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Author: Brett K. Sandercock
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520270061
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 376
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"Summarizing current knowledge of grouse biology, this volume is organized in four sections--spatial ecology, habitat relationships, population biology, and conservation and management--and offers insights into spatial requirements, movements, and demography of grouse. Much of the research employs emerging tools in ecology that span biogeochemistry, molecular genetics, endocrinology, radio-telemetry, and remote sensing".--Adapted from publisher descrip tion on back cover
Author: Brett K. Sandercock
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520270061
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 376
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"Summarizing current knowledge of grouse biology, this volume is organized in four sections--spatial ecology, habitat relationships, population biology, and conservation and management--and offers insights into spatial requirements, movements, and demography of grouse. Much of the research employs emerging tools in ecology that span biogeochemistry, molecular genetics, endocrinology, radio-telemetry, and remote sensing".--Adapted from publisher descrip tion on back cover
Author: Steve Knick
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520948688
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 665
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Admired for its elaborate breeding displays and treasured as a game bird, the Greater Sage-Grouse is a charismatic symbol of the broad open spaces in western North America. Unfortunately these birds have declined across much of their range—which stretches across 11 western states and reaches into Canada—mostly due to loss of critical sagebrush habitat. Today the Greater Sage-Grouse is at the center of a complex conservation challenge. This multifaceted volume, an important foundation for developing conservation strategies and actions, provides a comprehensive synthesis of scientific information on the biology and ecology of the Greater Sage-Grouse. Bringing together the experience of thirty-eight researchers, it describes the bird’s population trends, its sagebrush habitat, and potential limitations to conservation, including the effects of rangeland fire, climate change, invasive plants, disease, and land uses such as energy development, grazing, and agriculture.
Author: William H.. Schlesinger
ISBN: 9783946729297
Category : Ecology
Languages : en
Pages : 244
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William H. Schlesinger believes that scientists have a duty to translate scientific research for non-specialists and he has a particular talent for doing so. The author of numerous scientific papers and two textbooks, he has also written hundreds of newspaper and magazine pieces, blog entries, and radio scripts that explain complex environmental issues.
Author: Brett K. Sandercock
Publisher: Univ of California Press
ISBN: 0520950577
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 746
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Grouse—an ecologically important group of birds that include capercaillie, prairie chickens, and ptarmigan—are distributed throughout the forests, grasslands, and tundra of Europe, Asia, and North America. Today, many grouse populations are in decline, and the conservation and management of these charismatic birds is becoming a global concern. This volume summarizes current knowledge of grouse biology in 25 chapters contributed by 80 researchers from field studies around the world. Organized in four sections—Spatial Ecology, Habitat Relationships, Population Biology, and Conservation and Management—the chapters offer important insights into spatial requirements, movements, and demography of grouse. Much of the research employs emerging tools in ecology that span biogeochemistry, molecular genetics, endocrinology, radio-telemetry, and remote sensing. The chapters explore topics including the impacts of climate change, energy development, and harvest, and give new evidence for life-history changes in response to human activities.
Author: David A. Haukos
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 9781482240221
Category : Nature
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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In Ecology and Conservation of Lesser Prairie-Chickens expert wildlife biologists, conservation biologists, and ornithologists cover the life history, genetics, ecology, and management strategies for lesser prairie-chickens. The volume also provides a detailed analysis of relative risks and conservation issues as well as potential conservation tools. It is a definitive reference for managers, researchers, and policy makers in the conservation of lesser prairie-chickens. The book can also be used as an authoritative source for individuals with an interest in bird biology, Great Plains ecology, or environmental science.
Author: Ilse Storch
Publisher: World Conservation Union
ISBN: 9782831705194
Category : Birds
Languages : en
Pages : 0
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Grouse have long attracted and fascinated people. Their display behavior, and their traditional communal mating grounds or "leks", have inspired poetry and folklore as well as scientific theories on sexual selection and mating systems. In many parts of their range, hunting plays a major role in the culture, economy, and subsistence of local communities. Although from a global perspective their status is not critical, grouse are far from being safe, and on a local scale, many local populations of grouse are declining and threatened with extinction. This plan provides a guide to the distribution, status, and threats to all grouse species; its major objective is to identify conservation priorities from a global perspective.
Author: John M. Fryxell
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118291077
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 533
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To understand modern principles of sustainable management and the conservation of wildlife species requires intimate knowledge about demography, animal behavior, and ecosystem dynamics. With emphasis on practical application and quantitative skill development, this book weaves together these disparate elements in a single coherent textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate students. It reviews analytical techniques, explaining the mathematical and statistical principles behind them, and shows how these can be used to formulate realistic objectives within an ecological framework. This third edition is comprehensive and up-to-date, and includes: Brand new chapters that disseminate rapidly developing topics in the field: habitat use and selection; habitat fragmentation, movement, and corridors; population viability. analysis, the consequences of climate change; and evolutionary responses to disturbance A thorough updating of all chapters to present important areas of wildlife research and management with recent developments and examples. A new online study aid – a wide variety of downloadable computer programs in the freeware packages R and Mathcad, available through a companion website. Worked examples enable readers to practice calculations explained in the text and to develop a solid understanding of key statistical procedures and population models commonly used in wildlife ecology and management. The first half of the book provides a solid background in key ecological concepts. The second half uses these concepts to develop a deeper understanding of the principles underlying wildlife management and conservation. Global examples of real-life management situations provide a broad perspective on the international problems of conservation, and detailed case histories demonstrate concepts and quantitative analyses. This third edition is also valuable to professional wildlife managers, park rangers, biological resource managers, and those working in ecotourism.
Author: Steve Monfort
Publisher: Frontiers Media SA
ISBN: 2832525415
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 158
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Author: Stephen M. Redpath
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1107017696
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 343
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An insightful guide to understanding conflicts over the conservation of biodiversity and groundbreaking strategies to deal with them.
Author: Thammineni Pullaiah
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119607019
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : de
Pages : 1465
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Jedes Jahr breiten sich invasive gebietsfremde Arten in neue Ökosysteme aus. Die von den Eindringlingen verursachten Auswirkungen können sich in kürzester Zeit bemerkbar machen und verheerend sein. Das Thema der invasiven gebietsfremden Arten ist umfassend, komplex und auf verschiedenen Ebenen von globaler Bedeutung. Verschärft wird es durch die Globalisierung der Weltwirtschaft und den zunehmenden Handel, durch den die natürlichen Barrieren für den Transfer von Arten durchbrochen werden. Invasive gebietsfremde Arten bedrohen die weltweite Nahrungsmittelversorgung, die Qualität und Verfügbarkeit von Trinkwasser sowie die Stromproduktion und -versorgung. Zusammen mit den zusätzlichen Risiken durch den globalen Klimawandel ist die weltweite Homogenisierung von Pflanzen, Tieren und Mikroben ein wesentlicher Faktor für den sich verschlechternden Gesundheitszustand der Ökosysteme und die nachlassenden Ökosystemdienstleistungen überall auf der Welt. Um dieser Entwicklung entgegenzuwirken, besteht die dringende Notwendigkeit einer einheitlichen Ausrichtung von Regierungen, Kulturen und Programmen und einer besseren grenzüberschreitenden Koordination. Nur so lassen sich die vielfältigen Bedrohungen durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten für die Umwelt, die Wirtschaft und die Gesundheit von Pflanzen und Tieren sowie insbesondere die menschliche Gesundheit effektiv bekämpfen. Dieses vierbändige Werk ist das erste, das einen umfassenden Satz nützlicher Materialien zu den zentralen Themen bereitstellt, um die gesamte globale Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten sowie die vielfältigen Probleme in verschiedenen Teilen der Welt deutlich zu machen, und es enthält Material, in dem potenziell replizierbare Lösungen zur Überwindung dieser Bedrohungen aufgezeigt werden. Das Werk betont die Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten auch im Sinne eines globalen ?Aufrufs zum Handeln?. Invasive Arten kennen keine Grenzen. Daher hoffen wir, dass wir durch die Zusammenstellung von Material, das unterschiedliche wissenschaftliche und gesellschaftliche Standpunkte aus aller Welt berücksichtigt, sowie durch die Vermittlung von Erkenntnissen und Beispielen zu einer Vielzahl damit zusammenhängender Themen das globale Bewusstsein stärken und einheitliche nationale Reaktionen auf die Bedrohung durch invasive gebietsfremde Arten fördern können.