orthopedics: Principles and Practice 2 Volumes

Essential Orthopedics: Principles and Practice 2 Volumes PDF Author: Manish Kumar Varshney
Publisher: JP Medical Ltd
ISBN: 9352501756
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 981

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Book Description
Essential Orthopedics: Principles & Practice is an extensive, illustrated guide to the field of orthopaedics. Principles and practice for shoulder, hip, spine, hand, foot and ankle are covered, including anatomy, physiology, pathology and diseases. Essential Orthopedics: Principles & Practice includes all modern research methodologies, such as biostatistics, advanced imaging and gene therapy. Enhanced by 2000 full colour illustrations this is a comprehensive resource for all interns, residents and orthopaedic surgeons.

Essential Orthopedics: Principles and Practice 2 Volumes

Essential Orthopedics: Principles and Practice 2 Volumes PDF Author: Manish Kumar Varshney
Publisher: JP Medical Ltd
ISBN: 9352501756
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 981

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Book Description
Essential Orthopedics: Principles & Practice is an extensive, illustrated guide to the field of orthopaedics. Principles and practice for shoulder, hip, spine, hand, foot and ankle are covered, including anatomy, physiology, pathology and diseases. Essential Orthopedics: Principles & Practice includes all modern research methodologies, such as biostatistics, advanced imaging and gene therapy. Enhanced by 2000 full colour illustrations this is a comprehensive resource for all interns, residents and orthopaedic surgeons.

Essential Orthopaedics E-Book

Essential Orthopaedics E-Book PDF Author: Mark D. Miller
Publisher: Elsevier Health Sciences
ISBN: 0323567045
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 999

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Book Description
The vast majority of orthopaedic care takes place not in the orthopaedic surgeon's office or operating room but in various primary care settings. Essential Orthopaedics, 2nd Edition, provides concise, practical guidance from noted authority Dr. Mark D. Miller, along with a stellar editorial team and numerous contributors from both orthopaedics and primary care. Using a templated, bulleted format, it delivers the information you need on diagnosis, management, and appropriate referrals for adult and pediatric patients. It's the perfect, everyday orthopaedic reference for primary care physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, physical therapists, and athletic trainers in the clinic or training room. - Offers expert insight to help you confidently diagnose and treat sprains, fractures, arthritis and bursitis pain, and other musculoskeletal problems, or refer them when appropriate. - Covers topics of high importance in orthopaedic care: anatomy and terminology, radiologic evaluation of orthopaedic conditions, principles of fracture management, and special considerations for the obese, the elderly, athletes, those with comorbidities, and other patient populations. - Features 40 videos covering injections, physical examinations, common procedures, and more. - Includes 12 new chapters with current information on physical exam of the hip and pelvis, femoroacetabular impingement (FAI), athletic pubalgia, state-of-the-art surgical techniques, and new imaging information, particularly in the area of musculoskeletal ultrasound. - Provides new ICD-10 codes for common orthopaedic conditions. - Features diagnostic algorithms, specific steps for treatment, and full-color illustrations throughout.

Turek’s Orthopaedics Principles and Their Applications

Turek’s Orthopaedics Principles and Their Applications PDF Author: Anil K. Jain
Publisher: Wolters kluwer india Pvt Ltd
ISBN: 9351295109
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1945

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Now in its revised, updated Seventh edition, this text provides residents and medical students with a broad overview of adult and pediatric orthopaedics. Major sections focus on general and regional disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

Paediatric Scoliosis

Paediatric Scoliosis PDF Author: Balaji Zacharia
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9819930170
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 792

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Book Description
The understanding of Pediatric scoliosis has evolved over decades of research, and significant advancements have been achieved in managing the multiple types of scoliotic deformities. This book provides comprehensive information on etiopathogenesis, evaluation, and management of scoliosis along with the latest technological advances. This book is also an invaluable and practical tool providing critical information on the rationale behind the several classification systems of scoliosis. This book, authored by reputed Indian Spine surgeons and renowned international scoliosis experts, focuses on the current treatment algorithms based on the etiology and natural history of the disease and simplifies the decision-making process in managing scoliosis in children. We have included sections that describe various corrective maneuvers, surgical techniques, expected complications, and tips and tricks to avoid them. This book will serve as an essential guide for all orthopedic and neurosurgery trainees and residents and provides updates for experienced surgeons on recent advancements in surgical techniques.

Practical Orthopedic Examination Made Easy®

Practical Orthopedic Examination Made Easy® PDF Author: Varshney Manish Kumar
ISBN: 9350906872
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 577

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Book Description
This is the 2nd edition of the book Practical Orthopedic Examination Made Easy. The text is comprehensive, updated and fully revised as per the present day requirements in the subject of orthopedics. In this edition ofbook cases on malunited distal radius fracture, intertrochanteric fracture, cut tendon injuries, carpal tunnel syndrome are included. The book has 12 chapters. The first chapter deals with how to approach for history taking and examination in orthopaedic patient. Chapter two and three provides a comprehensive description of examination of hip and knee joints respectively. Chapter.

Essentials of Orthopedic Surgery

Essentials of Orthopedic Surgery PDF Author: Sam W. Wiesel
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 038738328X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 623

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Book Description
This concise third edition offers hands-on guidance for identifying and treating the most commonly seen orthopedic problems in children and adults. Convenient as a study source for medical students, its many photographs and illustrations will also serve as a useful clinical reference for young surgeons, residents, nurses, and physician assistants. Each of the many topics is covered in depth and is designed to educate medical students and steer them towards formulating excellent diagnoses and treatment plans. As a further aid, multiple-choice questions are included at the end of each chapter, and there is a section devoted to case studies.

Intelligent Orthopaedics

Intelligent Orthopaedics PDF Author: Guoyan Zheng
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9811313962
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 353

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Book Description
This book introduces readers to the latest technological advances in the emerging field of intelligent orthopaedics. Artificial intelligence and smart instrumentation techniques are now revolutionizing every area of our lives, including medicine. The applications of these techniques in orthopaedic interventions offer a number of potential benefits, e.g. reduced incision size and scarring, minimized soft tissue damage, and decreased risk of misalignment. Consequently, these techniques have become indispensable for various orthopaedic interventions, which has led to the emerging field of intelligent orthopaedics. Addressing key technologies and applications, this book offers a valuable guide for all researchers and clinicians who need an update on both the principles and practice of intelligent orthopaedics, and for graduate students embarking on a career in this field.​

Postgraduate Orthopedics

Postgraduate Orthopedics PDF Author: Manish Kumar Varshney
Publisher: Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers
ISBN: 935465486X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 625

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Book Description
This book is a practical revision aid for postgraduate orthopaedic trainees preparing for examinations. Based on 12 years’ previous examinations, this second edition has been fully revised and updated in line with current curricula. Presented in a simple question and answer format, the text is divided into six sections based on different aspects of the specialty – general topics, general orthopaedics, trauma, regional orthopaedics, neoplasia, and miscellaneous topics and recent advances. Questions on bone and joint disorders and paediatric orthopaedics are also included. Figures and flowcharts help explain anatomy and algorithms and approaches to treatment methods. Also included with this edition, is online access to video lectures, notes and self assessment. The previous edition (9789389587098) published in 2019.

Orthopedic Sports Medicine

Orthopedic Sports Medicine PDF Author: Fabrizio Margheritini
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 8847017025
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 524

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Book Description
Aim of this book is to give an update on the main issues in sports traumatology and orthopedics, involving different body sections. Exploring the most important aspects of sports medicine - from anatomy to normal movements description, from diagnosis to sports injuries treatment, from conservative to surgical treatments - it gives a global overview of the field, describing also diagnostic tools recently introduced in this field, such as hip arthroscopy, and taking into consideration related areas like nutrition, prevention, training and rehabilitation. The single chapters deal with relevant problems such as emergencies on the field, pathologies of the upper and lower extremity, spine problems in athletes. Each injury is approached on the basis of both the specific body area and of the different sports/activities. Written by a multidisciplinary team of experts, this volume will be a fundamental book for orthopedic surgeons, physiotherapists, general practitioners, personal and athletic trainers, offering them a useful tool for the management of most frequent injuries in sports medicine.

Spinal Cord Medicine, Second Edition

Spinal Cord Medicine, Second Edition PDF Author: Christopher M. Bono, MD
Publisher: Demos Medical Publishing
ISBN: 1935281771
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 1176

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A Doody's Core Title 2012 The thoroughly revised Second Edition of this authoritative reference continues to define the standard of care for the field of spinal cord medicine. Encompassing all of the diseases and disorders that may a!ect the proper functioning of the spinal cord or spinal nerves, this comprehensive volume provides a state of the art review of the principles of care and best practices for restoring function and quality of life to patients with spinal cord injuries. Expert contributors from multiple disciplines cover topics ranging from acute medical and surgical management of specific problems to cutting-edge research, bladder, bowel and sexual dysfunction, neurologic and musculoskeletal issues, advanced rehabilitation techniques and technologies, functional outcomes, and psychosocial care. While comprehensive in scope, Spinal Cord Medicine offers practical guidance for physicians and other health care professionals involved in the management of individuals with SCI, multiple sclerosis, and other spinal cord disorders. The Second Edition has been completely updated to fully reflect current science and practice. Each section has been re-ordered to better present information and the Second Edition brings in many new authors and topics, more diagrams, illustrations, and tables to solidify concepts, and contains 18 entirely new chapters. Spinal Cord Medicine: Principles and Practice, Second Edition, reflects the breadth and depth of this multi-faceted specialty. Involving over 150 authors from more than 20 fields of medicine, it is a trusted reference for anyone who works with spinal cord patients and strives to deliver superior clinical care and improve outcomes.