Enter Laughing

Enter Laughing PDF Author: Joseph Stein
Publisher: Samuel French, Inc.
ISBN: 9780573608643
Category : Drama
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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The semi-autobiographical, riotous account of stage-struck young David Kolowitz, originated on Broadway by Alan Arkin, working as a delivery boy in a sewing machine factory. Denying his parent's wishes for a druggist in the family, he leaves their dreams and his devoted girlfriend Wanda behind and is soon enlisted (and paying for) a slot as the "leading man" in a third-rate theatrical company while being vamped by the resident less-than leading lady, the daughter of the hammy "artistic director.

Enter Laughing

Enter Laughing PDF Author: Joseph Stein
Publisher: Samuel French, Inc.
ISBN: 9780573608643
Category : Drama
Languages : en
Pages : 116

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Book Description
The semi-autobiographical, riotous account of stage-struck young David Kolowitz, originated on Broadway by Alan Arkin, working as a delivery boy in a sewing machine factory. Denying his parent's wishes for a druggist in the family, he leaves their dreams and his devoted girlfriend Wanda behind and is soon enlisted (and paying for) a slot as the "leading man" in a third-rate theatrical company while being vamped by the resident less-than leading lady, the daughter of the hammy "artistic director.

Enter Laughing

Enter Laughing PDF Author: Carl Reiner
Publisher: Phoenix Books
ISBN: 1614671184
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 163

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In this semi-autobiographical, laugh-out-loud novel, Carl Reiner details a young man's frustrations as he works as a machinist's helper and tries to break into show business. Along the bumpy path, the aspiring young actor tries to extricate himself from his overly protective parents—and his two girlfriends—and eventually lands an acting gig with a small theater troupe. Human, funny, and relatable, Enter Laughing is a warm tale of a young man with love in his heart and greasepaint on his face that guarantees to have everyone exit laughing.

Enter Rabelais, Laughing

Enter Rabelais, Laughing PDF Author: Barbara C. Bowen
Publisher: Vanderbilt University Press
ISBN: 9780826513069
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 264

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Francois Rabelais (1483?-1553) is a difficult and often misunderstood author, whose reputation for coarse "Rabelaisian" jesting and "Gargantuan" indulgence in food, drink, and sex is highly misleading. He was in fact a committed humanist who expressed strong views on religion, good government, education, and much more through the mock-heroic adventures of his giants. While most books about Rabelais have relatively little to say about his comedic genius, Enter Rabelais, Laughing analyses the many sides of Rabelais's humor, focusing on why his writing was so hilariously funny to sixteenth-century readers. The author begins by discussing how the Renaissance defined laughter and situates Rabelais in a long tradition of literary laughter. Subsequent chapters examine specific contexts relevant to Gargantua and Pantagruel, beginning with the comic aspects of epic, chronicle, mock-epic, and farce, and proceeding to Renaissance and Reformation humanist satire, rhetoric, medicine, and law. All of these chapters combine information, much of it new, on the humanist message Rabelais wanted to convey to his readers, with an analysis of how he used his wit to reinforce his message. Rarely is a writer's work treated in such illuminating detail. On a broad level, Enter Rabelais, Laughing serves as an excellent introduction to French Renaissance literature and exhibits a remarkably charming and lucid writing style, free of jargon. To Rabelais scholars in particular it offers a thorough and innovative analysis that corrects misconceptions and questions commonly held views.

Crying Laughing

Crying Laughing PDF Author: Lance Rubin
Publisher: Ember
ISBN: 0525644709
Category : Young Adult Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 337

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A tragicomic story of bad dates, bad news, bad performances, and one girl's determination to find the funny in high school from the author of Denton Little's Deathdate. Winnie Friedman has been waiting for the world to catch on to what she already knows: she's hilarious. It might be a long wait, though. After bombing a stand-up set at her own bat mitzvah, Winnie has kept her jokes to herself. Well, to herself and her dad, a former comedian and her inspiration. Then, on the second day of tenth grade, the funniest guy in school actually laughs at a comment she makes in the lunch line and asks her to join the improv troupe. Maybe he's even . . . flirting? Just when Winnie's ready to say yes to comedy again, her father reveals that he's been diagnosed with ALS. That is . . . not funny. Her dad's still making jokes, though, which feels like a good thing. And Winnie's prepared to be his straight man if that's what he wants. But is it what he needs? Caught up in a spiral of epically bad dates, bad news, and bad performances, Winnie's struggling to see the humor in it all. But finding a way to laugh is exactly what will see her through. **A Junior Library Guild Selection**

Laughing Mad

Laughing Mad PDF Author: Bambi Haggins
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
ISBN: 9780813539850
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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In Laughing Mad , Bambi Haggins looks at how this transition occurred in a variety of media and shows how this integration has paved the way for black comedians and their audiences to affect each other. Historically, African American performers have been able to use comedy as a pedagogic tool, interjecting astute observations about race relations while the audience is laughing. And yet, Haggins makes the convincing argument that the potential of African American comedy remains fundamentally unfulfilled as the performance of blackness continues to be made culturally digestible for mass consumption.

Enter at A, Laughing

Enter at A, Laughing PDF Author: Brian McKeown
Category : Dressage
Languages : en
Pages : 188

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We all know the dressage community could use a good dose of humour every now and then, lest it become just too plain serious! Now, here's a delightful book that meets that need, a humorous look at the sport, written by Brian McKeown, a.k.a "Mr Dressage Husband". Chapters include: Confessions of a dressage husband, Dressage history - Lady Godiva reveals all, A word about the judge, Ask Mr dressage husband, Common dressage ailments, Are horses smarter than men, Creative manure management, Advanced clicker clinic for husbands, Home is where the horse is, Passing the time at a dressage competition Peculiarities of the sport, The ten commandments of dressage.

Continue Laughing

Continue Laughing PDF Author: Carl Reiner
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
ISBN: 9781559722735
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 278

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A comic novel on a sewing machine delivery boy who finally makes it as an actor. In a wise-cracking style, he describes the troupe's tour of the Deep South, his romance with a Southern belle and his tour of duty in World War II.

Enter Crying, Exit Laughing

Enter Crying, Exit Laughing PDF Author: Sir Ken Miller
Publisher: Global Marketing Group Limited
ISBN: 9780578126692
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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Young or old, life's always full of challenges. Staying healthy and handling what life throws at you is all about how you approach life, living well is a choice. Join native New Yorker, Sir Ken Miller as he navigates our medical system and handles his medical challenges head-on with a wry sense of humor and a"joie de vivre." Laugh-out-loud funny, Enter Crying, Exit Laughing- will show you how to delay dropping dead and live a hot and healthy life. Sir Ken's Health Commandments- for a healthy and happy life are simple guidelines for living well and with good humor. These 18 Health Commandments are a must for getting the most out of life. Lessons for the young and old alike and guaranteed to add years to your life.

Laughing Without an Accent

Laughing Without an Accent PDF Author: Firoozeh Dumas
Publisher: Random House Trade Paperbacks
ISBN: 0345499573
Category : Biography & Autobiography
Languages : en
Pages : 257

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NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “There’s such warmth to Dumas’ writing that it invites the reader to pull up a seat at her table and smile right along with her at the quirks of her family and Iranians and Americans in general.”—Booklist In the New York Times bestselling memoir Funny in Farsi, Firoozeh Dumas recounted her adventures growing up Iranian American in Southern California. Now she again mines her rich Persian heritage in Laughing Without an Accent, sharing stories both tender and humorous on being a citizen of the world, on her well-meaning family, and on amusing cultural conundrums, all told with insights into the universality of the human condition. (Hint: It may have to do with brushing and flossing daily.) With dry wit and a bold spirit, Dumas puts her own unique mark on the themes of family, community, and tradition. She braves the uncommon palate of her French-born husband and learns the nuances of having her book translated for Persian audiences (the censors edit out all references to ham). And along the way, she reconciles her beloved Iranian customs with her Western ideals. Explaining crossover cultural food fare, Dumas says, “The weirdest American culinary marriage is yams with melted marshmallows. I don’t know who thought of this Thanksgiving tradition, but I’m guessing a hyperactive, toothless three-year-old.” On Iranian wedding anniversaries: “It just initially seemed odd to celebrate the day that ‘our families decided we should marry even though I had never met you, and frankly, it’s not working out so well.’” On trying to fit in with her American peers: “At the time, my father drove a Buick LeSabre, a fancy French word meaning ‘OPEC thanks you.’” Dumas also documents her first year as a new mother, the familial chaos that ensues after she removes the television set from the house, the experience of taking fifty-one family members on a birthday cruise to Alaska, and a road trip to Iowa with an American once held hostage in Iran. Droll, moving, and relevant, Laughing Without an Accent shows how our differences can unite us—and provides indelible proof that Firoozeh Dumas is a humorist of the highest order. Praise for Laughing Without an Accent “Dumas is one of those rare people: a naturally gifted storyteller.”—Alexander McCall Smith “Laughing Without an Accent is written . . . as if Dumas were sharing a cup of coffee with her reader as she relates her comic tales. . . . Firoozeh Dumas exudes undeniable charm [as she] reveals a zeal for culture—both new and old—and the enduring bonds of a family filled with outsize personalities.”—San Francisco Chronicle “[Dumas is] like a blend of Anne Lamott and Erma Bombeck.”—Bust “Humorous without being sentimental, [Dumas] speaks to the American experience.”—The Plain Dealer

Rebellious Laughter

Rebellious Laughter PDF Author: Joseph Boskin
Publisher: Syracuse University Press
ISBN: 9780815627470
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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Rebellious Laughter changes the way we think about the ordinary joke. Claiming that humor in America is a primary cultural weapon, Boskin surveys the multitude of joke cycles that have swept the country during the last fifty years. Dumb Blonde jokes. Elephant jokes. Jewish-American Princess jokes. Lightbulb jokes. Readers will enjoy humor from many diverse sources: whites, blacks, women, and Hispanics; conservatives and liberals; public workers and university students; the powerless and power brokers. Boskin argues that jokes provide a cultural barometer of concerns and anxieties, frequently appearing in our day-to-day language long before these issues become grist for stand-up comics.