Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures

Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures PDF Author: Kristian Dahl Hertz
ISBN: 9780727764447
Category : Building, Fireproof
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures

Design of Fire-resistant Concrete Structures PDF Author: Kristian Dahl Hertz
ISBN: 9780727764447
Category : Building, Fireproof
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Structural Design for Fire Safety

Structural Design for Fire Safety PDF Author: Andrew H. Buchanan
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0470972890
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 437

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Structural Design for Fire Safety, 2nd edition Andrew H. Buchanan, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Anthony K. Abu, University of Canterbury, New Zealand A practical and informative guide to structural fire engineering This book presents a comprehensive overview of structural fire engineering. An update on the first edition, the book describes new developments in the past ten years, including advanced calculation methods and computer programs. Further additions include: calculation methods for membrane action in floor slabs exposed to fires; a chapter on composite steel-concrete construction; and case studies of structural collapses. The book begins with an introduction to fire safety in buildings, from fire growth and development to the devastating effects of severe fires on large building structures. Methods of calculating fire severity and fire resistance are then described in detail, together with both simple and advanced methods for assessing and designing for structural fire safety in buildings constructed from structural steel, reinforced concrete, or structural timber. Structural Design for Fire Safety, 2nd edition bridges the information gap between fire safety engineers, structural engineers and building officials, and it will be useful for many others including architects, code writers, building designers, and firefighters. Key features: • Updated references to current research, as well as new end-of-chapter questions and worked examples. •Authors experienced in teaching, researching, and applying structural fire engineering in real buildings. • A focus on basic principles rather than specific building code requirements, for an international audience. An essential guide for structural engineers who wish to improve their understanding of buildings exposed to severe fires and an ideal textbook for introductory or advanced courses in structural fire engineering.

Brannigan's Building Construction for the Fire Service

Brannigan's Building Construction for the Fire Service PDF Author: Francis Brannigan
Publisher: Jones & Bartlett Publishers
ISBN: 0763778028
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 368

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Brannigan’s Building Construction for the Fire Service, Fourth Edition is a must read for fire fighters, prospective fire fighters, and fire science students. This edition continues the Brannigan tradition of using plain language to describe technical information about different building types and their unique hazards. This text ensures that critical fire fighting information is easy-to-understand and gives valuable experience to fire fighters before stepping onto the fireground. The first edition of Building Construction for the Fire Service was published in 1971. Frank Brannigan was compelled to write the most comprehensive building construction text for the fire service so that he could save fire fighters’ lives. His passion for detail and extensive practical experience helped him to develop the most popular text on the market. His motto of: “Know your buildings,” informs every aspect of this new edition of the text. Listen to a Podcast with Brannigan's Building Construction for the Fire Service, Fourth Edition co-author Glenn Corbett to learn more about this training program! Glenn discusses his relationship with the late Frank Brannigan, the dangers of heavy construction timber, occupancy specific hazards, and other areas of emphasis within the Fourth Edition. To listen now, visit:

Structural Fire Engineering

Structural Fire Engineering PDF Author: Kevin J. LaMalva
ISBN: 9780784415047
Category : Building, Fireproof
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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Prepared by the Fire Protection Committee of the Structural Engineering Institute of ASCE Structural Fire Engineering provides best practices for the field of performance-based structural fire engineering design. When structural systems are heated by fire, they experience thermal effects that are not contemplated by conventional structural engineering design. Traditionally, structural fire protection is prescribed for structures after they have been optimized for ambient design loads, such as gravity, wind, and seismic, among others. This century-old prescriptive framework endeavors to reduce the heating of individual structural components with the intent of mitigating the risk of structural failure under fire exposure. Accordingly, the vulnerability of buildings to structural failure from uncontrolled fire varies across jurisdictions-which have differing structural design requirements for ambient loads-and as a function of building system and component configuration. As an alternative approach, Standard ASCE 7-16 permits the application of performance-based structural fire design (also termed structural fire engineering design) to evaluate the performance of structural systems explicitly under fire exposure in a similar manner as other design loads are treated in structural engineering practice. Structural fire engineering design is the calculated design of a structure to withstand the thermal load effects of fire, which have the potential to alter the integrity of a structure, based on specific performance criteria. This manual, MOP 138, addresses the current practice, thermal and structural analysis methods, and available information to support structural fire engineering design. It covers - Background information on the protection of structures from fire and the effects of fire on different types of construction, - Key distinctions between standard fire resistance design and structural fire engineering design, - Guidance for evaluating thermal boundary conditions on a structure because of fire exposure and on conducting heat transfer calculations based on the material thermal properties, - Performance objectives for structures under fire exposure, and - Analysis techniques that can be used to quantify structural response to fire effects. This Manual of Practice is a valuable resource for structural engineers, architects, building officials, and academics concerned with performance-based design for structural fire safety.

Design Of Modern Highrise Reinforced Concrete Structures

Design Of Modern Highrise Reinforced Concrete Structures PDF Author: Hiroyuki Aoyama
Publisher: World Scientific
ISBN: 1783261641
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 462

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This book presents the results of a Japanese national research project carried out in 1988-1993, usually referred to as the New RC Project. Developing advanced reinforced concrete building structures with high strength and high quality materials under its auspices, the project aimed at promoting construction of highrise reinforced concrete buildings in highly seismic areas such as Japan. The project covered all the aspects of reinforced concrete structures, namely materials, structural elements, structural design, construction, and feasibility studies. In addition to presenting these results, the book includes two chapters giving an elementary explanation of modern analytical techniques, i.e. finite element analysis and earthquake response analysis.

Structural Fire Engineering

Structural Fire Engineering PDF Author: Venkatesh Kodur
Publisher: McGraw Hill Professional
ISBN: 1260128598
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 481

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Actionable strategies for the design and construction of fire-resistant structures This hands-on guide clearly explains the complex building codes and standards that relate to fire design and presents hands-on techniques engineers can apply to prevent or mitigate the effects of fire in structures. Dedicated chapters discuss specific procedures for steel, concrete, and timber buildings. You will get step-by-step guidance on how to evaluate fire resistance using both testing and calculation methods. Structural Fire Engineering begins with an introduction to the behavioral aspects of fire and explains how structural materials react when exposed to elevated temperatures. From there, the book discusses the fire design aspects of key codes and standards, such as the International Building Code, the International Fire Code, and the NFPA Fire Code. Advanced topics are covered in complete detail, including residual capacity evaluation of fire damaged structures and fire design for bridges and tunnels. Explains the fire design requirements of the IBC, IFC, the NFPA Fire Code, and National Building Code of Canada Presents design strategies for steel, concrete, and timber structures as well as for bridges and tunnels Contains downloadable spreadsheets and problems along with solutions for instructors

Lightweight Aggregate Concrete

Lightweight Aggregate Concrete PDF Author: Satish Chandra
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 081551820X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 451

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In spite of the increasing use and demand for lightweight aggregate concrete (LWAC), there is still a lack of adequate explanations to understand the mechanisms responsible for the strength and durability properties of LWAC. This book is written to give an overall picture of LWAC, from the historical background, aggregate production, proportioning and production of concrete, to applications in structures. Physical properties and chemical durability are described in detail. The physical properties include density, strength, shrinkage, and elasticity. Chemical durability includes resistance to acids, chloride ingress, carbonation, and freeze-thaw resistance. Fire resistance is also included, which is seldom considered, but is a very important aspect of the safety of the structure. Microstructure development and its relation to the durability properties of LWAC generally are not highlighted in the literature. The development of bonds, the microstructure with different binder systems, and different types of lightweight aggregates are explained. They show how lightweight aggregate concrete differs from normal weight concrete. The chapters on chloride ingress and freeze-thaw resistance are detailed because of the use of LWAC in offshore construction. The economical aspects of using LWAC are also reviewed. Emphasis is placed on the fact that although the cost of LWAC is high, the total cost of construction has to be considered, including the cost of transport, reinforcement, etc. When these are considered then LWAC becomes cheaper and attractive. The life cycle cost of the concrete is another consideration for calculating long-term savings on maintenance costs.

Advances in Structural Technologies

Advances in Structural Technologies PDF Author: Sondipon Adhikari
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 9811552355
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 426

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This book comprises select proceedings of the National Conference on Advances in Structural Technology (CoAST 2019). It brings together different applied and technological aspects of structural engineering. The main topics covered in this book include solid mechanics, composite structures, fluid-structure interaction, soil-structure interaction, structural safety, and structural health monitoring. The book also focuses on emerging structural materials and the different behavior of civil, mechanical, and aerospace structural systems. Given its contents, this book will be a useful reference for researchers and practitioners working in structural safety and engineering.

SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering

SFPE Handbook of Fire Protection Engineering PDF Author: Morgan J. Hurley
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 1493925652
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 3510

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Revised and significantly expanded, the fifth edition of this classic work offers both new and substantially updated information. As the definitive reference on fire protection engineering, this book provides thorough treatment of the current best practices in fire protection engineering and performance-based fire safety. Over 130 eminent fire engineers and researchers contributed chapters to the book, representing universities and professional organizations around the world. It remains the indispensible source for reliable coverage of fire safety engineering fundamentals, fire dynamics, hazard calculations, fire risk analysis, modeling and more. With seventeen new chapters and over 1,800 figures, the this new edition contains: Step-by-step equations that explain engineering calculations Comprehensive revision of the coverage of human behavior in fire, including several new chapters on egress system design, occupant evacuation scenarios, combustion toxicity and data for human behavior analysis Revised fundamental chapters for a stronger sense of context Added chapters on fire protection system selection and design, including selection of fire safety systems, system activation and controls and CO2 extinguishing systems Recent advances in fire resistance design Addition of new chapters on industrial fire protection, including vapor clouds, effects of thermal radiation on people, BLEVEs, dust explosions and gas and vapor explosions New chapters on fire load density, curtain walls, wildland fires and vehicle tunnels Essential reference appendices on conversion factors, thermophysical property data, fuel properties and combustion data, configuration factors and piping properties “Three-volume set; not available separately”

Designing Steel Structures for Fire Safety

Designing Steel Structures for Fire Safety PDF Author: Jean Marc Franssen
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 0203875494
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 186

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Structural design in fire conditions is conceptually similar to structural design in normal temperature conditions, but often more difficult because of internal forces induced by thermal expansion, strength reduction due to elevated temperatures, much larger deflections, and numerous other factors. Before making any design decisions it is esse