Essays on Intertemporal Choice Under Uncertainty

Essays on Intertemporal Choice Under Uncertainty PDF Author: Pradeep Singh
Category : Decision making
Languages : en
Pages : 135

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The dissertation investigates intertemporal decision-making under uncertainty. In particular, I analyze how two traditionally under-explored sources of uncertainty affect trade-offs between the present and the future in making decisions: a) uncertainty of life, and b) strategic uncertainty in collective action dilemmas. Chapter 1 deals with the temporal dynamics of value in strategic interactions, and Chapter 2 extends the analysis to incorporate interaction between a homogeneous vis-à-vis a heterogeneous triad. Participants affiliated with different social groups at the University of Washington, Seattle, participated in a series of one-shot Voluntary Contribution Mechanism (VCM) games; the games extended the incentive structure of the VCM to decompose it into the relative temporal change in the public and private accounts, in addition to varying the social composition of the participating groups. Results from the experiment indicate that temporal delay is a significant factor in explaining voluntary contribution, with the outcomes being sensitive to the time horizon. To gauge the mechanisms of voluntary contribution with delayed rewards, the hypothesis as to whether expectation of how others' value the future affect one's own contribution was also tested. The results indicate that conditioning on our future self, how others value the future enters our calculus of voluntary contribution, but conditioning on our present self it has no effect. In "real life" settings, that benefits from cooperative behavior materialize in the near or distant future is perhaps the general rule. The proper functioning of markets is built upon cooperation between buyer and seller, the benefits of which are often realized in the future (for example, e-commerce or group buying schemes). The provision of public goods, whether it be providing immunization to a village, restoring a natural park, or contributing towards global public goods such as carbon offset projects - each have a temporal element embedded into them. In climate change and environmental negotiations, different countries with differing stated valuations of the future interact to provide a global public good, i.e. a habitable climate. Summers and Zeckhauser (2008) note that at International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) negotiations, how to discount the future is always a thorny issue. Other real-life applications such as the contours of racism and the role of cliques in organizational behavior can also be better understood by unpacking the interaction between social and temporal preferences in collective action. Future studies confirming the robustness of the results, finding contradictory evidence, as well as testing hypothesis not found significant in the present study will be a fruitful line of inquiry. While there has been a plethora of studies on discounting behavior in individual decisions that have documented the phenomenon of present-bias (Kahneman, 1979; Frederick and Loewenstein, 2002), the results from the first two chapters contributes to the nascent literature in the field of discounting in strategic interactions that have been conducted to date by Deck and Jahedi (2013a, 2013b). Chapter 3 analyzes data from the World Bank Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) conducted in Nepal (2003/04 and in 1995/96), in addition to the data on conflict measures collected by INSEC, a non-profit group promoting human rights, to gauge the effect of the "Maoist" civil war on agricultural household decision-making. Results indicate that in addition to causing the destruction of physical capital, life and the deterioration of social norms, the civil war was associated with changes in future-oriented decision making and inhibited household investments in the future. The evidence suggests that the civil conflict in Nepal further exacerbated the existing poverty levels by inhibiting investment levels further pushing households deeper in the chasm of a "poverty trap."

Essays on Intertemporal Choice Under Uncertainty

Essays on Intertemporal Choice Under Uncertainty PDF Author: Pradeep Singh
Category : Decision making
Languages : en
Pages : 135

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The dissertation investigates intertemporal decision-making under uncertainty. In particular, I analyze how two traditionally under-explored sources of uncertainty affect trade-offs between the present and the future in making decisions: a) uncertainty of life, and b) strategic uncertainty in collective action dilemmas. Chapter 1 deals with the temporal dynamics of value in strategic interactions, and Chapter 2 extends the analysis to incorporate interaction between a homogeneous vis-à-vis a heterogeneous triad. Participants affiliated with different social groups at the University of Washington, Seattle, participated in a series of one-shot Voluntary Contribution Mechanism (VCM) games; the games extended the incentive structure of the VCM to decompose it into the relative temporal change in the public and private accounts, in addition to varying the social composition of the participating groups. Results from the experiment indicate that temporal delay is a significant factor in explaining voluntary contribution, with the outcomes being sensitive to the time horizon. To gauge the mechanisms of voluntary contribution with delayed rewards, the hypothesis as to whether expectation of how others' value the future affect one's own contribution was also tested. The results indicate that conditioning on our future self, how others value the future enters our calculus of voluntary contribution, but conditioning on our present self it has no effect. In "real life" settings, that benefits from cooperative behavior materialize in the near or distant future is perhaps the general rule. The proper functioning of markets is built upon cooperation between buyer and seller, the benefits of which are often realized in the future (for example, e-commerce or group buying schemes). The provision of public goods, whether it be providing immunization to a village, restoring a natural park, or contributing towards global public goods such as carbon offset projects - each have a temporal element embedded into them. In climate change and environmental negotiations, different countries with differing stated valuations of the future interact to provide a global public good, i.e. a habitable climate. Summers and Zeckhauser (2008) note that at International Panel of Climate Change (IPCC) negotiations, how to discount the future is always a thorny issue. Other real-life applications such as the contours of racism and the role of cliques in organizational behavior can also be better understood by unpacking the interaction between social and temporal preferences in collective action. Future studies confirming the robustness of the results, finding contradictory evidence, as well as testing hypothesis not found significant in the present study will be a fruitful line of inquiry. While there has been a plethora of studies on discounting behavior in individual decisions that have documented the phenomenon of present-bias (Kahneman, 1979; Frederick and Loewenstein, 2002), the results from the first two chapters contributes to the nascent literature in the field of discounting in strategic interactions that have been conducted to date by Deck and Jahedi (2013a, 2013b). Chapter 3 analyzes data from the World Bank Living Standard Measurement Survey (LSMS) conducted in Nepal (2003/04 and in 1995/96), in addition to the data on conflict measures collected by INSEC, a non-profit group promoting human rights, to gauge the effect of the "Maoist" civil war on agricultural household decision-making. Results indicate that in addition to causing the destruction of physical capital, life and the deterioration of social norms, the civil war was associated with changes in future-oriented decision making and inhibited household investments in the future. The evidence suggests that the civil conflict in Nepal further exacerbated the existing poverty levels by inhibiting investment levels further pushing households deeper in the chasm of a "poverty trap."

Essays on Decision Making

Essays on Decision Making PDF Author: Umut Keskin
ISBN: 9789036104760
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 167

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Essays on Time Preference Anomalies, Intertemporal Choice, Insurance, and Status

Essays on Time Preference Anomalies, Intertemporal Choice, Insurance, and Status PDF Author: Bianjun Xia
Category : Decision making
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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The goal of my dissertation is to analyze individuals' behavior when they make choices over time and within a group. The first chapter is devoted to explaining some key time preference anomalies which are inconsistent with the standard discounted utility model. In the second chapter, I focus on how inter-personal comparisons would affect people's intertemporal choices. Finally, the last chapter studies how the concern for status affects the optimal risk sharing across individuals. The first chapter studies some key time preference anomalies. These include the time preference reversal characteristic of hyperbolic discounting, the magnitude effect and the extreme sign effect. I propose a simple explanation of discounting that accounts for these three anomalies simultaneously, within the context of the expected utility model with uncertainty, risk aversion and preference for precautionary saving. The second chapter develops an intertemporal model in which individuals care about consumption not only for its own sake but also for the status it implies. By putting an additive status term into the utility function, I show that the level of inequality in the initial wealth distribution affects individuals' saving and consumption behavior. The direction of the distortion in intertemporal choice relative to the standard model without status depends on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution in the utility from absolute consumption. I also analyze how changes in the initial wealth distribution affect saving. In the third chapter we develop a series of optimal social insurance models in which people care about both consumption per se and the status it implies. We show that the concern for status does impact the optimal contract under various information structures. Particularly, under complete information without commitment problem, the optimal contract may assign all the society resources to the minority group if the status term is convex enough. Under the limited enforcement regime, compared to the optimal allocation in the pure consumption model, it is optimal to transfer more resources to high income people when the status term is convex. Under moral hazard, the relatively lower status resulting from the higher effort level may make implementation of high effort level more difficult.

Markets, Information and Uncertainty

Markets, Information and Uncertainty PDF Author: Kenneth Joseph Arrow
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521553551
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 412

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Leading theorists offer insights on the role of uncertainty and information in the market.

Three Essays on Intertemporal Choice

Three Essays on Intertemporal Choice PDF Author: Lisheng He (Researcher in behavioural science)
Category : Choice (Psychology)
Languages : en
Pages : 342

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Essays on Stochastic Intertemporal Household Choice

Essays on Stochastic Intertemporal Household Choice PDF Author: Myung-ho Park
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 228

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Essays on Uncertainty, Beliefs Updating and Portfolio Choice

Essays on Uncertainty, Beliefs Updating and Portfolio Choice PDF Author: Kouamé Marius Sossou
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 109

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This Thesis, consisting of three chapters, studies the effects of uncertainty on decision-making with portfolio choice applications. Chapter 1 studies how experimental subjects report subjective probability distributions in the presence of ambiguity characterized by uncertainty over a fixed set of possible probability distributions generating future outcomes. The level of distribution uncertainty varies according to the observed outcomes and the rules used by the subjects to update the distribution uncertainty. This chapter introduces several reporting and updating rules and our empirical analysis focuses on estimating the sample distribution of these rules. Two dominant reporting rules emerge from our analysis: we find that 65% of subjects report distributions by properly weighting the possible distributions using their expressed uncertainty, while 22% of subjects report distributions close to the distribution they perceive as most likely. Further, we find significant heterogeneity in how subjects update their expressed uncertainty. On average, subjects tend to overweight the importance of their prior uncertainty relative to new information, leading to ambiguity that is substantially more persistent than would be predicted using Bayes' rule. Counterfactual simulations suggest that this persistence will likely hold in settings not covered by our experiment. Uncertainty in financial markets is a natural consequence of investors being unaware of objective probabilities of asset returns. Chapter 2 highlights that ambiguity and loss aversion have opposite effects on financial markets and can coexist in the presence of uncertainty. This chapter addresses the normative question of the optimal portfolio evaluation frequency for an investor in order to minimize the effect of myopia, but to learn about the investment opportunities in the market. Towards this end, we present a new experimental design in which investors are asked to make repeated portfolio choices facing initial ambiguity concerning the distribution of returns of one of the available assets. We exploit exogenous variations in evaluation frequency along with time variation of probabilistic beliefs over the possible return distributions to jointly identify ambiguity, loss, and risk aversion along with rules investors use to update their ambiguity. Estimates from a structural model suggest seven different classes of investors. Investor class membership depends on loss aversion, ambiguity aversion as well as risk aversion preferences. Further, we find that at the aggregated level, investors are loss averse, ambiguity averse and they display risk aversion over gains and risk seeking over losses. We conclude our analysis by using our model estimates to predict the distribution of optimal evaluation periods for our sample. Our predictions suggest that approximatively 70% of investors prefer the highest possible evaluation period frequency. Finally, Chapter 3 investigates whether or not the discount factor of the elderly affects their portfolio choices. We estimate time preferences using inter-temporal choice data from a hypothetical experiment in a representative sample of American elders and a structural model of decision-making accounting for lifetime uncertainty. Our results indicate considerable heterogeneity in the elderly population. Moreover, we find that older people who display a higher discount factor are more likely to own retirement accounts and risky assets. These older people also tend to decrease the share of financial wealth held in safe assets and increase the share of financial wealth held in risky assets. These findings suggest that time preferences affect investment choices from safe assets toward other financial assets, all else being equal.

Three Essays in Intertemporal Choice

Three Essays in Intertemporal Choice PDF Author: John Keith Horowitz
Category : Consumer behavior
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Three Essays in Intertemporal Choice

Three Essays in Intertemporal Choice PDF Author: John Keith Horowitz
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 122

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Intertemporal Choice Under Uncertainty

Intertemporal Choice Under Uncertainty PDF Author: Ayse Öncüler
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 32

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