Confessions of a Fund Raiser

Confessions of a Fund Raiser PDF Author: Maurice G. Gurin
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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Confessions of a Fund Raiser

Confessions of a Fund Raiser PDF Author: Maurice G. Gurin
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 190

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Confessions of a Sin City Fundraiser

Confessions of a Sin City Fundraiser PDF Author: Linda Smith
ISBN: 9780999227640
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Money Mavericks

Money Mavericks PDF Author: Lars Kroijer
Publisher: Pearson UK
ISBN: 0273772511
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 249

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Fund Raising

Fund Raising PDF Author: James M. Greenfield
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 9780471320142
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 466

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"Proper application of the fund development process can define anorganization's potential for public support and the direct means toachieve it, and can realize, even predict with reliability, theincome an organization can and should expect at any moment intime."--James M. Greenfield. As the driving force behind every not-for-profit, fund raising is akey to an organization's success in fulfilling its mission.However, while it's important to develop the skills needed to raisemoney, it's equally important to know how to allocate it properlyin order to meet your goals. Now revised and expanded, thispractical resource provides an accessible game plan for not onlyraising funds, but also developing them effectively for increasedproductivity and profitability. Written by James M. Greenfield, a leading authority in the field,Fund Raising takes you step-by-step through the entire funddevelopment process, from planning and marketing to communityrelations and donor management. Beginning with an examination ofphilanthropic history and perspective, it goes on to describe theindividual elements of the development process, as well as theorganizational requirements needed for the process to work. Withdetail and clarity, Greenfield covers such essential bases as theevaluation of program effectiveness, policies and procedures forpublic solicitation, the fund raising environmental audit, matchinggift programs, donor recognition, special projects campaigns, andmuch more. Threaded throughout the book is the theme of "friendraising and relationship building," both vital components ofincreasing capability and capacity to address the needs of today,with an eye toward those of tomorrow. Along with an added, in-depth discussion of ethics, the SecondEdition introduces new best practices that have developed over thepast few years, and features updated data, useful worksheets, suchas economic statistics, demographics, and reports from the AmericanAssociation of Fund-Raising Council. Packed with numerous examples,case studies, and checklists, this exhaustive resource is essentialreading for anyone looking to achieve--and maintain--fund-raisingsuccess. "There is the current need for a better understanding of how thefund development process can best be utilized and improved so thatcommunity benefits can be realized with adequate funding. This bookis intended to be a contribution to that end." --from thePreface Now revised and expanded, this practical resource takes you throughthe entire fund development process, giving you the master plannecessary for realizing the full fund-raising potential of yournonprofit organization. Covering everything from accountability andstewardship to public solicitation and donor relations, the SecondEdition has been updated to include the latest economic figures,demographics, and reports from the American Association ofFund-Raising Council, as well as an added, in-depth discussion ofethics, worksheets for performance analysis, and new best practicesthat have developed over the past few years. Jacket Design: Andrew Liefer

Fundraising Fundamentals

Fundraising Fundamentals PDF Author: James M. Greenfield
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 0471272787
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 512

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"Fundraising Fundamentals is a practical and valuable resource forfundraising professionals, trustees, philanthropists, and nonprofitexecutives who aspire to raise substantial monies for worthycauses. I have utilized Jim Greenfield's literature in variousfundraising courses . . . my students have benefited from thetheory and substance that Jim so clearly conveys along withreal-life models that can be applied to their respectiveorganizations." -Stephen M. Levy, CFRE, President of Levy PhilanthropicCounsel Former Chair of the Association of Professionals FoundationBoard Adjunct Professor of Philanthropy, Columbia University Proven methods and techniques for running a successful annualgiving campaign Learn how to carry out winning annual giving campaigns that willhelp your nonprofit organization grow and increase its financialresources with Fundraising Fundamentals. Complete with theessential basics of fundraising and comprehensive enough to helpexperienced fundraisers improve their campaigns, this up-to-dateSecond Edition features key material on: * How to find likely first-time donors * Membership organizations and donor clubs * Methods of donor renewal, upgrading, and reward * Recruiting and training volunteer solicitors * Multimedia and Internet soliciting techniques

Fundraising Principles and Practice

Fundraising Principles and Practice PDF Author: Adrian Sargeant
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119196515
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 778

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The complete guide to fundraising planning, tools, methods, and more Fundraising Principles and Practice provides a unique resource for students and professionals seeking to deepen their understanding of fundraising in the current nonprofit environment. Based on emerging research drawn from economics, psychology, social psychology, and sociology, this book provides comprehensive analysis of the nonprofit sector. The discussion delves into donor behavior, decision making, social influences, and models, then uses that context to describe today's fundraising methods, tools, and practices. A robust planning framework helps you set objectives, formulate strategies, create a budget, schedule, and monitor activities, with in-depth guidance toward assessing and fine-tuning your approach. Coverage includes online fundraising, major gifts, planned giving, direct response, grants, corporate fundraising, and donor retention, with an integrated pedagogical approach that facilitates active learning. Case studies and examples illustrate the theory and principles presented, and the companion website offers additional opportunity to deepen your learning and assess your knowledge. Fundraising has become a career specialty, and those who are successful at it are among the most in-demand in the nonprofit world. Great fundraisers make an organization's mission possible, and this book covers the essential information you need to help your organization succeed. Adopt an organized approach to fundraising planning Learn the common behaviors and motivations of donors Master the tools and practices of nonprofit fundraising Manage volunteers, monitor progress, evaluate events, and more Fundraising is the the nonprofit's powerhouse. It's the critical component that supports and maintains all activities, and forms the foundation of the organization itself. Steady management, clear organization, effective methods, and the most up-to-date tools are vital to the role, and familiarity with donor psychology is essential for using these tools to their utmost capability. Fundraising Principles and Practice provides a comprehensive guide to all aspects of the field, with in-depth coverage of today's most effective approaches.


Ricochet PDF Author: Richard Feldman
Publisher: Turner Publishing Company
ISBN: 1118131002
Category : History
Languages : en
Pages : 278

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Ricochet Confessions Of A Gun Lobbyist "Ricochet tells the truth. With each page I can hear the echo of footsteps down the Rayburn Building's marbled halls as Feldman tells the intimate story few know and even fewer survive." ?Jack Brooks (D-Tex.), former Chairman, U.S. House Judiciary Committee "Ricochet casts an eye-opening spotlight on the shadowy world of behind-the-scenes gun politics. Is it accurate? Absolutely! I was there." ?John Aquilino, former Director, NRA Public Education "Ricochet is right on target. Feldman's behind-the-scenes memoir vividly describes America's firearms debate and struggle to win in extraordinary detail. I thoroughly enjoyed it." ?John W. Magaw, former Director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

The New Fundraisers

The New Fundraisers PDF Author: Beth Breeze
Publisher: Policy Press
ISBN: 1447325028
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 244

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Charitable fundraising has become ever more urgent in a time of extensive public spending cuts. However, while the identity and motivation of those who donate comes under increasingly close scrutiny, little is known about the motivation and characteristics of the ‘askers’, despite almost every donation being solicited or prompted in some way. This is the first empirically-grounded and theorised account of the identity, characteristics and motivation of fundraisers in the UK. Based on original data collected during a 3-year study of over 1,200 fundraisers, the book argues that it is not possible to understand charitable giving without accounting for the role of fundraising.

Fund Raising Management

Fund Raising Management PDF Author:
Category : Fund raising
Languages : en
Pages : 1566

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Fund-Raising Fundamentals

Fund-Raising Fundamentals PDF Author: James M. Greenfield
Category : Business & Economics
Languages : en
Pages : 440

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Fund-Raising Fundamentals shows you how to create a total annual giving strategy that uses these different methods in conjunction with each other and maximizes your success. Throughout this practical guide, you will find sample letters and documents, charts, and checklists that illustrate principles and help you put these proven methods into action.