Endangered Excellence

Endangered Excellence PDF Author: Pierre Pellegrin
Publisher: State University of New York Press
ISBN: 1438479581
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 434

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In Endangered Excellence, Pierre Pellegrin provides a fresh interpretation of Aristotle's Politics, revealing the extent to which Aristotle diverged from other ancient writers on politics, and the extent to which many of his positions resemble modern attitudes in political philosophy. Pellegrin highlights a number of strikingly original positions in his thought. Aristotle took humans to be inherently political, for example, even as he believed this characteristic developed more completely in men than in women, and in Greeks more than in barbarians. He maintained a nuanced and flexible conception of the way that cities ought to develop their constitutions, one that would be responsive to their particular social and historical contexts. Realist enough to recognize that virtuous men are rare and that class conflict is inevitable, Aristotle envisioned a political system that would be resilient in navigating the choppy waters of civic life. With this original approach to Aristotle's Politics, and incorporating key developments in European and English-language scholarship on the subject, Pellegrin demonstrates Aristotle's important and often unrecognized innovations in understanding political life.

Endangered Excellence

Endangered Excellence PDF Author: Pierre Pellegrin
Publisher: State University of New York Press
ISBN: 1438479581
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 434

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Book Description
In Endangered Excellence, Pierre Pellegrin provides a fresh interpretation of Aristotle's Politics, revealing the extent to which Aristotle diverged from other ancient writers on politics, and the extent to which many of his positions resemble modern attitudes in political philosophy. Pellegrin highlights a number of strikingly original positions in his thought. Aristotle took humans to be inherently political, for example, even as he believed this characteristic developed more completely in men than in women, and in Greeks more than in barbarians. He maintained a nuanced and flexible conception of the way that cities ought to develop their constitutions, one that would be responsive to their particular social and historical contexts. Realist enough to recognize that virtuous men are rare and that class conflict is inevitable, Aristotle envisioned a political system that would be resilient in navigating the choppy waters of civic life. With this original approach to Aristotle's Politics, and incorporating key developments in European and English-language scholarship on the subject, Pellegrin demonstrates Aristotle's important and often unrecognized innovations in understanding political life.

Endangered Economies

Endangered Economies PDF Author: Geoffrey Heal
Publisher: Columbia University Press
ISBN: 023154328X
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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In the decades since Geoffrey Heal began his field-defining work in environmental economics, one central question has animated his research: "Can we save our environment and grow our economy?" This issue has become only more urgent in recent years with the threat of climate change, the accelerating loss of ecosystems, and the rapid industrialization of the developing world. Reflecting on a lifetime of experience not only as a leading voice in the field, but as a green entrepreneur, activist, and advisor to governments and global organizations, Heal clearly and passionately demonstrates that the only way to achieve long-term economic growth is to protect our environment. Writing both to those conversant in economics and to those encountering these ideas for the first time, Heal begins with familiar concepts, like the tragedy of the commons and unregulated pollution, to demonstrate the underlying tensions that have compromised our planet, damaging and in many cases devastating our natural world. Such destruction has dire consequences not only for us and the environment but also for businesses, which often vastly underestimate their reliance on unpriced natural benefits like pollination, the water cycle, marine and forest ecosystems, and more. After painting a stark and unsettling picture of our current quandary, Heal outlines simple solutions that have already proven effective in conserving nature and boosting economic growth. In order to ensure a prosperous future for humanity, we must understand how environment and economy interact and how they can work in harmony—lest we permanently harm both.

Endangered Maize

Endangered Maize PDF Author: Helen Anne Curry
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520973798
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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Charting the political, social, and environmental history of efforts to conserve crop diversity. Many people worry that we're losing genetic diversity in the foods we eat. Over the past century, crop varieties standardized for industrial agriculture have increasingly dominated farm fields. Concerned about what this transition means for the future of food, scientists, farmers, and eaters have sought to protect fruits, grains, and vegetables they consider endangered. They have organized high-tech genebanks and heritage seed swaps. They have combed fields for ancient landraces and sought farmers growing Indigenous varieties. Behind this widespread concern for the loss of plant diversity lies another extinction narrative that concerns the survival of farmers themselves, a story that is often obscured by urgent calls to collect and preserve. Endangered Maize draws on the rich history of corn in Mexico and the United States to uncover this hidden narrative and show how it shaped the conservation strategies adopted by scientists, states, and citizens. In Endangered Maize, historian Helen Anne Curry investigates more than a hundred years of agriculture and conservation practices to understand the tasks that farmers and researchers have considered essential to maintaining crop diversity. Through the contours of efforts to preserve diversity in one of the world's most important crops, Curry reveals how those who sought to protect native, traditional, and heritage crops forged their methods around the expectation that social, political, and economic transformations would eliminate diverse communities and cultures. In this fascinating study of how cultural narratives shape science, Curry argues for new understandings of endangerment and alternative strategies to protect and preserve crop diversity.

Animals in the World

Animals in the World PDF Author: Pierre Pellegrin
Publisher: State University of New York Press
ISBN: 1438491484
Category : Philosophy
Languages : en
Pages : 431

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In Animals in the World, renowned Aristotle scholar Pierre Pellegrin attempts to demonstrate that Aristotle, by proposing an original version of natural perfection, opposes the whole of the Greek tradition. Nature is perfect, not only in its harmony of a complete and well-organized whole, but also because it brings together functionally perfect individuals.


Rare PDF Author: Joel Sartore
Publisher: National Geographic Books
ISBN: 1426205759
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 156

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Sartore and National Geographic present 80 iconic images, representing a lifelong commitment to the natural world and a three-year investigation into the Endangered Species Act along with the creatures it exists to protect.


Endangered PDF Author: Tim Flach
Publisher: Abrams
ISBN: 1683351150
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 348

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The acclaimed wildlife photographer presents “a powerful visual record of threatened animals and ecosystems facing the harshest of challenges” (The Guardian, UK). In Endangered, the result of an extraordinary multiyear project to document the lives of threatened species, acclaimed photographer Tim Flach explores one of the most pressing issues of our time. Traveling around the world—to settings ranging from forest to savannah to the polar seas to the great coral reefs—Flach has captured stunning images of endangered animals and their disappearing ecosystems. Among Flach’s subjects are primates coping with habitat loss, big cats in a losing battle with human settlements, elephants hunted for their ivory, and numerous bird species taken as pets. With eminent zoologist Jonathan Baillie providing insightful commentary on this ambitious project, Endangered unfolds as a series of vivid, interconnected stories that pose gripping moral dilemmas, unforgettably expressed by more than 180 of Flach’s incredible images.


Endangered PDF Author: George McGavin
Publisher: Buffalo, N.Y. ; Richmond Hill, Ont. : Firefly Books
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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Endangered Species Recovery

Endangered Species Recovery PDF Author: Tim Clark
Publisher: Island Press
ISBN: 9781610914000
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 468

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Endangered Species Recovery presents case studies of prominent species recovery programs in an attempt to explore and analyze their successes, failures, and problems, and to begin to find ways of improving the process. It is the first effort to engage social scientists as well as biologists in a wide-ranging analysis and discussion of endangered species conservation, and provides valuable insight into the policy and implementation framework of species recovery programs. The book features a unique integration of case studies with theory, and provides sound, practical ideas for improving endangered species policy implementation.

Endangered Animals Dictionary

Endangered Animals Dictionary PDF Author:
Category : Animals
Languages : en
Pages : 64

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"Discover a world of fascinating endangered species striving to survive. Presented in alphabetical order, each threatened creature is illustrated in full colour. Learn why each species faces decline and discover how some are brought back from the brink of extinction. Including mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish, this dictionary explains why these species are threatened and how their lives can be saved. With over 100 fascinating animals from Addax to Zebra, this dictionary is the perfect quick reference guide to endangered animals from all over the world. 5-7 years."--Wheelers.co.nz.

Sold into Extinction

Sold into Extinction PDF Author: Jacqueline L. Schneider
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing USA
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 292

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This revealing and compelling title analyzes the illegal trade in endangered species from a criminological viewpoint and presents specific crime reduction techniques that could help save thousands of species from extinction. The illegal trade in endangered species is a worldwide problem that involves not only animals but also plants, and it contributes to troubling factors such as organized crime as well as the further decline of the earth's natural climate. This book explores the extensive endangered species illegal market, spotlighting the worldwide nature and extent of the problem, and presents revealing case studies of terrestrial, marine, plant, and avian species. Sold into Extinction: The Global Trade in Endangered Species focuses attention on the plight of endangered wild flora and fauna as well as the specific illegal acts committed against them that have long and largely been ignored by criminology. The author provides a fresh look at the topic by presenting it within a crime reduction framework, an approach rarely taken by those with traditional criminological or conservation backgrounds, demonstrating how an innovative strategy to reduce illegal market activities can simultaneously further the conservation of these endangered species. International treaties, national and domestic laws, and international policing efforts pertaining to crimes involving endangered species are also examined.