Essays on Volatility Models Using EMM Estimation

Essays on Volatility Models Using EMM Estimation PDF Author: Ying Gu
Category : Derivative securities
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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Essays on Volatility Models Using EMM Estimation

Essays on Volatility Models Using EMM Estimation PDF Author: Ying Gu
Category : Derivative securities
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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Essays on Stochastic Volatility and Jumps

Essays on Stochastic Volatility and Jumps PDF Author: Diep Ngoc Duong
Category : Econometrics
Languages : en
Pages : 184

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This dissertation comprises three essays on financial economics and econometrics. The first essay outlines and expands upon further testing results from Bhardwaj, Corradi and Swanson (BCS: 2008) and Corradi and Swanson (2011). In particular, specification tests in the spirit of the conditional Kolmogorov test of Andrews (1997) that rely on block bootstrap resampling methods are first discussed. We then broaden our discussion from single process specification testing to multiple process model selection by discussing how to construct predictive densities and how to compare the accuracy of predictive densities derived from alternative (possibly misspecified) diffusion models. In particular, we generalize simulation steps outlined in Cai and Swanson (2011) to multifactor models where the number of latent variables is larger than three. In the second essay, we begin by discussing important developments in volatility modeling, with a focus on time varying and stochastic volatility as well as the "model free" estimation of volatility via the use of so-called realized volatility, and variants thereof called realized measures. In an empirical investigation, we use realized measures to investigate the role of "small" and large" jumps in the realized variation of stock price returns and show that jumps do matter in the relative contribution to the total variation of the process, when examining individual stock returns, as well as market indices. The third essay examines the predictive content of a variety of realized measures of jump power variations, all formed on the basis of power transformations of instantaneous returns. Our prediction involves estimating members of the linear and nonlinear extended Heterogeneous Autoregressive of the Realized Volatility (HAR-RV) class of models, using S & P 500 futures data as well as stocks in the Dow 30, for the period 1993-2009. Our findings suggest that past "large" jump power variations help less in the prediction of future realized volatility, than past "small" jump power variations. Our empirical findings also suggest that past realized signed jump power variations, which have not previously been examined in this literature, are strongly correlated with future volatility.

Essays on Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models

Essays on Multivariate Stochastic Volatility Models PDF Author: Sebastian Trojan
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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The first essay describes a very general stochastic volatility (SV) model specification with leverage, heavy tails, skew and switching regimes, using realized volatility (RV) as an auxiliary time series to improve inference on latent volatility. The information content of the range and of implied volatility using the VIX index is also analyzed. Database is the S&P 500 index. Asymmetry in the observation error is modeled by the generalized hyperbolic skew Student-t distribution, whose heavy and light tail enable substantial skewness. Resulting number of regimes and dynamics differ dependent on the auxiliary volatility proxy and are investigated in-sample for the financial crash period 2008/09 in more detail. An out-of-sample study comparing predictive ability of various model variants for a calm and a volatile period yields insights about the gains on forecasting performance from different volatility proxies. Results indicate that including RV or the VIX pays off mostly in more volatile market conditions, whereas in calmer environments SV specifications using no auxiliary series outperform. The range as volatility proxy provides a superior in-sample fit, but its predictive performance is found to be weak. The second essay presents a high frequency stochastic volatility model. Price duration and associated absolute price change in event time are modeled contemporaneously to fully capture volatility on the tick level, combining the SV and stochastic conditional duration (SCD) model. Estimation is with IBM stock intraday data 2001/10 (decimalization completed), taking a minimum midprice threshold of a half tick. Persistent information flow is extracted, featuring a positively correlated innovation term and negative cross effects in the AR(1) persistence matrix. Additionally, regime switching in both duration and absolute price change is introduced to increase nonlinear capabilities of the model. Thereby, a separate price jump.

Essays in Latent Variable and Event Study Econometrics

Essays in Latent Variable and Event Study Econometrics PDF Author: Ashwin Gopal Alankar
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 278

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Three Essays on Volatility Measurement and Modeling with Price Limits

Three Essays on Volatility Measurement and Modeling with Price Limits PDF Author: Rui Gao
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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This dissertation studies volatility measurement and modeling issues when asset prices are subject to price limits based on Bayesian approaches. Two types of estimators are developed to consistently estimate integrated volatility in the presence of price limits. One is a realized volatility type estimator, but using both realized asset prices and simulated asset prices. The other is a discrete sample analogue of integrated volatility using posterior samples of the latent volatility states. These two types of estimators are first constructed based on the simple log-stochastic volatility model in Chapter 2. The simple log-stochastic volatility framework is extended in Chapter 3 to incorporate correlated innovations and further extended in Chapter 4 to accommodate jumps and fat-tailed innovations. For each framework, a MCMC algorithm is designed to simulate the unobserved asset prices, model parameters and latent states. Performances of both type estimators are also examined using simulations under each framework. Applications to Chinese stock markets are also provided.

Essays in Volatility Estimation Based on High Frequency Data

Essays in Volatility Estimation Based on High Frequency Data PDF Author: Yucheng Sun
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 125

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Based on high-frequency price data, this thesis focuses on estimating the realized covariance and the integrated volatility of asset prices, and applying volatility estimation to price jump detection. The first chapter uses the LASSO procedure to regularize some estimators of high dimensional realized covariance matrices. We establish theoretical properties of the regularized estimators that show its estimation precision and the probability that they correctly reveal the network structure of the assets. The second chapter proposes a novel estimator of the integrated volatility which is the quadratic variation of the continuous part in the price process. This estimator is obtained by truncating the two-scales realized variance estimator. We show its consistency in the presence of market microstructure noise and finite or infinite activity jumps in the price process. The third chapter employs this estimator to design a test to explore the existence of price jumps with noisy price data.

Essays on Estimation and Inference for Volatility with High Frequency Data

Essays on Estimation and Inference for Volatility with High Frequency Data PDF Author: Ilze Kalnina
Category : Academic theses
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models with Diagnostics

Estimation of Stochastic Volatility Models with Diagnostics PDF Author: A. Ronald Gallant
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Efficient Method of Moments (EMM) is used to fit the standard stochastic volatility model and various extensions to several daily financial time series. EMM matches to the score of a model determined by data analysis called the score generator. Discrepancies reveal characteristics of data that stochastic volatility models cannot approximate. The two score generators employed here are "Semiparametric ARCH" and "Nonlinear Nonparametric". With the first, the standard model is rejected, although some extensions are accepted. With the second, all versions are rejected. The extensions required for an adequate fit are so elaborate that nonparametric specifications are probably more convenient.

Essays on Stochastic Volatility and Jumps

Essays on Stochastic Volatility and Jumps PDF Author: Ke Chen (Economist)
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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This thesis studies a few different finance topics on the application and modelling of jump and stochastic volatility process. First, the thesis proposed a non-parametric method to estimate the impact of jump dependence, which is important for portfolio selection problem. Comparing with existing literature, the new approach requires much less restricted assumption on the jump process, and estimation results suggest that the economical significance of jumps is largely mis-estimated in portfolio optimization problem. Second, this thesis investigates the time varying variance risk premium, in a framework of stochastic volatility with stochastic jump intensity. The proposed model considers jump intensity as an extra factor which is driven by realized jumps, in addition to a stochastic volatility model. The results provide strong evidence of multiple factors in the market and show how they drive the variance risk premium. Thirdly, the thesis uses the proposed models to price options on equity and VIX consistently. Based on calibrated model parameters, the thesis shows how to calculate the unconditional correlation of VIX future between different maturities.

Essays on the Volatility of the Term Structure of Interest Rates

Essays on the Volatility of the Term Structure of Interest Rates PDF Author: Miguel A. Ferreira
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 204

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