
Ecohydrology PDF Author: Amilcare Porporato
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 110884054X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 397

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Rigorous yet accessible textbook on ecohydrology for advanced students, and a reference for researchers, professionals, and engineers.


Ecohydrology PDF Author: Amilcare Porporato
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 110884054X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 397

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Book Description
Rigorous yet accessible textbook on ecohydrology for advanced students, and a reference for researchers, professionals, and engineers.

Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology

Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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The international journal Ecohydrology & Hydrobiology (E&H) has been created to promote the concept of Ecohydrology, which is defined as the study of the functional interrelations between hydrology and biota at the catchment scale. Ecohydrology extends from the molecular level to catchment-scale processes and is based on three principles: • framework (hydrological principle) - quantification and integration of hydrological and ecological processes at a basin scale; • target (ecological principle) - necessity of enhancing ecosystem absorbing capacity and ecosystem services; and • management tool (ecological engineering) – the use of ecosystem properties for regulation the interplay between hydrology and biota. The journal encourages the submission of manuscripts which adopt an integrative approach to aquatic sciences, explaining ecological and hydrological processes at a river-basin scale or propose practical applications of this knowledge. It will also consider papers in other hydrobiological fields. Especially welcome are papers on regulatory mechanism within biocenosis and the resistance and resilience of freshwater and costal zones ecosystems. There is no page charge for published papers. All submitted papers, written exclusively in English, should be original works, unpublished and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are peer-reviewed. The following types of papers are considered for publication in E&H: • original research papers • invited or submitted review papers, • short communications


Ecohydrology PDF Author: David M. Harper
Publisher: CABI
ISBN: 1845933702
Category : Eavesdropping
Languages : en
Pages : 403

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Ecohydrology is a sub-discipline which links elements of ecology with hydrology at various points in the water cycle. This book focuses on larger scales of ecohydrology, emphasising the use of this tool in striving towards the goal of sustainable water management.

Hydroecology and Ecohydrology

Hydroecology and Ecohydrology PDF Author: Paul J. Wood
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780470010181
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 460

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This state-of-the-art, research level text considers the growing volume of research at the interface of hydrology and ecology and focuses on: the evolution of hydroecology / ecohydrology process understanding hydroecological interactions, dynamics and linkages methodological approaches detailed case studies future research needs The editors and contributors are internationally recognised experts in hydrology and ecology from institutions across North America, South America, Australia, and Europe. Chapters provide a broad geographical coverage and bridge the traditional subject divide between hydrology and ecology. The book considers a range of organisms (plants, invertebrates and fish), provides a long-term perspective on contemporary and palaeo-systems, and emphasises wider research implications with respect to environmental and water resource management. Hydroecology and Ecohydrology is an indispensable resource for academics and postgraduate researchers in departments of physical geography, earth sciences, environmental science, environmental management, civil engineering, water resource management, biology, zoology, botany and ecology. It is also of interest to professionals working within environmental consultancies, organizations and national agencies.

Dryland Ecohydrology

Dryland Ecohydrology PDF Author: Paolo D'Odorico
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 9781402042591
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 358

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Ecohydrology emerges as a new field of research aiming at furthering our understanding of the earth system through the study of the interactions between the water cycle and vegetation. By combining the analysis of biotic and abiotic components of terrestrial ecosystems, this volume provides a synthesis of material on arid and semiarid landscapes, which is currently spread in a number of books and journal articles. The focus on water-limited ecosystems is motivated by their high sensitivity to daily, seasonal, and decadal perturbations in water availability, and by the ecologic, climatic, and economic significance of most of the drylands around the world. Conceived as a tool for scientists working in the area of the earth and environmental sciences, this book presents the basic principles of eco-hydrology as well as a broad spectrum of topics and advances in this research field. The chapters collected in this book have been contributed by authors with different expertise, who work in several arid areas around the World. They describe the various interactions among the biological and physical dynamics in dryland ecosystems, starting from basic processes in the soil-vegetation-climate system, to landscape-scale hydrologic and geomorphic processes, ecohydrologic controls on soil nutrient dynamics, and multiscale analyses of disturbances and patterns.


Ecohydrology PDF Author: Derek Eamus
ISBN: 0643068341
Category : Ecohydrology
Languages : en
Pages : 361

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A grasp of key elements of several disparate disciplines is required in order to fully understand the sustainable management of water. The authors, who have undertaken extensive field work and published widely take an international perspective on water in the environment in order to tackle issues of dryland salinity and water allocation.


Ecohydrology PDF Author: Peter S. Eagleson
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139433407
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 485

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This volume investigates how the physical characteristics and productivity of forest communities are related to the climates and soils in which they are found. It will provide fascinating reading for graduate-level students and research scientists working in ecohydrology, hydroclimatology, forest ecology, and surface water hydrology.

Ecohydrology of Water-Controlled Ecosystems

Ecohydrology of Water-Controlled Ecosystems PDF Author: Ignacio Rodríguez-Iturbe
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 9780521036740
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Addressing the connections between the hydrologic cycle and plant ecosystems, the authors build suitable mathematical models and apply them to studying the ecosystem structure. Response to rainfall and climate forcing is analyzed from different areas of the world, including savannas, grasslands and forests. The book will appeal to advanced students and researchers in environmental science, hydrology, ecology, earth science, civil and environmental engineering, agriculture, and atmospheric science.

Estuarine Ecohydrology

Estuarine Ecohydrology PDF Author: Eric Wolanski
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0080550355
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 169

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Estuarine Ecohydrology focuses on the principal components of an estuary. The book demonstrates how one can quantify an estuarine ecosystem's ability to cope with human stresses. The theories, models, and real-world solutions covered will serve as a toolkit for designing a management plan for the ecologically sustainable development of an estuary. This book is organized into seven chapters dealing with topics such as estuarine water circulation; estuarine sediment dynamics; tidal wetlands; estuarine food webs; and ecohydrology models and solutions. Although each chapter contains rigorous specialist knowledge, it is presented in an accessible way that encourages multi-disciplinary collaboration between such fields as hydrology, ecology and mathematical modeling. Estuarine Ecohydrology is appropriate for use as a textbook and as a reference for researchers; advanced undergraduate and graduate students in marine biology, oceanography, coastal management, and coastal engineering; coastal developers; resources managers, shipping operators; and those involved in estuarine fisheries and sustainable development communities. * Appropriate for use as a textbook and as a reference* Focuses on the principal components of an estuary* Presents theories, models, and real-world solutions to serve as a toolkit for designing a management plan for the ecologically sustainable development of an estuary

Estuarine Ecohydrology

Estuarine Ecohydrology PDF Author: Eric Wolanski
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0444634142
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 334

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Estuarine Ecohydrology, Second Edition, provides an ecohydrology viewpoint of an estuary as an ecosystem by focusing on its principal components, the river, the estuarine waters, the sediment, the nutrients, the wetlands, the oceanic influence, and the aquatic food web, as well as models of the health of an estuary ecosystem. Estuaries, the intersection of freshwater and coastal ecosystems, exhibit complex physical and biological processes which must be understood in order to sustain and restore them when necessary. This book demonstrates how, based on an understanding of the processes controlling estuarine ecosystem health, one can quantify its ability to cope with human stresses. The theories, models, and real-world solutions presented serve as a toolkit for designing a management plan for the ecologically sustainable development of estuaries. - Provides a sound knowledge of the physical functioning of an estuary, a critical component of understanding its ecological functioning - Ideal reference for those interested in marine biology, oceanography, coastal management, and sustainable development - Describes the essentials behind conceptual and numerical models of the health of an estuary ecosystem and how to use these models to quantify both human impacts and the value of remediation and management measures - Chapters are written in an accessible way that encourages collaboration between aquatic, marine, and wetland biologists, ecologists, oceanographers, geologists, geomorphologists, chemists, and ecosystem modelers - Covers the physical, chemical, and biological elements of estuary environments, indicating that the essence of an estuary's functioning lies in its connectivity with the adjacent catchment and the marine/coastal system