Essays in Macro-finance & Applied Econometrics

Essays in Macro-finance & Applied Econometrics PDF Author: Brendan Berthold
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Thèse. HEC. 2023

Essays in Macro-finance & Applied Econometrics

Essays in Macro-finance & Applied Econometrics PDF Author: Brendan Berthold
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Thèse. HEC. 2023

Essays on Applied Econometrics of Macro-financial Panel Data with Cross-sectional Dependence

Essays on Applied Econometrics of Macro-financial Panel Data with Cross-sectional Dependence PDF Author: Danvee Floro
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Languages : en
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Essays in Semiparametric Econometrics and Empirical Macro Finance

Essays in Semiparametric Econometrics and Empirical Macro Finance PDF Author: Matthias Hagmann-von Arx
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Languages : en
Pages : 129

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Macroeconomic Analysis

Macroeconomic Analysis PDF Author: David Currie
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317377680
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 360

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Bringing together the proceedings of the 1979 and 1980 annual conferences of the Association of University Teachers of Economics the papers in this volume discuss: the effect of social security on private saving; an analysis of aggregate consumer behaviour; the philosophy and objectives of econometrics and other topics in macroeconomic and econometric analysis.

Three Essays in Macro-finance, International Economics and Macro-econometrics

Three Essays in Macro-finance, International Economics and Macro-econometrics PDF Author: Laurent Kemoe
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Languages : en
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This thesis brings new evidence on different strands of the literature in macro-finance, international economics and macroeconometrics. The first two chapters combine both theoretical models and empirical techniques to deepen the analysis of important economic phenomena such as the effects of economic policy uncertainty on financial markets, and convergence between emerging market economies and advanced economies on these markets. The third chapter of the thesis, which is co-authored with Hafedh Bouakez, contributes to the literature on the identification of news shocks about future productivity. In the first chapter, I study the effect of monetary and fiscal policy uncertainty on nominal U.S. government bond yields and premiums. I use a New-Keynesian Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium model featuring recursive preferences, and both real and nominal rigidities. Policy uncertainty in the DSGE model is defined as a mean-preserving spread of the policy shock distributions. My results show that: (i) When the economy is subject to unpredictable shocks to the volatility of policy instruments, the level of the median yield curve is lower, its slope increases and risk premiums decrease relative to an economy with no stochastic volatility. This negative effect on the level of yields and premiums is due to the asymmetric impact of positive versus negative shocks; (ii) A typical policy risk shock increases yields at all maturities. This is because the fall in yields triggered by higher demand for bonds by households, in order to hedge against higher predicted consumption volatility, is outweighed by the increase in yields due to higher inflation risk premiums. Finally, I use several empirical measures economic policy uncertainty in a structural VAR model to show that the above effects of policy risk shocks on yields are consistent empirical evidence. Chapter 2 looks at the market for government bonds in 12 advanced economies and 8 emerging market economies, during the period 1999-2012, and consider the question of whether or not there has been any convergence of risk between emerging market and advanced economies. I distinguish between default risk and other types of risk, such as inflation, liquidity and exchange rate risk. I make the theoretical case that forward risk premium differentials can be used to distinguish default risk and other risks. I then construct forward risk premium differentials and use these to make the empirical case that there has been little convergence associated with the other types of risk. I also show that differences in countries' macroeconomic fundamentals and political risk play an important role in explaining the large "non-default" risk differentials observed between emerging and advanced economies. Chapter 3 proposes a novel strategy to identify anticipated and unanticipated technology shocks, which leads to results that are consistent with the predictions of conventional new-Keynesian models. It shows that the failure of many empirical studies to generate consistent responses to these shocks is due to impurities in the available TFP series, which lead to an incorrect identification of unanticipated technology shocks---whose estimated effects are inconsistent with the interpretation of these disturbances as supply shocks. This, in turn, contaminates the identification of news shocks. My co-author, Hafedh Bouakez, and I propose an agnostic identification strategy that allows TFP to be affected by both technological and non-technological shocks, and identifies unanticipated technology shocks via sign restrictions on the response of inflation. The results show that the effects of both surprise TFP shocks and news shocks are generally consistent with the predictions of standard new-Keynesian models. In particular, the inflation puzzle documented in previous studies vanishes under the novel empirical strategy.

Essays in Semiparametric Econometrics and Empirical Macro Finance

Essays in Semiparametric Econometrics and Empirical Macro Finance PDF Author: Matthias Hagmann
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Languages : en
Pages : 131

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This doctoral thesis is structured in two main parts. The first and larger part belongs to the field of semiparametric econometrics. Semiparametrics asymmetric kernel based density estimators are developed for the estimation of probability density functions defined on the positive real line and are applied the health insurance loss data as well as income data. The proposed estimation methodologies make us of popular parametric models used in the insurance and income distribution literature but apply them in a nonparametric fashion such that the resulting density estimates always satisfy consistency properties. The smaller second part belongs to the field of empirical macro finance and deals with the relationship between real asset returns and different components of inflation.

Essays on Macro-finance Relationships

Essays on Macro-finance Relationships PDF Author: Azamat Abdymomunov
Category : Electronic dissertations
Languages : en
Pages : 109

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In my dissertation, I study relationships between macroeconomics and financial markets. In particular, I empirically investigate the links between key macroeconomic indicators, such as output, inflation, and the business cycle, and the pricing of financial assets. The dissertation comprises three essays. The first essay investigates how the entire term structure of interest rates is influenced by regime-shifts in monetary policy. To do so, we develop and estimate an arbitrage-free dynamic term-structure model which accounts for regime shifts in monetary policy, volatility, and the price of risk. Our results for U.S. data from 1985-2008 indicate that (i) the Fed's reaction to inflation has changed over time, switching between "more active" and "less active" monetary policy regimes, (ii) the yield curve in the "more active" regime was considerably more volatile than in the "less active" regime, and (iii) on average, the slope of the yield curve in the "more active" regime was steeper than in the "less active" regime. The steeper yield curve in the "more active" regime reflects higher term premia that result from the risk associated with a more volatile future short-term rate given a more sensitive response to inflation. The second essay examines the predictive power of the entire yield curve for aggregate output. Many studies find that yields for government bonds predict real economic activity. Most of these studies use the yield spread, defined as the difference between two yields of specific maturities, to predict output. In this paper, I propose a different approach that makes use of information contained in the entire term structure of U.S. Treasury yields to predict U.S. real GDP growth. My proposed dynamic yield curve model produces better out-of-sample forecasts of real GDP than those produced by the traditional yield spread model. The main source of this improvement is in the dynamic approach to constructing forecasts versus the direct forecasting approach used in the traditional yield spread model. Although the predictive power of yield curve for output is concentrated in the yield spread, there is also a gain from using information in the curvature factor for the real GDP growth prediction. The third essay investigates time variation in CAPM betas for book-to-market and momentum portfolios across stock market volatility regimes. For our analysis, we jointly model market and portfolio returns using a two-state Markov-switching process, with beta and the market risk premium allowed to vary between "low" and "high" volatility regimes. Our empirical findings suggest strong time variation in betas across volatility regimes in most of the cases for which the unconditional CAPM can be rejected. Although the regime-switching conditional CAPM can still be rejected in many cases, the time-varying betas help explain portfolio returns much better than the unconditional CAPM, especially when market volatility is high.

Essays in Macro-finance

Essays in Macro-finance PDF Author: Jiwei Zhang
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Languages : en
Pages : 0

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This dissertation consists of four essays in macro-finance, focusing on the cause and effect of asset prices, inequality, and welfare. In particular, these essays highlight the role of institutions and structural changes in shaping outcomes of asset markets and of the macro-economy. The two overarching objectives of these essays are to analyze mechanisms of asset price movements and to understand how these asset price movements affect the daily lives of people. The four chapters of this dissertation examine the implications of inertia and stock market non-participation for equity prices, risk sharing, and wealth inequality; causal effects of Chinese Communist Party's cadre promotion system on land prices in China; interconnection between homeownership and marriage; fiscal responses to income inequality shocks. The first chapter quantifies the general equilibrium effects of financial innovation that increases access to equity markets. I study an overlapping generations model with both idiosyncratic and aggregate risk, solved with machine learning techniques. A benchmark economy with limited stock market participation and rebalancing frictions matches the current dynamics of macro aggregates, equity and bond returns, as well as wealth and portfolio concentration. A counterfactual experiment shows how widespread adoption of target date funds would improve risk sharing, reduce inequality, and generate substantial welfare gains for households in the bottom 90% of wealth distribution. The equity premium drops from 6.4% to 1.7%, while the standard deviation of equity returns stabilizes from 21.9% to 14.6%. Welfare implications vary with risk aversion and age. In general, the bottom 90% benefit from improved access to equity markets and better risk sharing, while the top 10% su↵er losses in wealth accumulation. Outcomes are very close between an economy with target date funds and one without any participation costs or rebalancing frictions. The second chapter identifies the causal effect of the Chinese Communist Party's performance- based promotion system to the country's real estate boom from 2003 to 2015. City-level leaders prioritizing economic growth allocate land at discounted prices to industrial firms rather than housing developers. Our analysis reveals that personal connections with provincial superiors are crucial for promotion and hence affect local land and housing supply. When city leaders share the same hometown as newly appointed provincial leaders, their chances of promotion increase by 15%, and GDP performances no longer matters. This connection reduces the need for industrial land allocation, resulting in a higher residential land supply in the city. In addition, cities with leaders who have hometown connections experience significantly higher supplies of residential land, and housing price growth rates are also 5% lower in these cities. The third chapter studies the phenomenon of marriage house in China and its effects on demo- graphics and homeownership. We first show empirical evidence for the complementarity between marriage and homeownership: single males with a marriage house (a house where the newlywed can move into) have 70% higher odds of getting married compared to their counterparts who do not have a marriage house. In addition, the timing of home purchase exhibits a clear cut-o↵ around the time of marriage, with the probability of purchasing a house peaking 0-2 years before marriage and slumping immediately after the time of marriage. Moreover, in the cross section, county house prices and average age at marriage are highly correlated in both level and in growth rate. We then quantify the marriage related incentives for homeownership using a lifecycle consumption-savings model with housing demand and ownership-dependent marriage shocks. In a counterfactual world where the marriage-house complementarity is absent, 45% of households under age 45 would delay their home purchases. Removing the marriage house friction from the marriage market would have slowed down the rise in age at first marriage by 40% between 1995 and 2010. Our results suggest that policies directed at either housing affordability or demographics can have significant consequences for both marriage and housing markets in China. Using data on U.S. state and federal taxes and transfers over the last quarter century, the fourth chapter estimates a regression model that yields the marginal effect of any shift of market income share from one quintile to another on the entire post tax, post-transfer income distribution. We identify exogenous income distribution changes and account for reverse causality using instruments based on exposure to international trade shocks, international commodity price shocks and national industry demand shocks, as well as lagged endogenous variables, with controls for the level of income, the business cycle and demographics. We find attenuation initially increases in quintile rank, peaks at the middle quintile and then falls for higher income quintiles, consistent with median voter political economy theory and the Stiglitz Director's law. We also provide evidence of considerable and systematic spillover effects on quintiles neither gaining nor losing in the "experiments, " also favoring the middle quintile. "Voting" and "income insurance" coalition analyses are presented. We find a strong negative relationship between average real income and the degree to which taxes and transfers are heavily redistributive.

Essays in Macro-finance

Essays in Macro-finance PDF Author: Nicolas Aragon
Category : International finance
Languages : en
Pages : 109

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This thesis deals with the economics of crises, within the macro-finance literature. The first chapter, coauthored with Rasmus Pank, deals with how crises emerge. Particularly, we are interested in how confidence affects the outcomes in an experimental asset market where the fundamental value is known by all the participants. We elicit expectations in a way that allows us to measure con-fidence. We ask participants to forecast the one-period-ahead price as a discrete probability mass distribution and find that confidence not only affects the price-formation in markets, but also is important in explaining the dynamics of the bubble. Moreover, as traders' confidence grows, they become increasingly more optimistic, thus increasing the likelihood of price bubbles. The remaining chapters deal with policy responses to crises. The second chapter, "Banks vs Zombies", studies how zombie firms arise in equilibrium and the scope for policy. Zombie firms are otherwise insolvent borrowers who are kept a oat by new credit from banks to cover their losses. The practice, known as evergreening or zombie lending, has occurred in times of financial distress even when debt restructuring is allowed. I study the incentives to restructure debt in a borrower-lender game and provide conditions under which it is optimal to engage in evergreening even when socially inefficient. In normal times, the borrower can access a competitive credit market and pay the opportunity cost of capital. When a shock renders the creditor insolvent, debt needs to be restructured. The firm is locked in a lending relationship and the incumbent bank has monopoly power. Normally, a lender would liquidate the firm. However, the lender is also financially distressed, the incentives to restructure change radically. To keep the firm afl oat and prevent its own bankruptcy, the bank covers the firms losses. It does not, however, fund investment, as the distressed borrower may not use the funds effciently. Evergreening can happen for profitable investments and renegotiation does not solve the problem. I discuss policy alternatives and show that debt haircuts and bank capitalizations must be used simultaneously; and that monetary policy can behave differently in the presence of zombie firms. Finally, I provide evidence supporting the model using a novel panel data set of matched firms and banks for the case of Spain. The final chapter, "Optimal Haircuts", analyzes the desirability of intervention in a simple model of heterogeneous firms and households. Households finance firm's working capital, and the credit constrained firms are heterogeneous in their productivity and hence debt levels. After an unexpected aggregate shock, less productive firms go bankrupt. This directly decreases the wage income of the households, and indirectly decreases their income from the defaulted loans to firms. The main result of the paper is that there is an optimal haircut for deposits such that both firms and families are better off. Moreover, there is a tension between maximizing welfare and maximizing output. This provides a rationale for the Cypriot, Hungarian and Argentinean experience. The model is adapted to an open economy and used to analyze a devaluation shock, which provides policy for countries attempting to escape a monetary union or a currency peg.

Essays on Macro-finance

Essays on Macro-finance PDF Author: Pawel Zabczyk
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Languages : en
Pages :

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