Concrete Designers' Manual

Concrete Designers' Manual PDF Author: George A. Hool
Category : Reinforced concrete
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Manual for the Design of Concrete Building Structures to Eurocode 2

Manual for the Design of Concrete Building Structures to Eurocode 2 PDF Author:
ISBN: 9780901297426
Category : Concrete construction
Languages : en
Pages : 141

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Post-Tensioned Concrete: Principles and Practice, Third Edition

Post-Tensioned Concrete: Principles and Practice, Third Edition PDF Author: K. Dirk Bondy
ISBN: 1483446999
Category : Reference
Languages : en
Pages : 452

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The book combines history with academic notes for use at the university level, presenting design examples from actual jobs with applications and detailing for the practicing engineer. Chapter 1 tells the history of post-tensioned concrete as only Ken Bondy can tell it. Chapters 2-8 are the notes Dirk Bondy uses to teach Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures at UCLA and Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo. Chapters 9-13 are design examples that address many of the decisions faced by practicing engineers on typical projects. Chapters 13-14 cover the art of detailing and observing the construction of post-tensioned concrete. This knowledge was obtained over many years of working on our own projects and listening and learning from the the pioneers of post-tensioned concrete. Chapter 15 covers the slab on grade industry, which represents more sales of post-tensioning tendons than all other post-tensioning applications combined. Chapter 16 discusses the challenging application of post-tensioning-external post-tensioning.

Modern Concrete Construction Manual

Modern Concrete Construction Manual PDF Author: Martin Peck
ISBN: 9783955532055
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 272

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A construction material that once was innovative and modern and then fell somewhat into disrepute through some of the quite radical post-war architecture, concrete is today very popular with planners and builders due to its multifaceted nature. The material offers enormous potential through its extensive load-bearing capacities but also due to the diversity of its properties and surface characteristics. In addition to the technical possibilities customarily attributed to concrete construction, the construction material is on the ascendant not least due to the current debate regarding energy efficiency and sustainability, since it seems tailor-made for the realization of the relevant requirements. It is not just the design and construction of concrete load-bearing structures that are the focus of this publication, but also the materiality and thus the haptic and sensuous side of the material in particular. That's because visible concrete in "smooth gray flawless" quality is not everything that concrete has to offer. Even designers and interior decorators develop furniture and space innovations of unimagined sensuality. The Modern Concrete Construction Manual provides the planner with well-founded expert information regarding the construction material of concrete, ranging from manufacturing to materiality to the design of concrete load-bearing structures, including current options for digital design and production processes. As a standard reference volume, the publication offers comprehensive and detailed insights regarding topics including cost-effectiveness, energy and sustainability, renovation, design and interior decoration. An extensive index of works with successful real-life examples provides inspiration and invites the reader to make modern use of a classical construction material.

Prestressed Concrete Designer's Handbook

Prestressed Concrete Designer's Handbook PDF Author: Paul William Abeles
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 578

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Concrete Designers' Manual

Concrete Designers' Manual PDF Author: George A. Hool
Category : Reinforced concrete
Languages : en
Pages : 376

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Manual for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures to EC2

Manual for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures to EC2 PDF Author: José Calavera
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1482266792
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 527

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Detailing is an essential part of the design process. This thorough reference guide for the design of reinforced concrete structures is largely based on Eurocode 2 (EC2), plus other European design standards such as Eurocode 8 (EC8), where appropriate. With its large format, double-page spread layout, this book systematically details 213 structural elements. These have been carefully selected by José Calavera to cover relevant elements used in practice. Each element is presented with a whole-page annotated model along with commentary and recommendations for the element concerned, as well as a summary of the appropriate Eurocode legislation with reference to further standards and literature. The book's website provides AutoCAD files of all of the models, which can be directly developed and adapted for specific designs. Its accessible and practical format makes the book an ideal handbook for professional engineers working with reinforced concrete, as well as for students who are training to become designers of concrete structures.

Structural Elements Design Manual

Structural Elements Design Manual PDF Author: Trevor Draycott
Publisher: Newnes
ISBN: 1483278360
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 246

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Structural Elements Design Manual is a manual on the practical design of structural elements that comprise a building structure, namely, timber, concrete, masonry, and steel. Practical guidance on the design of structural elements is provided in accordance with the appropriate British Standard or Code of Practice. Plenty of worked examples are included. Comprised of five chapters, this book begins with an overview of interrelated matters with which the structural engineer is concerned in the design of a building or similar structure. The British Standards and Codes of Practice are also considered, along with loading, structural mechanics, and theory of bending. The discussion then turns to timber, concrete, masonry, and steel elements, with emphasis on safety considerations and material properties. This monograph should prove useful not only to students of structural and civil engineering, but also to those studying for qualifications in architecture, building, and surveying who need to understand the design of structural elements.


Concrete PDF Author: Martin Peck
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 3034614748
Category : Architecture
Languages : en
Pages : 112

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Beton - gestalten und konstruieren mit dem Baustoff der Zukunft Beton ist dank seiner nahezu beliebigen Formbarkeit, seiner konstruktiven Vielseitigkeit und einfachen Bautechnik der Baustoff der Gegenwart. Neben einer sorgfältigen gestalterischen und konstruktiven Planung sind Ausschreibung und Bauvertrag die Basis einer gelungenen Baudurchführung. Das Buch vermittelt das Grundverständnis zum Umgang mit dem Material mit besonderem Blick auf die Rolle des Architekten bei Planung und Bauleitung. Aktuelle Tendenzen in der Baustofftechnologie, die Entwicklung innovativer Betone werden dabei ebenso vorgestellt wie Erfahrungsberichte ausführender Architekten. Der Band erläutert darüber hinaus die Neufassung DBV/BDZ - Merkblatt "Sichtbeton".

Concrete Design Handbook

Concrete Design Handbook PDF Author: Canadian Portland Cement Association
Category : Concrete construction
Languages : en
Pages : 822

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Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook

Reinforced Concrete Designer's Handbook PDF Author: Charles Edward Reynolds
Category : Concrete
Languages : en
Pages : 464

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