Understanding Social Deviance

Understanding Social Deviance PDF Author: John Curra
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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Understanding Social Deviance

Understanding Social Deviance PDF Author: John Curra
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 536

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The Handbook of Deviance

The Handbook of Deviance PDF Author: Erich Goode
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1118701321
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 654

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The Handbook of Deviance is a definitive reference for professionals, researchers, and students that provides a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the sociology of deviance. Composed of over 30 essays written by an international array of scholars and meticulously edited by one of the best known authorities on the study of deviance Features chapters on cutting-edge topics, such as terrorism and environmental degradation as forms of deviance Each chapter includes a critical review of what is known about the topic, the current status of the topic, and insights about the future of the topic Covers recent theoretical innovations in the field, including the distinction between positivist and constructionist perspectives on deviance, and the incorporation of physical appearance as a form of deviance

The Relativity of Deviance

The Relativity of Deviance PDF Author: John Curra
Publisher: Pine Forge Press
ISBN: 1412964660
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 313

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In this Second Edition of his investigation into the relative nature of social deviance and how the public perceives it, author John Curra demonstrates that what qualifies as deviance varies from place to place, time to time, and situation to situation. Through thought-provoking examples that include the blue people of Kentucky, a woman who believes she is a vampire, autoerotic asphyxiators, and others, Curra illustrates that deviance cannot be explained in terms of absolutes, nor can it be understood apart from its social setting. This insightful book approaches sex, violence, theft, suicide, drugs, and mental disorders in such a way that definitive or objective judgments become impossible.

Drugging the Poor

Drugging the Poor PDF Author: Merrill Singer
Publisher: Waveland Press
ISBN: 1478610247
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 304

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Singer offers a fresh set of ideas for understanding how the global socioeconomic system insures that massive quantities of psychotropic drugs reach the poorest sectors of American society. Drugging the Poor provides a unified theoretical framework to assess how all drugs, including tobacco, heroin, alcohol, cocaine, and diverted pharmaceuticals contribute to maintaining social inequality among the wealthier and poorer social classes in American society. Singers analysis rejects conventional approaches that see tobacco or alcohol manufacturers and distributors, on the one hand, and drug cartels and mafias, on the other, as completely different entities. Instead, he shows how legal and illegal drug corporations share key features and follow the same economic principles. He also emphasizes that mixing legal and illegal drugs to self-medicate against social discrimination, poverty, and structural violence offers short-term relief, but in the long run, it functions to maintain an unjust and oppressive system. Drugging the Poor actively challenges the assumption that how things are is how they always have been or how they need to be.

Integrating Cultural, Observational, and Epidemiological Approaches in the Prevention of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS

Integrating Cultural, Observational, and Epidemiological Approaches in the Prevention of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS PDF Author:
Category : AIDS (Disease)
Languages : en
Pages : 280

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Demystifying Power, Crime and Social Harm

Demystifying Power, Crime and Social Harm PDF Author: David Gordon Scott
Publisher: Springer Nature
ISBN: 3031462130
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 569

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This collection revisits Steven Box’s book, Power, Crime and Mystification, published in 1983, and considers its relevance forty years on. It introduces the critical analysis developed by Box which examined corporate crime, police crime, rape and sexual assault and female crime and analyses the continuities and discontinuities since 1983 in relation to crime, the state and the exercise/mystification of power. The book explores the ways in which we can see his influence nationally and internationally on critical criminological, zemiological and abolitionist writings today. It asks how can these perspectives be applied to a critical analysis of contemporary, state authoritarianism and the criminal injustice that this authoritarianism generates? Additionally, how can Box’s concepts shine a critical light on contemporary social harms that were not covered in the original book? The collection provides a toolkit for students and academics to critically analyse the issues around crime/social harm, power/powerlessness, truth/mystification, criminal injustice/social justice as well as historical and contemporary sites of resistance confronting the exercise of state power.

Narrative and Metaphor in the Law

Narrative and Metaphor in the Law PDF Author: Michael Hanne
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1108422799
Category : Language Arts & Disciplines
Languages : en
Pages : 439

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Scholars from many disciplines discuss the crucial roles played by narrative and metaphor in the theory and practice of law.


Victimization PDF Author: Willem Johannes Schurink
Publisher: HSRC Press
ISBN: 9780796912589
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 622

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Criminal victimization : some results from survey research ; Crime and the elderly ; Harassment of women in the workplace ; Violence in South African prisons ; Police abuse of power ; Role of legal aid clinics ; Management of the sexually abused child ; Includes crisis telephone numbers.

Selective Remembrances

Selective Remembrances PDF Author: Philip L. Kohl
Publisher: University of Chicago Press
ISBN: 0226450643
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 435

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When political geography changes, how do reorganized or newly formed states justify their rule and create a sense of shared history for their people? Often, the essays in Selective Remembrances reveal, they turn to archaeology, employing the field and its findings to develop nationalistic feelings and forge legitimate distinctive national identities. Examining such relatively new or reconfigured nation-states as Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, India, and Thailand, Selective Remembrances shows how states invoke the remote past to extol the glories of specific peoples or prove claims to ancestral homelands. Religion has long played a key role in such efforts, and the contributors take care to demonstrate the tendency of many people, including archaeologists themselves, to view the world through a religious lens—which can be exploited by new regimes to suppress objective study of the past and justify contemporary political actions. The wide geographic and intellectual range of the essays in Selective Remembrances will make it a seminal text for archaeologists and historians.


Sociology PDF Author: David M. Newman
Publisher: SAGE Publications
ISBN: 1544325770
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 747

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This new Brief Sixth Edition of David Newman’s text is the streamlined version of Sociology: Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life with the same goal: to be a textbook that, in the author’s words, "reads like a real book." Newman shows how to see the "unfamiliar in the familiar"—to step back and see organization and predictability in our taken-for-granted personal experiences. He uses the metaphors of "architecture" and "construction" to help us understand that society is not something that exists "out there," independently of ourselves; rather, it is a human creation that is planned, maintained, or altered by individuals. Instead of surveying every subfield in sociology, this text focuses on the structural features of society, the social construction of the self and identity, and social inequality in the context of social institutions. A Complete Teaching & Learning Package SAGE edge FREE online resources for students that make learning easier. See how your students benefit. Bundle with Sociology, Exploring the Architecture of Everyday Life: Readings, Eleventh Edition and SAVE! Bundle ISBN: 978-1-5443-5249-7