Design and Implementation of Health Information Systems

Design and Implementation of Health Information Systems PDF Author: World Health Organization Staff
ISBN: 9789241561990
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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This book provides a practical guide to the design and implementation of health information systems in developing countries. Noting that most existing systems fail to deliver timely, reliable, and relevant information, the book responds to the urgent need to restructure systems and make them work as both a resource for routine decisions and a powerful tool for improving health services. With this need in mind, the authors draw on their extensive personal experiences to map out strategies, pinpoint common pitfalls, and guide readers through a host of conceptual and technical options. Information needs at all levels - from patient care to management of the national health system - are considered in this comprehensive guide. Recommended lines of action are specific to conditions seen in government-managed health systems in the developing world. In view of common constraints on time and resources, the book concentrates on strategies that do not require large resources, highly trained staff, or complex equipment. Throughout the book, case studies and numerous practical examples are used to explore problems and illustrate solutions. Details range from a list of weaknesses that plague most existing systems, through advice on when to introduce computers and how to choose appropriate software and hardware, to the hotly debated question of whether patient records should be kept by the patient or filed at the health unit. The book has fourteen chapters presented in four parts. Chapters in the first part, on information for decision-making, explain the potential role of health information as a managerial tool, consider the reasons why this potential is rarely realized, and propose general approaches for reform which have proved successful in several developing countries. Presentation of a six-step procedure for restructuring information systems, closely linked to an organizational model of health services, is followed by a practical discussion of the decision-making process. Reasons for the failure of most health information to influence decisions are also critically assessed. Against this background, the second and most extensive part provides a step-by-step guide to the restructuring of information systems aimed at improving the quality and relevance of data and ensuring their better use in planning and management. Steps covered include the identification of information needs and indicators, assessment of the existing system, and the collection of both routine and non-routine data using recommended procedures and instruments. Chapters also offer advice on procedures for data transmission and processing, and discuss the requirements of systems designed to collect population-based community information. Resource needs and technical tools are addressed in part three. A comprehensive overview of the resource base - from staff and training to the purchase and maintenance of equipment - is followed by chapters offering advice on the introduction of computerized systems in developing countries, and explaining the many applications of geographic information systems. Practical advice on how to restructure a health information system is provided in the final part, which considers how different interest groups can influence the design and implementation of a new system, and proposes various design options for overcoming specific problems. Experiences from several developing countries are used to illustrate strategies and designs in terms of those almost certain to fail and those that have the greatest chances of success

Design and Implementation of Health Information Systems

Design and Implementation of Health Information Systems PDF Author: World Health Organization Staff
ISBN: 9789241561990
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 270

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Book Description
This book provides a practical guide to the design and implementation of health information systems in developing countries. Noting that most existing systems fail to deliver timely, reliable, and relevant information, the book responds to the urgent need to restructure systems and make them work as both a resource for routine decisions and a powerful tool for improving health services. With this need in mind, the authors draw on their extensive personal experiences to map out strategies, pinpoint common pitfalls, and guide readers through a host of conceptual and technical options. Information needs at all levels - from patient care to management of the national health system - are considered in this comprehensive guide. Recommended lines of action are specific to conditions seen in government-managed health systems in the developing world. In view of common constraints on time and resources, the book concentrates on strategies that do not require large resources, highly trained staff, or complex equipment. Throughout the book, case studies and numerous practical examples are used to explore problems and illustrate solutions. Details range from a list of weaknesses that plague most existing systems, through advice on when to introduce computers and how to choose appropriate software and hardware, to the hotly debated question of whether patient records should be kept by the patient or filed at the health unit. The book has fourteen chapters presented in four parts. Chapters in the first part, on information for decision-making, explain the potential role of health information as a managerial tool, consider the reasons why this potential is rarely realized, and propose general approaches for reform which have proved successful in several developing countries. Presentation of a six-step procedure for restructuring information systems, closely linked to an organizational model of health services, is followed by a practical discussion of the decision-making process. Reasons for the failure of most health information to influence decisions are also critically assessed. Against this background, the second and most extensive part provides a step-by-step guide to the restructuring of information systems aimed at improving the quality and relevance of data and ensuring their better use in planning and management. Steps covered include the identification of information needs and indicators, assessment of the existing system, and the collection of both routine and non-routine data using recommended procedures and instruments. Chapters also offer advice on procedures for data transmission and processing, and discuss the requirements of systems designed to collect population-based community information. Resource needs and technical tools are addressed in part three. A comprehensive overview of the resource base - from staff and training to the purchase and maintenance of equipment - is followed by chapters offering advice on the introduction of computerized systems in developing countries, and explaining the many applications of geographic information systems. Practical advice on how to restructure a health information system is provided in the final part, which considers how different interest groups can influence the design and implementation of a new system, and proposes various design options for overcoming specific problems. Experiences from several developing countries are used to illustrate strategies and designs in terms of those almost certain to fail and those that have the greatest chances of success

Patient Care Information Systems

Patient Care Information Systems PDF Author: Erica L. Drazen
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1461208297
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 199

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In the current era of health care reform, the pressures to truly manage patient care and to build effective integrated delivery systems are generating intense interest in patient care information systems. Health care institutions cannot provide seamlees access to care without seamless access to information, and they cannot manage and improve care without improved information management. Patient Care Information Systems examines how to design and implement these systems so they successfully meet the needs of physicians, nurses, and other health care providers. In one convenient reference, the authors summarize and synthesize previously disparate research and case experiences on these systems and suggest future directions based on the evolving demands of administrators and caregivers.

Design and Implementation of Healthcare Biometric Systems

Design and Implementation of Healthcare Biometric Systems PDF Author: Kisku, Dakshina Ranjan
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 152257526X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 315

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Healthcare sectors often deal with a large amount of data related to patients’ care and hospital workforce management. Mistakes occur, and the impending results are disastrous for individuals’ personal identity information. However, an innovative and reliable way to safeguard the identity of individuals and provide protection of medical records from criminals is already in effect. Design and Implementation of Healthcare Biometric Systems provides innovative insights into medical identity theft and the benefits behind biometrics technologies that could be offered to protect medical records from hackers and malicious users. The content within this publication represents the work of ASD screening systems, healthcare management, and patient rehabilitation. It is designed for educators, researchers, faculty members, industry practitioners, graduate students, and professionals working with healthcare services and covers topics centered on understanding the practical essence of next-generation healthcare biometrics systems and future research directions.

Health Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications

Health Information Systems: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications PDF Author: Rodrigues, Joel J.P.C.
Publisher: IGI Global
ISBN: 160566989X
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 2311

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"This reference set provides a complete understanding of the development of applications and concepts in clinical, patient, and hospital information systems"--Provided by publisher.

Health Information Systems

Health Information Systems PDF Author: Adrian Stavert-Dobson
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 9783319799803
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 305

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This is a practical book for health and IT professionals who need to ensure that patient safety is prioritized in the design and implementation of clinical information technology. Healthcare professionals are increasingly reliant on information technology to deliver care and inform their clinical decision making. Health IT provides enormous benefits in efficiency, communication and decision making. However a number of high-profile UK and US studies have concluded that when Health IT is poorly designed or sub-optimally implemented then patient safety can be compromised. Manufacturers and healthcare organizations are increasingly required to demonstrate that their Health IT solutions are proactively assured. Surprisingly the majority of systems are not subject to regulation so there is little in the way of practical guidance as to how risk management can be achieved. The book fills that gap. The author, a doctor and IT professional, harnesses his two decades of experience to characterize the hazards that health technology can introduce. Risk can never be eliminated but by drawing on lessons from other safety-critical industries the book systematically sets out how clinical risk can be strategically controlled. The book proposes the employment of a Safety Case to articulate and justify residual risk so that not only is risk proactively managed but it is seen to be managed. These simple techniques drive product quality and allow a technology’s benefits to be realized without compromising patient safety.

Advances in Patient Safety

Advances in Patient Safety PDF Author: Kerm Henriksen
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 526

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v. 1. Research findings -- v. 2. Concepts and methodology -- v. 3. Implementation issues -- v. 4. Programs, tools and products.

Concepts and Trends in Healthcare Information Systems

Concepts and Trends in Healthcare Information Systems PDF Author: Dionysios-Dimitrios Koutsouris
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 331906844X
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 238

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​Concepts and Trends in Healthcare Information Systems covers the latest research topics in the field from leading researchers and practitioners. This book offers theory-driven research that explores the role of Information Systems in the delivery of healthcare in its diverse organizational and regulatory settings. In addition to the embedded role of Information Technology (IT) in clinical and diagnostics equipment, Information Systems are uniquely positioned to capture, store, process, and communicate timely information to decision makers for better coordination of healthcare at both the individual and population levels. For example, data mining and decision support capabilities can identify potential adverse events for an individual patient while also contributing to the population’s health by providing insights into the causes of disease complications. Information systems have great potential to reduce healthcare costs and improve outcomes. The healthcare delivery systems share similar characteristics with most service and productive organizations, but also exhibit specific characteristics, which are related to the complexity and diversity of healthcare production, including the dissimilar ways healthcare professionals discharge their clinical tasks. New requirements and technological advances occurring in healthcare, information systems, and information technology have influenced the evolving role of healthcare information systems and related technology, and this book will help bring the field up to date.

Improving Usability, Safety and Patient Outcomes with Health Information Technology

Improving Usability, Safety and Patient Outcomes with Health Information Technology PDF Author: F. Lau
Publisher: IOS Press
ISBN: 1614999511
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 570

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Information technology is revolutionizing healthcare, and the uptake of health information technologies is rising, but scientific research and industrial and governmental support will be needed if these technologies are to be implemented effectively to build capacity at regional, national and global levels. This book, "Improving Usability, Safety and Patient Outcomes with Health Information Technology", presents papers from the Information Technology and Communications in Health conference, ITCH 2019, held in Victoria, Canada from 14 to 17 February 2019. The conference takes a multi-perspective view of what is needed to move technology forward to sustained and widespread use by transitioning research findings and approaches into practice. Topics range from improvements in usability and training and the need for new and improved designs for information systems, user interfaces and interoperable solutions, to governmental policy, mandates, initiatives and the need for regulation. The knowledge and insights gained from the ITCH 2019 conference will surely stimulate fruitful discussions and collaboration to bridge research and practice and improve usability, safety and patient outcomes, and the book will be of interest to all those associated with the development, implementation and delivery of health IT solutions.

Applied Interdisciplinary Theory in Health Informatics

Applied Interdisciplinary Theory in Health Informatics PDF Author: P. Scott
Publisher: IOS Press
ISBN: 1614999910
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 242

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The American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) defines the term biomedical informatics (BMI) as: The interdisciplinary field that studies and pursues the effective uses of biomedical data, information, and knowledge for scientific inquiry, problem solving and decision making, motivated by efforts to improve human health. This book: Applied Interdisciplinary Theory in Health Informatics: A Knowledge Base for Practitioners, explores the theories that have been applied in health informatics and the differences they have made. The editors, all proponents of evidence-based health informatics, came together within the European Federation of Medical Informatics (EFMI) Working Group on Health IT Evaluation and the International Medical Informatics Association (IMIA) Working Group on Technology Assessment and Quality Development. The purpose of the book, which has a foreword by Charles Friedman, is to move forward the agenda of evidence-based health informatics by emphasizing theory-informed work aimed at enriching the understanding of this uniquely complex field. The book takes the AMIA definition as particularly helpful in its articulation of the three foundational domains of health informatics: health science, information science, and social science and their various overlaps, and this model has been used to structure the content of the book around the major subject areas. The book discusses some of the most important and commonly used theories relevant to health informatics, and constitutes a first iteration of a consolidated knowledge base that will advance the science of the field.

Health Care Comes Home

Health Care Comes Home PDF Author: National Research Council
Publisher: National Academies Press
ISBN: 0309212405
Category : Medical
Languages : en
Pages : 202

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In the United States, health care devices, technologies, and practices are rapidly moving into the home. The factors driving this migration include the costs of health care, the growing numbers of older adults, the increasing prevalence of chronic conditions and diseases and improved survival rates for people with those conditions and diseases, and a wide range of technological innovations. The health care that results varies considerably in its safety, effectiveness, and efficiency, as well as in its quality and cost. Health Care Comes Home reviews the state of current knowledge and practice about many aspects of health care in residential settings and explores the short- and long-term effects of emerging trends and technologies. By evaluating existing systems, the book identifies design problems and imbalances between technological system demands and the capabilities of users. Health Care Comes Home recommends critical steps to improve health care in the home. The book's recommendations cover the regulation of health care technologies, proper training and preparation for people who provide in-home care, and how existing housing can be modified and new accessible housing can be better designed for residential health care. The book also identifies knowledge gaps in the field and how these can be addressed through research and development initiatives. Health Care Comes Home lays the foundation for the integration of human health factors with the design and implementation of home health care devices, technologies, and practices. The book describes ways in which the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and federal housing agencies can collaborate to improve the quality of health care at home. It is also a valuable resource for residential health care providers and caregivers.