Darkness of the Dark Ages

Darkness of the Dark Ages PDF Author: Geo Morrish
Publisher: Irving Risch
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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Contents. Introduction. What is meant by the Dark Ages? Chapter 1. Union of the Eastern and Western Churches, A.D. 518. — Anastasius emperor. — Not one church, but the union of two churches. Chapter 2. Justinian Emperor, A.D. 527-565. — He rules the church. — Upholds the Council of Chalcedon, as to the two natures in Christ. — His wife, Theodora, a Monophysite. — Justinian aims to unite the Monophysite party with the orthodox. — The three Chapters. — Fifth general council held, A.D. 553. — Justinian's schemes useless. Chapter 3. Benedict and Monasticism. — Becomes popular, and founds monasteries. — Monasticism useless for a holy life. — The monks multiply the copies of scripture. — The prison. — Forgiveness of sins unknown to the monks. Chapter 4. Gregory the Great. — Seeks to set things in order. — Description of a service on Easter Sunday at Rome, very unlike that of the Lord's supper in the New Testament. — Gregory's superstition as to relics. — He flatters the cruel emperor Phocas. Gregory and England. — Anglo-Saxon slaves at Rome. — Gregory sends Augustine to England. — Ethelbert embraces Christianity, A.D. 597. — Augustine made archbishop of Canterbury. — He is succeeded by Laurentius. — Eadbald succeeds Ethelbert, returns to Paganism, and threatens the bishops. — Laurentius said to be whipped by St. Peter for thinking of leaving England. — Eadbald, convinced by this, embraces Christianity. — Edwin, king of Northumberland, converted by a supposed miracle. — All the divisions of the kingdom embrace Christianity. — The invasion of the Danes. — They destroy many of the monasteries, and put the monks to death. — Dunstan becomes archbishop. The rule of Rome submitted to in England. Chapter 5. Mahomet. — His childhood. — His mission refused at first. — Persecutes the Jews who had also opposed him. — Poisoned by a Jewess. — Becomes victorious. — Enters Mecca, and destroys the idols. — Acknowledged all over Arabia. — Died A.D. 632. — His personal character. — His creed. — Denies the divinity of Christ. — The god of Mahometans not the God of the Bible. — The conquests, of Mahomet's successors. — They become a scourge of professing Christians in the East. Chapter 6. Break Up of the Roman Empire. — The Roman Empire passes away with the conquest of Constantinople. — Resuscitation in times yet to come. — Nebuchadnezzar's image. — The iron and clay. — The ten kingdoms of old. — A warning to those who advocate the supremacy of the people. Chapter 7. France Protects Rome. — Stephen II. pope, A.D. 752. — Threatened by the Lombards, he appeals to the French. — Pepin delivers Rome. Charlemagne. — Leo III. pope. — He is accused to Charles. — The pope not answerable to any human authority. — Charles crowned emperor of Rome. Chapter 8. The Worship of Images. — Miracles ascribed to images. — Leo the Isaurian emperor. — John of Damascus and the reported miracle of the restoration of his hand. — Constantine Copronymus emperor. — He calls a council, which condemns images. — Leo. IV. emperor opposes images, but dies soon. — His wife Irene calls a council to restore the worship of images. — Difference between worship and adoration. — An image was adored by the council. — Charlemagne opposes the worship of images. — The Caroline Books. — Leo V. the Armenian emperor opposes images amid opposition. — Michael the Stammerer, emperor. — He allows images, but not to be worshipped. — Theophilus emperor, also against images. — All countries eventually agree with Rome in the adoration of images. Chapter 9. Hildebrand, Gregory VII. — His predecessors. — Henry III., of Germany, invited to rescue the Church from its degradation and pollution. — Hildebrand dreaded. — Energetic in his reforms. — His authority over nations. The Decretals. — Gross forgeries Gregory and the Married Clergy. — His decrees against marriage everywhere opposed Gregory and Henry IV. — Gregory disowned by Henry and by his clergy. — Henry excommunicated and dethroned by Gregory. — Henry humbles himself before the pope, and is absolved. — He regains power, and despises the anathema of the pope. — Enters Rome. Chapter 10. The Crusades. — Pilgrims to Jerusalem molested and robbed. — Peter the hermit preaches a crusade. — supported by pope Urban II. — Full forgiveness of sins promised to the Crusaders, and absolution pronounced. — They reach Nicaea, and are conquered. — More regular armies follow, and are victorious. — They lay siege to Antioch. — The holy lance discovered. — Antioch taken. — They reach Jerusalem, and take the city. — The Crusades that follow. — Jerusalem had many masters. — Is yet to be blessed and restored to the Jews. Chapter 11. The Inquisition. — First judicial death for heresy. — Rome persecutes any deemed heretics. — The inquisition permanently established. — Its tortures. — Its deceptions to entrap its victims. — TheAuto-de-Fé. The Jews and the Moors of Spain. — The Jews treated without mercy — The treaty with the Moors violated. — Cardinal Ximenez's plan of conversion. — The Moors converted or banished Bartolomé Carranza. — In England. — Made Archbishop of Toledo. — Charges against him. — His arrest. — Released after a long imprisonment. The Inquisition in India. — The Syrian Christians. — Inquisition at Goa. — Case of M. Dellon. — The English rescue a prisoner. Spanish America. — The Inquisition established. The Jews persecuted. — Fourteen Protestant Europeans seized. — The circulation of the Bible prohibited. — Spain loses her colonies in Mexico, etc. The Inquisition Abolished. — Napoleon in Spain. — The Inquisition never established in England. Chapter 12. The Waldenses. — Various other names. — Peter Waldo. — Persecution and martyrs. — The decree of pope Lucius III. — Charges against the Waldenses. — Their mode of procedure as hawkers. — Armies raised to annihilate them at Toulouse, etc. — Persecution in Germany. — Echard, a persecutor, converted. — The Waldenses spread over the whole of Europe. — Return of the Waldenses to Piedmont. — At length they are tolerated. — A witness for God during the Dark Ages. Chapter 13. England. — William the Conqueror. — Lanfranc reforms the Church. — William not servile to Rome. — William Rufus. — Anselm archbishop. — He retires from England. — Henry I. — Anselm's return. — Oxford and Cambridge Universities. — Henry II. — Martyrs in England. — Thomas a Becket. — Richard. — John surrenders the kingdom to Rome. — Henry III. Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln. — He successfully opposes the pope Edward III. — He withstands Rome Bradwardine. — His work against Pelagius Wiclif. — The first English Reformer Scotland. — Struggles against Rome Chapter 14. Councils of the Church. — From the Fifth to the Twenty-first General Council of the Church. Chapter 15. The Claims of Rome. — The assumptions of Rome examined. — Was Peter ever bishop of Rome? — The kingdom of God not built with the keys given to Peter. — Unity, Catholicity, Holiness, and Apostolicity. Chapter 16. Conclusion. — Light springing up. — Few records of godly Christians in the Dark Ages. — Christ will have a glorious Church. — Judgment will fall on apostate Christendom. — The path of the Christian.

Dark Ages Mage

Dark Ages Mage PDF Author: Bill Bridges
Publisher: White Wolf Games Studio
ISBN: 9781588464040
Category : Games & Activities
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Darkness of the Dark Ages

Darkness of the Dark Ages PDF Author: Geo Morrish
Publisher: Irving Risch
Category : Religion
Languages : en
Pages : 152

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Contents. Introduction. What is meant by the Dark Ages? Chapter 1. Union of the Eastern and Western Churches, A.D. 518. — Anastasius emperor. — Not one church, but the union of two churches. Chapter 2. Justinian Emperor, A.D. 527-565. — He rules the church. — Upholds the Council of Chalcedon, as to the two natures in Christ. — His wife, Theodora, a Monophysite. — Justinian aims to unite the Monophysite party with the orthodox. — The three Chapters. — Fifth general council held, A.D. 553. — Justinian's schemes useless. Chapter 3. Benedict and Monasticism. — Becomes popular, and founds monasteries. — Monasticism useless for a holy life. — The monks multiply the copies of scripture. — The prison. — Forgiveness of sins unknown to the monks. Chapter 4. Gregory the Great. — Seeks to set things in order. — Description of a service on Easter Sunday at Rome, very unlike that of the Lord's supper in the New Testament. — Gregory's superstition as to relics. — He flatters the cruel emperor Phocas. Gregory and England. — Anglo-Saxon slaves at Rome. — Gregory sends Augustine to England. — Ethelbert embraces Christianity, A.D. 597. — Augustine made archbishop of Canterbury. — He is succeeded by Laurentius. — Eadbald succeeds Ethelbert, returns to Paganism, and threatens the bishops. — Laurentius said to be whipped by St. Peter for thinking of leaving England. — Eadbald, convinced by this, embraces Christianity. — Edwin, king of Northumberland, converted by a supposed miracle. — All the divisions of the kingdom embrace Christianity. — The invasion of the Danes. — They destroy many of the monasteries, and put the monks to death. — Dunstan becomes archbishop. The rule of Rome submitted to in England. Chapter 5. Mahomet. — His childhood. — His mission refused at first. — Persecutes the Jews who had also opposed him. — Poisoned by a Jewess. — Becomes victorious. — Enters Mecca, and destroys the idols. — Acknowledged all over Arabia. — Died A.D. 632. — His personal character. — His creed. — Denies the divinity of Christ. — The god of Mahometans not the God of the Bible. — The conquests, of Mahomet's successors. — They become a scourge of professing Christians in the East. Chapter 6. Break Up of the Roman Empire. — The Roman Empire passes away with the conquest of Constantinople. — Resuscitation in times yet to come. — Nebuchadnezzar's image. — The iron and clay. — The ten kingdoms of old. — A warning to those who advocate the supremacy of the people. Chapter 7. France Protects Rome. — Stephen II. pope, A.D. 752. — Threatened by the Lombards, he appeals to the French. — Pepin delivers Rome. Charlemagne. — Leo III. pope. — He is accused to Charles. — The pope not answerable to any human authority. — Charles crowned emperor of Rome. Chapter 8. The Worship of Images. — Miracles ascribed to images. — Leo the Isaurian emperor. — John of Damascus and the reported miracle of the restoration of his hand. — Constantine Copronymus emperor. — He calls a council, which condemns images. — Leo. IV. emperor opposes images, but dies soon. — His wife Irene calls a council to restore the worship of images. — Difference between worship and adoration. — An image was adored by the council. — Charlemagne opposes the worship of images. — The Caroline Books. — Leo V. the Armenian emperor opposes images amid opposition. — Michael the Stammerer, emperor. — He allows images, but not to be worshipped. — Theophilus emperor, also against images. — All countries eventually agree with Rome in the adoration of images. Chapter 9. Hildebrand, Gregory VII. — His predecessors. — Henry III., of Germany, invited to rescue the Church from its degradation and pollution. — Hildebrand dreaded. — Energetic in his reforms. — His authority over nations. The Decretals. — Gross forgeries Gregory and the Married Clergy. — His decrees against marriage everywhere opposed Gregory and Henry IV. — Gregory disowned by Henry and by his clergy. — Henry excommunicated and dethroned by Gregory. — Henry humbles himself before the pope, and is absolved. — He regains power, and despises the anathema of the pope. — Enters Rome. Chapter 10. The Crusades. — Pilgrims to Jerusalem molested and robbed. — Peter the hermit preaches a crusade. — supported by pope Urban II. — Full forgiveness of sins promised to the Crusaders, and absolution pronounced. — They reach Nicaea, and are conquered. — More regular armies follow, and are victorious. — They lay siege to Antioch. — The holy lance discovered. — Antioch taken. — They reach Jerusalem, and take the city. — The Crusades that follow. — Jerusalem had many masters. — Is yet to be blessed and restored to the Jews. Chapter 11. The Inquisition. — First judicial death for heresy. — Rome persecutes any deemed heretics. — The inquisition permanently established. — Its tortures. — Its deceptions to entrap its victims. — TheAuto-de-Fé. The Jews and the Moors of Spain. — The Jews treated without mercy — The treaty with the Moors violated. — Cardinal Ximenez's plan of conversion. — The Moors converted or banished Bartolomé Carranza. — In England. — Made Archbishop of Toledo. — Charges against him. — His arrest. — Released after a long imprisonment. The Inquisition in India. — The Syrian Christians. — Inquisition at Goa. — Case of M. Dellon. — The English rescue a prisoner. Spanish America. — The Inquisition established. The Jews persecuted. — Fourteen Protestant Europeans seized. — The circulation of the Bible prohibited. — Spain loses her colonies in Mexico, etc. The Inquisition Abolished. — Napoleon in Spain. — The Inquisition never established in England. Chapter 12. The Waldenses. — Various other names. — Peter Waldo. — Persecution and martyrs. — The decree of pope Lucius III. — Charges against the Waldenses. — Their mode of procedure as hawkers. — Armies raised to annihilate them at Toulouse, etc. — Persecution in Germany. — Echard, a persecutor, converted. — The Waldenses spread over the whole of Europe. — Return of the Waldenses to Piedmont. — At length they are tolerated. — A witness for God during the Dark Ages. Chapter 13. England. — William the Conqueror. — Lanfranc reforms the Church. — William not servile to Rome. — William Rufus. — Anselm archbishop. — He retires from England. — Henry I. — Anselm's return. — Oxford and Cambridge Universities. — Henry II. — Martyrs in England. — Thomas a Becket. — Richard. — John surrenders the kingdom to Rome. — Henry III. Grosseteste, Bishop of Lincoln. — He successfully opposes the pope Edward III. — He withstands Rome Bradwardine. — His work against Pelagius Wiclif. — The first English Reformer Scotland. — Struggles against Rome Chapter 14. Councils of the Church. — From the Fifth to the Twenty-first General Council of the Church. Chapter 15. The Claims of Rome. — The assumptions of Rome examined. — Was Peter ever bishop of Rome? — The kingdom of God not built with the keys given to Peter. — Unity, Catholicity, Holiness, and Apostolicity. Chapter 16. Conclusion. — Light springing up. — Few records of godly Christians in the Dark Ages. — Christ will have a glorious Church. — Judgment will fall on apostate Christendom. — The path of the Christian.

Darkness of the Dark Ages: Being Sketches of Church History from A.D. 500 to the Time of the Reformation

Darkness of the Dark Ages: Being Sketches of Church History from A.D. 500 to the Time of the Reformation PDF Author: Darkness
Category : Church history
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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The Bright Ages

The Bright Ages PDF Author: Matthew Gabriele
Publisher: HarperCollins
ISBN: 0062980912
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 336

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"The beauty and levity that Perry and Gabriele have captured in this book are what I think will help it to become a standard text for general audiences for years to come….The Bright Ages is a rare thing—a nuanced historical work that almost anyone can enjoy reading.”—Slate "Incandescent and ultimately intoxicating." —The Boston Globe A lively and magisterial popular history that refutes common misperceptions of the European Middle Ages, showing the beauty and communion that flourished alongside the dark brutality—a brilliant reflection of humanity itself. The word “medieval” conjures images of the “Dark Ages”—centuries of ignorance, superstition, stasis, savagery, and poor hygiene. But the myth of darkness obscures the truth; this was a remarkable period in human history. The Bright Ages recasts the European Middle Ages for what it was, capturing this 1,000-year era in all its complexity and fundamental humanity, bringing to light both its beauty and its horrors. The Bright Ages takes us through ten centuries and crisscrosses Europe and the Mediterranean, Asia and Africa, revisiting familiar people and events with new light cast upon them. We look with fresh eyes on the Fall of Rome, Charlemagne, the Vikings, the Crusades, and the Black Death, but also to the multi-religious experience of Iberia, the rise of Byzantium, and the genius of Hildegard and the power of queens. We begin under a blanket of golden stars constructed by an empress with Germanic, Roman, Spanish, Byzantine, and Christian bloodlines and end nearly 1,000 years later with the poet Dante—inspired by that same twinkling celestial canopy—writing an epic saga of heaven and hell that endures as a masterpiece of literature today. The Bright Ages reminds us just how permeable our manmade borders have always been and of what possible worlds the past has always made available to us. The Middle Ages may have been a world “lit only by fire” but it was one whose torches illuminated the magnificent rose windows of cathedrals, even as they stoked the pyres of accused heretics. The Bright Ages contains an 8-page color insert.

The Dark Ages (Annotated)

The Dark Ages (Annotated) PDF Author: Charles Oman
Publisher: Independently Published
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 426

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Differentiated book- It has a historical context with research of the time-The "Middle Ages" is a historical periodization that traditionally refers to the Middle Ages and states that there was a demographic, cultural and economic deterioration in Western Europe after the decline of the Roman Empire. The term uses traditional images of light versus darkness to contrast the "darkness" (lack of records) of the era with earlier and later periods of "light" (abundance of records). The concept of a "Dark Age" originated in the 1330s with the Italian scholar Petrarca, who considered the post-Roman centuries as "dark" compared to the light of classical antiquity. The phrase "Dark Age" is derived from the Latin saeculum obscurum, originally applied by César Baronio in 1602 to a tumultuous period in the 10th and 11th centuries.The concept came to characterize the entire Middle Ages as a time of intellectual darkness between the fall of Rome and the Renaissance; This became especially popular during the Age of Enlightenment of the 18th century. As the achievements of the era were better understood in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, academics began to restrict the denomination of the "Middle Ages" to the High Middle Ages (c. 5th-10th century), and now academics also They reject its use in this period.

Dark Ages Companion

Dark Ages Companion PDF Author:
Publisher: White Wolf Games Studio
ISBN: 9781565042797
Category : Horror comic books, strips, etc
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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A sourcebook for Vampire: The Dark Ages offers information on new bloodlines and their mystical disciplines, the roads of the Cainites, and other details about paganism and medieval Europe necessary to enhance play of the role playing game.

Darkness of the Dark Ages

Darkness of the Dark Ages PDF Author:
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Dark Age

Dark Age PDF Author: Pierce Brown
Publisher: Hachette UK
ISBN: 1473646758
Category : Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 800

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SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ***The explosive fifth novel in the Red Rising Series*** The Number One New York Times bestselling author of Morning Star returns to the Red Rising universe with the thrilling sequel to Iron Gold. He broke the chains Then broke the world.... A decade ago Darrow led a revolution, and laid the foundations for a new world. Now he's an outlaw. Cast out of the very Republic he founded, with half his fleet destroyed, he wages a rogue war on Mercury. Outnumbered, outgunned but not out thought. Is he still the hero who broke the chains? Or will he become the agent of the world's destruction? Is it time for another legend to take his place? Lysander au Lune, the displaced heir to the old empire, has returned to the Core. First he must survive Gold backstabbing, then Darrow. Will he bring peace to mankind at the edge of his sword? And on Luna, Mustang, the embattled sovereign of the Republic, must save both democracy and her exiled husband millions of kilometres away. The only thing certain in the Solar System is treachery. And that the Rising is entering a new Dark Age. PRAISE FOR THE RED RISING SERIES: 'Pierce Brown's empire-crushing debut is a sprawling vision . . . Ender, Katniss, and now Darrow' - Scott Sigler, New York Times bestselling author of Pandemic '[A] top-notch debut novel . . . Red Rising ascends above a crowded dystopian field' - USA Today '[A] spectacular adventure . . . one heart-pounding ride . . . Pierce Brown's dizzyingly good debut novel evokes The Hunger Games, Lord of the Flies, and Ender's Game. . . . [Red Rising] has everything it needs to become meteoric' - Entertainment Weekly

Dark Ages

Dark Ages PDF Author: White Wolf Publishing, Incorporated
Publisher: White Wolf Publishing
ISBN: 9781588462909
Category : Fantasy games
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Mithras of London fancies the Isles as his domain, but the land is far older than even he. Ancient vampires lurk in the fens and wolf men stalk the moors. The Church has taken hold here, but worshippers of far older gods call upon power that no follower of Christ has ever known. And somewhere beyond the mist the fae laugh, for they were here before any other. Dark Ages: British Isles is the first regional sourcebook for the Dark Ages line. It includes the history of the land, information on the major cities of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales, and details on how the supernatural denizens of Europe deal with each other and the oldest inhabitants of the Isles.

The Dark Ages (Classic Reprint)

The Dark Ages (Classic Reprint) PDF Author: W. P. Ker
Publisher: Forgotten Books
ISBN: 9781331612636
Category : Literary Collections
Languages : en
Pages : 378

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Excerpt from The Dark Ages Or, in other words, the darkness of the Dark Ages comes to an end about the time when Italian scholars reproduce the forms of classical poetry in their modern. Tongue. Trissino's Sophonisba, the first Italian tragedy in regular form, was an historical beacon mark ing the limit. Over the Gothic centuries the his torian travels quickly till he comes to at length Erasmus. It is all dark, and it is all middle. The biographer of Dryden's friend, Mr Walter Moyle, expresses the common opinion: From Ann. Dom. 440 to 1440 was a long but dark Period of Time, and he aimed only to preserve a Thread of the History of that Middle Age. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at www.forgottenbooks.com This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Forgotten Books uses state-of-the-art technology to digitally reconstruct the work, preserving the original format whilst repairing imperfections present in the aged copy. In rare cases, an imperfection in the original, such as a blemish or missing page, may be replicated in our edition. We do, however, repair the vast majority of imperfections successfully; any imperfections that remain are intentionally left to preserve the state of such historical works.