Drawing Investigations

Drawing Investigations PDF Author: Sarah Casey
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1350164542
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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Book Description
Using close visual analysis of drawings, artist interviews, critical analysis and exegesis, Drawing Investigations examines how artists use drawing as an investigative tool to reveal information that would otherwise remain unseen and unnoticed. How does drawing add shape to ideas? How does the artist accommodate to challenges and restraints of a particular environment? To what extent is a drawing complementary and continuous with its subject and where is it disruptive and provocative? Casey and Davies address these questions while focusing on artists working collaboratively and the use of drawing in challenging or unexpected environments. Drawing Investigations evaluates the emergence of a way of thinking among an otherwise disconnected group of artists by exploring commonalities in the application of analytical drawing to the natural world, urban environment, social forces and lived experience. Examples represent a spectrum of research in international contexts: an oceanographic Institute in California, the archives of Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, the Antarctic Survey, geothermal research in Japan and the Kurdish diaspora in Iraq. Issues are situated in the contemporary theory and practice of drawing including relationships to historical precedents. By exploring drawing's capacity to capture and describe experience, to sharpen visual faculties and to bridge embodied and conceptual knowledge, Drawing Investigations offers a fresh critical perspective on contemporary drawing practice.

Drawing Investigations

Drawing Investigations PDF Author: Sarah Casey
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1350164542
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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Book Description
Using close visual analysis of drawings, artist interviews, critical analysis and exegesis, Drawing Investigations examines how artists use drawing as an investigative tool to reveal information that would otherwise remain unseen and unnoticed. How does drawing add shape to ideas? How does the artist accommodate to challenges and restraints of a particular environment? To what extent is a drawing complementary and continuous with its subject and where is it disruptive and provocative? Casey and Davies address these questions while focusing on artists working collaboratively and the use of drawing in challenging or unexpected environments. Drawing Investigations evaluates the emergence of a way of thinking among an otherwise disconnected group of artists by exploring commonalities in the application of analytical drawing to the natural world, urban environment, social forces and lived experience. Examples represent a spectrum of research in international contexts: an oceanographic Institute in California, the archives of Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, the Antarctic Survey, geothermal research in Japan and the Kurdish diaspora in Iraq. Issues are situated in the contemporary theory and practice of drawing including relationships to historical precedents. By exploring drawing's capacity to capture and describe experience, to sharpen visual faculties and to bridge embodied and conceptual knowledge, Drawing Investigations offers a fresh critical perspective on contemporary drawing practice.

Drawing Investigations

Drawing Investigations PDF Author: Sarah Casey
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1350443557
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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Book Description
Using close visual analysis of drawings, artist interviews, critical analysis and exegesis, Drawing Investigations examines how artists use drawing as an investigative tool to reveal information that would otherwise remain unseen and unnoticed. How does drawing add shape to ideas? How does the artist accommodate to challenges and restraints of a particular environment? To what extent is a drawing complementary and continuous with its subject and where is it disruptive and provocative? Casey and Davies address these questions while focusing on artists working collaboratively and the use of drawing in challenging or unexpected environments. Drawing Investigations evaluates the emergence of a way of thinking among an otherwise disconnected group of artists by exploring commonalities in the application of analytical drawing to the natural world, urban environment, social forces and lived experience. Examples represent a spectrum of research in international contexts: an oceanographic Institute in California, the archives of Amsterdam's Rijksmuseum, the Antarctic Survey, geothermal research in Japan and the Kurdish diaspora in Iraq. Issues are situated in the contemporary theory and practice of drawing including relationships to historical precedents. By exploring drawing's capacity to capture and describe experience, to sharpen visual faculties and to bridge embodied and conceptual knowledge, Drawing Investigations offers a fresh critical perspective on contemporary drawing practice.

Advances in Production Research

Advances in Production Research PDF Author: Robert Schmitt
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030034518
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 791

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The papers in this volume present recent and highly relevant topics in the fields of production research as 3D printing, additive manufacturing processes, agile product development, change dynamics in companies, configurable material systems, data analysis in process optimization, future technologies with high potential in value creation, global production, learning production systems, production of the future, organization of assemblies, resource efficiency in production, robotics in assembly, and technology trends in machine tools. Researchers and practitioners in the field of mechanical engineering and production technology will benefit from this content.

Thinking About Drawing

Thinking About Drawing PDF Author: Simon Grennan
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
ISBN: 1350265950
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 176

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This accessible book explains the significance of relationships between the body and the mark, visual imitation, drawing and writing and visual storytelling, providing a simple guide to these key ideas. For millennia drawing has been conceived as an exploratory activity, mediating between the vision of the drafter and what they are drawing. Drawing reveals hidden relationships, directs attention, scrutinises the material world and provides plans for further action. The book unpacks the key ideas that have shaped the rich, complex and foundational activity of drawing. It presents an unexpected, engaging and authoritative range of illustrated examples of drawings made by culturally and historically diverse people for different purposes, with different media, in widely different times and situations. Educator, author and artist Simon Grennan builds together concepts to create a complete guide to ideas about drawing.

Micro Metal Forming

Micro Metal Forming PDF Author: Frank Vollertsen
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 364230916X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 466

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Micro Metal Forming, i. e. forming of parts and features with dimensions below 1 mm, is a young area of research in the wide field of metal forming technologies, expanding the limits for applying metal forming towards micro technology. The essential challenges arise from the reduced geometrical size and the increased lot size. In order to enable potential users to apply micro metal forming in production, information about the following topics are given: tribological behavior: friction between tool and work piece as well as tool wear mechanical behavior: strength and formability of the work piece material, durability of the work pieces size effects: basic description of effects occurring due to the fact, that the quantitative relation between different features changes with decreasing size process windows and limits for forming processes tool making methods numerical modeling of processes and process chains quality assurance and metrology All topics are discussed with respect to the questions relevant to micro metal forming. The description comprises information from actual research and the young history of this technology branch to be used by students, scientists and engineers in industry who already have a background in metal forming and like to expand their knowledge towards miniaturization. tribological behavior: friction between tool and work piece as well as tool wear mechanical behavior: strength and formability of the work piece material, durability of the work pieces size effects: basic description of effects occurring due to the fact, that the quantitative relation between different features changes with decreasing size process windows and limits for forming processes tool making methods numerical modeling of processes and process chains quality assurance and metrology All topics are discussed with respect to the questions relevant to micro metal forming. The description comprises information from actual research and the young history of this technology branch to be used by students, scientists and engineers in industry who already have a background in metal forming and like to expand their knowledge towards miniaturization.

TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings

TMS 2019 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition Supplemental Proceedings PDF Author: & The Minerals, Metals Materials Society
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3030058611
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 1631

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Book Description
This collection features papers presented at the 148th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of The Minerals, Metals & Materials Society.

International Developments and Practices in Investigative Interviewing and Interrogation

International Developments and Practices in Investigative Interviewing and Interrogation PDF Author: David Walsh
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1317670140
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 241

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Book Description
Techniques in the investigative interviewing and interrogation of victims, witnesses and suspects of crime vary around the world, according to a country’s individual legal system, religion and culture. Whereas some countries have developed certain interview protocols for witnesses (such as the ABE Guidelines and the NICHD protocol when interviewing children) and the PEACE model of interviewing suspects, other countries continue to use physical coercion and other questionable tactics to elicit information. Until now, there has been very little empirical information about the overall interview and interrogation practices in non-western countries, especially the Middle and Far East. This book addresses this gap, bringing together international experts from over 25 countries and providing in-depth coverage of the various interview and interrogation techniques used across the globe. Volume 1 focuses on the interviewing of victims and witnesses, aiming to provide the necessary information for an understanding of how law enforcement agencies around the world gain valuable information from victims and witnesses in criminal cases. Together, the chapters that make up this volume and the accompanying volume on interviewing suspects, draw on specific national case studies and practices, examine contemporary challenges and identify best practice to enable readers to develop an international, as well as a comparative, perspective of developments worldwide in this important area of criminal investigation. This book will be an essential resource for academics and students engaged in the study of policing, criminal investigation, forensic psychology and criminal law. It will also be of great interest to practitioners, legal professionals and policymakers around the world.

Material Forming

Material Forming PDF Author: Anna Carla Araujo
Publisher: Materials Research Forum LLC
ISBN: 164490313X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 2957

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These ESAFORM 2024 conference proceedings cover a wide range of topics: Additive manufacturing; Composites forming processes; Extrusion and drawing; Forging and rolling; Formability of metallic materials; Friction and wear in metal forming; Incremental and sheet metal forming; Innovative joining by forming technologies; Optimization and inverse analysis in forming; Machining, Cutting and severe plastic deformation processes; Material behavior modelling; New and advanced numerical strategies for material forming; Non-conventional processes; Polymer processing and thermomechanical properties; Sustainability on material forming. Keywords: WAAM Technology, Fused deposition Modeling (FDM), Fiber Composite Printers, Ultrasonic Powder Atomization, Finite Element Modeling (FEM), Laser Powder Bed Fusion (L-PBF), Rapid Prototyping in Additive Manufacturing, Directed Energy Deposition (DED), GTAW Droplet Deposition, Deep Learning, Thermoplastic Pultrusion, Textile Reinforcements, Thermoforming Simulation, New Sustainable Materials, Non-Crimp Fabrics, CFRP Scraps, PEEK Composites, Thermoplastic Sheets, Flax/PP Composites.

Personality, Design and Marketing

Personality, Design and Marketing PDF Author: Gloria Moss
Publisher: Taylor & Francis
ISBN: 135197422X
Category : Art
Languages : en
Pages : 138

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Gloria Moss reveals the extent to which design and advertising effectiveness can be improved through an understanding of the personalities of a range of stakeholders. While the impact of demographic factors (age, class, geographical location) is the object of considerable research, the impact of personality on production and preference aesthetics has been greatly overlooked. It is only by grouping together research conducted on diverse fields that a larger picture of the impact of personality on design production and preference aesthetics can be constructed.

Teachers' Year Book of Educational Investigations ...

Teachers' Year Book of Educational Investigations ... PDF Author: New York (N.Y.). Department of Education. Division of Reference and Research
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 62

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