Colloidal Magnetic Fluids

Colloidal Magnetic Fluids PDF Author: Stefan Odenbach
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540853863
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 438

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Book Description
Research into the fascinating properties and applications of magnetic fluids - also called ferrofluids - is rapidly growing, making it necessary to provide, at regular intervals, a coherent and tutorial account of the combined theoretical and experimental advances in the field. This volume is an outgrow of seven years of research by some 30 interdisciplinary groups of scientists: theoretical physicists describing the behaviour of such complex fluids, chemical engineers synthesizing nanosize magnetic particles, experimentalist measuring the fluid properties and mechanical engineers exploring the many applications such fluids offer, in turn providing application-guided feedback to the modellers and requests for the preparation of new fluid types to chemists, in particular those providing optimum response to given magnetic field configurations. Moreover, recent developments towards biomedical applications widens this spectrum to include medicine and pharmacology. Consisting of six large chapters on synthesis and characterization, thermo- and electrodynamics, surface instabilities, structure and rheology, biomedical applications as well as engineering and technical applications, this work is both a unique source of reference for anyone working in the field and a suitable introduction for newcomers to the field.

Colloidal Magnetic Fluids

Colloidal Magnetic Fluids PDF Author: Stefan Odenbach
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540853871
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 438

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Book Description
Research into the fascinating properties and applications of magnetic fluids - also called ferrofluids - is rapidly growing, making it necessary to provide, at regular intervals, a coherent and tutorial account of the combined theoretical and experimental advances in the field. This volume is an outgrow of seven years of research by some 30 interdisciplinary groups of scientists: theoretical physicists describing the behaviour of such complex fluids, chemical engineers synthesizing nanosize magnetic particles, experimentalist measuring the fluid properties and mechanical engineers exploring the many applications such fluids offer, in turn providing application-guided feedback to the modellers and requests for the preparation of new fluid types to chemists, in particular those providing optimum response to given magnetic field configurations. Moreover, recent developments towards biomedical applications widens this spectrum to include medicine and pharmacology. Consisting of six large chapters on synthesis and characterization, thermo- and electrodynamics, surface instabilities, structure and rheology, biomedical applications as well as engineering and technical applications, this work is both a unique source of reference for anyone working in the field and a suitable introduction for newcomers to the field.

Magnetic Fluids

Magnetic Fluids PDF Author: Elmars Blums
Publisher: Walter de Gruyter
ISBN: 3110807351
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 429

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Colloidal Magnetic Fluids

Colloidal Magnetic Fluids PDF Author: Stefan Odenbach
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540853863
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 438

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Book Description
Research into the fascinating properties and applications of magnetic fluids - also called ferrofluids - is rapidly growing, making it necessary to provide, at regular intervals, a coherent and tutorial account of the combined theoretical and experimental advances in the field. This volume is an outgrow of seven years of research by some 30 interdisciplinary groups of scientists: theoretical physicists describing the behaviour of such complex fluids, chemical engineers synthesizing nanosize magnetic particles, experimentalist measuring the fluid properties and mechanical engineers exploring the many applications such fluids offer, in turn providing application-guided feedback to the modellers and requests for the preparation of new fluid types to chemists, in particular those providing optimum response to given magnetic field configurations. Moreover, recent developments towards biomedical applications widens this spectrum to include medicine and pharmacology. Consisting of six large chapters on synthesis and characterization, thermo- and electrodynamics, surface instabilities, structure and rheology, biomedical applications as well as engineering and technical applications, this work is both a unique source of reference for anyone working in the field and a suitable introduction for newcomers to the field.


Ferrofluids PDF Author: Stefan Odenbach
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3540456465
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 255

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Book Description
Magnetic control of the properties and the flow of liquids is a challenging field for basic research and for applications. This book is meant to be both an introduction to, and a state-of-the-art review of, this topic. Written in the form of a set of lectures and tutorial reviews, the book addresses the synthesis and characterization of magnetic fluids, their hydrodynamical description and their rheological properties. The book closes with an account of magnetic drug targeting.

Colloidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces

Colloidal Particles at Liquid Interfaces PDF Author: Bernard P. Binks
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
ISBN: 1139458183
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 500

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The understanding of how small solid particles operate at liquid interfaces is minimal. This book brings together the topics actively being investigated, with contributions from experts in the field. It will be of interest to researchers in chemistry, physics, chemical engineering, pharmacy, food science and materials science.

Nanofluid Heat and Mass Transfer in Engineering Problems

Nanofluid Heat and Mass Transfer in Engineering Problems PDF Author: Mohsen Sheikholeslami Kandelousi
Publisher: BoD – Books on Demand
ISBN: 9535130072
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 286

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In the present book, nanofluid heat and mass transfer in engineering problems are investigated. The use of additives in the base fluid like water or ethylene glycol is one of the techniques applied to augment heat transfer. Newly, innovative nanometer-sized particles have been dispersed in the base fluid in heat transfer fluids. The fluids containing the solid nanometer-sized particle dispersion are called "nanofluids." At first, nanofluid heat and mass transfer over a stretching sheet are provided with various boundary conditions. Problems faced for simulating nanofluids are reported. Also, thermophysical properties of various nanofluids are presented. Nanofluid flow and heat transfer in the presence of magnetic field are investigated. Furthermore, applications for electrical and biomedical engineering are provided. Besides, applications of nanofluid in internal combustion engine are provided.

Magnetic Nanoparticles in Human Health and Medicine

Magnetic Nanoparticles in Human Health and Medicine PDF Author: Costica Caizer
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 1119754747
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 516

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Magnetic Nanoparticles in Human Health and Medicine Explores the application of magnetic nanoparticles in drug delivery, magnetic resonance imaging, and alternative cancer therapy Magnetic Nanoparticles in Human Health and Medicine addresses recent progress in improving diagnosis by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and using non-invasive and non-toxic magnetic nanoparticles for targeted drug delivery and magnetic hyperthermia. Focusing on cancer diagnosis and alternative therapy, the book covers both fundamental principles and advanced theoretical and experimental research on the magnetic properties, biocompatibilization, biofunctionalization, and application of magnetic nanoparticles in nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine. Chapters written by a panel of international specialists in the field of magnetic nanoparticles and their applications in biomedicine cover magnetic hyperthermia (MHT), MRI contrast agents, biomedical imaging, modeling and simulation, nanobiotechnology, toxicity issues, and more. Readers are provided with accurate information on the use of magnetic nanoparticles in diagnosis, drug delivery, and alternative cancer therapeutics—featuring discussion of current problems, proposed solutions, and future research directions. Topics include current applications of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in nanomedicine and alternative cancer therapy: drug delivery, magnetic resonance imaging, superparamagnetic hyperthermia as alternative cancer therapy, magnetic hyperthermia in clinical trials, and simulating the physics of magnetic particle heating for cancer therapy. This comprehensive volume: Covers both general research on magnetic nanoparticles in medicine and specific applications in cancer therapeutics Discusses the use of magnetic nanoparticles in alternative cancer therapy by magnetic and superparamagnetic hyperthermia Explores targeted medication delivery using magnetic nanoparticles as a future replacement of conventional techniques Reviews the use of MRI with magnetic nanoparticles to increase the diagnostic accuracy of medical imaging Magnetic Nanoparticles in Human Health and Medicine is a valuable resource for researchers in the fields of nanomagnetism, magnetic nanoparticles, nanobiomaterials, nanobioengineering, biopharmaceuticals nanobiotechnologies, nanomedicine, and biopharmaceuticals, particularly those focused on alternative cancer diagnosis and therapeutics.

Magnetoviscous Effects in Ferrofluids

Magnetoviscous Effects in Ferrofluids PDF Author: Stefan Odenbach
Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media
ISBN: 3540455442
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 155

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Suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles or ferrofluids can be effectively controlled by magnetic fields, which opens up a fascinating field for basic research into fluid dynamics as well as a host of applications in engineering and medicine. The introductory chapter provides the reader with basic information on the structure, and magnetic and viscous properties of ferrofluids. The bulk of this monograph is based on the author's own research activity and deals with ferrohydrodynamics, especially with the magnetoviscous effects. In particular, the author studies in detail the interparticle interactions so far often neglected but of great importance in concentrated ferrofluids. The basic theory and the most recent experimental findings are presented, making the book interesting reading for physicists or engineers interested in smart materials.

Fluids, Colloids and Soft Materials

Fluids, Colloids and Soft Materials PDF Author: Alberto Fernandez-Nieves
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
ISBN: 111806562X
Category : Technology & Engineering
Languages : en
Pages : 444

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This book presents a compilation of self-contained chapters covering a wide range of topics within the broad field of soft condensed matter. Each chapter starts with basic definitions to bring the reader up-to-date on the topic at hand, describing how to use fluid flows to generate soft materials of high value either for applications or for basic research. Coverage includes topics related to colloidal suspensions and soft materials and how they differ in behavior, along with a roadmap for researchers on how to use soft materials to study relevant physics questions related to geometrical frustration.

Liquid Crystal Colloids

Liquid Crystal Colloids PDF Author: Igor Muševič
Publisher: Springer
ISBN: 3319549162
Category : Science
Languages : en
Pages : 313

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This book brings together the many concepts and discoveries in liquid crystal colloids contributed over the last twenty years and scattered across numerous articles and book chapters. It provides both a historical overview of the development of the field and a clear perspective on the future applications in photonics. The book covers all phenomena observed in liquid crystal colloids with an emphasis on experimental tools and applications of topology in condensed matter, as well as practical micro-photonics applications. It includes a number of spectacular manifestations of new topological phenomena not found or difficult to observe in other systems. Starting from the early works on nematic colloids, it explains the basics of topological defects in ordered media, charge and winding, and the elastic forces between colloidal particles in nematics. Following a detailed description of experimental methods, such as optical tweezing and particle tracking, the book eases the reader into the theoretical part, which deals with elastic deformation of nematic liquid crystals due to inclusions and surface alignment. This is discussed in the context of basic mean field Landau-de Gennes Q-tensor theory, with a brief explanation of the free-energy minimization numerical methods. There then follows an excursion into the topology of complex nematic colloidal structures, colloidal entanglement, knotting and linking. Nematic droplets, shells, handlebodies and chiral topological structures are addressed in separate chapters. The book concludes with an extensive chapter on the photonic properties of nematic dispersions, presenting the concept of integrated soft matter photonics and discussing the concepts of nematic and chiral nematic microlasers, surface-sensitive photonic devices and smectic microfibers. The text is complemented by a large bibliography, explanatory sketches and beautiful micrographs.