Concepts in Physical Metallurgy

Concepts in Physical Metallurgy PDF Author: Lavakumar Avala
Publisher: Morgan & Claypool Publishers
ISBN: 1681744740
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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Book Description
The progress of civilization can be, in part, attributed to their ability to employ metallurgy. This book is an introduction to multiple facets of physical metallurgy, materials science, and engineering. As all metals are crystalline in structure, it focuses attention on these structures and how the formation of these crystals are responsible for certain aspects of the material's chemical and physical behaviour. Concepts in Physical Metallurgy also discusses the mechanical properties of metals, the theory of alloys, and physical metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.

Concepts in Physical Metallurgy

Concepts in Physical Metallurgy PDF Author: Lavakumar Avala
Publisher: Morgan & Claypool Publishers
ISBN: 1681744740
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 192

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Book Description
The progress of civilization can be, in part, attributed to their ability to employ metallurgy. This book is an introduction to multiple facets of physical metallurgy, materials science, and engineering. As all metals are crystalline in structure, it focuses attention on these structures and how the formation of these crystals are responsible for certain aspects of the material's chemical and physical behaviour. Concepts in Physical Metallurgy also discusses the mechanical properties of metals, the theory of alloys, and physical metallurgy of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys.

Physical Metallurgy

Physical Metallurgy PDF Author: Gregory N. Haidemenopoulos
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 1351812041
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 490

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Book Description
Physical metallurgy is one of the main fields of metallurgical science dealing with the development of the microstructure of metals in order to achieve desirable properties required in technological applications. Physical Metallurgy: Principles and Design focuses on the processing–structure–properties triangle as it applies to metals and alloys. It introduces the fundamental principles of physical metallurgy and the design methodologies for alloys and processing. The first part of the book discusses the structure and change of structure through phase transformations. The latter part of the books deals with plastic deformation, strengthening mechanisms, and mechanical properties as they relate to structure. The book also includes a chapter on physical metallurgy of steels and concludes by discussing the computational tools, involving computational thermodynamics and kinetics, to perform alloy and process design.

Physical Metallurgy Principles

Physical Metallurgy Principles PDF Author: Robert E. Reed-Hill
Publisher: Van Nostrand Reinhold Company
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 940

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* Covers all aspects of physical metallurgy and behavior of metals and alloys. * Presents the principles on which metallurgy is based. * Concepts such as heat affected zone and structure-property relationships are covered. * Principles of casting are clearly outlined in the chapter on solidification. * Advanced treatment on physical metallurgy provides specialized information on metals.

Physical Metallurgy

Physical Metallurgy PDF Author: William F. Hosford
Publisher: CRC Press
ISBN: 143988286X
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 444

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Book Description
For students ready to advance in their study of metals, Physical Metallurgy, Second Edition uses engaging historical and contemporary examples that relate to the applications of concepts in each chapter.This book combines theoretical concepts, real alloy systems, processing procedures, and examples of real-world applications. The author uses his ex


Publisher: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
ISBN: 8120351703
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 262

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Book Description
This well-established book, now in its Third Edition, presents the principles and applications of engineering metals and alloys in a highly readable form. This new edition retains all the basic topics covered in earlier editions such as phase diagrams, phase transformations, heat treatment of steels and nonferrous alloys, shape memory alloys, solidification, fatigue, fracture and corrosion, as well as applications of engineering alloys. A new chapter on ‘Nanomaterials’ has been added (Chapter 8). The field of nano-materials is interdisciplinary in nature, covering many disciplines including physical metallurgy. Intended as a text for undergraduate courses in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering, the book is also suitable for students preparing for associate membership examination of the Indian Institute of Metals (AMIIM) and other professional examinations like AMIE.

Physical Metallurgy of Refractory Metals and Alloys

Physical Metallurgy of Refractory Metals and Alloys PDF Author: E. M. Savitskii
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 1468415727
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 296

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Book Description
The principal reasons which induced the authors to write this book and the features of the book are set forth in the preface to the Russian edition. That section of the science of metals which in Russian is called "metallovedenie" or the "physical chemistry of metals" is generally referred to in scientific and technical literature published in the English language by the term "physical metallurgy." These concepts are much broader than the term" metallography," used in the scientific and technical literature of various countries, and applied solely to research on the interrelationships of the structure and proper ties of metals and alloys. Each science must have its own subject and its own method of research. Certainly, all specialists will agree that metals and alloys, including their solid solutions, mechanical mix tures, and metallic compounds, form the subject of "physical metallurgy" or "physical chemis try of metals." The aim of this science. is to produce a theory and to elucidate the experimental relationships which ought finally to make it possible to calculate quantitatively alloys Of given properties for any working conditions and parameters.

Introduction to Physical Metallurgy

Introduction to Physical Metallurgy PDF Author: Sidney Avner
ISBN: 9780070025011
Category :
Languages : en
Pages :

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Metallurgy and Design of Alloys with Hierarchical Microstructures

Metallurgy and Design of Alloys with Hierarchical Microstructures PDF Author: Krishnan K. Sankaran
Publisher: Elsevier
ISBN: 0128120258
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 508

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Metallurgy and Design of Alloys with Hierarchical Microstructures covers the fundamentals of processing-microstructure-property relationships and how multiple properties are balanced and optimized in materials with hierarchical microstructures widely used in critical applications. The discussion is based principally on metallic materials used in aircraft structures; however, because they have sufficiently diverse microstructures, the underlying principles can easily be extended to other materials systems. With the increasing microstructural complexity of structural materials, it is important for students, academic researchers and practicing engineers to possess the knowledge of how materials are optimized and how they will behave in service. The book integrates aspects of computational materials science, physical metallurgy, alloy design, process design, and structure-properties relationships, in a manner not done before. It fills a knowledge gap in the interrelationships of multiple microstructural and deformation mechanisms by applying the concepts and tools of designing microstructures for achieving combinations of engineering properties—such as strength, corrosion resistance, durability and damage tolerance in multi-component materials—used for critical structural applications. - Discusses the science behind the properties and performance of advanced metallic materials - Provides for the efficient design of materials and processes to satisfy targeted performance in materials and structures - Enables the selection and development of new alloys for specific applications based upon evaluation of their microstructure as illustrated in this work

Introduction to the Physical Metallurgy of Welding

Introduction to the Physical Metallurgy of Welding PDF Author: K. E. Easterling
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 252

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A textbook for a graduate or undergraduate course in materials science, metallurgy, or engineering. Explores the relationship between microstructure and the properties of welds. Focuses on steel, but the principles can be applied to other alloys. Updated from the 1983 first edition, with an increased emphasis on the numerical analysis approach to weldability. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR

Physical Foundations of Materials Science

Physical Foundations of Materials Science PDF Author: Günter Gottstein
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3662092913
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 511

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In this vivid and comprehensible introduction to materials science, the author expands the modern concepts of metal physics to formulate basic theory applicable to other engineering materials, such as ceramics and polymers. Written for engineering students and working engineers with little previous knowledge of solid-state physics, this textbook enables the reader to study more specialized and fundamental literature of materials science. Dozens of illustrative photographs, many of them transmission electron microscopy images, plus line drawings, aid developing a firm appreciation of this complex topic. Hard-to-grasp terms such as "textures" are lucidly explained - not only the phenomenon itself, but also its consequences for the material properties. This excellent book makes materials science more transparent.