
Counter-institutions PDF Author: Simon Wortham
Publisher: Fordham Univ Press
ISBN: 0823226654
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 182

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This is an account of Jacques Derrida's involvement in debates about the university. Derrida has long argued that philosophy simultaneously belongs and does not belong to the university. This book asks whether a broader tension between 'belonging' and 'not belonging' also forms the basis of Derrida's political thinking and activism.

Counter Institution

Counter Institution PDF Author: Nandini Bagchee
Publisher: Empire State Editions
ISBN: 9780823279265
Category : Community centers
Languages : en
Pages : 258

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Counter Institution is a history of three re-purposed buildings in the Lower East Side--Peace Pentagon, ABC No Rio, and El Bohio--that have been used by activists as their headquarters to launch various actions over the past forty years.

Institutions Count

Institutions Count PDF Author: Alejandro Portes
Publisher: University of California Press
ISBN: 0520273540
Category : Social Science
Languages : en
Pages : 220

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What leads to national progress? The growing consensus in the social sciences is that neither capital flows, nor the savings rate, nor diffuse values are the key, but that it lies in the quality of a nation’s institutions. This book is the first comparative study of how real institutions affect national development. It seeks to examine and deepen this insight through a systematic study of institutions in five Latin American countries and how they differ within and across nations. Postal systems, stock exchanges, public health services and others were included in the sample, all studied with the same methodology. The country chapters present detailed results of this empirical exercise for each individual country. The introductory chapters present the theoretical framework and research methodology for the full study. The summary results of this ambitious study presented in the concluding chapter draw comparisons across countries and discuss what these results mean for national development in Latin America.

Upping the Anti #8

Upping the Anti #8 PDF Author:
Publisher: UTA Publications
ISBN: 0968270417
Category :
Languages : en
Pages : 216

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Community and Organization in the New Left, 1962-1968

Community and Organization in the New Left, 1962-1968 PDF Author: Wini Breines
Publisher: Rutgers University Press
ISBN: 9780813514031
Category : Education
Languages : en
Pages : 224

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Did New Left activists have an opportunity to start a revolution that they simply could not bring off? Was their rejection of conventional forms of political organization a fatal flaw or were the apparent weaknesses of the movement -- the lack of central authority, the distrust of politics -- actually hidden strengths? Wini Breines traces the evolution of the New Left movement through the Free Speech Movement, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), and SDS's community organization projects. For Breines, the movement's goal of participatory decision-making, even when it was not achieved, made up for its failure to take practical and direct action. By the late 1960s, antiwar activism contributed to the decline of the New Left, as the movement was flooded with new participants who did not share the founding generation's political experiences or values. Originally published in 1982, Wini Breines's classic work now includes a new preface in which she reassesses, and for the most part affirms, her initial views of the movement. She argues that the movement remains effective in the midst of radical changes in activist movements. Breines also summarizes and evaluates the new and growing scholarship on the 1960s. Her provocative analysis of the New Left remains important today.

Constitutional Fragments

Constitutional Fragments PDF Author: Gunther Teubner
Publisher: OUP Oxford
ISBN: 0191629340
Category : Law
Languages : en
Pages : 226

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In recent years a series of scandals have challenged the traditional political reliance on public constitutional law and human rights as a safeguard of human well-being. Multinational corporations have violated human rights; private intermediaries in the internet have threatened freedom of opinion, and the global capital markets unleashed catastrophic risks. All of these phenomena call for a response from traditional constitutionalism. Yet it is outside the limits of the nation-state in transnational politics and outside institutionalized politics, in the 'private' sectors of global society that these constitutional problems arise. It is widely accepted that there is a crisis in traditional constitutionalism caused by transnationalization and privatization. How the crisis can be overcome is one of the major controversies of modern political and constitutional theory. This book sets out an answer to that problem. It argues that the obstinate state-and-politics-centricity of traditional constitutionalism needs to be counteracted by a sociological approach which, so far, has remained neglected in the constitutional debate. Constitutional sociology projects the questions of constitutionalism not only onto the relationship between public politics and law, but onto the whole society. It argues that constitutionalism has the potential to counteract the expansionist tendencies of social systems outside the state world, particularly of the globalized economy, science and technology, and the information media, when they endanger individual or institutional autonomy. The book identifies transnational regimes, particularly in the private area, as the new constitutional subjects in a global society, rivals to the order and power of nation states. It presents a model of transnational, societal constitutional fragments that could bring the values of constitutionalism to bear on these private networks, examining the potential horizontal application of human rights in the private sphere, and how such fragments could interact. An original and provocative contribution to the literature on modern constitutionalism, Constitutional Fragments is essential reading for all those engaged in transnational political theory.

The Future Is Now: An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics

The Future Is Now: An Introduction to Prefigurative Politics PDF Author: Lara Monticelli
Publisher: Policy Press
ISBN: 1529215668
Category : Political Science
Languages : en
Pages : 276

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This edited collection analyses the unique characteristics of urban gardens, worker-owned coops, ecological communities, occupied factories and other social movements to demonstrate what we can learn from them in order to rethink our economies and societies.

Toward a Radical Therapy

Toward a Radical Therapy PDF Author: Ted Clark
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 0429864140
Category : Psychology
Languages : en
Pages : 491

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In September 1969, Ted Clark, Dennis Jaffe, and Yvonne Durchfort (now Yvonne Jaffe) started "Number Nine", a crisis telephone line. Initially this was an attempt to discover from young people themselves exactly what the needs of young people were, in order that a program relevant to those needs might be developed. The crisis line program, in itself, proved useful and meaningful to young people as they began calling in increasing numbers. Since many community agencies – through their insistence that young people cooperate with a value system that does not engender trust – alienated themselves from these young people, it became increasingly imperative that the crisis line expand its resources to include counseling, a crash pad, a residential program, and a drop-in center. As an alternative to those agencies who insist on viewing drug use as a problem per se and who do not focus their attentions on family, school, and personal relationships in general, "Number Nine" offered realistic and reachable solutions. Originally published in 1973, Toward a Radical Therapy is a collection of essays concerning numerous issues which the authors encountered during the development of an alternative service – an organization which reflects the values and experiences of young people (the counter-culture), rather than the values of the established social order, as a necessary step toward helping people cope with their problems. The ideas expounded in these working papers are the outcome of experiences and experiments in attempting to effect personal and organizational changes basic to creating an alternative culture. Concurrent with the writing of this book, the authors discovered numerous conflicts occurring at all levels of program and institutional development, as well as within themselves. Personal changes become necessarily interrelated with social change and organizational structuring. Counseling had to be redefined as existing theories and methodologies were limited in their ability to comprehend the constant changes that youth were undergoing at the time.


Cyberprotest PDF Author: Wim van de Donk
Publisher: Routledge
ISBN: 1134429703
Category : Computers
Languages : en
Pages : 293

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Cyberprotest explores the effects of the synergy between ICTs and people power, analyzing the implications for politics and social policy at both a national and a global level.

Derrida and Queer Theory

Derrida and Queer Theory PDF Author: Christian Hite
Publisher: punctum books
ISBN: 0998531898
Category : Literary Criticism
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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Coming from behind (derrière)-how else to describe a volume called "Derrida and Queer Theory"? - as if arriving late to the party, or, indeed, after the party is already over. After all, we already have Deleuze and Queer Theory and, of course, Saint Foucault. And judging by Annamarie Jagose's Queer Theory: An Introduction, in which there is not a single mention of "Derrida" (or "deconstruction") - even in the sub-chapter titled "The Post-Structuralist Context of Queer" - one would think that Derrida was not only late to the party, but was never there at all. This untimely volume, then, with wide-ranging essays from key thinkers in the field, addresses, among other things, what could be called the disavowed debt to "Derrida" in canonical "queer theory." TABLE OF CONTENTS // The Gift from (of the) "Behind" (Derrière): Intro-extro-duction - Christian Hite Preposturous Preface: Derrida and Queer Discourse - J. Hillis Miller Impossible Uncanniness: Deconstruction and Queer Theory - Nicholas Royle No Kingdom of the Queer - Calvin Thomas Derrida and the Question of "Woman" - Sarah Dillon Les chats de Derrida - Carla Freccero Derrida's Queer Root(s) - Jarrod Hayes Deco-pervo-struction - Èamonn Dunne A Man For All Seasons: Derrida-cum-"Queer Theory," or the Limits of "Performativity" - Alexander García Düttmann "Practical Deconstruction" A Note on Some Notes by Judith Butler - Martin McQuillan Performing Friendship - Linnell Secomb Postface: Just Queer - Geoffrey Bennington Appendix: Supreme Court (1988) - David Wills