Dance Units for Middle School

Dance Units for Middle School PDF Author: Judi Fey
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 0736083677
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Book Description
The first five episodes from the seventh series of the relaunched sci-fi adventure series. This time around, the Doctor (Matt Smith), along with companions Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill) - making their series farewell - are kidnapped by the Daleks; transported to the American wild west; and find themselves having to save Earth from an unlikely invasion. The episodes are: 'Asylum of the Daleks', 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship', 'A Town Called Mercy', 'The Power of Three' and 'The Angels Take Manhattan'.

Dance Units for Middle School

Dance Units for Middle School PDF Author: Judi Fey
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 0736083677
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 194

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Book Description
The first five episodes from the seventh series of the relaunched sci-fi adventure series. This time around, the Doctor (Matt Smith), along with companions Amy (Karen Gillan) and Rory (Arthur Darvill) - making their series farewell - are kidnapped by the Daleks; transported to the American wild west; and find themselves having to save Earth from an unlikely invasion. The episodes are: 'Asylum of the Daleks', 'Dinosaurs on a Spaceship', 'A Town Called Mercy', 'The Power of Three' and 'The Angels Take Manhattan'.

Water Dance

Water Dance PDF Author: Thomas Locker
Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
ISBN: 9780152163969
Category : Juvenile Nonfiction
Languages : en
Pages : 36

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Water speaks of its existence in such forms as storm clouds, mist, rainbows, and rivers. Includes factual information on the water cycle.

Teaching Dance as Art in Education

Teaching Dance as Art in Education PDF Author: Brenda Pugh McCutchen
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 9780736051880
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 568

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Brenda McCutchen provides an integrated approach to dance education, using four cornerstones: dancing and performing, creating and composing, historical and cultural inquiry and analysing and critiquing. She also illustrates the main developmental aspects of dance.

Brain-compatible Dance Education

Brain-compatible Dance Education PDF Author: Anne Green Gilbert
Publisher: Human Kinetics Publishers
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 366

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This classic "must have" is NDA's most popular publication. Includes locomotor/nonlocomotor movement, assessment, and interdisciplinary topics.

Creative Dance for All Ages

Creative Dance for All Ages PDF Author: Anne Green Gilbert
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 1492584673
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Book Description
Creative Dance for All Ages, Second Edition, has had a long history of providing a dance curriculum to teachers and students preparing to teach creative dance. Author Anne Gilbert demystifies expectations when teaching creative dance and provides the theory, methods, and lesson ideas for success in a variety of settings and with students of all ages. This one-stop resource offers dance teachers everything they need, including a sequential curriculum, lesson plans, instructional strategies, assessment, and other forms. It’s like having a seasoned dance teacher at your side offering inspiration and guidance all year long. Internationally recognized master teacher and author Anne Gilbert Green presents creative dance for everyone and tips on meeting the challenges of teaching it. She offers a complete package for teaching creative dance that includes the theory, methodology, and lesson plans for various age groups that can be used in a variety of settings. Gilbert also offers an entire dance curriculum for sequential teaching and learning. The second edition of her classic text has been revised, reorganized, and updated to meet all the needs of dance teachers. The second edition of Creative Dance for All Ages includes these new features: • An easy-to-navigate format helps you quickly access the material and find lesson planning and assessment tools. • Content reflects changes in the field of dance education to put you on the cutting edge. • Forty age-appropriate and brain-compatible lesson plans are accessible through the web resource, which save prep time and help ensure compliance with the latest standards. • Five downloadable video clips demonstrate the lesson plans and teaching strategies and how to put them to work in the classroom. • Suggestions for modifying lessons help you include students of all abilities. • Eight assessment forms and curriculum planning templates are adaptable to your needs. If you’re a novice teacher, the book also contains these features to ensure effective instruction: • The same conceptual approach to teaching dance was used in the first edition. • A sequential dance curriculum helps you systematically cover a 10-week quarter or 16-week semester. • Class management tips put you in control from the first day. Creative Dance for All Ages, Second Edition, is an unparalleled resource for dance educators who are looking for a conceptual creative dance curriculum that will support teaching to learners of all ages. Whether in a studio, company, recreational, or educational setting, you will discover a comprehensive and well-rounded approach to teaching dance, emphasizing the how as much as the why.

Wombat Stew

Wombat Stew PDF Author: Marcia Kay Vaughan
Publisher: Scholastic Press
ISBN: 9781761290688
Category : Animals
Languages : en
Pages : 0

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Book Description
One day, on the banks of a billabong, a very clever dingo caught a wombat... and decided to make... Wombat stew, Wombat stew, Gooey, brewy, Yummy, chewy, Wombat stew! In this classic Australian picture book, a dingo catches a wombat and wants to cook him in a stew. But all the other bush animals have a plan to save their friend. They trick the dingo into using mud, feathers, flies, bugs and gumnuts in his stew, and the result is something the dingo will never forget!

Dance and Language Experiences with Children

Dance and Language Experiences with Children PDF Author: Joyce Boorman
Publisher: Don Mills, Ont. : Longman Canada
Category : Children
Languages : en
Pages : 84

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Rabbit's Snow Dance

Rabbit's Snow Dance PDF Author: Joseph Bruchac
Publisher: Penguin
ISBN: 0803732708
Category : Juvenile Fiction
Languages : en
Pages : 40

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Rabbit’s Snow Dance Master storytellers Joseph and James Bruchac present a hip and funny take on an Iroquois folktale about the importance of patience, the seasons, and listening to your friends. Pair it with other stories about stubborn animals like Karma Wilson’s Bear Wants More and Verna Aardema’s Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears. Rabbit loves the winter. He knows a dance, using an Iroquois drum and song, to make it snow—even in summertime! When rabbit decides that it should snow early, he starts his dance and the snow begins to fall. The other forest animals are not happy and ask him to stop, but Rabbit doesn’t listen. How much snow is too much, and will Rabbit know when to stop? The father-son duo behind How Chipmunk Got His Stripes, Raccoon’s Last Race, and Turtle’s Race with Beaver present their latest retelling of Native American folklore. “The telling is sprightly, and Newman's ink-and-watercolor artwork makes an ideal companion. An appealing addition to folktale shelves.” —Booklist “This modern retelling maintains [the Bruchacs’] solid reputation for keeping Native American tales fresh.” —School Library Journal “The picturesque language makes it a pleasure to read aloud.”—BCCB

Dance Teaching Methods and Curriculum Design

Dance Teaching Methods and Curriculum Design PDF Author: Gayle Kassing
Publisher: Human Kinetics Publishers
ISBN: 149257239X
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 529

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Dance Teaching Methods and Curriculum Design, Second Edition, presents a comprehensive model that prepares students to teach dance in school and community settings. It offers 14 dance units and many tools to help students learn to design lesson plans and units and create their own dance portfolio.

Experiencing Dance 2nd Edition

Experiencing Dance 2nd Edition PDF Author: Scheff, Helene
Publisher: Human Kinetics
ISBN: 1450421903
Category : Performing Arts
Languages : en
Pages : 240

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Book Description
Experiencing Dance: From Student to Dance Artist, Second Edition, presents a complete dance education curriculum for high school students who have more than an introductory experience in dance. The text, with more than 45 lessons, will help students create, perform, respond to, analyze, connect, and understand dance in various styles and settings.